import { after, beforeEach, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { click, dblclick, drag, edit, hover, leave, pointerDown, press, queryAll, queryAllTexts, queryFirst, queryOne, queryText, resize, setInputFiles, } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { Deferred, advanceFrame, animationFrame, runAllTimers, tick } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; import { Component, onRendered, onWillRender, xml } from "@odoo/owl"; import { MockServer, clickKanbanLoadMore, clickModalButton, contains, createKanbanRecord, defineModels, defineParams, discardKanbanRecord, editKanbanColumnName, editKanbanRecord, editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput, fields, getDropdownMenu, getFacetTexts, getKanbanColumn, getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu, getKanbanColumnTooltips, getKanbanCounters, getKanbanProgressBars, getKanbanRecord, getKanbanRecordTexts, getPagerLimit, getPagerValue, getService, makeServerError, mockService, models, mountView, mountWithCleanup, onRpc, pagerNext, pagerPrevious, patchWithCleanup, quickCreateKanbanColumn, quickCreateKanbanRecord, serverState, stepAllNetworkCalls, toggleKanbanColumnActions, toggleKanbanRecordDropdown, toggleMenuItem, toggleMenuItemOption, toggleSearchBarMenu, validateKanbanColumn, validateKanbanRecord, validateSearch, webModels, } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { FileInput } from "@web/core/file_input/file_input"; import { currencies } from "@web/core/currency"; import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; import { RelationalModel } from "@web/model/relational_model/relational_model"; import { SampleServer } from "@web/model/sample_server"; import { KanbanCompiler } from "@web/views/kanban/kanban_compiler"; import { KanbanController } from "@web/views/kanban/kanban_controller"; import { KanbanRecord } from "@web/views/kanban/kanban_record"; import { KanbanRenderer } from "@web/views/kanban/kanban_renderer"; import { kanbanView } from "@web/views/kanban/kanban_view"; import { ViewButton } from "@web/views/view_button/view_button"; import { AnimatedNumber } from "@web/views/view_components/animated_number"; import { WebClient } from "@web/webclient/webclient"; const { IrAttachment } = webModels; const fieldRegistry = registry.category("fields"); const viewRegistry = registry.category("views"); const viewWidgetRegistry = registry.category("view_widgets"); async function createFileInput({ mockPost, mockAdd, props }) { mockService("notification", { add: mockAdd || (() => {}), }); mockService("http", { post: mockPost || (() => {}), }); await mountWithCleanup(FileInput, { props }); } class Partner extends models.Model { _name = "partner"; _rec_name = "foo"; foo = fields.Char(); bar = fields.Boolean(); sequence = fields.Integer(); int_field = fields.Integer({ aggregator: "sum", sortable: true }); float_field = fields.Float({ aggregator: "sum" }); product_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "product" }); category_ids = fields.Many2many({ relation: "category" }); date = fields.Date(); datetime = fields.Datetime(); state = fields.Selection({ type: "selection", selection: [ ["abc", "ABC"], ["def", "DEF"], ["ghi", "GHI"], ], }); salary = fields.Monetary({ aggregator: "sum", currency_field: this.currency_id }); currency_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "res.currency" }); _records = [ { id: 1, foo: "yop", bar: true, int_field: 10, float_field: 0.4, product_id: 3, category_ids: [], state: "abc", salary: 1750, currency_id: 1, }, { id: 2, foo: "blip", bar: true, int_field: 9, float_field: 13, product_id: 5, category_ids: [6], state: "def", salary: 1500, currency_id: 1, }, { id: 3, foo: "gnap", bar: true, int_field: 17, float_field: -3, product_id: 3, category_ids: [7], state: "ghi", salary: 2000, currency_id: 2, }, { id: 4, foo: "blip", bar: false, int_field: -4, float_field: 9, product_id: 5, category_ids: [], state: "ghi", salary: 2222, currency_id: 1, }, ]; } class Product extends models.Model { _name = "product"; name = fields.Char(); _records = [ { id: 3, name: "hello" }, { id: 5, name: "xmo" }, ]; } class Category extends models.Model { _name = "category"; name = fields.Char(); color = fields.Integer(); _records = [ { id: 6, name: "gold", color: 2 }, { id: 7, name: "silver", color: 5 }, ]; } class Currency extends models.Model { _name = "res.currency"; name = fields.Char(); symbol = fields.Char(); position = fields.Selection({ selection: [ ["after", "A"], ["before", "B"], ], }); _records = [ { id: 1, name: "USD", symbol: "$", position: "before" }, { id: 2, name: "EUR", symbol: "€", position: "after" }, ]; } defineModels([Partner, Product, Category, Currency, IrAttachment]); beforeEach(() => { patchWithCleanup(AnimatedNumber, { enableAnimations: false }); }); test("basic ungrouped rendering", async () => { onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { expect(kwargs.context.bin_size).toBe(true); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_view").toHaveClass("o_kanban_test"); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_ungrouped"); expect(".o_control_panel_main_buttons button.o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_kanban_ghost").toHaveCount(6); expect(".o_kanban_record:contains(gnap)").toHaveCount(1); }); test("kanban rendering with class and style attributes", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect("[style*='border: 1px solid red;']").toHaveCount(0, { message: "style attribute should not be copied", }); expect(".o_view_controller.o_kanban_view.myCustomClass").toHaveCount(1, { message: "class attribute should be passed to the view controller", }); expect(".myCustomClass").toHaveCount(1, { message: "class attribute should ONLY be passed to the view controller", }); }); test("generic tags are case insensitive", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); expect("div.test").toHaveCount(4); }); test("kanban records are clickable by default", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, selectRecord: (resId) => { expect(resId).toBe(1, { message: "should trigger an event to open the form view" }); }, }); await contains(".o_kanban_record").click(); }); test("kanban records with global_click='0'", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, selectRecord: (resId) => { expect.step("select record"); }, }); await contains(".o_kanban_record").click(); expect.verifySteps([]); }); test("float fields are formatted properly without using a widget", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:first").toHaveText("0.40000\n0.400"); }); test("field with widget and attributes in kanban", async () => { const myField = { component: class MyField extends Component { static template = xml``; static props = ["*"]; setup() { if (this.props.record.resId === 1) { expect(this.props.attrs).toEqual({ name: "int_field", widget: "my_field", str: "some string", bool: "true", num: "4.5", field_id: "int_field_0", }); } } }, extractProps: ({ attrs }) => ({ attrs }), }; fieldRegistry.add("my_field", myField); after(() => fieldRegistry.remove("my_field")); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); }); test("kanban with integer field with human_readable option", async () => { Partner._records[0].int_field = 5 * 1000 * 1000; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual(["5M", "9", "17", "-4"]); expect(".o_field_widget").toHaveCount(0); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("Hide tooltip when user click inside a kanban headers item", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_column_title").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(0); await hover(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_header_title .o_column_title"); await runAllTimers(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(1); await contains( ".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_header_title .o_kanban_quick_add" ).click(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(0); await hover(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_header_title .o_column_title"); await runAllTimers(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_header_title .fa-gear", { visible: false, }).click(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(0); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("basic grouped rendering", async () => { expect.assertions(16); patchWithCleanup(KanbanRenderer.prototype, { setup() { super.setup(...arguments); onRendered(() => { expect.step("rendered"); }); }, }); onRpc("web_read_group", ({ kwargs }) => { // the lazy option is important, so the server can fill in the empty groups expect(kwargs.lazy).toBe(true, { message: "should use lazy read_group" }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_view").toHaveClass("o_kanban_test"); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_control_panel_main_buttons button.o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect.verifySteps(["rendered"]); await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); // check available actions in kanban header's config dropdown expect(".o-dropdown--menu .o_kanban_toggle_fold").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_header:first-child .o_kanban_config .o_column_edit").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_header:first-child .o_kanban_config .o_column_delete").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_header:first-child .o_kanban_config .o_column_archive_records").toHaveCount( 0 ); expect(".o_kanban_header:first-child .o_kanban_config .o_column_unarchive_records").toHaveCount( 0 ); // focuses the search bar and closes the dropdown await click(".o_searchview input"); // the next line makes sure that reload works properly. It looks useless, // but it actually test that a grouped local record can be reloaded without // changing its result. await validateSearch(); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect.verifySteps(["rendered"]); }); test("basic grouped rendering with no record", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_grouped").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_control_panel_main_buttons button.o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(1, { message: "There should be a 'New' button even though there is no column when groupby is not a many2one", }); }); test("grouped rendering with active field (archivable by default)", async () => { // add active field on partner model and make all records active = fields.Boolean({ default: true }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); // check archive/restore all actions in kanban header's config dropdown expect(".o_column_archive_records").toHaveCount(1, { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }); expect(".o_column_unarchive_records").toHaveCount(1, { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(3); await clickColumnAction("Archive All"); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(0); }); test("grouped rendering with active field (archivable true)", async () => { // add active field on partner model and make all records active = fields.Boolean({ default: true }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); // check archive/restore all actions in kanban header's config dropdown expect(".o_column_archive_records").toHaveCount(1, { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }); expect(".o_column_unarchive_records").toHaveCount(1, { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(3); await clickColumnAction("Archive All"); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(3); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("empty group when grouped by date", async () => { Partner._records[0].date = "2017-01-08"; Partner._records[1].date = "2017-02-09"; Partner._records[2].date = "2017-02-08"; Partner._records[3].date = "2017-02-10"; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["date:month"], }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_header")).toEqual(["January 2017\n(1)", "February 2017\n(3)"]); Partner._records.shift(); // remove only record of the first group await press("Enter"); // reload await animationFrame(); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_header")).toEqual(["January 2017\n(0)", "February 2017\n(3)"]); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(3); }); test("grouped rendering with active field (archivable false)", async () => { // add active field on partner model and make all records active = fields.Boolean({ default: true }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); // check archive/restore all actions in kanban header's config dropdown expect(".o_column_archive_records").toHaveCount(0, { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }); expect(".o_column_unarchive_records").toHaveCount(0, { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("m2m grouped rendering with active field (archivable true)", async () => { // add active field on partner model and make all records active = fields.Boolean({ default: true }); // more many2many data Partner._records[0].category_ids = [6, 7]; Partner._records[3].foo = "blork"; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["category_ids"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(2) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group")).toEqual([ "None\n(1)", "gold\n(2)\nyop\nblip", "silver\n(2)\nyop\ngnap", ]); await click(getKanbanColumn(0)); await animationFrame(); await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); // check archive/restore all actions in kanban header's config dropdown // despite the fact that the kanban view is configured to be archivable, // the actions should not be there as it is grouped by an m2m field. expect(".o_column_archive_records").toHaveCount(0, { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }); expect(".o_column_unarchive_records").toHaveCount(0, { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }); }); test("kanban grouped by date field", async () => { Partner._records[0].date = "2007-06-10"; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["date"], }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["None\n(3)", "June 2007\n(1)"]); }); test("context can be used in kanban template", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, context: { some_key: 1 }, domain: [["id", "=", 1]], }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record span:contains(yop)").toHaveCount(1); }); test("kanban with sub-template", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual([ "yop", "blip", "gnap", "blip", ]); }); test("kanban with t-set outside card", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual(["10", "9", "17", "-4"]); }); test("kanban with t-if/t-else on field", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Negative value `, }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual([ "10", "9", "17", "Negative value", ]); }); test("kanban with t-if/t-else on field with widget", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Negative value `, }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual([ "10", "9", "17", "Negative value", ]); }); test("field with widget and dynamic attributes in kanban", async () => { const myField = { component: class MyField extends Component { static template = xml``; static props = ["*"]; }, extractProps: ({ attrs }) => { expect.step( `${attrs["dyn-bool"]}/${attrs["interp-str"]}/${attrs["interp-str2"]}/${attrs["interp-str3"]}` ); }, }; fieldRegistry.add("my_field", myField); after(() => fieldRegistry.remove("my_field")); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect.verifySteps([ "false/hello yop/hello yop !/hello yop }}", "true/hello blip/hello blip !/hello blip }}", "true/hello gnap/hello gnap !/hello gnap }}", "true/hello blip/hello blip !/hello blip }}", ]); }); test("view button and string interpolated attribute in kanban", async () => { patchWithCleanup(ViewButton.prototype, { setup() { super.setup(); expect.step(`[${this.props.clickParams["name"]}] className: '${this.props.className}'`); }, }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect.verifySteps([ "[one] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action'", "[two] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action hello'", "[sri] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action yop'", "[foa] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action yop olleh'", "[fye] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action hello yop'", "[one] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action'", "[two] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action hello'", "[sri] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action blip'", "[foa] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action blip olleh'", "[fye] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action hello blip'", "[one] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action'", "[two] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action hello'", "[sri] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action gnap'", "[foa] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action gnap olleh'", "[fye] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action hello gnap'", "[one] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action'", "[two] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action hello'", "[sri] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action blip'", "[foa] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action blip olleh'", "[fye] className: 'hola oe_kanban_action hello blip'", ]); }); test("pager should be hidden in grouped mode", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_pager").toHaveCount(0); }); test("there should be no limit on the number of fetched groups", async () => { patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel, { DEFAULT_GROUP_LIMIT: 1 }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); }); test("pager, ungrouped, with default limit", async () => { expect.assertions(2); onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { expect(kwargs.limit).toBe(40); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_pager").toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, ungrouped, with default limit on desktop", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getPagerValue()).toEqual([1, 4]); }); test("pager, ungrouped, with limit given in options", async () => { expect.assertions(1); onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { expect(kwargs.limit).toBe(2); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, limit: 2, }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, ungrouped, with limit given in options on desktop", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, limit: 2, }); expect(getPagerValue()).toEqual([1, 2]); expect(getPagerLimit()).toBe(4); }); test("pager, ungrouped, with limit set on arch and given in options", async () => { expect.assertions(1); onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { expect(kwargs.limit).toBe(3); }); // the limit given in the arch should take the priority over the one given in options await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, limit: 2, }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, ungrouped, with limit set on arch and given in options on desktop", async () => { // the limit given in the arch should take the priority over the one given in options await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, limit: 2, }); expect(getPagerValue()).toEqual([1, 3]); expect(getPagerLimit()).toBe(4); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, ungrouped, with count limit reached", async () => { patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel, { DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT: 3 }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("1-2"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("3+"); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); await contains(".o_pager_limit").click(); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("1-2"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("4"); expect.verifySteps(["search_count"]); }); test("pager, ungrouped, with count limit reached, click next", async () => { patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel, { DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT: 3 }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); await contains(".o_pager_next").click(); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, ungrouped, with count limit reached, click next on desktop", async () => { patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel, { DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT: 3 }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("1-2"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("3+"); await contains(".o_pager_next").click(); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("3-4"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("4"); }); test("pager, ungrouped, with count limit reached, click next (2)", async () => { patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel, { DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT: 3 }); Partner._records.push({ id: 5, foo: "xxx" }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); await contains(".o_pager_next").click(); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read"]); await contains(".o_pager_next").click(); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, ungrouped, with count limit reached, click next (2) on desktop", async () => { patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel, { DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT: 3 }); Partner._records.push({ id: 5, foo: "xxx" }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("1-2"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("3+"); await contains(".o_pager_next").click(); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("3-4"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("4+"); await contains(".o_pager_next").click(); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("5-5"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("5"); }); test("pager, ungrouped, with count limit reached, click previous", async () => { patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel, { DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT: 3 }); Partner._records.push({ id: 5, foo: "xxx" }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); await contains(".o_pager_previous").click(); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1); expect.verifySteps(["search_count", "web_search_read"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, ungrouped, with count limit reached, click previous on desktop", async () => { patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel, { DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT: 3 }); Partner._records.push({ id: 5, foo: "xxx" }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("1-2"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("3+"); await contains(".o_pager_previous").click(); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("5-5"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("5"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, ungrouped, with count limit reached, edit pager", async () => { patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel, { DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT: 3 }); Partner._records.push({ id: 5, foo: "xxx" }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("1-2"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("3+"); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); await contains("span.o_pager_value").click(); await contains("input.o_pager_value").edit("2-4"); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("2-4"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("4+"); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read"]); await contains("span.o_pager_value").click(); await contains("input.o_pager_value").edit("2-14"); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("2-5"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("5"); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("count_limit attrs set in arch", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("1-2"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("3+"); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); await contains(".o_pager_limit").click(); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_pager_value").toHaveText("1-2"); expect(".o_pager_limit").toHaveText("4"); expect.verifySteps(["search_count"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, ungrouped, deleting all records from last page", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Delete `, }); expect(getPagerValue()).toEqual([1, 3]); expect(getPagerLimit()).toBe(4); // move to next page await pagerNext(); expect(getPagerValue()).toEqual([4, 4]); // delete a record await contains(".o_kanban_record a").click(); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); expect(getPagerValue()).toEqual([1, 3]); expect(getPagerLimit()).toBe(3); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("pager, update calls onUpdatedPager", async () => { class TestKanbanController extends KanbanController { setup() { super.setup(); onWillRender(() => { expect.step("render"); }); } async onUpdatedPager() { expect.step("onUpdatedPager"); } } viewRegistry.add("test_kanban_view", { ...kanbanView, Controller: TestKanbanController, }); after(() => viewRegistry.remove("test_kanban_view")); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, limit: 3, }); expect(getPagerValue()).toEqual([1, 3]); expect(getPagerLimit()).toBe(4); expect.step("next page"); await contains(".o_pager_next").click(); expect(getPagerValue()).toEqual([4, 4]); expect.verifySteps(["render", "next page", "render", "onUpdatedPager"]); }); test("click on a button type='delete' to delete a record in a column", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Delete `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_load_more", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(0); await click(queryFirst(".o_kanban_record .o_delete", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })); await animationFrame(); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".modal .btn-primary").click(); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_load_more", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(0); }); test("click on a button type='archive' to archive a record in a column", async () => { onRpc("action_archive", ({ args }) => { expect.step(`archive:${args[0]}`); return true; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` archive `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(2); await contains(".o_kanban_record .o_archive").click(); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(1); expect.verifySteps([]); await contains(".modal .btn-primary").click(); expect.verifySteps(["archive:1"]); }); test("click on a button type='unarchive' to unarchive a record in a column", async () => { onRpc("action_unarchive", ({ args }) => { expect.step(`unarchive:${args[0]}`); return true; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` unarchive `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(2); await contains(".o_kanban_record .o_unarchive").click(); expect.verifySteps(["unarchive:1"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("kanban with an action id as on_create attrs", async () => { mockService("action", { doAction(action, options) { // simplified flow in this test: simulate a target new action which // creates a record and closes itself expect.step(`doAction ${action}`); Partner._records.push({ id: 299, foo: "new" }); options.onClose(); }, }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(4); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(5); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", "doAction some.action", "web_search_read", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("grouped kanban with quick_create attrs set to false", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], createRecord: () => expect.step("create record"), }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_quick_add").toHaveCount(0); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); expect.verifySteps(["create record"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("create in grouped on m2o", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_group_draggable").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_control_panel_main_buttons button.o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child > .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["hello\n(2)", "xmo\n(2)"]); }); test("create in grouped on char", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["foo"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_group_draggable").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["blip\n(2)", "gnap\n(1)", "yop\n(1)"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child > .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); }); test("prevent deletion when grouped by many2many field", async () => { Partner._records[0].category_ids = [6, 7]; Partner._records[3].category_ids = [7]; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` delete `, searchViewArch: ` `, groupBy: ["category_ids"], }); expect(".thisisdeletable").toHaveCount(0, { message: "records should not be deletable" }); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Foo"); expect(".thisisdeletable").toHaveCount(4, { message: "records should be deletable" }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("kanban grouped by many2one: false column is folded by default", async () => { Partner._records[0].product_id = false; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_header")).toEqual(["None\n(1)", "hello\n(1)", "xmo\n(2)"]); await contains(".o_kanban_header").click(); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_header")).toEqual(["None\n(1)", "hello\n(1)", "xmo\n(2)"]); // reload -> None column should remain open await click(".o_searchview_input"); await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_header")).toEqual(["None\n(1)", "hello\n(1)", "xmo\n(2)"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick created records in grouped kanban are on displayed top", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await edit("new record"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); // the new record must be the first record of the column expect(queryAllTexts(" .o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record")).toEqual([ "new record", "yop", "gnap", ]); await click(".o_kanban_quick_create input"); // FIXME: should not be necessary await edit("another record"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record")).toEqual([ "another record", "new record", "yop", "gnap", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record without quick_create_view", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("name_create", ({ args }) => { expect(args[0]).toBe("new partner"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); // click on 'Create' -> should open the quick create in the first column await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_form_view.o_xxs_form_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create input").toHaveCount(1); expect( ".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget.o_required_modifier input[placeholder=Title]" ).toHaveCount(1); // fill the quick create and validate await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "onchange", // quick create "name_create", // should perform a name_create to create the record "web_read", // read the created record "onchange", // reopen the quick create automatically ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record with quick_create_view", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ foo: "new partner", int_field: 4, state: "def", }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_control_panel").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); // click on 'Create' -> should open the quick create in the first column await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_form_view.o_xxs_form_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_control_panel").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should not have instantiated another control panel", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create input").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget").toHaveCount(3); // fill the quick create and validate await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("int_field", "4"); await click(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=state] .o_priority_star:first-child"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "get_views", // form view in quick create "onchange", // quick create "web_save", // should perform a web_save to create the record "web_read", // read the created record "onchange", // new quick create ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record flickering", async () => { let def; Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ foo: "new partner", int_field: 4, state: "def", }); }); onRpc("onchange", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); // click on 'Create' -> should open the quick create in the first column await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_form_view.o_xxs_form_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create input").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget").toHaveCount(3); // fill the quick create and validate await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("int_field", "4"); await click(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=state] .o_priority_star:first-child"); def = new Deferred(); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record flickering (load more)", async () => { let def; Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; onRpc("read", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); // click on 'Create' -> should open the quick create in the first column await createKanbanRecord(); // fill the quick create and validate await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); def = new Deferred(); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_load_more").toHaveCount(0); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_load_more").toHaveCount(0); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record should focus default field", async function () { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input:first").toBeFocused(); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record should focus first field input", async function () { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input:first").toBeFocused(); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick_create_view without quick_create option", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], createRecord() { expect.step("create record"); }, }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_quick_add").toHaveCount(2); // click on 'Create' in control panel -> should not open the quick create await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); expect.verifySteps(["create record"]); // click "+" icon in first column -> should open the quick create await contains(".o_kanban_quick_add").click(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect.verifySteps([]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record in grouped on m2o (no quick_create_view)", async () => { expect.assertions(6); stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("name_create", ({ args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[0]).toBe("new partner"); const { default_product_id, default_float_field } = kwargs.context; expect(default_product_id).toBe(3); expect(default_float_field).toBe(2.5); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], context: { default_float_field: 2.5 }, }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // click on 'Create', fill the quick create and validate await createKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "onchange", // quick create "name_create", // should perform a name_create to create the record "web_read", // read the created record "onchange", // reopen the quick create automatically ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record in grouped on m2o (with quick_create_view)", async () => { expect.assertions(6); Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("web_save", ({ method, args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ foo: "new partner", int_field: 4, state: "def", }); const { default_product_id, default_float_field } = kwargs.context; expect(default_product_id).toBe(3); expect(default_float_field).toBe(2.5); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], context: { default_float_field: 2.5 }, }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // click on 'Create', fill the quick create and validate await createKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await animationFrame(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("int_field", 4); await animationFrame(); await contains( ".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=state] .o_priority_star:first-child" ).click(); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "get_views", // form view in quick create "onchange", // quick create "web_save", // should perform a web_save to create the record "web_read", // read the created record "onchange", // reopen the quick create automatically ]); }); test("quick create record in grouped on m2m (no quick_create_view)", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("name_create", ({ args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[0]).toBe("new partner"); expect(kwargs.context.default_category_ids).toEqual([6]); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["category_ids"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); // click on 'Create', fill the quick create and validate await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner"); await animationFrame(); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "onchange", // quick create "name_create", // should perform a name_create to create the record "web_read", // read the created record "onchange", // reopen the quick create automatically ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record in grouped on m2m in the None column", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("name_create", ({ args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[0]).toBe("new partner"); expect(kwargs.context.default_category_ids).toBe(false); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["category_ids"], }); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1)").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // click on 'Create', fill the quick create and validate await quickCreateKanbanRecord(0); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner"); await animationFrame(); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "web_search_read", // read records when unfolding 'None' "onchange", // quick create "name_create", // should perform a name_create to create the record "web_read", // read the created record "onchange", // reopen the quick create automatically ]); }); test("quick create record in grouped on m2m (field not in template)", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; onRpc("web_save", ({ args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ foo: "new partner" }); expect(kwargs.context.default_category_ids).toEqual([6]); return [{ id: 5 }]; }); onRpc("web_read", ({ args }) => { if (args[0][0] === 5) { return [{ id: 5, foo: "new partner", category_ids: [6] }]; } }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["category_ids"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); // click on 'Create', fill the quick create and validate await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "get_views", // get form view "onchange", // quick create "web_save", // should perform a web_save to create the record "web_read", // read the created record "onchange", // reopen the quick create automatically ]); }); test("quick create record in grouped on m2m (field in the form view)", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("web_save", ({ method, args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ category_ids: [[4, 6]], foo: "new partner", }); expect(kwargs.context.default_category_ids).toEqual([6]); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["category_ids"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); // click on 'Create', fill the quick create and validate await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); // verify that the quick create m2m field contains the column value expect(".o_tag_badge_text").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_tag_badge_text").toHaveText("gold"); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "get_views", // get form view "onchange", // quick create "web_save", // should perform a web_save to create the record "web_read", "onchange", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record validation: stays open when invalid", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); await createKanbanRecord(); expect.verifySteps(["onchange"]); // do not fill anything and validate await validateKanbanRecord(); expect.verifySteps([]); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect("[name=display_name]").toHaveClass("o_field_invalid"); expect(".o_notification_manager .o_notification").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_notification").toHaveText("Invalid fields:\nDisplay Name"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record with default values and onchanges", async () => { Partner._fields.int_field = fields.Integer({ default: 4 }); = fields.Char({ onChange: (obj) => { if ( { obj.int_field = 8; } }, }); Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); // click on 'Create' -> should open the quick create in the first column await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").toHaveValue("4", { message: "default value should be set", }); // fill the 'foo' field -> should trigger the onchange // await fieldInput("foo").edit("new partner"); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); expect(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").toHaveValue("8", { message: "onchange should have been triggered", }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "get_views", // form view in quick create "onchange", // quick create "onchange", // onchange due to 'foo' field change ]); }); test("quick create record with quick_create_view: modifiers", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); // create a new record await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo]").toHaveClass("o_required_modifier"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=int_field]").toHaveCount(0); // fill 'foo' field await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=int_field]").toHaveCount(1); }); test("quick create record with onchange of field marked readonly", async () => { = fields.Char({ onChange: (obj) => { obj.int_field = 8; }, }); Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("web_save", ({ method, args }) => { expect(args[1].int_field).toBe(undefined, { message: "readonly field shouldn't be sent in create", }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) ]); // click on 'Create' -> should open the quick create in the first column await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "onchange"]); // fill the 'foo' field -> should trigger the onchange await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); expect.verifySteps(["onchange"]); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect.verifySteps(["web_save", "web_read", "onchange"]); }); test("quick create record and change state in grouped mode", async () => { Partner._fields.kanban_state = fields.Selection({ selection: [ ["normal", "Grey"], ["done", "Green"], ["blocked", "Red"], ], }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["foo"], }); // Quick create kanban record await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "Test"); await validateKanbanRecord(); // Select state in kanban await click(".o_status", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) }); await animationFrame(); await contains(".dropdown-item:nth-child(2)").click(); expect(".o_status:first").toHaveClass("o_status_green"); }); test("window resize should not change quick create form size", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_form_view").toHaveClass("o_xxs_form_view"); await resize({ width: 800, height: 400 }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_form_view").toHaveClass("o_xxs_form_view"); }); test("quick create record: cancel and validate without using the buttons", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(4); // click to add an element and cancel the quick creation by pressing ESC await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await press("Escape"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); // click to add and element and click outside, should cancel the quick creation await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record:last-of-type").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); // click to input and drag the mouse outside, should not cancel the quick creation await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await ( await drag(".o_kanban_quick_create input") ).drop(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record:last-of-type"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should not have been destroyed after clicking outside", }); // click to really add an element await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); // clicking outside should no longer destroy the quick create as it is dirty await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record:last-of-type").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should not have been destroyed", }); // confirm by pressing ENTER await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(5); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["new partner", "blip"]); }); test("quick create record: validate with ENTER", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); // add an element and confirm by pressing ENTER await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(5); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue(""); }); test("quick create record: prevent multiple adds with ENTER", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("web_save", () => { expect.step("web_save"); return def; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); // add an element and press ENTER twice await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue("new partner"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveClass("o_disabled"); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(5); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue(""); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").not.toHaveClass("o_disabled"); expect.verifySteps(["web_save"]); }); test("quick create record: prevent multiple adds with Add clicked", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("web_save", () => { expect.step("web_save"); return def; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); // add an element and click 'Add' twice await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue("new partner"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveClass("o_disabled"); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(5); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue(""); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").not.toHaveClass("o_disabled"); expect.verifySteps(["web_save"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("save a quick create record and create a new one simultaneously", async () => { const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("name_create", () => { expect.step("name_create"); return def; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); // Create and save a record await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create [name=display_name] input").toHaveValue("new partner"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveClass("o_disabled"); // Create a new record during the save of the first one await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create [name=display_name] input").toHaveValue("new partner"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveClass("o_disabled"); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(5); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create [name=display_name] input").toHaveValue(""); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").not.toHaveClass("o_disabled"); expect.verifySteps(["name_create"]); }); test("quick create record: prevent multiple adds with ENTER, with onchange", async () => { = fields.Char({ onChange: (obj) => { obj.int_field += ? 3 : 0; }, }); Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; onRpc("onchange", () => { expect.step("onchange"); if (shouldDelayOnchange) { return def; } }); onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => { expect.step("web_save"); const values = args[1]; expect("new partner"); expect(values.int_field).toBe(3); }); let shouldDelayOnchange = false; const def = new Deferred(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4, { message: "should have 4 records at the beginning", }); // add an element and press ENTER twice await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); shouldDelayOnchange = true; await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4, { message: "should not have created the record yet", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue("new partner", { message: "quick create should not be empty yet", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveClass("o_disabled"); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(5, { message: "should have created a new record" }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue("", { message: "quick create should now be empty", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").not.toHaveClass("o_disabled"); expect.verifySteps([ "onchange", // default_get "onchange", // new partner "web_save", "onchange", // default_get ]); }); test("quick create record: click Add to create, with delayed onchange", async () => { = fields.Char({ onChange: (obj) => { obj.int_field += ? 3 : 0; }, }); Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; onRpc("onchange", () => { expect.step("onchange"); if (shouldDelayOnchange) { return def; } }); onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => { expect.step("web_save"); expect(args[1]).toEqual({ foo: "new partner", int_field: 3, }); }); let shouldDelayOnchange = false; const def = new Deferred(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4, { message: "should have 4 records at the beginning", }); // add an element and click 'add' await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); shouldDelayOnchange = true; await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4, { message: "should not have created the record yet", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue("new partner", { message: "quick create should not be empty yet", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveClass("o_disabled"); def.resolve(); // the onchange returns await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(5, { message: "should have created a new record" }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue("", { message: "quick create should now be empty", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").not.toHaveClass("o_disabled"); expect.verifySteps([ "onchange", // default_get "onchange", // new partner "web_save", "onchange", // default_get ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create when first column is folded", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child").not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); // fold the first column let clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); await clickColumnAction("Fold"); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child").toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); // click on 'Create' to open the quick create in the first column await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child").not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); // fold again the first column clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); await clickColumnAction("Fold"); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child").toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); }); test("quick create record: cancel when not dirty", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column should contain one record", }); // click to add an element await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have open the quick create widget", }); // click again to add an element -> should have kept the quick create open await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have kept the quick create open", }); // click outside: should remove the quick create await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record:last-of-type").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the quick create should not have been destroyed", }); // click to reopen the quick create await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have open the quick create widget", }); // press ESC: should remove the quick create await press("Escape"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0, { message: "quick create widget should have been removed", }); // click to reopen the quick create await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have open the quick create widget", }); // click on 'Discard': should remove the quick create await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await discardKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the quick create should be destroyed when the user clicks outside", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column should still contain one record", }); // click to reopen the quick create await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have open the quick create widget", }); // clicking on the quick create itself should keep it open await contains(".o_kanban_quick_create").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should not have been destroyed when clicked on itself", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record: cancel when modal is opened", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; Product._views.form = '
'; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", groupBy: ["bar"], arch: ` `, }); // click to add an element await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await press("t"); await press("e"); await press("s"); await press("t"); await runAllTimers(); await click(".o_m2o_dropdown_option_create_edit"); // open create and edit dialog await animationFrame(); // When focusing out of the many2one, a modal to add a 'product' will appear. // The following assertions ensures that a click on the body element that has 'modal-open' // will NOT close the quick create. // This can happen when the user clicks out of the input because of a race condition between // the focusout of the m2o and the global 'click' handler of the quick create. // Check odoo/odoo#61981 for more details. expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1, { message: "modal should be opening after m2o focusout" }); expect(document.body).toHaveClass("modal-open"); await click(document.body); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "quick create should stay open while modal is opening", }); }); test("quick create record: cancel when dirty", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column should contain one record", }); // click to add an element and edit it await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have open the quick create widget", }); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "some value"); // click outside: should not remove the quick create await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should not have been destroyed", }); // press ESC: should remove the quick create await press("Escape"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0, { message: "quick create widget should have been removed", }); // click to reopen quick create and edit it await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have open the quick create widget", }); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "some value"); // click on 'Discard': should remove the quick create await discardKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the quick create should be destroyed when the user discard quick creation", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column should still contain one record", }); }); test("quick create record and edit in grouped mode", async () => { expect.assertions(4); onRpc("web_read", ({ args }) => { newRecordID = args[0][0]; }); let newRecordID; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], selectRecord: (resId) => { expect(resId).toBe(newRecordID); }, }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column should contain one record", }); // click to add and edit a record await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner"); await editKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "first column should now contain two records", }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record")).toEqual([ "new partner", "blip", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create several records in a row", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column should contain one record", }); // click to add an element, fill the input and press ENTER await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should be open" }); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner 1"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "first column should now contain two records", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should still be open", }); // create a second element in a row await createKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner 2"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3, { message: "first column should now contain three records", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should still be open", }); }); test("quick create is disabled until record is created and read", async () => { const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("web_read", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column should contain one record", }); // click to add a record, and add two in a row (first one will be delayed) await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should be open" }); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner 1"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column should still contain one record", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create.o_disabled").toHaveCount(1, { message: "quick create should be disabled", }); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "first column should now contain two records", }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create.o_disabled").toHaveCount(0, { message: "quick create should be enabled", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record fail in grouped by many2one", async () => { Partner._views["form,false"] = `
`; onRpc("name_create", () => { throw makeServerError({ message: "This is a user error" }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "test"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .o_field_many2one input:first").toHaveValue("hello"); // specify a name and save await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("test"); await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click(); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_record:first").toHaveText("test"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create:not(.o_disabled)").toHaveCount(1); }); test("quick create record and click Edit, name_create fails", async () => { Partner._views["kanban,false"] = ` `; Partner._views["search,false"] = ""; Partner._views["list,false"] = ''; Partner._views["form,false"] = `
`; onRpc("name_create", () => { throw makeServerError({ message: "This is a user error" }); }); await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [ [false, "kanban"], [false, "form"], ], context: { group_by: ["product_id"], }, }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "test"); await editKanbanRecord(); expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .o_field_many2one input:first").toHaveValue("hello"); // specify a name and save await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("test"); await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click(); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_record:first").toHaveText("test"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create:not(.o_disabled)").toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record is re-enabled after discard on failure", async () => { Partner._views["form,false"] = `
`; onRpc("name_create", () => { throw makeServerError({ message: "This is a user error" }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "test"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click(); expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); }); test("quick create record fails in grouped by char", async () => { expect.assertions(7); Partner._views["form,false"] = '
'; onRpc("name_create", () => { throw makeServerError({ message: "This is a user error" }); }); onRpc("web_save", ({ args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ foo: "blip" }); expect(kwargs.context).toEqual({ allowed_company_ids: [1], default_foo: "blip", default_name: "test", lang: "en", tz: "taht", uid: 7, }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", groupBy: ["foo"], arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "test"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue("blip"); await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click(); expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); }); test("quick create record fails in grouped by selection", async () => { expect.assertions(7); Partner._views["form,false"] = '
'; onRpc("name_create", () => { throw makeServerError({ message: "This is a user error" }); }); onRpc("web_save", ({ args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ state: "abc" }); expect(kwargs.context).toEqual({ allowed_company_ids: [1], default_state: "abc", default_name: "test", lang: "en", tz: "taht", uid: 7, }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", groupBy: ["state"], arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "test"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=state] select:first").toHaveValue('"abc"'); await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click(); expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record in empty grouped kanban", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", () => { // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) return { groups: [ { __domain: [["product_id", "=", 3]], product_id_count: 0, product_id: [3, "xplone"], }, { __domain: [["product_id", "=", 5]], product_id_count: 0, product_id: [5, "xplan"], }, ], length: 2, }; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "there should be 2 columns" }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0, { message: "both columns should be empty" }); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have opened the quick create in the first column", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record in grouped on date(time) field", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, groupBy: ["date"], createRecord: () => { expect.step("createKanbanRecord"); }, }); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(0, { message: "quick create should be disabled when grouped on a date field", }); // clicking on CREATE in control panel should not open a quick create await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0, { message: "should not have opened the quick create widget", }); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Datetime"); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(0, { message: "quick create should be disabled when grouped on a datetime field", }); // clicking on CREATE in control panel should not open a quick create await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0, { message: "should not have opened the quick create widget", }); expect.verifySteps(["createKanbanRecord", "createKanbanRecord"]); }); test("quick create record feature is properly enabled/disabled at reload", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, groupBy: ["foo"], }); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(3, { message: "quick create should be enabled when grouped on a char field", }); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Date"); await toggleMenuItemOption("GroupBy Date", "Month"); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(0, { message: "quick create should now be disabled (grouped on date field)", }); await toggleMenuItemOption("GroupBy Date", "Month"); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Bar"); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(2, { message: "quick create should be enabled again (grouped on boolean field)", }); }); test("quick create record in grouped by char field", async () => { expect.assertions(4); onRpc("name_create", ({ kwargs }) => { expect(kwargs.context.default_foo).toBe("blip"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["foo"], }); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new record"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); }); test("quick create record in grouped by boolean field", async () => { expect.assertions(4); onRpc("name_create", ({ kwargs }) => { expect(kwargs.context.default_bar).toBe(true); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new record"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); }); test("quick create record in grouped on selection field", async () => { expect.assertions(4); onRpc("name_create", ({ kwargs }) => { expect(kwargs.context.default_state).toBe("abc"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["state"], }); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(3, { message: "quick create should be enabled when grouped on a selection field", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column (abc) should contain 1 record", }); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new record"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "first column (abc) should contain 2 records", }); }); test("quick create record in grouped by char field (within quick_create_view)", async () => { expect.assertions(6); Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; onRpc("web_save", ({ args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ foo: "blip" }); expect(kwargs.context.default_foo).toBe("blip"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["foo"], }); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create input:first").toHaveValue("blip", { message: "should have set the correct foo value by default", }); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); }); test("quick create record in grouped by boolean field (within quick_create_view)", async () => { expect.assertions(6); Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; onRpc("web_save", ({ args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ bar: true }); expect(kwargs.context.default_bar).toBe(true); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(2, { message: "quick create should be enabled when grouped on a boolean field", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_field_boolean input").toBeChecked(); await contains(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_kanban_add").click(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); }); test("quick create record in grouped by selection field (within quick_create_view)", async () => { expect.assertions(6); Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; onRpc("web_save", ({ args, kwargs }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ state: "abc" }); expect(kwargs.context.default_state).toBe("abc"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["state"], }); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_kanban_quick_add i").toHaveCount(3, { message: "quick create should be enabled when grouped on a selection field", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column (abc) should contain 1 record", }); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create select:first").toHaveValue('"abc"', { message: "should have set the correct state value by default", }); await contains(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_kanban_add").click(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "first column (abc) should now contain 2 records", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record while adding a new column", async () => { const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("product", "name_create", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // add a new column expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_folded").toHaveCount(1); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_unfolded").toHaveCount(1); await editKanbanColumnName("new column"); await validateKanbanColumn(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_column_quick_create input:first").toHaveValue(""); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); // click to add a new record await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); // unlock column creation def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); // quick create record in first column await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new record"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("close a column while quick creating a record", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = '
'; let def; onRpc("get_views", () => { if (def) { expect.step("get_views"); return def; } }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); def = new Deferred(); expect.verifySteps([]); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(0); // click to quick create a new record in the first column (this operation is delayed) await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect.verifySteps(["get_views"]); expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(0); // click to fold the first column const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); await clickColumnAction("Fold"); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(1); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect.verifySteps([]); expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(1); await createKanbanRecord(); expect.verifySteps([]); // "get_views" should have already be done expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(0); }); test("quick create record: open on a column while another column has already one", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); // Click on quick create in first column await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_quick_create", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); // Click on quick create in second column await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_quick_create", { root: getKanbanColumn(2) })).toHaveCount(1); // Click on quick create in first column once again await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_quick_create", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); }); test("many2many_tags in kanban views", async () => { Partner._records[0].category_ids = [6, 7]; Partner._records[1].category_ids = [7, 8]; Category._records.push({ id: 8, name: "hello", color: 0, }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, selectRecord: (resId) => { expect(resId).toBe(1, { message: "should trigger an event to open the clicked record in a form view", }); }, }); expect( queryAll(".o_field_many2many_tags .o_tag", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) }) ).toHaveCount(2, { message: "first record should contain 2 tags", }); expect(queryAll(".o_tag.o_tag_color_2", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) })).toHaveCount( 1, { message: "first tag should have color 2", } ); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); // Checks that second records has only one tag as one should be hidden (color 0) expect(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(2) .o_tag").toHaveCount(1, { message: "there should be only one tag in second record", }); expect(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(2) .o_tag:first").toHaveText("silver"); // Write on the record using the priority widget to trigger a re-render in readonly await contains(".o_kanban_record:first-child .o_priority_star:first-child").click(); expect.verifySteps(["web_save"]); expect(".o_kanban_record:first-child .o_field_many2many_tags .o_tag").toHaveCount(2, { message: "first record should still contain only 2 tags", }); const tags = queryAll(".o_kanban_record:first-child .o_tag"); expect(tags[0]).toHaveText("gold"); expect(tags[1]).toHaveText("silver"); // click on a tag (should trigger switch_view) await contains(".o_kanban_record:first-child .o_tag:first-child").click(); }); test("priority field should not be editable when missing access rights", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); // Try to fill one star in the priority field of the first record await contains(".o_kanban_record:first-child .o_priority_star:first-child").click(); expect(".o_kanban_record:first-child .o_priority .fa-star-o").toHaveCount(2, { message: "first record should still contain 2 empty stars", }); }); test("Do not open record when clicking on `a` with `href`", async () => { expect.assertions(6); Partner._records = [{ id: 1, foo: "yop" }]; mockService("action", { async switchView() { // when clicking on a record in kanban view, // it switches to form view. expect.step("switchView"); }, }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` test link `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record a").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record a").toHaveAttribute("href", null, { message: "link inside kanban record should have non-empty href", }); // Prevent the browser default behaviour when clicking on anything. // This includes clicking on a `` with `href`, so that it does not // change the URL in the address bar. // Note that we should not specify a click listener on 'a', otherwise // it may influence the kanban record global click handler to not open // the record. const testLink = queryFirst(".o_kanban_record a"); testLink.addEventListener("click", (ev) => { expect(ev.defaultPrevented).toBe(false, { message: "should not prevented browser default behaviour beforehand", }); expect(, { message: "should have clicked on the test link in the kanban record", }); ev.preventDefault(); }); await click(".o_kanban_record a"); expect.verifySteps([]); }); test("Open record when clicking on widget field", async function (assert) { expect.assertions(2); Product._views["form,false"] = `
`; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, selectRecord: (resId) => { expect(resId).toBe(1, { message: "should trigger an event to open the form view" }); }, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(4); await click(".o_field_monetary[name=salary]"); }); test("o2m loaded in only one batch", async () => { class Subtask extends models.Model { _name = "subtask"; name = fields.Char(); _records = [ { id: 1, name: "subtask #1" }, { id: 2, name: "subtask #2" }, ]; } defineModels([Subtask]); Partner._fields.subtask_ids = fields.One2many({ relation: "subtask" }); Partner._records[0].subtask_ids = [1]; Partner._records[1].subtask_ids = [2]; stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); await validateSearch(); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("kanban with many2many, load and reload", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); await press("Enter"); // reload await animationFrame(); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("kanban with reference field", async () => { Partner._fields.ref_product = fields.Reference({ selection: [["product", "Product"]] }); Partner._records[0].ref_product = "product,3"; Partner._records[1].ref_product = "product,5"; stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", groupBy: ["product_id"], arch: ` `, }); await press("Enter"); // reload await animationFrame(); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record span")).toEqual(["hello", "", "xmo", ""]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("drag and drop a record with load more", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["4"]); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["1"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_group:eq(0)"); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:eq(0) .o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["4", "1"]); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:eq(1) .o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["2"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("can drag and drop a record from one column to the next", async () => { onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { expect.step("resequence"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` edit `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".thisiseditable").toHaveCount(4); expect.verifySteps([]); // first record of first column moved to the bottom of second column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect(".thisiseditable").toHaveCount(4); expect.verifySteps(["resequence"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("user without permission cannot drag and drop a column thus sequence remains unchanged on drag and drop attempt", async () => { expect.errors(1); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { throw makeServerError({ message: "No Permission" }); // Simulate user without permission }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["hello\n(2)", "xmo\n(2)"]); const groups = queryAll(".o_column_title"); await contains(groups[0]).dragAndDrop(groups[1]); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["hello\n(2)", "xmo\n(2)"]); expect.verifyErrors(["No Permission"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("user without permission cannot drag and drop a record thus sequence remains unchanged on drag and drop attempt", async () => { expect.errors(1); onRpc("partner", "web_save", () => { throw makeServerError({ message: "No Permission" }); // Simulate user without permission }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_record:first").toHaveText("yop", { message: "Checking the initial state of the view", }); await contains(".o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)"); expect(".o_kanban_record:first").toHaveText("yop", { message: "Do not let the user d&d the record without permission", }); await contains(".o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(3)"); expect(".o_kanban_record:first").toHaveText("gnap", { message: "Check that the record does not become static after d&d", }); expect.verifyErrors(["No Permission"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("drag and drop highlight on hover", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // first record of first column moved to the bottom of second column const { drop, moveTo } = await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").drag(); await moveTo(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)"); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_kanban_hover"); await drop(); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2).o_kanban_hover").toHaveCount(0); }); test("drag and drop outside of a column", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // first record of first column moved to the right of a column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_column_quick_create" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("drag and drop a record, grouped by selection", async () => { expect.assertions(6); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { expect.step("resequence"); return true; }); onRpc("partner", "web_save", ({ args }) => { expect(args[1]).toEqual({ state: "abc" }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["state"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); // first record of second column moved to the bottom of first column await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:first-child" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect.verifySteps(["resequence"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("prevent drag and drop of record if grouped by readonly", async () => { // Whether the kanban is grouped by state, foo, bar or product_id // the user must not be able to drag and drop from one group to another, // as state, foo bar, product_id are made readonly one way or another. // state must not be draggable: // state is not readonly in the model. state is passed in the arch specifying readonly="1". // foo must not be draggable: // foo is readonly in the model fields. foo is passed in the arch but without specifying readonly. // bar must not be draggable: // bar is readonly in the model fields. bar is not passed in the arch. // product_id must not be draggable: // product_id is readonly in the model fields. product_id is passed in the arch specifying readonly="0", // but the readonly in the model takes over. = fields.Char({ readonly: true }); = fields.Boolean({ readonly: true }); Partner._fields.product_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "product", readonly: true }); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => true); onRpc("partner", "write", () => { expect.step("should not be called"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, searchViewArch: ` `, groupBy: ["state"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // first record of first column moved to the bottom of second column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); // should not be draggable expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Foo"); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); // first record of first column moved to the bottom of second column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); // should not be draggable expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["blipDEF", "blipGHI"]); // second record of first column moved at first place await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record:last-of-type").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record" ); // should still be able to resequence expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["blipGHI", "blipDEF"]); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Foo"); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Bar"); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["blipGHI"]); // first record of first column moved to the bottom of second column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); // should not be draggable expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["blipGHI"]); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Bar"); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Product"); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["yopABC", "gnapGHI"]); // first record of first column moved to the bottom of second column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); // should not be draggable expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["yopABC", "gnapGHI"]); expect.verifySteps([]); }); test("prevent drag and drop if grouped by date/datetime field", async () => { Partner._records[0].date = "2017-01-08"; Partner._records[1].date = "2017-01-09"; Partner._records[2].date = "2017-02-08"; Partner._records[3].date = "2017-02-10"; Partner._records[0].datetime = "2017-01-08 10:55:05"; Partner._records[1].datetime = "2017-01-09 11:31:10"; Partner._records[2].datetime = "2017-02-08 09:20:25"; Partner._records[3].datetime = "2017-02-10 08:05:51"; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, groupBy: ["date:month"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "1st column should contain 2 records of January month", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "2nd column should contain 2 records of February month", }); // drag&drop a record in another column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); // should not drag&drop record expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "Should remain same records in first column (2 records)", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "Should remain same records in 2nd column (2 record)", }); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Datetime"); await toggleMenuItemOption("GroupBy Datetime", "Month"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "1st column should contain 2 records of January month", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "2nd column should contain 2 records of February month", }); // drag&drop a record in another column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); // should not drag&drop record expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "Should remain same records in first column(2 records)", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "Should remain same records in 2nd column(2 record)", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("prevent drag and drop if grouped by many2many field", async () => { Partner._records[0].category_ids = [6, 7]; Partner._records[3].category_ids = [7]; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, groupBy: ["category_ids"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_column_title:first").toHaveText("gold\n(2)", { message: "first column should have correct title", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_column_title:first").toHaveText("silver\n(3)", { message: "second column should have correct title", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); // drag&drop a record in another column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); // Sanity check: groupby a non m2m field and check dragdrop is working await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy State"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group .o_column_title")).toEqual([ "ABC\n(1)", "DEF\n(1)", "GHI\n(2)", ]); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1, { message: "first column should have 1 record", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "last column should have 2 records", }); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:last-child" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0, { message: "first column should not contain records", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3, { message: "last column should contain 3 records", }); }); test("Ensuring each progress bar has some space", async () => { Partner._records = [ { id: 1, foo: "blip", state: "def", }, { id: 2, foo: "blip", state: "abc", }, ]; for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Partner._records.push({ id: 3 + i, foo: "blip", state: "ghi", }); } await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["foo"], }); expect(getKanbanProgressBars(0).map((pb) =>["5%", "5%", "90%"]); }); test("completely prevent drag and drop if records_draggable set to false", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); // testing initial state expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["yop", "gnap", "blip", "blip"]); expect(".o_draggable").toHaveCount(0); // attempt to drag&drop a record in another column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); // should not drag&drop record expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "First column should still contain 2 records", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "Second column should still contain 2 records", }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["yop", "gnap", "blip", "blip"], { message: "Records should not have moved", }); // attempt to drag&drop a record in the same column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record:last-of-type" ); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["yop", "gnap", "blip", "blip"], { message: "Records should not have moved", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("prevent drag and drop of record if save fails", async () => { expect.errors(1); onRpc("partner", "web_save", () => { throw new Error("Save failed"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // drag&drop a record in another column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); // should not be dropped, card should reset back to first column expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifyErrors(["Save failed"]); }); test("kanban view with default_group_by", async () => { expect.assertions(7); Partner._records[0].product_id = 1; Product._records.push({ id: 1, display_name: "third product" }); let readGroupCount = 0; onRpc("web_read_group", ({ kwargs }) => { readGroupCount++; switch (readGroupCount) { case 1: return expect(kwargs.groupby).toEqual(["bar"]); case 2: return expect(kwargs.groupby).toEqual(["product_id"]); case 3: return expect(kwargs.groupby).toEqual(["bar"]); } }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); // simulate an update coming from the searchview, with another groupby given await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Product"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); // simulate an update coming from the searchview, removing the previously set groupby await contains(".o_searchview_facet .o_facet_remove").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("kanban view not groupable", async () => { patchWithCleanup(kanbanView, { searchMenuTypes: ["filter", "favorite"] }); onRpc("web_read_group", () => { expect.step("web_read_group"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, context: { search_default_itsName: 1 }, }); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").not.toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_control_panel div.o_search_options div.o_group_by_menu").toHaveCount(0); expect(getFacetTexts()).toEqual([]); // validate presence of the search arch info await toggleSearchBarMenu(); expect(".o_filter_menu .o_menu_item").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([]); }); test("kanban view with create=False", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(0); }); test("kanban view with create=False and groupby", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_quick_add").toHaveCount(0); }); test("clicking on a link triggers correct event", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
Edit `, selectRecord: (resId, { mode }) => { expect(resId).toBe(1); expect(mode).toBe("edit"); }, }); await contains("a", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) }).click(); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("environment is updated when (un)folding groups", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "2", "4"]); // fold the second group and check that the res_ids it contains are no // longer in the environment const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Fold"); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3"]); // re-open the second group and check that the res_ids it contains are // back in the environment await contains(getKanbanColumn(1)).click(); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "2", "4"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("create a column in grouped on m2o", async () => { onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", async (request) => { expect.step("/web/dataset/resequence"); const { params } = await request.json(); expect.step(params.ids.toString()); }); onRpc("name_create", () => { expect.step("name_create"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have a quick create column", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create input").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the input should not be visible", }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_column_quick_create input").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the input should be visible", }); // discard the column creation and click it again await press("Escape"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_column_quick_create input").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the input should not be visible", }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_column_quick_create input").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the input should be visible", }); await editKanbanColumnName("new value"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); expect( queryAll(".o_column_title:contains(new value)", { root: getKanbanColumn(2) }) ).toHaveCount(1, { message: "the last column should be the newly created one", }); expect(!!getKanbanColumn(2), { message: "the created column should have an associated id", }); expect(getKanbanColumn(2)).not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded", { message: "the created column should not be folded", }); expect.verifySteps(["name_create", "/web/dataset/resequence", "3,5,6"]); // fold and unfold the created column, and check that no RPCs are done (as there are no records) const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(2); await clickColumnAction("Fold"); expect(getKanbanColumn(2)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); await click(getKanbanColumn(2)); await animationFrame(); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); // no rpc should have been done when folding/unfolding expect.verifySteps([]); // quick create a record await createKanbanRecord(); expect(queryOne(".o_kanban_quick_create", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); }); test("create a column in grouped on m2o without sequence field on view model", async () => { delete Partner._fields.sequence; onRpc("name_create", () => { expect.step("name_create"); }); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", async (request) => { expect.step("resequence"); const { params } = await request.json(); expect.step(params.ids.toString()); return true; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have a quick create column", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create input").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the input should not be visible", }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("new value"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect.verifySteps(["name_create", "resequence", "3,5,6"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("auto fold group when reach the limit", async () => { for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { Product._records.push({ id: 8 + i, name: `column ${i}` }); Partner._records.push({ id: 20 + i, foo: "dumb entry", product_id: 8 + i }); } onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { const result = parent(); result.groups[2].__fold = true; result.groups[8].__fold = true; return result; }); onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { expect.step(`web_search_read domain: ${kwargs.domain}`); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); // we look if column are folded/unfolded according to what is expected expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(3)).not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(9)).not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(2)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(8)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); // we look if columns are actually folded after we reached the limit expect(getKanbanColumn(12)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(13)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); // we look if we have the right count of folded/unfolded column expect(".o_kanban_group:not(.o_column_folded)").toHaveCount(10); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_column_folded").toHaveCount(4); expect.verifySteps([ "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,3", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,5", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,9", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,10", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,11", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,12", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,13", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,15", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,16", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,17", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("auto fold group when reach the limit (2)", async () => { // this test is similar to the previous one, except that in this one, // read_group sets the __fold key on each group, even those that are // unfolded, which could make subtle differences in the code for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { Product._records.push({ id: 8 + i, name: `column ${i}` }); Partner._records.push({ id: 20 + i, foo: "dumb entry", product_id: 8 + i }); } onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { const result = parent(); for (let i = 0; i < result.groups.length; i++) { result.groups[i].__fold = i == 2 || i == 8; } return result; }); onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { expect.step(`web_search_read domain: ${kwargs.domain}`); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); // we look if column are folded/unfolded according to what is expected expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(3)).not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(9)).not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(2)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(8)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); // we look if columns are actually folded after we reached the limit expect(getKanbanColumn(12)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(13)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); // we look if we have the right count of folded/unfolded column expect(".o_kanban_group:not(.o_column_folded)").toHaveCount(10); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_column_folded").toHaveCount(4); expect.verifySteps([ "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,3", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,5", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,9", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,10", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,11", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,12", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,13", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,15", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,16", "web_search_read domain: product_id,=,17", ]); }); test.tags("desktop", "focus required"); test("show/hide help message (ESC) in quick create", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await animationFrame(); // Wait for the autofocus to trigger after the update expect(".o_discard_msg").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the ESC to discard message is visible" }); // click outside the column (to lose focus) await click(".o_kanban_header"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_discard_msg").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the ESC to discard message is no longer visible", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("delete a column in grouped on m2o", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); let resequencedIDs = []; onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", async (request) => { const { params } = await request.json(); resequencedIDs = params.ids; expect(resequencedIDs.filter(isNaN).length).toBe(0, { message: "column resequenced should be existing records with IDs", }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); // check the initial rendering expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "should have two columns" }); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toBe("hello\n(2)"); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toBe("xmo\n(2)"); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(2, { message: "second column should have two records", }); // check available actions in kanban header's config dropdown await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_toggle_fold", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) })).toHaveCount( 1, { message: "should be able to fold the column", } ); expect(queryAll(".o_column_edit", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) })).toHaveCount(1, { message: "should be able to edit the column", }); expect(queryAll(".o_column_delete", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) })).toHaveCount(1, { message: "should be able to delete the column", }); expect( queryAll(".o_column_archive_records", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }) ).toHaveCount(0, { message: "should not be able to archive all the records" }); expect(queryAll(".o_column_unarchive_records", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(0, { message: "should not be able to restore all the records", }); // delete second column (first cancel the confirm request, then confirm) let clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Delete"); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-secondary").click(); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toBe("xmo\n(2)"); clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Delete"); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toBe("hello\n(2)"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "should still have two columns" }); expect(getKanbanColumn(0).querySelector(".o_column_title")).toHaveText("None\n(2)", { message: "first column should have no id (Undefined column)", }); // check available actions on 'Undefined' column await click(getKanbanColumn(0)); await animationFrame(); await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_toggle_fold", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) })).toHaveCount( 1, { message: "should be able to fold the column", } ); expect(queryAll(".o_column_edit", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) })).toHaveCount(0, { message: "should be able to edit the column", }); expect(queryAll(".o_column_delete", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) })).toHaveCount(0, { message: "should not be able to delete the column", }); expect( queryAll(".o_column_archive_records", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }) ).toHaveCount(0, { message: "should not be able to archive all the records" }); expect( queryAll(".o_column_unarchive_records", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(0) }) ).toHaveCount(0, { message: "should not be able to restore all the records" }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "unlink", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "the old groups should have been correctly deleted", }); // test column drag and drop having an 'Undefined' column expect(getKanbanColumn(0)).not.toHaveClass("o_group_draggable"); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_column_title").dragAndDrop( queryAll(".o_kanban_group")[1] ); expect(resequencedIDs).toEqual([], { message: "resequencing require at least 2 not Undefined columns", }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("once third column"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect.verifySteps(["name_create", "/web/dataset/resequence"]); expect(resequencedIDs).toEqual([3, 4], { message: "creating a column should trigger a resequence", }); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_column_title").dragAndDrop( queryAll(".o_kanban_group")[2] ); expect(resequencedIDs).toEqual([3, 4], { message: "moving the Undefined column should not affect order of other columns", }); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_group_draggable"); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_column_title").dragAndDrop( queryAll(".o_kanban_group")[2] ); expect.verifySteps(["/web/dataset/resequence"]); expect(resequencedIDs).toEqual([4, 3], { message: "moved column should be resequenced accordingly", }); }); test("create a column, delete it and create another one", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("new column 1"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(2); await clickColumnAction("Delete"); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("new column 2"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); expect(getKanbanColumn(2).querySelector("div")).toHaveText("new column 2\n(0)", { message: "the last column should be the newly created one", }); }); test("delete an empty column, then a column with records.", async () => { let firstLoad = true; onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { // override read_group to return an extra empty groups const result = parent(); if (firstLoad) { result.groups.unshift({ __domain: [["product_id", "=", 7]], product_id: [7, "empty group"], product_id_count: 0, }); result.length = 3; firstLoad = false; } return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_column_title:contains('empty group')").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_column_title:contains('hello')").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_column_title:contains('None')").toHaveCount(0); // Delete the empty group let clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(); await clickColumnAction("Delete"); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); // Delete the group 'hello' clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(); await clickColumnAction("Delete"); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); // None of the previous groups should be present inside the view. Instead, a 'none' column should be displayed. expect(".o_kanban_header span:contains('empty group')").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_header span:contains('hello')").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_header .o_column_title:contains('None')").toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("edit a column in grouped on m2o", async () => { Product._views["form,false"] = `
`; onRpc(() => { nbRPCs++; }); let nbRPCs = 0; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toBe("xmo\n(2)"); // edit the title of column [5, 'xmo'] and close without saving let clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Edit"); expect(".modal .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .o_form_editable input").toHaveValue("xmo"); await contains(".modal .o_form_editable input").edit("ged"); nbRPCs = 0; await contains(".modal-header .btn-close").click(); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toBe("xmo\n(2)"); expect(nbRPCs).toBe(0, { message: "no RPC should have been done" }); // edit the title of column [5, 'xmo'] and discard clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Edit"); await contains(".modal .o_form_editable input").edit("ged"); nbRPCs = 0; await contains(".modal button.o_form_button_cancel").click(); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toBe("xmo\n(2)"); expect(nbRPCs).toBe(0, { message: "no RPC should have been done" }); // edit the title of column [5, 'xmo'] and save clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Edit"); await contains(".modal .o_form_editable input").edit("ged"); nbRPCs = 0; await click(".modal .o_form_button_save"); // click on save await animationFrame(); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the modal should be closed" }); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toBe("ged\n(2)"); expect(nbRPCs).toBe(4, { message: "should have done 1 write, 1 read_group and 2 search_read" }); }); test("edit a column propagates right context", async () => { expect.assertions(4); Product._views["form,false"] = `
`; serverState.lang = "nb_NO"; onRpc(({ method, model, kwargs }) => { if (model === "partner" && method === "web_search_read") { expect(kwargs.context.lang).toBe("nb_NO", { message: "lang is present in context for partner operations", }); } else if (model === "product") { expect(kwargs.context.lang).toBe("nb_NO", { message: "lang is present in context for product operations", }); } }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Edit"); }); test("quick create column should be opened if there is no column", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], domain: [["foo", "=", "norecord"]], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_column_quick_create input").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should be opened", }); }); test("quick create column should close on window click if there is no column", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], domain: [["foo", "=", "norecord"]], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_column_quick_create input").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the quick create should be opened", }); // click outside should not discard quick create column await contains(".o_kanban_example_background_container").click(); expect(".o_column_quick_create input").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the quick create should be closed", }); }); test("quick create several columns in a row", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "should have two columns" }); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have a ColumnQuickCreate widget", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_folded:visible").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the ColumnQuickCreate should be folded", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_unfolded:visible").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the ColumnQuickCreate should be folded", }); // add a new column await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_folded:visible").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the ColumnQuickCreate should be unfolded", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_unfolded:visible").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the ColumnQuickCreate should be unfolded", }); await editKanbanColumnName("New Column 1"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3, { message: "should now have three columns" }); // add another column expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_folded:visible").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the ColumnQuickCreate should still be unfolded", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_unfolded:visible").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the ColumnQuickCreate should still be unfolded", }); await editKanbanColumnName("New Column 2"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(4); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create column with enter", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await edit("New Column 1"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create column and examples", async () => { registry.category("kanban_examples").add("test", { allowedGroupBys: ["product_id"], examples: [ { name: "A first example", columns: ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"], description: "A weak description.", }, { name: "A second example", columns: ["Col 1", "Col 2"], description: `A fantastic description.`, }, ], }); after(() => registry.category("kanban_examples").remove("test")); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have quick create available", }); // open the quick create await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_kanban_examples:visible").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have a link to see examples", }); // click to see the examples await contains(".o_column_quick_create .o_kanban_examples").click(); expect(".modal .o_kanban_examples_dialog").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have open the examples dialog", }); expect(".modal .o_notebook_headers li").toHaveCount(2, { message: "should have two examples (in the menu)", }); expect(".modal .o_notebook_headers").toHaveText("A first example\nA second example", { message: "example names should be correct", }); expect(".modal .o_notebook_content .tab-pane").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have only rendered one page", }); const firstPane = queryFirst(".modal .o_notebook_content .tab-pane"); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_examples_group", { root: firstPane })).toHaveCount(3); expect(queryAllTexts("h6", { root: firstPane })).toEqual(["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"], { message: "column titles should be correct", }); expect(queryFirst(".o_kanban_examples_description", { root: firstPane })).toHaveInnerHTML( "A weak description.", { message: "An escaped description should be displayed" } ); await contains(".nav-item:nth-child(2) .nav-link").click(); const secondPane = queryFirst(".o_notebook_content"); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_examples_group", { root: firstPane })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAllTexts("h6", { root: secondPane })).toEqual(["Col 1", "Col 2"], { message: "column titles should be correct", }); expect(secondPane.querySelector(".o_kanban_examples_description").innerHTML).toBe( "A fantastic description.", { message: "A formatted description should be displayed." } ); }); test("quick create column with x_name as _rec_name", async () => { Product._rec_name = "x_name"; Product._fields.x_name = fields.Char(); Product._records = [ { id: 3, x_name: "hello" }, { id: 5, x_name: "xmo" }, ]; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("New Column 1"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3, { message: "should now have three columns" }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("count of folded groups in empty kanban with sample data", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", () => { return { groups: [ { product_id: [1, "New"], product_id_count: 0, __domain: [], }, { product_id: [2, "In Progress"], product_id_count: 0, __domain: [], __fold: true, }, ], length: 2, }; }); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], domain: [["id", "<", 0]], }); expect(queryFirst(".o_content")).toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record").length > 0).toBe(true, { message: "should contain sample records", }); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group")).toEqual(["New", "In Progress"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create column and examples: with folded columns", async () => { registry.category("kanban_examples").add("test", { allowedGroupBys: ["product_id"], foldField: "folded", examples: [ { name: "A first example", columns: ["not folded"], foldedColumns: ["folded"], description: "A weak description.", }, ], }); after(() => registry.category("kanban_examples").remove("test")); Partner._records = []; Product._fields.folded = fields.Boolean(); onRpc(["name_create", "write"], ({ model, method, args }) => { expect.step(`${method} (model: ${model}):${JSON.stringify(args)}`); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); // the quick create should already be unfolded as there are no records expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_unfolded").toHaveCount(1); // click to see the examples await contains(".o_column_quick_create .o_kanban_examples").click(); // apply the examples expect.verifySteps([]); await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn.btn-primary").click(); expect.verifySteps([ 'name_create (model: product):["not folded"]', 'name_create (model: product):["folded"]', 'write (model: product):[[7],{"folded":true}]', ]); // the applied examples should be visible expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:not(.o_column_folded)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_column_folded").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group")).toEqual(["not folded\n(0)", "folded"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create column's apply button's display text", async () => { const applyExamplesText = "Use This For My Test"; registry.category("kanban_examples").add("test", { allowedGroupBys: ["product_id"], applyExamplesText: applyExamplesText, examples: [ { name: "A first example", columns: ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"], }, { name: "A second example", columns: ["Col 1", "Col 2"], }, ], }); after(() => registry.category("kanban_examples").remove("test")); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); // open the quick create await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); // click to see the examples await contains(".o_column_quick_create .o_kanban_examples").click(); expect(".modal footer.modal-footer button.btn-primary").toHaveText(applyExamplesText, { message: "the primary button should display the value of applyExamplesText", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("create column and examples background with ghostColumns titles", async () => { registry.category("kanban_examples").add("test", { allowedGroupBys: ["product_id"], ghostColumns: ["Ghost 1", "Ghost 2", "Ghost 3", "Ghost 4"], examples: [ { name: "A first example", columns: ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"], }, { name: "A second example", columns: ["Col 1", "Col 2"], }, ], }); after(() => registry.category("kanban_examples").remove("test")); Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_example_background").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have ExamplesBackground when no data", }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_examples_group h6")).toEqual([ "Ghost 1", "Ghost 2", "Ghost 3", "Ghost 4", ]); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have a ColumnQuickCreate widget", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_kanban_examples:visible").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should not have a link to see examples as there is no examples registered", }); }); test("create column and examples background without ghostColumns titles", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_example_background").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have ExamplesBackground when no data", }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_examples_group h6")).toEqual([ "Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3", "Column 4", ]); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have a ColumnQuickCreate widget", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_kanban_examples:visible").toHaveCount(0, { message: "should not have a link to see examples as there is no examples registered", }); }); test("nocontent helper after adding a record (kanban with progressbar)", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", () => { return { groups: [ { __domain: [["product_id", "=", 3]], product_id_count: 0, product_id: [3, "hello"], }, ], }; }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], domain: [["foo", "=", "abcd"]], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the nocontent helper is displayed" }); // add a record await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "twilight sparkle"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the nocontent helper is not displayed after quick create", }); // cancel quick create await discardKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the nocontent helper is not displayed after cancelling the quick create", }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "onchange", "name_create", "web_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "onchange", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("ungrouped kanban view can be grouped, then ungrouped", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").not.toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Product"); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Product"); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").not.toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); }); test("no content helper when archive all records in kanban group", async () => { // add active field on partner model to have archive option = fields.Boolean({ default: true }); // remove last records to have only one column Partner._records = Partner._records.slice(0, 3); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, noContentHelp: '

click to add a partner

', groupBy: ["bar"], }); // check that the (unique) column contains 3 records expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); // archive the records of the last column const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); await clickColumnAction("Archive All"); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); // check no content helper is exist expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("no content helper when no data", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, noContentHelp: '

click to add a partner

', }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should display the no content helper" }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveText('

click to add a partner

', { message: "should have rendered no content helper from action", }); MockServer.env["partner"].create([{ foo: "new record" }]); await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "should not display the no content helper", }); }); test("no nocontent helper for grouped kanban with empty groups", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ kwargs, parent }) { // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) const result = parent(); for (const group of result.groups) { group[kwargs.groupby[0] + "_count"] = 0; } return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "there should be two columns" }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no records" }); }); test("no nocontent helper for grouped kanban with no records", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no columns" }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no records" }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no nocontent helper (we are in 'column creation mode')", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1, { message: "there should be a column quick create", }); }); test("no nocontent helper is shown when no longer creating column", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no nocontent helper (we are in 'column creation mode')", }); // creating a new column await editKanbanColumnName("applejack"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no nocontent helper (still in 'column creation mode')", }); // leaving column creation mode await press("Escape"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1, { message: "there should be a nocontent helper" }); }); test("no nocontent helper is hidden when quick creating a column", async () => { Partner._records = []; onRpc("web_read_group", () => { return { groups: [ { __domain: [["product_id", "=", 3]], product_id_count: 0, product_id: [3, "hello"], }, ], length: 1, }; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1, { message: "there should be a nocontent helper" }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no nocontent helper (we are in 'column creation mode')", }); }); test("remove nocontent helper after adding a record", async () => { Partner._records = []; onRpc("web_read_group", () => { return { groups: [ { __domain: [["product_id", "=", 3]], product_id_count: 0, product_id: [3, "hello"], }, ], length: 1, }; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1, { message: "there should be a nocontent helper" }); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "twilight sparkle"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no nocontent helper (there is now one record)", }); }); test("remove nocontent helper when adding a record", async () => { Partner._records = []; onRpc("web_read_group", () => { return { groups: [ { __domain: [["product_id", "=", 3]], product_id_count: 0, product_id: [3, "hello"], }, ], length: 1, }; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1, { message: "there should be a nocontent helper" }); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "twilight sparkle"); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no nocontent helper (there is now one record)", }); }); test("nocontent helper is displayed again after canceling quick create", async () => { Partner._records = []; onRpc("web_read_group", () => { return { groups: [ { __domain: [["product_id", "=", 3]], product_id_count: 0, product_id: [3, "hello"], }, ], length: 1, }; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await press("Escape"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1, { message: "there should be again a nocontent helper", }); }); test("nocontent helper for grouped kanban (on m2o field) with no records with no group_create", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no columns" }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should be no records" }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should not be a nocontent helper", }); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should not be a column quick create", }); }); test("nocontent helper for grouped kanban (on date field) with no records with no group_create", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["date"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_example_background").toHaveCount(0); }); test("empty grouped kanban with sample data and no columns", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_quick_create_unfolded").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_example_background_container").toHaveCount(1); }); test("empty kanban with sample data grouped by date range (fill temporal)", async () => { Partner._records = []; onRpc("web_read_group", () => { // Simulate fill temporal return { groups: [ { date_count: 0, state: false, "date:month": "December 2022", __range: { "date:month": { from: "2022-12-01", to: "2023-01-01", }, }, __domain: [ ["date", ">=", "2022-12-01"], ["date", "<", "2023-01-01"], ], }, ], length: 1, }; }); await mountView({ arch: `
`, groupBy: ["date:month"], resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group .o_column_title").toHaveText("December 2022"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(16); }); test("empty grouped kanban with sample data and click quick create", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ kwargs, parent }) { // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) const result = parent(); result.groups.forEach((group) => { group[`${kwargs.groupby[0]}_count`] = 0; }); return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "there should be two columns" }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(16, { message: "there should be 8 sample records by column", }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["hello", "xmo"]); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_content").not.toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_quick_create", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["hello\n(0)", "xmo\n(0)"]); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "twilight sparkle"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_content").not.toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["hello\n(1)", "xmo\n(0)"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record in grouped kanban with sample data", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ kwargs, parent }) { // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) const result = parent(); result.groups.forEach((group) => { group[`${kwargs.groupby[0]}_count`] = 0; }); return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "there should be two columns" }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(16, { message: "there should be 8 sample records by column", }); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_content").not.toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_load_more").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_quick_create", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); }); test("empty grouped kanban with sample data and cancel quick create", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ kwargs, parent }) { // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) const result = parent(); result.groups.forEach((group) => { group[`${kwargs.groupby[0]}_count`] = 0; }); return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "there should be two columns" }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(16, { message: "there should be 8 sample records by column", }); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_content").not.toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_quick_create", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_kanban_view").click(); expect(".o_content").not.toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("empty grouped kanban with sample data: keynav", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { const result = parent(); result.groups.forEach((g) => (g.product_id_count = 0)); return result; }); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(16); expect(document.activeElement).toHaveClass("o_searchview_input"); await press("ArrowDown"); await animationFrame(); expect(document.activeElement).toHaveClass("o_searchview_input"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("empty kanban with sample data", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(10, { message: "there should be 10 sample records", }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Match nothing"); expect(".o_content").not.toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); }); test("empty grouped kanban with sample data and many2many_tags", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ kwargs, parent }) { const result = parent(); // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) result.groups.forEach((group) => { group[`${kwargs.groupby[0]}_count`] = 0; }); return result; }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "there should be 2 'real' columns" }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record").length >= 1).toBe(true, { message: "there should be sample records", }); expect(queryAll(".o_field_many2many_tags .o_tag").length >= 1).toBe(true, { message: "there should be tags", }); // should not read the tags expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("sample data does not change after reload with sample data", async () => { Partner._views["kanban,false"] = ` `; Partner._views["search,false"] = ""; // list-view so that there is a view switcher, unused Partner._views["list,false"] = ''; onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ kwargs, parent }) { const result = parent(); // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) result.groups.forEach((group) => { group[`${kwargs.groupby[0]}_count`] = 0; }); return result; }); await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [ [false, "kanban"], [false, "list"], ], context: { group_by: ["product_id"], }, }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(16); const kanbanText = queryText(".o_kanban_view"); await contains(".o_control_panel .o_switch_view.o_kanban").click(); expect(".o_kanban_view").toHaveText(kanbanText, { message: "the content should be the same after reloading the view", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("non empty kanban with sample data", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_content").not.toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Match nothing"); expect(".o_content").not.toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(0); }); test("empty grouped kanban with sample data: add a column", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { const result = parent(); result.groups = => { return { product_id: [, r.display_name], product_id_count: 0, __domain: [["product_id", "=",]], }; }); result.length = result.groups.length; return result; }); await mountView({ arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record").length > 0).toBe(true, { message: "should contain sample records", }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("Yoohoo"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record").length > 0).toBe(true, { message: "should contain sample records", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("empty grouped kanban with sample data: cannot fold a column", async () => { // folding a column in grouped kanban with sample data is disabled, for the sake of simplicity onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ kwargs, parent }) { const result = parent(); // override read_group to return a single, empty group result.groups = result.groups.slice(0, 1); result.groups[0][`${kwargs.groupby[0]}_count`] = 0; result.length = 1; return result; }); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record").length > 0).toBe(true, { message: "should contain sample records", }); await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); expect(getDropdownMenu(".o_kanban_config").querySelector(".o_kanban_toggle_fold")).toHaveClass( "disabled" ); }); test("empty grouped kanban with sample data: delete a column", async () => { Partner._records = []; let groups = [ { product_id: [1, "New"], product_id_count: 0, __domain: [], }, ]; onRpc("web_read_group", () => { // override read_group to return a single, empty group return { groups, length: groups.length, }; }); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record").length > 0).toBe(true, { message: "should contain sample records", }); // Delete the first column groups = []; const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); await clickColumnAction("Delete"); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_unfolded").toHaveCount(1); }); test("empty grouped kanban with sample data: add a column and delete it right away", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { const result = parent(); result.groups = => { return { product_id: [, r.display_name], product_id_count: 0, __domain: [["product_id", "=",]], }; }); result.length = result.groups.length; return result; }); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record").length > 0).toBe(true, { message: "should contain sample records", }); // add a new column await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("Yoohoo"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record").length > 0).toBe(true, { message: "should contain sample records", }); // delete the column we just created const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(2); await clickColumnAction("Delete"); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record").length > 0).toBe(true, { message: "should contain sample records", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("kanban with sample data: do an on_create action", async () => { Partner._records = []; Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { type: "ir.actions.act_window", name: "Archive Action", res_model: "partner", view_mode: "form", target: "new", views: [[false, "form"]], }; }); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(10, { message: "there should be 10 sample records", }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click(); expect(".o_content").not.toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(0); }); test("kanban with sample data grouped by m2o and existing groups", async () => { Partner._records = []; onRpc("web_read_group", () => { return { groups: [ { product_id_count: 0, product_id: [3, "hello"], __domain: [["product_id", "=", "3"]], }, ], length: 2, }; }); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_content").toHaveClass("o_view_sample_data"); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:first .o_column_title").toHaveText("hello"); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(16); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveText("hello"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("bounce create button when no data and click on empty area", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, noContentHelp: "click to add a partner", }); await contains(".o_kanban_view").click(); expect(".o-kanban-button-new").not.toHaveClass("o_catch_attention"); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Match nothing"); await contains(".o_kanban_renderer").click(); expect(".o-kanban-button-new").toHaveClass("o_catch_attention"); }); test("buttons with modifiers", async () => { Partner._records[1].bar = false; // so that test is more complete await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o_btn_test_1").toHaveCount(1, { message: "kanban should have one buttons of type 1" }); expect(".o_btn_test_2").toHaveCount(3, { message: "kanban should have three buttons of type 2", }); }); test("support styling of anchor tags with action type", async function (assert) { expect.assertions(3); mockService("action", { doActionButton(action) { expect("42"); }, }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); await click("a[type='action']"); expect("a[type='action']:first").toHaveClass("btn-primary"); expect(queryFirst("a[type='action']").style.marginLeft).toBe("10px"); }); test("button executes action and reloads", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); let count = 0; mockService("action", { async doActionButton({ onClose }) { count++; await animationFrame(); onClose(); }, }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); expect("button.a1").toHaveCount(4); expect("button.a1:first").not.toHaveAttribute("disabled"); await click("button.a1"); expect("button.a1:first").toHaveAttribute("disabled"); await animationFrame(); expect("button.a1:first").not.toHaveAttribute("disabled"); expect(count).toBe(1, { message: "should have triggered an execute action only once" }); // the records should be reloaded after executing a button action expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read"]); }); test("button executes action and check domain", async () => { = fields.Boolean({ default: true }); for (let i = 0; i < Partner.length; i++) { Partner._records[i].active = true; } mockService("action", { doActionButton({ onClose }) { Partner._records[0].active = false; onClose(); }, }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); expect(queryText("span", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) })).toBe("yop", { message: "should display 'yop' record", }); await contains("button.toggle-active", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) }).click(); expect(queryText("span", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) })).not.toBe("yop", { message: "should have removed 'yop' record from the view", }); }); test("field tag with modifiers but no widget", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:first").toHaveText(""); expect(".o_kanban_record:eq(1)").toHaveText("blip"); }); test("field tag with widget and class attributes", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_field_widget.hi").toHaveCount(4); }); test("rendering date and datetime (value)", async () => { Partner._records[0].date = "2017-01-25"; Partner._records[1].datetime = "2016-12-12 10:55:05"; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }).querySelector(".date")).toHaveText("01/25/2017"); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 }).querySelector(".datetime")).toHaveText( "12/12/2016 11:55:05" ); }); test("rendering date and datetime (raw value)", async () => { Partner._records[0].date = "2017-01-25"; Partner._records[1].datetime = "2016-12-12 10:55:05"; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }).querySelector(".date")).toHaveText( "2017-01-25T00:00:00.000+01:00" ); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 }).querySelector(".datetime")).toHaveText( "2016-12-12T11:55:05.000+01:00" ); }); test("rendering many2one (value)", async () => { Partner._records[1].product_id = false; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["hello", "", "hello", "xmo"]); }); test("rendering many2one (raw value)", async () => { Partner._records[1].product_id = false; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["3", "false", "3", "5"]); }); test("evaluate conditions on relational fields", async () => { Partner._records[0].product_id = false; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(4, { message: "there should be 4 records", }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost) .btn_a").toHaveCount(1, { message: "only 1 of them should have the 'Action' button", }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost) .btn_b").toHaveCount(2, { message: "only 2 of them should have the 'Action' button", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("resequence columns in grouped by m2o", async () => { Product._fields.sequence = fields.Integer(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanColumn(0).querySelector(".o_column_title")).toHaveText("hello\n(2)"); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "2", "4"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)"); // Drag & drop on column (not title) should not work expect(getKanbanColumn(0).querySelector(".o_column_title")).toHaveText("hello\n(2)"); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "2", "4"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_column_title").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(getKanbanColumn(0).querySelector(".o_column_title")).toHaveText("xmo\n(2)"); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["2", "4", "1", "3"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("resequence all when creating new record + partial resequencing", async () => { let resequenceOffset; onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", async (request) => { const { params } = await request.json(); expect.step(JSON.stringify({ ids: params.ids, offset: params.offset })); resequenceOffset = params.offset || 0; return true; }); onRpc("read", ({ args }) => { // Important to simulate the server returning the new sequence. const [ids, fields] = args; return, index) => ({ id, [fields[0]]: resequenceOffset + index, })); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("foo"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect.verifySteps([JSON.stringify({ ids: [3, 5, 6] })]); await editKanbanColumnName("bar"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect.verifySteps([JSON.stringify({ ids: [3, 5, 6, 7] })]); await editKanbanColumnName("baz"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect.verifySteps([JSON.stringify({ ids: [3, 5, 6, 7, 8] })]); await editKanbanColumnName("boo"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect.verifySteps([JSON.stringify({ ids: [3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] })]); // When rearranging, only resequence the affected records. In this example, // dragging column 2 to column 4 should only resequence [5, 6, 7] to [6, 7, 5] // with offset 1. await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_column_title").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(4)" ); expect.verifySteps([JSON.stringify({ ids: [6, 7, 5], offset: 1 })]); }); test("prevent resequence columns if groups_draggable=false", async () => { Product._fields.sequence = fields.Integer(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanColumn(0).querySelector(".o_column_title")).toHaveText("hello\n(2)"); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "2", "4"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)"); // Drag & drop on column (not title) should not work expect(getKanbanColumn(0).querySelector(".o_column_title")).toHaveText("hello\n(2)"); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "2", "4"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_column_title").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(getKanbanColumn(0).querySelector(".o_column_title")).toHaveText("hello\n(2)"); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "2", "4"]); }); test("open config dropdown on kanban with records and groups draggable off", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_config").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o-dropdown--menu").toHaveCount(0); await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); expect(".o-dropdown--menu").toHaveCount(1); }); test("properly evaluate more complex domains", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect("button.float-end.oe_kanban_action").toHaveCount(1, { message: "only one button should be visible", }); }); test("kanban with color attribute", async () => { Category._records[0].color = 5; Category._records[1].color = 6; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "category", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })).toHaveClass("o_kanban_color_5"); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 })).toHaveClass("o_kanban_color_6"); }); test("edit the kanban color with the colorpicker", async () => { Category._records[0].color = 12; onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => { expect.step(`write-color-${args[1].color}`); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "category", arch: ` `, }); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(0); expect(".o_kanban_record.o_kanban_color_12").toHaveCount(0, { message: "no record should have the color 12", }); expect( queryAll(".o_kanban_colorpicker", { root: getDropdownMenu(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })) }) ).toHaveCount(1); expect( queryAll(".o_kanban_colorpicker > *", { root: getDropdownMenu(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })), }) ).toHaveCount(12, { message: "the color picker should have 12 children (the colors)" }); await contains(".o_kanban_colorpicker a.o_kanban_color_9").click(); // should write on the color field expect.verifySteps(["write-color-9"]); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })).toHaveClass("o_kanban_color_9"); }); test("kanban with colorpicker and node with color attribute", async () => { Category._fields.colorpickerField = fields.Integer(); Category._records[0].colorpickerField = 3; onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => { expect.step(`write-color-${args[1].colorpickerField}`); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "category", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })).toHaveClass("o_kanban_color_3"); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(0); await contains(`.o_kanban_colorpicker li[title="Raspberry"] a.o_kanban_color_9`).click(); // should write on the color field expect.verifySteps(["write-color-9"]); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })).toHaveClass("o_kanban_color_9"); }); test("edit the kanban color with translated colors resulting in the same terms", async () => { Category._records[0].color = 12; const translations = { Purple: "Violet", Violet: "Violet", }; defineParams({ translations }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "category", arch: ` `, }); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(0); await contains(".o_kanban_colorpicker a.o_kanban_color_9").click(); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })).toHaveClass("o_kanban_color_9"); }); test("colorpicker doesn't appear when missing access rights", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "category", arch: ` `, }); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(0); expect(".o_kanban_colorpicker").toHaveCount(0); }); test("load more records in column", async () => { onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { expect.step(`${kwargs.limit} - ${kwargs.offset}`); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], limit: 2, }); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(2, { message: "there should be 2 records in the column", }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1", "2"]); // load more await clickKanbanLoadMore(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(3, { message: "there should now be 3 records in the column", }); // the records should be correctly fetched expect.verifySteps(["2 - 0", "2 - 0", "4 - 0"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1", "2", "3"]); // reload await validateSearch(); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(3, { message: "there should still be 3 records in the column after reload", }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1", "2", "3"]); expect.verifySteps(["2 - 0", "4 - 0"]); }); test("load more records in column with x2many", async () => { Partner._records[0].category_ids = [7]; Partner._records[1].category_ids = []; Partner._records[2].category_ids = [6]; Partner._records[3].category_ids = []; // record [2] will be loaded after onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { expect.step(`web_search_read ${kwargs.limit}-${kwargs.offset}`); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], limit: 2, }); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAllTexts("[name='category_ids']", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toEqual([ "silver", "", ]); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read 2-0", "web_search_read 2-0"]); // load more await clickKanbanLoadMore(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(3); expect(queryAllTexts("[name='category_ids']", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toEqual([ "silver", "", "gold", ]); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read 4-0"]); }); test("update buttons after column creation", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(0); await editKanbanColumnName("new column"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_control_panel_main_buttons button.o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("group_by_tooltip option when grouping on a many2one", async () => { Partner._records[3].product_id = false; onRpc("read", ({ args }) => { expect.step("read: product"); expect(args[1]).toEqual(["display_name", "name"], { message: "should read on specified fields on the group by relation", }); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "should have 2 columns" }); // simulate an update coming from the searchview, with another groupby given await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("GroupBy Product"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3, { message: "should have 3 columns" }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first").toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); await contains(".o_kanban_group").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3, { message: "should have 3 columns" }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first").not.toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(2) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toBe("None\n(1)", { message: "first column should have a default title for when no value is provided", }); await hover(".o_column_title"); await runAllTimers(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(0, { message: "tooltip of first column should not defined, since group_by_tooltip title and the many2one field has no value", }); // should not have done any read on product because no value expect.verifySteps([]); await hover(".o_column_title:eq(1)"); await runAllTimers(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(1, { message: "second column should have a tooltip with the group_by_tooltip title and many2one field value", }); expect(".o-tooltip:first").toHaveText("Kikou\nhello"); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_column_title").toHaveText("hello\n(2)", { message: "second column should have a title with a value from the many2one", }); // should have done one read on product for the second column tooltip expect.verifySteps(["read: product"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("asynchronous tooltips when grouped", async () => { const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("read", () => { expect.step("read: product"); return def; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_column_title").toHaveCount(2); await hover(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_header_title .o_column_title"); await runAllTimers(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(0); await leave(); await runAllTimers(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(0); await hover(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_header_title .o_column_title"); await runAllTimers(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(0); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveText("Name\nhello"); expect.verifySteps(["read: product"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("loads data tooltips only when first opening", async () => { onRpc("read", () => { expect.step("read: product"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); await hover(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_header_title .o_column_title"); await await runAllTimers(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveText("Name\nhello"); expect.verifySteps(["read: product"]); await leave(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(0, { message: "tooltip should be closed" }); await hover(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_header_title .o_column_title"); await runAllTimers(); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o-tooltip").toHaveText("Name\nhello"); expect.verifySteps([]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("move a record then put it again in the same column", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); await editKanbanColumnName("column1"); await validateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("column2"); await validateKanbanColumn(); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:first-child" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("resequence a record twice", async () => { Partner._records = []; const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { expect.step("resequence"); return def; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); await editKanbanColumnName("column1"); await validateKanbanColumn(); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "record1"); await validateKanbanRecord(); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "record2"); await validateKanbanRecord(); await discardKanbanRecord(); // close quick create expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["record2", "record1"], { message: "records should be correctly ordered", }); await contains(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(2)").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(3)"); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["record1", "record2"], { message: "records should be correctly ordered", }); await contains(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(3)").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(2)"); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["record2", "record1"], { message: "records should be correctly ordered", }); // should have resequenced twice expect.verifySteps(["resequence", "resequence"]); }); test("basic support for widgets (being Owl Components)", async () => { class MyComponent extends Component { static template = xml`
`; static props = ["*"]; get value() { return JSON.stringify(; } } const myComponent = { component: MyComponent, }; viewWidgetRegistry.add("test", myComponent); after(() => viewWidgetRegistry.remove("test")); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 2 }).querySelector(".o_widget")).toHaveText('{"foo":"gnap"}'); }); test("kanban card: record value should be updated", async () => { class MyComponent extends Component { static template = xml`
`; static props = ["*"]; onClick() { this.props.record.update({ foo: "yolo" }); } } const myComponent = { component: MyComponent, }; viewWidgetRegistry.add("test", myComponent); after(() => viewWidgetRegistry.remove("test")); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(queryText(".foo", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) })).toBe("yop"); await click(queryOne("button", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) })); await animationFrame(); await animationFrame(); expect(queryText(".foo", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) })).toBe("yolo"); }); test("column progressbars properly work", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_counter").toHaveCount(2, { message: "kanban counters should have been created", }); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "36"], { message: "counter should display the sum of int_field values", }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("filter on progressbar in new groups", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("new column 1"); await validateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("new column 2"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(4); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(2) })).toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(3) })).toHaveCount(0); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(2); await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("new record 1"); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(3); await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("new record 2"); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(2) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(3) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group_show_200").toHaveCount(0); await contains(".o_column_progress .progress-bar", { root: getKanbanColumn(2) }).click(); expect(".o_kanban_group_show_200").toHaveCount(1); expect(getKanbanColumn(2)).toHaveClass("o_kanban_group_show_200"); }); test('column progressbars: "false" bar is clickable', async () => { Partner._records.push({ id: 5, bar: true, foo: false, product_id: 5, state: "ghi", }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "4"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_column_progress .progress-bar").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_column_progress").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have false kanban color", }); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_column_progress").toHaveClass( "bg-200" ); await contains(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_column_progress").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_column_progress").toHaveClass( "progress-bar-animated" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child").toHaveClass("o_kanban_group_show_200"); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "1"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", ]); }); test('column progressbars: "false" bar with sum_field', async () => { Partner._records.push({ id: 5, bar: true, foo: false, int_field: 15, product_id: 5, state: "ghi", }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "51"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_column_progress").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_column_progress").toHaveClass( "progress-bar-animated" ); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "15"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_read_group", ]); }); test("column progressbars should not crash in non grouped views", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["yop", "blip", "gnap", "blip"]); // no read on progress bar data is done expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("column progressbars: creating a new column should create a new progressbar", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); // // FIXME: use stepAllNetworkCalls when fixed in hoot (return true/false) // onRpc(({ method }) => { // expect.step(method); // }); // onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { // expect.step("/web/dataset/resequence"); // }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_counter").toHaveCount(2); // Create a new column: this should create an empty progressbar await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); await editKanbanColumnName("test"); await validateKanbanColumn(); expect(".o_kanban_counter").toHaveCount(3, { message: "a new column with a new column progressbar should have been created", }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "name_create", "/web/dataset/resequence", ]); }); test("column progressbars on quick create properly update counter", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "3"]); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "Test"); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "3"]); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["2", "3"], { message: "kanban counters should have updated on quick create", }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "onchange", "name_create", "web_read", "read_progress_bar", "onchange", ]); }); test("column progressbars are working with load more", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", domain: [["bar", "=", true]], arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["1"]); await clickKanbanLoadMore(0); await clickKanbanLoadMore(0); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["1", "2", "3"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("column progressbars with an active filter are working with load more", async () => { Partner._records.push( { id: 5, bar: true, foo: "blork" }, { id: 6, bar: true, foo: "blork" }, { id: 7, bar: true, foo: "blork" } ); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", domain: [["bar", "=", true]], arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); await contains(".o_column_progress").click(); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["5"]); await clickKanbanLoadMore(0); await clickKanbanLoadMore(0); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["5", "6", "7"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("column progressbars on archiving records update counter", async () => { // add active field on partner model and make all records active = fields.Boolean({ default: true }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "36"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"], { message: "the counter progressbars should be correctly displayed", }); // archive all records of the second columns const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Archive All"); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); // confirm expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "0"]); expect(queryAll(".progress-bar", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(0, { message: "the counter progressbars should have been correctly updated", }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "action_archive", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("kanban with progressbars: correctly update env when archiving records", async () => { // add active field on partner model and make all records active = fields.Boolean({ default: true }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["4", "1", "2", "3"]); // archive all records of the first column const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); await clickColumnAction("Archive All"); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); // confirm expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "2", "3"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "action_archive", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("RPCs when (re)loading kanban view progressbars", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); await validateSearch(); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", // initial load "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", // reload "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("RPCs when (de)activating kanban view progressbar filters", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("web_read_group", ({ kwargs }) => { expect.step(`web_read_group domain ${JSON.stringify(kwargs.domain)}`); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); // Activate "yop" on second column await contains("", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) }).click(); // Activate "gnap" on second column await contains("", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) }).click(); // Deactivate "gnap" on second column await contains("", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) }).click(); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", // initial load "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_read_group domain []", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_read_group", // recomputes aggregates "web_search_read", 'web_read_group domain ["&",["bar","=",true],["foo","=","yop"]]', // perform read_group only on second column (bar=true) "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_read_group", "web_read_group domain []", 'web_read_group domain ["&",["bar","=",true],["foo","=","yop"]]', // activate filter "web_read_group", // recomputes aggregates "web_search_read", 'web_read_group domain ["&",["bar","=",true],["foo","=","gnap"]]', // perform read_group only on second column (bar=true) "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_read_group", "web_read_group domain []", 'web_read_group domain ["&",["bar","=",true],["foo","=","gnap"]]', // activate another filter (switching) "web_search_read", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("drag & drop records grouped by m2o with progressbar", async () => { Partner._records[0].product_id = false; stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); // Unfold first column await contains(getKanbanColumn(0)).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "1", "2"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["0", "2", "2"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:first-child" ); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "1", "2"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3)" ); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["0", "1", "3"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_save", "read_progress_bar", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read", "web_save", "read_progress_bar", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read", "web_save", "read_progress_bar", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("d&d records grouped by date with progressbar with aggregates", async () => { Partner._records[0].date = "2010-11-30"; Partner._records[1].date = "2010-11-30"; Partner._records[2].date = "2010-10-30"; Partner._records[3].date = "2010-10-30"; // Usually kanban views grouped by a date, cannot drag and drop. // There are some overrides that allow the drag and drop of dates (CRM forecast for instance). // This patch is done to simulate these overrides. patchWithCleanup(KanbanRenderer.prototype, { isMovableField() { return true; }, }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["date:month"], }); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["13", "19"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "36"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_save", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read", ]); }); test("progress bar subgroup count recompute", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "3"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .bg-success").click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "1"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("progress bar recompute after d&d to and from other column", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips()).toEqual(["1 blip", "1 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "3"]); // Drag the last kanban record to the first column await contains(".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record:nth-child(4)").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:first-child" ); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips()).toEqual(["1 gnap", "1 blip", "1 yop", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["2", "2"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_save", "read_progress_bar", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read", ]); }); test("progress bar recompute after filter selection", async () => { Partner._records.push({ foo: "yop", bar: true, float_field: 100 }); Partner._records.push({ foo: "yop", bar: true, float_field: 100 }); Partner._records.push({ foo: "yop", bar: true, float_field: 100 }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips()).toEqual(["1 blip", "4 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "6"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); await contains("", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) }).click(); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips()).toEqual(["1 blip", "4 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "4"]); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read", "read_progress_bar"]); // Add search domain to something restricting progressbars' values (records still in filtered group) await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("My filter"); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips()).toEqual(["3 yop"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["3"]); expect.verifySteps(["read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read"]); }); test("progress bar recompute after filter selection (aggregates)", async () => { Partner._records.push({ foo: "yop", bar: true, float_field: 100, int_field: 100 }); Partner._records.push({ foo: "yop", bar: true, float_field: 100, int_field: 200 }); Partner._records.push({ foo: "yop", bar: true, float_field: 100, int_field: 300 }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips()).toEqual(["1 blip", "4 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "636"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); await contains("", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) }).click(); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips()).toEqual(["1 blip", "4 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "610"]); expect.verifySteps([ "web_read_group", // recomputes aggregates "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_read_group", ]); // Add searchdomain to something restricting progressbars' values (records still in filtered group) await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("My filter"); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips()).toEqual(["3 yop"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["600"]); expect.verifySteps(["read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read"]); }); test("progress bar with aggregates: activate bars (grouped by boolean)", async () => { Partner._records = [ { foo: "yop", bar: true, int_field: 1 }, { foo: "yop", bar: true, int_field: 2 }, { foo: "blip", bar: true, int_field: 4 }, { foo: "gnap", bar: true, int_field: 8 }, ]; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["2 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["15"]); await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[0]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["3"]); await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[2]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["4"]); await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[2]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["15"]); }); test("progress bar with aggregates: activate bars (grouped by many2one)", async () => { Partner._records = [ { foo: "yop", product_id: 3, int_field: 1 }, { foo: "yop", product_id: 3, int_field: 2 }, { foo: "blip", product_id: 3, int_field: 4 }, { foo: "gnap", product_id: 3, int_field: 8 }, ]; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["2 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["15"]); await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[0]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["3"]); await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[2]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["4"]); await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[2]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["15"]); }); test("progress bar with aggregates: activate bars (grouped by date)", async () => { Partner._records = [ { foo: "yop", date: "2023-10-08", int_field: 1 }, { foo: "yop", date: "2023-10-08", int_field: 2 }, { foo: "blip", date: "2023-10-08", int_field: 4 }, { foo: "gnap", date: "2023-10-08", int_field: 8 }, ]; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["date:week"], }); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["2 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["15"]); await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[0]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["3"]); await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[2]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["4"]); await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[2]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["15"]); }); test("progress bar with aggregates: Archive All in a column", async () => { = fields.Boolean({ default: true }); Partner._records = [ { foo: "yop", bar: true, int_field: 1, active: true }, { foo: "yop", bar: true, int_field: 2, active: true }, { foo: "blip", bar: true, int_field: 4, active: true }, { foo: "gnap", bar: true, int_field: 8, active: true }, { foo: "oups", bar: false, int_field: 268, active: true }, ]; let def; onRpc("web_read_group", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["2 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["268", "15"]); const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Archive All"); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); def = new Deferred(); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["2 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["268", "15"]); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual([]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["268", "0"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("load more should load correct records after drag&drop event", async () => { Partner._order = ["sequence", "id"]; Partner._records.forEach((r, i) => (r.sequence = i)); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1"]); // Drag the first kanban record on top of the last await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:last-child .o_kanban_record" ); // load more twice to load all records of second column await clickKanbanLoadMore(1); await clickKanbanLoadMore(1); // Check records of the second column expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["4", "1", "2", "3"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("column progressbars on quick create with quick_create_view", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "36"]); await createKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("int_field", 44); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["40", "36"], { message: "kanban counters should have been updated on quick create", }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "get_views", "onchange", "web_save", "web_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "onchange", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("progressbars and active filter with quick_create_view", async () => { Partner._views["form,some_view_ref"] = `
`; stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); await contains("", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) }).click(); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAll(".oe_kanban_card_danger", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4", "36"]); // open the quick create createKanbanRecord(); await animationFrame(); // fill it with a record that satisfies the active filter await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("int_field", 44); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "blip"); await contains(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_kanban_add").click(); // fill it again with another record that DOES NOT satisfy the active filter await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("int_field", 1000); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("foo", "yop"); await contains(".o_kanban_quick_create .o_kanban_add").click(); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(3); expect(queryAll(".oe_kanban_card_danger", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".oe_kanban_card_success", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["40", "36"], { message: "kanban counters should have been updated on quick create, respecting the active filter", }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_read_group", "get_views", "onchange", "web_save", "web_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_read_group", "onchange", "web_save", "web_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_read_group", "onchange", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quickcreate in first column after moving a record from it", async () => { onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { return true; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["foo"], }); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(queryFirst(".o_kanban_group:has(.o_kanban_quick_create)")).toBe( queryFirst(".o_kanban_group") ); await contains(".o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)"); await createKanbanRecord(); expect(queryFirst(".o_kanban_group:has(.o_kanban_quick_create)")).toBe( queryFirst(".o_kanban_group") ); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("grouped kanban: clear groupby when reloading", async () => { // in this test, we simulate that clearing the domain is slow, so that // clearing the groupby does not corrupt the data handled while // reloading the kanban view. const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("web_read_group", async function ({ kwargs, parent }) { const result = parent(); if (kwargs.domain.length === 0 && kwargs.groupby && kwargs.groupby[0] === "bar") { await def; // delay 1st update } return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, context: { search_default_group_by_bar: 1, search_default_my_filter: 1, }, }); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").not.toHaveClass("o_kanban_ungrouped"); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_facet_value")).toEqual(["My Filter", "GroupBy Bar"]); await contains(".o_facet_remove:first").click(); await contains(".o_facet_remove:only").click(); def.resolve(); // simulate slow 1st update of kanban view await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").not.toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_ungrouped"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick_create on grouped kanban without column", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", // force group_create to false, otherwise the CREATE button in control panel is hidden arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], createRecord: () => { expect.step("createKanbanRecord"); }, }); await createKanbanRecord(); expect.verifySteps(["createKanbanRecord"]); }); test("keynav: right/left", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); await pointerDown(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })).toBeFocused(); await press("ArrowRight"); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 })).toBeFocused(); await press("ArrowLeft"); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })).toBeFocused(); }); test("keynav: down, with focus is inside a card", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` ho! this is focussable `, }); await pointerDown(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }).querySelector(".o-this-is-focussable")); await press("ArrowDown"); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 })).toBeFocused(); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("keynav: grouped kanban", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); const cardsByColumn = queryAll(".o_kanban_group").map((root) => queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root }) ); const firstColumnFirstCard = cardsByColumn[0][0]; const secondColumnFirstCard = cardsByColumn[1][0]; const secondColumnSecondCard = cardsByColumn[1][1]; // DOWN should focus the first card await press("ArrowDown"); expect(firstColumnFirstCard).toBeFocused({ message: "LEFT should select the first card of the first column", }); // RIGHT should select the next column await press("ArrowRight"); expect(secondColumnFirstCard).toBeFocused({ message: "RIGHT should select the first card of the next column", }); // DOWN should move up one card await press("ArrowDown"); expect(secondColumnSecondCard).toBeFocused({ message: "DOWN should select the second card of the current column", }); // LEFT should go back to the first column await press("ArrowLeft"); expect(firstColumnFirstCard).toBeFocused({ message: "LEFT should select the first card of the first column", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("keynav: grouped kanban with empty columns", async () => { Partner._records[1].state = "abc"; onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) const result = parent(); // add 2 empty columns in the middle result.groups.splice(1, 0, { state_count: 0, state: "md1", __domain: [["state", "=", "md1"]], }); result.groups.splice(1, 0, { state_count: 0, state: "md2", __domain: [["state", "=", "md2"]], }); // add 1 empty column in the beginning and the end result.groups.unshift({ state_count: 0, state: "beg", __domain: [["state", "=", "beg"]], }); result.groups.push({ state_count: 0, state: "end", __domain: [["state", "=", "end"]], }); return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["state"], }); /** * Added columns in mockRPC are empty * * | BEG | ABC | MD1 | MD2 | GHI | END * |-----|------|-----|-----|------|----- * | | yop | | | gnap | * | | blip | | | blip | */ const cardsByColumn = queryAll(".o_kanban_group").map((root) => queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root }) ); const yop = cardsByColumn[1][0]; const gnap = cardsByColumn[4][0]; // DOWN should focus yop (first card) await press("ArrowDown"); expect(yop).toBeFocused({ message: "LEFT should select the first card of the first column that has a card", }); // RIGHT should select the next column that has a card await press("ArrowRight"); expect(gnap).toBeFocused({ message: "RIGHT should select the first card of the next column that has a card", }); // LEFT should go back to the first column that has a card await press("ArrowLeft"); expect(yop).toBeFocused({ message: "LEFT should select the first card of the first column that has a card", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("keynav: no global_click, press ENTER on card with a link", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Archive `, selectRecord: (resId) => { expect.step("select record"); }, }); await press("ArrowDown"); expect(".o_kanban_record:first").toBeFocused(); await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_dialog main").toHaveText("Are you sure that you want to archive this record?"); expect.verifySteps([]); // should not try to open the record }); test.tags("desktop"); test("keynav: kanban with global_click", async () => { expect.assertions(2); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, selectRecord(recordId) { expect(recordId).toBe(1, { message: "should call its selectRecord prop with the selected record", }); }, }); await press("ArrowDown"); expect(".o_kanban_record:first").toBeFocused(); await press("Enter"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test(`kanban should ask to scroll to top on page changes`, async () => { // add records to be able to scroll for (let i = 5; i < 200; i++) { Partner._records.push({ id: i, foo: "foo" }); } patchWithCleanup(KanbanController.prototype, { onPageChangeScroll() { super.onPageChangeScroll(...arguments); expect.step("scroll"); }, }); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: ` `, }); // switch pages (should ask to scroll) await pagerNext(); await pagerPrevious(); // should ask to scroll when switching pages expect.verifySteps(["scroll", "scroll"]); // change the limit (should not ask to scroll) await contains(`.o_pager_value`).click(); await contains(`.o_pager_value`).edit("1-100"); await animationFrame(); expect(getPagerValue()).toEqual([1, 100]); // should not ask to scroll when changing the limit expect.verifySteps([]); await contains(".o_content").scroll({ top: 250 }); expect(".o_content").toHaveProperty("scrollTop", 250); // switch pages again (should still ask to scroll) await pagerNext(); // this is still working after a limit change expect.verifySteps(["scroll"]); // Should effectively reset the scroll position expect(".o_content").toHaveProperty("scrollTop", 0); }); test.tags("mobile"); test(`kanban should ask to scroll to top on page changes (mobile)`, async () => { // add records to be able to scroll for (let i = 5; i < 200; i++) { Partner._records.push({ id: i, foo: "foo" }); } patchWithCleanup(KanbanController.prototype, { onPageChangeScroll() { super.onPageChangeScroll(...arguments); expect.step("scroll"); }, }); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: ` `, }); // switch pages (should ask to scroll) await pagerNext(); await pagerPrevious(); // should ask to scroll when switching pages expect.verifySteps(["scroll", "scroll"]); await contains(".o_kanban_view").scroll({ top: 250 }); expect(".o_kanban_view").toHaveProperty("scrollTop", 250); // switch pages again (should still ask to scroll) await pagerNext(); expect.verifySteps(["scroll"]); // Should effectively reset the scroll position expect(".o_kanban_view").toHaveProperty("scrollTop", 0); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("set cover image", async () => { expect.assertions(9); IrAttachment._records = [ { id: 1, name: "1.png", mimetype: "image/png", res_model: "partner", res_id: 1, }, { id: 2, name: "2.png", mimetype: "image/png", res_model: "partner", res_id: 2, }, ]; Partner._fields.displayed_image_id = fields.Many2one({ string: "Cover", relation: "ir.attachment", }); onRpc("partner", "web_save", ({ args }) => { expect.step(args[0][0]); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Set Cover Image `, }); mockService("action", { switchView(_viewType, { mode, resModel, res_id, view_type }) { expect({ mode, resModel, res_id, view_type }).toBe({ mode: "readonly", resModel: "partner", res_id: 1, view_type: "form", }); }, }); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(0); await contains(".oe_kanban_action", { root: getDropdownMenu(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })), }).click(); expect(queryAll("img", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) })).toHaveCount(0, { message: "Initially there is no image.", }); await contains(".modal .o_kanban_cover_image img").click(); await contains(".modal .btn-primary:first-child").click(); expect('img[data-src*="/web/image/1"]').toHaveCount(1); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(1); const coverButton = getDropdownMenu(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 })).querySelector("a"); expect(queryText(coverButton)).toBe("Set Cover Image"); await contains(coverButton).click(); expect(".modal .o_kanban_cover_image").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .btn:contains(Select)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .btn:contains(Discard)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .btn:contains(Remove Cover Image)").toHaveCount(0); await dblclick(".modal .o_kanban_cover_image img"); // doesn't work await animationFrame(); expect('img[data-src*="/web/image/2"]').toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_kanban_record:first-child .o_attachment_image").click(); //Not sure, to discuss // should writes on both kanban records expect.verifySteps([1, 2]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("open file explorer if no cover image", async () => { expect.assertions(2); Partner._fields.displayed_image_id = fields.Many2one({ string: "Cover", relation: "ir.attachment", }); const uploadedPromise = new Deferred(); await createFileInput({ mockPost: async (route) => { if (route === "/web/binary/upload_attachment") { await uploadedPromise; } return "[]"; }, props: {}, }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Set Cover Image `, }); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(0); await contains(".oe_kanban_action", { root: getDropdownMenu(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })), }).click(); await setInputFiles([]); await animationFrame(); expect(`.o_file_input input`).not.toBeEnabled({ message: "the upload button should be disabled on upload", }); uploadedPromise.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(`.o_file_input input`).toBeEnabled({ message: "the upload button should be enabled for upload", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("unset cover image", async () => { IrAttachment._records = [ { id: 1, name: "1.png", mimetype: "image/png", res_model: "partner", res_id: 1, }, { id: 2, name: "2.png", mimetype: "image/png", res_model: "partner", res_id: 2, }, ]; Partner._fields.displayed_image_id = fields.Many2one({ string: "Cover", relation: "ir.attachment", }); Partner._records[0].displayed_image_id = 1; Partner._records[1].displayed_image_id = 2; onRpc("partner", "web_save", ({ args }) => { expect.step(args[0][0]); expect(args[1].displayed_image_id).toBe(false); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Set Cover Image `, }); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(0); await contains(".oe_kanban_action", { root: getDropdownMenu(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })), }).click(); expect( queryAll('img[data-src*="/web/image/1"]', { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) }) ).toHaveCount(1); expect( queryAll('img[data-src*="/web/image/2"]', { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 }) }) ).toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .o_kanban_cover_image").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .btn:contains(Select)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .btn:contains(Discard)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".modal .btn:contains(Remove Cover Image)").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".modal .btn-secondary").click(); // click on "Remove Cover Image" button expect(queryAll("img", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) })).toHaveCount(0, { message: "The cover image should be removed.", }); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(1); const coverButton = getDropdownMenu(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 })).querySelector("a"); expect(queryText(coverButton)).toBe("Set Cover Image"); await contains(coverButton).click(); await dblclick(".modal .o_kanban_cover_image img"); // doesn't work await animationFrame(); expect(queryAll("img", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 }) })).toHaveCount(0, { message: "The cover image should be removed.", }); // should writes on both kanban records expect.verifySteps([1, 2]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("ungrouped kanban with handle field", async () => { expect.assertions(3); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", async (request) => { const { params } = await request.json(); expect(params.ids).toEqual([2, 1, 3, 4], { message: "should write the sequence in correct order", }); return true; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["blip", "blip", "yop", "gnap"]); await contains(".o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop(queryFirst(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(4)")); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "gnap", "blip"]); }); test("ungrouped kanban without handle field", async () => { onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { expect.step("resequence"); return true; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["yop", "blip", "gnap", "blip"]); await contains(".o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop(queryFirst(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(4)")); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["yop", "blip", "gnap", "blip"]); expect.verifySteps([]); }); test("click on image field in kanban (with default global_click)", async () => { expect.assertions(2); Partner._fields.image = fields.Binary(); Partner._records[0].image = "R0lGODlhAQABAAD/ACwAAAAAAQABAAACAA=="; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, selectRecord(recordId) { expect(recordId).toBe(1, { message: "should call its selectRecord prop with the clicked record", }); }, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(4); await contains(".o_field_image").click(); }); test("kanban view with boolean field", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record input:disabled").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_kanban_record input:checked").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_record input:not(:checked)").toHaveCount(1); }); test("kanban view with boolean widget", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect( queryAll("div.o_field_boolean .o-checkbox", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }) }) ).toHaveCount(1); }); test("kanban view with boolean toggle widget", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }).querySelector("[name='bar'] input")).toBeChecked(); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 }).querySelector("[name='bar'] input")).toBeChecked(); await click("[name='bar'] input:only", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 }) }); await animationFrame(); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 }).querySelector("[name='bar'] input")).toBeChecked(); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 }).querySelector("[name='bar'] input")).not.toBeChecked(); }); test("kanban view with monetary and currency fields without widget", async () => { const mockedCurrencies = {}; for (const record of Currency._records) { mockedCurrencies[] = record; } patchWithCleanup(currencies, mockedCurrencies); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual([ `$ 1,750.00`, `$ 1,500.00`, `2,000.00 €`, `$ 2,222.00`, ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create: keyboard navigation to buttons", async () => { await mountView({ arch: `
`, groupBy: ["bar"], resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", }); // Open quick create await createKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); // Fill in mandatory field await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "aaa"); // pressed Tab to trigger "change" expect(".o_kanban_add").toBeFocused(); await press("Tab"); expect(".o_kanban_edit").toBeFocused(); }); test("progressbar filter state is kept unchanged when domain is updated (records still in group)", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, }); // Check that we have 2 columns and check their progressbar's state expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 blip", "1 Other"]); // Apply an active filter await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); // Add searchdomain to something restricting progressbars' values (records still in filtered group) await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("My Filter"); // Check that we have now 1 column only and check its progressbar's state expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips()).toEqual(["1 yop"]); // Undo searchdomain await toggleMenuItem("My Filter"); // Check that we have 2 columns back and check their progressbar's state expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 blip", "1 Other"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("progressbar filter state is kept unchanged when domain is updated (emptying group)", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, searchViewArch: ` `, }); // Check that we have 2 columns, check their progressbar's state and check records expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4blip"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 blip", "1 Other"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1yop", "2blip", "3gnap"]); // Apply an active filter await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 blip", "1 Other"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1yop"]); // Add searchdomain to something restricting progressbars' values + emptying the filtered group await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("My Filter"); // Check that we still have 2 columns, check their progressbar's state and check records expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4blip"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["2blip"]); // Undo searchdomain await toggleMenuItem("My Filter"); // Check that we still have 2 columns and check their progressbar's state expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4blip"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 blip", "1 Other"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1yop", "2blip", "3gnap"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("filtered column counters when dropping in non-matching record", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); // Check that we have 2 columns, check their progressbar's state, and check records expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4blip"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 blip", "1 Other"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1yop", "2blip", "3gnap"]); // Apply an active filter await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)").click(); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_kanban_group_show"); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1yop"]); // Drop in the non-matching record from first column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( queryFirst(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show") ); // Check that we have 2 columns, check their progressbar's state, and check records expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual([]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual([]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 yop", "2 blip", "1 Other"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1yop", "4blip"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_save", "read_progress_bar", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("filtered column is reloaded when dragging out its last record", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); // Check that we have 2 columns, check their progressbar's state, and check records expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4blip"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 blip", "1 Other"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1yop", "2blip", "3gnap"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); // Apply an active filter await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)").click(); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_kanban_group_show"); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1yop"]); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read", "read_progress_bar"]); // Drag out its only record onto the first column await contains(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( queryFirst(".o_kanban_group:first-child") ); // Check that we have 2 columns, check their progressbar's state, and check records expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_group_show").toHaveCount(0); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["No", "Yes"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(0)).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 blip"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4blip", "1yop"]); expect(getKanbanColumnTooltips(1)).toEqual(["1 blip", "1 Other"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["2blip", "3gnap"]); expect.verifySteps([ "web_save", "read_progress_bar", "web_search_read", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read", ]); }); test("kanban widget can extract props from attrs", async () => { class TestWidget extends Component { static template = xml`
`; static props = ["*"]; } const testWidget = { component: TestWidget, extractProps: ({ attrs }) => { return { title: attrs.title, }; }, }; viewWidgetRegistry.add("widget_test_option", testWidget); after(() => viewWidgetRegistry.remove("widget_test_option")); await mountView({ arch: ` `, resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", }); expect(".o-test-widget-option").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o-test-widget-option:first").toHaveText("Widget with Option"); }); test("action/type attributes on kanban arch, type='object'", async () => { mockService("action", { doActionButton(params) { expect.step(`doActionButton type ${params.type} name ${}`); params.onClose(); }, }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `

some value

`, }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); await contains(".o_kanban_record p").click(); expect.verifySteps(["doActionButton type object name a1", "web_search_read"]); }); test("action/type attributes on kanban arch, type='action'", async () => { mockService("action", { doActionButton(params) { expect.step(`doActionButton type ${params.type} name ${}`); params.onClose(); }, }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `

some value

`, }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); await contains(".o_kanban_record p").click(); expect.verifySteps(["doActionButton type action name a1", "web_search_read"]); }); test("Missing t-key is automatically filled with a warning", async () => { patchWithCleanup(console, { warn: () => expect.step("warning") }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); expect.verifySteps(["warning"]); expect(getKanbanRecord({ index: 0 })).toHaveText("123"); }); test("Quick created record is rendered after load", async () => { let def; onRpc("web_read", () => { expect.step("web_read"); return def; }); onRpc("name_create", () => { expect.step("name_create"); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["0", "1"]); expect.verifySteps([]); def = new Deferred(); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(0); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "Test"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["0", "1"]); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["0", "0", "1"]); expect.verifySteps(["name_create", "web_read"]); }); test("Allow use of 'editable'/'deletable' in ungrouped kanban", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual([ "EDITDELETE", "EDITDELETE", "EDITDELETE", "EDITDELETE", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("folded groups kept when leaving/coming back", async () => { Partner._views = { "kanban,false": ` `, "search,false": "", "form,false": "
", }; await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ name: "Partners", res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [ [false, "kanban"], [false, "form"], ], context: { group_by: ["product_id"], }, }); expect(".o_kanban_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); // fold the first group const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(0); await clickColumnAction("Fold"); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // open a record and go back await contains(".o_kanban_record").click(); expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".breadcrumb-item a").click(); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("filter groups kept when leaving/coming back", async () => { Partner._records[1].state = "abc"; Partner._views = { "kanban,false": ` `, "search,false": "", "form,false": ` `, }; await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ name: "Partners", res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [ [false, "kanban"], [false, "form"], ], context: { group_by: ["bar"], }, }); // Filter on state "abc" => matches 2 records await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0]).click(); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1", "2"]); // open a record await contains(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 })).click(); expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(1); // go back to kanban view await contains(".breadcrumb-item a").click(); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["1", "2"]); // open a record await contains(getKanbanRecord({ index: 1 })).click(); expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(1); // select another state await contains(queryAll("input.o_radio_input")[1]).click(); // go back to kanban view await contains(".breadcrumb-item a").click(); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(0)).toEqual(["4"]); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts(1)).toEqual(["2"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("folded groups kept when leaving/coming back (grouped by date)", async () => { = fields.Date({ default: "2022-10-10" }); Partner._records[0].date = "2022-05-10"; Partner._views = { "kanban,false": ` `, "search,false": "", "form,false": "
", }; await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ name: "Partners", res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [ [false, "kanban"], [false, "form"], ], context: { group_by: ["date"], }, }); expect(".o_kanban_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); // fold the second column const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Fold"); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); // open a record and go back await contains(".o_kanban_record").click(); expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".breadcrumb-item a").click(); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("loaded records kept when leaving/coming back", async () => { Partner._views = { "kanban,false": ` `, "search,false": "", "form,false": "", }; await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ name: "Partners", res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [ [false, "kanban"], [false, "form"], ], context: { group_by: ["product_id"], }, }); expect(".o_kanban_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // load more records in second group await clickKanbanLoadMore(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); // open a record and go back await contains(".o_kanban_record").click(); expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".breadcrumb-item a").click(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); }); test("basic rendering with 2 groupbys", async () => { stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar", "product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("basic rendering with a date groupby with a granularity", async () => { Partner._records[0].date = "2022-06-23"; stepAllNetworkCalls(); onRpc("web_read_group", ({ method, kwargs }) => { expect(kwargs.fields).toEqual([]); expect(kwargs.groupby).toEqual(["date:day"]); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["date:day"], }); expect(".o_kanban_renderer").toHaveClass("o_kanban_grouped"); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record and click outside (no dirty input)", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], createRecord: () => { expect.step("create record"); }, }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_control_panel").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_kanban_load_more button").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect.verifySteps([]); await createKanbanRecord(); expect.verifySteps(["create record"]); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record and click outside (with dirty input)", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], createRecord: () => { expect.step("create record"); }, }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "ABC"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create [name=display_name] input").toHaveValue("ABC"); await contains(".o_control_panel").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create [name=display_name] input").toHaveValue("ABC"); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create [name=display_name] input").toHaveValue(""); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "ABC"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create [name=display_name] input").toHaveValue("ABC"); await contains(".o_kanban_load_more button").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "ABC"); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create [name=display_name] input").toHaveValue("ABC"); expect.verifySteps([]); await createKanbanRecord(); expect.verifySteps(["create record"]); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); }); test("quick create record and click on 'Load more'", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); await quickCreateKanbanRecord(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await contains(".o_kanban_load_more button").click(); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); }); test("dropdown is closed on item click", async () => { Partner._records.splice(1, 3); // keep one record only await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Item
`, }); expect(".o-dropdown--menu").toHaveCount(0); await toggleKanbanRecordDropdown(); expect(".o-dropdown--menu").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item").click(); expect(".o-dropdown--menu").toHaveCount(0); }); test("can use JSON in kanban template", async () => { Partner._records = [{ id: 1, foo: '["g", "e", "d"]' }]; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record span").toHaveCount(3); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveText("ged"); }); test("Color '200' (gray) can be used twice (for false value and another value) in progress bar", async () => { Partner._records.push({ id: 5, bar: true }, { id: 6, bar: false }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .progress-bar").toHaveCount(2); expect( queryAll(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .progress-bar").map((el) => el.dataset.tooltip) ).toEqual(["1 blip", "1 Other"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .progress-bar").toHaveCount(4); expect( queryAll(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .progress-bar").map((el) => el.dataset.tooltip) ).toEqual(["1 yop", "1 gnap", "1 blip", "1 Other"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["2", "4"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .progress-bar").click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["2", "1"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveText("ABC"); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_load_more").toHaveCount(0); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .progress-bar:nth-child(2)").click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["2", "1"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveText("GHI"); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_load_more").toHaveCount(0); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .progress-bar:nth-child(4)").click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["2", "1"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveText(""); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_load_more").toHaveCount(0); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", ]); }); test("update field on which progress bars are computed", async () => { Partner._records.push({ id: 5, state: "abc", bar: true }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["bar"], }); // Initial state: 2 columns, the "Yes" column contains 2 records "abc", 1 "def" and 1 "ghi" expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "4"]); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(4); expect(queryAll(".o_column_progress .progress-bar", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount( 3 ); expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0].style.width).toBe("50%"); // abc: 2 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[1].style.width).toBe("25%"); // def: 1 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[2].style.width).toBe("25%"); // ghi: 1 // Filter on state "abc" => matches 2 records await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "2"]); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_column_progress .progress-bar", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount( 3 ); expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0].style.width).toBe("50%"); // abc: 2 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[1].style.width).toBe("25%"); // def: 1 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[2].style.width).toBe("25%"); // ghi: 1 // Changes the state of the first record of the "Yes" column to "def" // The updated record should remain visible await contains(".o_status", { root: getKanbanRecord({ index: 2 }) }).click(); await contains(".o-dropdown-item:nth-child(2)", { root: getDropdownMenu(getKanbanRecord({ index: 2 })), }).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "1"]); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_column_progress .progress-bar", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount( 3 ); expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0].style.width).toBe("25%"); // abc: 1 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[1].style.width).toBe("50%"); // def: 2 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[2].style.width).toBe("25%"); // ghi: 1 // Filter on state "def" => matches 2 records (including the one we just changed) await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[1]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "2"]); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0].style.width).toBe("25%"); // abc: 1 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[1].style.width).toBe("50%"); // def: 2 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[2].style.width).toBe("25%"); // ghi: 1 // Filter back on state "abc" => matches only 1 record await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0]).click(); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "1"]); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0].style.width).toBe("25%"); // abc: 1 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[1].style.width).toBe("50%"); // def: 2 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[2].style.width).toBe("25%"); // ghi: 1 expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_save", "read_progress_bar", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", ]); }); test("load more button shouldn't be visible when unfiltering column", async () => { Partner._records.push({ id: 5, state: "abc", bar: true }); let def; onRpc("web_search_read", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["bar"], }); // Initial state: 2 columns, the "No" column contains 1 record, The "Yes" column contains 4 records expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "4"]); // Filter on state "abc" => matches 2 records await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0]).click(); // Filtered state: 2 columns, the "No" column contains 1 record, The "Yes" column contains 2 records expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "2"]); def = new Deferred(); // UnFiltered the "Yes" column await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(1)[0]).click(); expect(".o_kanban_load_more").toHaveCount(0, { message: "The load more button should not be visible", }); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); // Return to initial state expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["1", "4"]); expect(".o_kanban_load_more").toHaveCount(0, { message: "The load more button should not be visible", }); }); test("click on the progressBar of a new column", async () => { Partner._records = []; onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { expect.step("web_search_read"); expect(kwargs.domain).toEqual([ "&", "&", ["id", ">", 0], ["product_id", "=", 6], "!", ["state", "in", ["abc", "def", "ghi"]], ]); }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], domain: [["id", ">", 0]], }); // Create a new column await editKanbanColumnName("new column"); await validateKanbanColumn(); // Crete a record in the new column await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new product"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); // Togggle the progressBar await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[0]).click(); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("keep focus in cp when pressing arrowdown and no kanban card", async () => { Partner._records = []; await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", groupBy: ["product_id"], arch: ` `, }); // Check that there is a column quick create expect(".o_column_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); await editKanbanColumnName("new col"); await validateKanbanColumn(); // Check that there is only one group and no kanban card expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_no_records").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); // Check that the focus is on the searchview input await quickCreateKanbanRecord(); expect(".o_kanban_group.o_kanban_no_records").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_quick_create").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); // Somehow give the focus in the control panel, i.e. in the search view // Note that a simple click in the control panel should normally close the quick // create, so in order to give the focus in the search input, the user would // normally have to right-click on it then press escape. These are behaviors // handled through the browser, so we simply call focus directly here. queryFirst(".o_searchview_input").focus(); // Make sure no async code will have a side effect on the focused element await animationFrame(); expect(".o_searchview_input").toBeFocused(); // Trigger the ArrowDown hotkey await press("ArrowDown"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_searchview_input").toBeFocused(); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("no leak of TransactionInProgress (grouped case)", async () => { const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { expect.step("resequence"); return def; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["state"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record").toHaveText("yop"); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveText("blip"); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([]); // move "yop" from first to second column await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( queryFirst(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)") ); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["blip", "yop"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps(["resequence"]); // try to move "yop" from second to third column await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record:nth-child(3)").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3)" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["blip", "yop"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect.verifySteps([]); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); // try again to move "yop" from second to third column await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record:nth-child(3)").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3)" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(1) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record")).toEqual([ "gnap", "blip", "yop", ]); expect.verifySteps(["resequence"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("no leak of TransactionInProgress (not grouped case)", async () => { const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { expect.step("resequence"); return def; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(4); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual([ "blip", "blip", "yop", "gnap", ]); expect.verifySteps([]); // move second "blip" to third place await contains(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(2)").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(3)"); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual([ "blip", "yop", "blip", "gnap", ]); expect.verifySteps(["resequence"]); // try again await contains(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(2)").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(3)"); expect.verifySteps([]); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual([ "blip", "yop", "blip", "gnap", ]); await contains(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(3)").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_record:nth-child(4)"); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual([ "blip", "yop", "gnap", "blip", ]); expect.verifySteps(["resequence"]); }); test("fieldDependencies support for fields", async () => { const customField = { component: class CustomField extends Component { static template = xml``; static props = ["*"]; }, fieldDependencies: [{ name: "int_field", type: "integer" }], }; fieldRegistry.add("custom_field", customField); after(() => fieldRegistry.remove("custom_field")); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: ` `, }); expect("[name=foo] span:first").toHaveText("10"); }); test("fieldDependencies support for fields: dependence on a relational field", async () => { const customField = { component: class CustomField extends Component { static template = xml``; static props = ["*"]; }, fieldDependencies: [{ name: "product_id", type: "many2one", relation: "product" }], }; fieldRegistry.add("custom_field", customField); after(() => fieldRegistry.remove("custom_field")); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", arch: ` `, }); expect("[name=foo] span:first").toHaveText("hello"); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_search_read", ]); }); test("column quick create - title and placeholder", async function (assert) { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_folded").toHaveText("Product"); await contains("button.o_kanban_add_column").click(); expect( ".o_column_quick_create .o_quick_create_unfolded .input-group .form-control" ).toHaveAttribute("placeholder", "Product..."); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("fold a column and drag record on it should not unfold it", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toHaveCount(2); const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); clickColumnAction("Fold"); await animationFrame(); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveText("xmo\n(2)"); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop(".o_column_folded"); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveText("xmo\n(3)"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("drag record on initially folded column should not unfold it", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { const result = parent(); result.groups[1].__fold = true; return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(queryText(getKanbanColumn(1))).toBe("xmo\n(2)"); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop(".o_column_folded"); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(queryText(getKanbanColumn(1))).toBe("xmo\n(3)"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("drag record to folded column, with progressbars", async () => { Partner._records[0].bar = false; stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["bar"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanProgressBars(0).map((pb) =>["50%", "50%"]); expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1).map((pb) =>["50%", "50%"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["6", "26"]); const clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); clickColumnAction("Fold"); await animationFrame(); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(2); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); expect(queryText(getKanbanColumn(1))).toBe("Yes\n(2)"); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(queryAll(".o_kanban_record", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toHaveCount(1); expect(queryText(getKanbanColumn(1))).toBe("Yes\n(3)"); expect(getKanbanProgressBars(0).map((pb) =>["100%"]); expect(getKanbanCounters()).toEqual(["-4"]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_save", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create record in grouped kanban in a form view dialog", async () => { = fields.Char({ default: "ABC" }); Partner._views["form,false"] = ``; onRpc("name_create", ({ method }) => { throw makeServerError(); }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2, { message: "first column should contain two records", }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["yop", "gnap"]); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0); // click on 'Create', fill the quick create and validate await createKanbanRecord(); await editKanbanRecordQuickCreateInput("display_name", "new partner"); await validateKanbanRecord(); expect(".modal").toHaveCount(1); await clickModalButton({ text: "Save & Close" }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3, { message: "first column should contain three records", }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record")).toEqual([ "ABC", "yop", "gnap", ]); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", // initial read_group "web_search_read", // initial search_read (first column) "web_search_read", // initial search_read (second column) "onchange", // quick create "name_create", // should perform a name_create to create the record "get_views", // load views for form view dialog "onchange", // load of a virtual record in form view dialog "web_save", // save virtual record "web_read", // read the created record to get foo value "onchange", // reopen the quick create automatically ]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("no sample data when all groups are folded then one is unfolded", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { const result = parent(); for (const group of result.groups) { group.__fold = true; } return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(2); await contains(".o_kanban_group").click(); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect("o_view_sample_data").toHaveCount(0); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("no content helper, all groups folded with (unloaded) records", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", function ({ parent }) { const result = parent(); for (const group of result.groups) { group.__fold = true; } return result; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_column_folded").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_column_title")).toEqual(["hello\n(2)", "xmo\n(2)"]); expect(".o_nocontent_help").toHaveCount(0); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("Move multiple records in different columns simultaneously", async () => { const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("read", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["state"], }); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "2", "3", "4"]); // Move 3 at end of 1st column await contains(".o_kanban_group:last-of-type .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:first" ); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "2", "4"]); // Move 4 at end of 1st column await contains(".o_kanban_group:last-of-type .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:first" ); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "4", "2"]); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(getKanbanRecordTexts()).toEqual(["1", "3", "4", "2"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("drag & drop: content scrolls when reaching the edges", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["state"], }); const width = 600; const content = queryOne(".o_content"); content.setAttribute("style", `max-width:${width}px;overflow:auto;`); expect(content.scrollLeft).toBe(0); expect(content.getBoundingClientRect().width).toBe(600); expect(".o_kanban_record.o_dragged").toHaveCount(0); // Drag first record of first group to the right let dragActions = await contains(".o_kanban_record").drag(); await dragActions.moveTo(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record:first"); expect(".o_kanban_record.o_dragged").toHaveCount(1); // wait 30 frames, should be enough (default kanban speed is 20px per tick) await advanceFrame(30); // Should be at the end of the content expect(content.scrollLeft + width).toBe(content.scrollWidth); // Cancel drag: press "Escape" await press("Escape"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_record.o_dragged").toHaveCount(0); // Drag first record of last group to the left dragActions = await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").drag(); await dragActions.moveTo(".o_kanban_record:first"); expect(".o_kanban_record.o_dragged").toHaveCount(1); await advanceFrame(30); expect(content.scrollLeft).toBe(0); // Cancel drag: click outside await contains(".o_kanban_renderer").focus(); expect(".o_kanban_record.o_dragged").toHaveCount(0); }); test("attribute default_order", async () => { class CustomModel extends models.Model { _name = "custom.model"; int = fields.Integer(); _records = [ { id: 1, int: 1 }, { id: 2, int: 3 }, { id: 3, int: 2 }, ]; } defineModels([CustomModel]); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "custom.model", arch: `
`, }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual(["1", "2", "3"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("d&d records grouped by m2o with m2o displayed in records", async () => { const readIds = [[2], [1, 3, 2]]; const def = new Deferred(); onRpc("read", ({ method, args }) => { expect(args[0]).toEqual(readIds[1]); return def; }); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", ]); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["hello", "hello", "xmo", "xmo"]); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:first-child" ); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["hello", "hello", "hello", "xmo"]); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect.verifySteps(["web_save", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read"]); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record")).toEqual(["hello", "hello", "hello", "xmo"]); }); test("Can't use KanbanRecord implementation details in arch", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o_kanban_record:first").toHaveInnerHTML("
"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("rerenders only once after resequencing records", async () => { // Actually it's not once, because we must render directly after the drag&drop s.t. the dropped // record remains where it has been dropped, once again after saving/reloading the record as // we rebuild, and finally after the call to resequence, to re-enable the resequence // feature on the record (canResequence props). let saveDef = new Deferred(); let resequenceDef = new Deferred(); const renderCounts = {}; patchWithCleanup(KanbanRecord.prototype, { setup() { super.setup(); onWillRender(() => { const id = this.props.record.resId; renderCounts[id] = renderCounts[id] || 0; renderCounts[id]++; }); }, }); onRpc("web_save", () => saveDef); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => resequenceDef); stepAllNetworkCalls(); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(renderCounts).toEqual({ 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1 }); // drag yop to the second column await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(renderCounts).toEqual({ 1: 3, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1 }); saveDef.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(renderCounts).toEqual({ 1: 4, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1 }); resequenceDef.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(renderCounts).toEqual({ 1: 5, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1 }); // drag gnap to the second column saveDef = new Deferred(); resequenceDef = new Deferred(); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(renderCounts).toEqual({ 1: 5, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 1 }); saveDef.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(renderCounts).toEqual({ 1: 5, 2: 1, 3: 3, 4: 1 }); resequenceDef.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(renderCounts).toEqual({ 1: 5, 2: 1, 3: 4, 4: 1 }); expect.verifySteps([ "/web/webclient/translations", "/web/webclient/load_menus", "get_views", "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "web_search_read", "web_save", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read", "web_save", "/web/dataset/resequence", "read", ]); }); test("sample server: _mockWebReadGroup API", async () => { Partner._records = []; patchWithCleanup(SampleServer.prototype, { async _mockWebReadGroup() { const result = await super._mockWebReadGroup(...arguments); const { "date:month": dateValue } = result.groups[0]; expect(dateValue).toBe("December 2022"); return result; }, }); onRpc("web_read_group", () => { return { groups: [ { date_count: 0, state: false, "date:month": "December 2022", __range: { "date:month": { from: "2022-12-01", to: "2023-01-01", }, }, __domain: [ ["date", ">=", "2022-12-01"], ["date", "<", "2023-01-01"], ], }, ], length: 1, }; }); await mountView({ arch: `
`, groupBy: ["date:month"], resModel: "partner", type: "kanban", noContentHelp: "No content helper", }); expect(".o_kanban_view .o_view_sample_data").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group .o_column_title").toHaveText("December 2022"); expect(".o_kanban_group .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(16); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("scroll on group unfold and progressbar click", async () => { onRpc(function ({ method, parent }) { expect.step(method); if (method === "web_read_group") { const result = parent(); if (result.groups.length) { result.groups[0].__fold = false; if (result.groups[1]) { result.groups[1].__fold = true; } } return result; } }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` Record `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_search_read"]); queryOne(".o_content").scrollTo = (params) => { expect.step("scrolled"); expect(; }; await contains(getKanbanProgressBars(0)[0]).click(); expect.verifySteps([ "web_read_group", "web_search_read", "read_progress_bar", "web_read_group", "web_read_group", "scrolled", ]); expect(getKanbanColumn(1)).toHaveClass("o_column_folded"); await contains(getKanbanColumn(1)).click(); expect.verifySteps(["web_search_read", "scrolled"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test(`kanban view: press "hotkey" to execute header button action`, async () => { mockService("action", { doActionButton(params) { const { name } = params; expect.step(`execute_action: ${name}`); }, }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, }); await press(["alt", "a"]); await tick(); expect.verifySteps(["execute_action: display"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("action button in controlPanel with display='always'", async () => { const domain = [["id", "=", 1]]; mockService("action", { async doActionButton(params) { const { buttonContext, context, name, resModel, resIds, type } = params; expect.step("execute_action"); // Action's own properties expect(name).toBe("display"); expect(type).toBe("object"); // The action's execution context expect(buttonContext).toEqual({ active_domain: domain, active_ids: [], active_model: "partner", }); expect(context).toEqual({ a: true, allowed_company_ids: [1], lang: "en", tz: "taht", uid: 7, }); expect(resModel).toBe("partner"); expect(resIds).toEqual([]); }, }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, domain, context: { a: true, }, }); const cpButtons = queryAll(".o_control_panel_main_buttons button:visible"); expect(queryAllTexts(cpButtons)).toEqual(["New", "display"]); expect(cpButtons[1]).toHaveClass("display"); await contains(cpButtons[1]).click(); expect.verifySteps(["execute_action"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("Keep scrollTop when loading records with load more", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: `
`, groupBy: ["bar"], limit: 1, }); queryOne(".o_kanban_renderer").style.overflow = "scroll"; queryOne(".o_kanban_renderer").style.height = "500px"; const clickKanbanLoadMoreButton = queryFirst(".o_kanban_load_more button"); clickKanbanLoadMoreButton.scrollIntoView(); const previousScrollTop = queryOne(".o_kanban_renderer").scrollTop; await contains(clickKanbanLoadMoreButton).click(); expect(previousScrollTop).not.toBe(0, { message: "Should not have the scrollTop value at 0" }); expect(queryOne(".o_kanban_renderer").scrollTop).toBe(previousScrollTop); }); test("Kanban: no reset of the groupby when a non-empty column is deleted", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, }); // validate presence of the search arch info await toggleSearchBarMenu(); expect(".o_group_by_menu span.o_menu_item").toHaveCount(1); // select the groupby:category_ids filter await contains(".o_group_by_menu span.o_menu_item").click(); // check the initial rendering expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3, { message: "should have three columns" }); // check availability of delete action in kanban header's config dropdown await toggleKanbanColumnActions(2); expect(queryAll(".o_column_delete", { root: getKanbanColumnDropdownMenu(2) })).toHaveCount(1, { message: "should be able to delete the column", }); // delete second column (first cancel the confirm request, then confirm) let clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Delete"); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-secondary").click(); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toBe("gold\n(1)"); clickColumnAction = await toggleKanbanColumnActions(1); await clickColumnAction("Delete"); await contains(".o_dialog footer .btn-primary").click(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "should now have two columns" }); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(1) })).toBe("silver\n(1)"); expect(queryText(".o_column_title", { root: getKanbanColumn(0) })).toBe("None\n(3)"); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("searchbar filters are displayed directly", async () => { let def; onRpc("web_search_read", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, searchViewArch: ` `, }); expect(getFacetTexts()).toEqual([]); // toggle a filter, and slow down the web_search_read rpc def = new Deferred(); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Some Filter"); expect(getFacetTexts()).toEqual(["Some Filter"]); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(getFacetTexts()).toEqual(["Some Filter"]); }); test("searchbar filters are displayed directly (with progressbar)", async () => { let def; onRpc("read_progress_bar", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["int_field"], searchViewArch: ` `, }); expect(getFacetTexts()).toEqual([]); // toggle a filter, and slow down the read_progress_bar rpc def = new Deferred(); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Some Filter"); expect(getFacetTexts()).toEqual(["Some Filter"]); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); expect(getFacetTexts()).toEqual(["Some Filter"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("group by properties and drag and drop", async () => { expect.assertions(7); = fields.Properties({ definition_record: "parent_id", definition_record_field: "properties_definition", }); Partner._fields.parent_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "partner" }); Partner._fields.properties_definition = fields.PropertiesDefinition(); Partner._records[0].properties_definition = [ { name: "my_char", string: "My Char", type: "char", }, ]; Partner._records[1].parent_id = 1; Partner._records[1].properties = [ { name: "my_char", string: "My Char", type: "char", value: "aaa", }, ]; Partner._records[2].parent_id = 1; Partner._records[2].properties = [ { name: "my_char", string: "My Char", type: "char", value: "bbb", }, ]; Partner._records[3].parent_id = 2; onRpc("web_read_group", () => { return { groups: [ { "properties.my_char": false, __domain: [["properties.my_char", "=", false]], "properties.my_char_count": 2, }, { "properties.my_char": "aaa", __domain: [["properties.my_char", "=", "aaa"]], "properties.my_char_count": 1, }, { "properties.my_char": "bbb", __domain: [["properties.my_char", "=", "bbb"]], "properties.my_char_count": 1, }, ], length: 3, }; }); onRpc("web_search_read", ({ kwargs }) => { const value = kwargs.domain[0][2]; return { length: 1, records: [ { id: value === "aaa" ? 2 : 3, properties: [ { name: "my_char", string: "My Char", type: "char", value: value, }, ], }, ], }; }); onRpc("/web/dataset/resequence", () => { expect.step("resequence"); return true; }); onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => { expect.step("web_save"); const expected = { properties: [ { name: "my_char", string: "My Char", type: "char", value: "bbb", }, ], }; expect(args[1]).toEqual(expected); }); onRpc("get_property_definition", ({ args }) => { expect.step("get_property_definition"); return { name: "my_char", type: "char", }; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["properties.my_char"], }); expect.verifySteps(["get_property_definition"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3)" ); expect.verifySteps(["web_save", "resequence"]); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(3) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); }); test("kanbans with basic and custom compiler, same arch", async () => { // In this test, the exact same arch will be rendered by 2 different kanban renderers: // once with the basic one, and once with a custom renderer having a custom compiler. The // purpose of the test is to ensure that the template is compiled twice, once by each // compiler, even though the arch is the same. class MyKanbanCompiler extends KanbanCompiler { setup() { super.setup(); this.compilers.push({ selector: "div", fn: this.compileDiv }); } compileDiv(node, params) { const compiledNode = this.compileGenericNode(node, params); compiledNode.setAttribute("class", "my_kanban_compiler"); return compiledNode; } } class MyKanbanRecord extends KanbanRecord {} MyKanbanRecord.Compiler = MyKanbanCompiler; class MyKanbanRenderer extends KanbanRenderer {} MyKanbanRenderer.components = { ...KanbanRenderer.components, KanbanRecord: MyKanbanRecord, }; viewRegistry.add("my_kanban", { ...kanbanView, Renderer: MyKanbanRenderer, }); after(() => viewRegistry.remove("my_kanban")); Partner._fields.one2many = fields.One2many({ relation: "partner" }); Partner._records[0].one2many = [1]; Partner._views["form,false"] = `
`; Partner._views["search,false"] = ``; Partner._views["kanban,false"] = `
`; await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [ [false, "kanban"], [false, "form"], ], }); // main kanban, custom view expect(".o_kanban_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_my_kanban_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".my_kanban_compiler").toHaveCount(4); // switch to form await contains(".o_kanban_record").click(); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_form_view .o_field_widget[name=one2many]").toHaveCount(1); // x2many kanban, basic renderer expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".my_kanban_compiler").toHaveCount(0); }); test("grouped on field with readonly expression depending on context", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], context: { abc: true }, }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("grouped on field with readonly expression depending on fields", async () => { // Fields are not available in the current context as the drag and drop must be enabled globally // for the view, it's not a per record thing. // So if the readonly expression contains fields, it will resolve to readonly === false and // the drag and drop will be enabled. await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); await contains(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").dragAndDrop( ".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2)" ); expect(".o_kanban_group:first-child .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_kanban_group:nth-child(2) .o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(3); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("quick create a column by pressing enter when input is focused", async () => { await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2); await quickCreateKanbanColumn(); // We don't use the editInput helper as it would trigger a change event automatically. // We need to wait for the enter key to trigger the event. await press("N"); await press("e"); await press("w"); await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(3); }); test("Correct values for progress bar with toggling filter and slow RPC", async () => { let def; onRpc("read_progress_bar", () => def); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], searchViewArch: ` `, }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(4); // abc: 1, ghi: 1 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1).map((pb) =>["50%", "50%"]); // toggle a filter, and slow down the read_progress_bar rpc def = new Deferred(); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Some Filter"); // abc: 1, ghi: 1 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1).map((pb) =>["50%", "50%"]); def.resolve(); await animationFrame(); // After the call to read_progress_bar has resolved, the values should be updated correctly expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(2); // abc: 1 expect(getKanbanProgressBars(1).map((pb) =>["100%"]); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("click on empty kanban must shake the NEW button", async () => { onRpc("web_read_group", () => { // override read_group to return empty groups, as this is // the case for several models (e.g. project.task grouped // by stage_id) return { groups: [ { __domain: [["product_id", "=", 3]], product_id_count: 0, product_id: [3, "xplone"], }, { __domain: [["product_id", "=", 5]], product_id_count: 0, product_id: [5, "xplan"], }, ], length: 2, }; }); await mountView({ type: "kanban", resModel: "partner", arch: ` `, groupBy: ["product_id"], }); expect(".o_kanban_group").toHaveCount(2, { message: "there should be 2 columns" }); expect(".o_kanban_record").toHaveCount(0, { message: "both columns should be empty" }); await click(".o_kanban_renderer"); expect("[data-bounce-button]").toHaveClass("o_catch_attention"); });