import { beforeEach, destroy, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { queryAll, queryAllAttributes, queryAllTexts, resize } from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { advanceTime, animationFrame, runAllTimers } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import {
} from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { Component, onRendered, xml } from "@odoo/owl";
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { NavBar } from "@web/webclient/navbar/navbar";
const systrayRegistry = registry.category("systray");
// Debounce time for Adaptation (`debouncedAdapt`) on resize event in navbar
const waitNavbarAdaptation = () => advanceTime(500);
class MySystrayItem extends Component {
static props = ["*"];
static template = xml`
my item`;
beforeEach(async () => {
systrayRegistry.add("addon.myitem", { Component: MySystrayItem });
id: "root",
children: [{ id: 1, children: [], name: "App0", appID: 1 }],
name: "root",
appID: "root",
return () => {
test("can be rendered", async () => {
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
expect(".o_navbar_apps_menu button.dropdown-toggle").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "1 apps menu toggler present",
test("dropdown menu can be toggled", async () => {
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
await contains(".o_navbar_apps_menu button.dropdown-toggle").click();
await contains(".o_navbar_apps_menu button.dropdown-toggle").click();
test("href attribute on apps menu items", async () => {
id: "root",
children: [{ id: 1, children: [], name: "My app", appID: 1, actionID: 339 }],
name: "root",
appID: "root",
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
await contains(".o_navbar_apps_menu button.dropdown-toggle").click();
expect(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item").toHaveAttribute("href", "/odoo/action-339");
test("href attribute with path on apps menu items", async () => {
id: "root",
children: [
id: 1,
children: [],
name: "My app",
appID: 1,
actionID: 339,
actionPath: "my-path",
name: "root",
appID: "root",
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
await contains(".o_navbar_apps_menu button.dropdown-toggle").click();
expect(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item").toHaveAttribute("href", "/odoo/my-path");
test("many sublevels in app menu items", async () => {
id: "root",
children: [
id: 1,
children: [
id: 2,
children: [
id: 3,
children: [
id: 4,
children: [
id: 5,
children: [
id: 6,
children: [
id: 7,
children: [
id: 8,
children: [
id: 9,
children: [],
name: "My submenu 7",
appID: 1,
name: "My submenu 6",
appID: 1,
name: "My submenu 5",
appID: 1,
name: "My submenu 4",
appID: 1,
name: "My submenu 3",
appID: 1,
name: "My submenu 2",
appID: 1,
name: "My submenu 1",
appID: 1,
name: "My menu",
appID: 1,
name: "My app",
appID: 1,
name: "root",
appID: "root",
await makeMockEnv();
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
await contains(".o_menu_sections .o-dropdown").click();
queryAll(".o-dropdown--menu > *").map((el) => ({
text: el.innerText,
tagName: el.tagName,
{ text: "My submenu 1", paddingLeft: "20px", tagName: "DIV" },
{ text: "My submenu 2", paddingLeft: "32px", tagName: "DIV" },
{ text: "My submenu 3", paddingLeft: "44px", tagName: "DIV" },
{ text: "My submenu 4", paddingLeft: "56px", tagName: "DIV" },
{ text: "My submenu 5", paddingLeft: "68px", tagName: "DIV" },
{ text: "My submenu 6", paddingLeft: "80px", tagName: "DIV" },
{ text: "My submenu 7", paddingLeft: "92px", tagName: "A" },
test("data-menu-xmlid attribute on AppsMenu items", async () => {
// Replace all default menus and setting new one
menus: [
id: 1,
children: [
id: 3,
children: [],
name: "Menu without children",
appID: 1,
xmlid: "menu_3",
id: 4,
children: [
id: 5,
children: [],
name: "Sub menu",
appID: 1,
xmlid: "menu_5",
name: "Menu with children",
appID: 1,
xmlid: "menu_4",
name: "App0 with xmlid",
appID: 1,
xmlid: "wowl",
{ id: 2, children: [], name: "App1 without xmlid", appID: 2 },
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
// check apps
await contains(".o_navbar_apps_menu button.dropdown-toggle").click();
expect(queryAllAttributes(".o-dropdown--menu a", "data-menu-xmlid")).toEqual(["wowl", null], {
"menu items should have the correct data-menu-xmlid attribute (only the first is set)",
// check menus
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_menu_sections .dropdown-item[data-menu-xmlid=menu_3]").toHaveCount(1);
// check sub menus toggler
expect(".o_menu_sections button.dropdown-toggle[data-menu-xmlid=menu_4]").toHaveCount(1);
// check sub menus
await contains(".o_menu_sections .dropdown-toggle").click();
expect(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item[data-menu-xmlid=menu_5]").toHaveCount(1);
test("navbar can display current active app", async () => {
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
// Open apps menu
await contains(".o_navbar_apps_menu button.dropdown-toggle").click();
expect(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item:not(.focus)").toHaveCount(1, {
"should not show the current active app as the menus service has not loaded an app yet",
// Activate an app
await animationFrame();
expect(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item.focus").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should show the current active app",
test("navbar can display systray items", async () => {
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
test("navbar can display systray items ordered based on their sequence", async () => {
class MyItem1 extends Component {
static props = ["*"];
static template = xml`my item 1`;
class MyItem2 extends Component {
static props = ["*"];
static template = xml`my item 2`;
class MyItem3 extends Component {
static props = ["*"];
static template = xml`my item 3`;
class MyItem4 extends Component {
static props = ["*"];
static template = xml`my item 4`;
// Remove systray added by beforeEach
systrayRegistry.add("addon.myitem2", { Component: MyItem2 });
systrayRegistry.add("addon.myitem1", { Component: MyItem1 }, { sequence: 0 });
systrayRegistry.add("addon.myitem3", { Component: MyItem3 }, { sequence: 100 });
systrayRegistry.add("addon.myitem4", { Component: MyItem4 });
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
expect(".o_menu_systray:eq(0) li").toHaveCount(4, {
message: "four systray items should be displayed",
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_menu_systray:eq(0) li")).toEqual([
"my item 3",
"my item 4",
"my item 2",
"my item 1",
test("navbar updates after adding a systray item", async () => {
class MyItem1 extends Component {
static props = ["*"];
static template = xml`my item 1`;
// Remove systray added by beforeEach
systrayRegistry.add("addon.myitem1", { Component: MyItem1 });
patchWithCleanup(NavBar.prototype, {
setup() {
onRendered(() => {
if (!systrayRegistry.contains("addon.myitem2")) {
class MyItem2 extends Component {
static props = ["*"];
static template = xml`my item 2`;
systrayRegistry.add("addon.myitem2", { Component: MyItem2 });
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
expect(".o_menu_systray:eq(0) li").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "2 systray items should be displayed",
test("can adapt with 'more' menu sections behavior", async () => {
class MyNavbar extends NavBar {
async adapt() {
await super.adapt();
const sectionsCount = this.currentAppSections.length;
const hiddenSectionsCount = this.currentAppSectionsExtra.length;
expect.step(`adapt -> hide ${hiddenSectionsCount}/${sectionsCount} sections`);
id: "root",
children: [
id: 1,
children: [
{ id: 10, children: [], name: "Section 10", appID: 1 },
{ id: 11, children: [], name: "Section 11", appID: 1 },
id: 12,
children: [
{ id: 120, children: [], name: "Section 120", appID: 1 },
{ id: 121, children: [], name: "Section 121", appID: 1 },
{ id: 122, children: [], name: "Section 122", appID: 1 },
name: "Section 12",
appID: 1,
name: "App0",
appID: 1,
name: "root",
appID: "root",
// Force the parent width, to make this test independent of screen size
await resize({ width: 1080 });
// TODO: this test case doesn't make sense since it relies on small widths
// with `env.isSmall` still returning `false`.
const env = await makeMockEnv();
Object.defineProperty(env, "isSmall", { get: () => false });
// Set menu and mount
await mountWithCleanup(MyNavbar);
expect(".o_menu_sections > *:not(.o_menu_sections_more):visible").toHaveCount(3, {
message: "should have 3 menu sections displayed (that are not the 'more' menu)",
// Force minimal width
await resize({ width: 0 });
await waitNavbarAdaptation();
message: "no menu section should be displayed",
// Reset to full width
await resize({ width: 1366 });
await waitNavbarAdaptation();
expect(".o_menu_sections > *:not(.o_menu_sections_more):not(.d-none)").toHaveCount(3, {
message: "should have 3 menu sections displayed (that are not the 'more' menu)",
expect(".o_menu_sections_more").toHaveCount(0, { message: "the 'more' menu should not exist" });
"adapt -> hide 0/3 sections",
"adapt -> hide 3/3 sections",
"adapt -> hide 0/3 sections",
test("'more' menu sections adaptations do not trigger render in some cases", async () => {
let adaptRunning = false;
let adaptCount = 0;
let adaptRenderCount = 0;
class MyNavbar extends NavBar {
async adapt() {
adaptRunning = true;
await super.adapt();
adaptRunning = false;
async render() {
if (adaptRunning) {
await super.render(...arguments);
id: "root",
children: [
id: 1,
children: [
id: 11,
children: [],
name: "Section with a very long name 1",
appID: 1,
id: 12,
children: [],
name: "Section with a very long name 2",
appID: 1,
id: 13,
children: [],
name: "Section with a very long name 3",
appID: 1,
name: "App1",
appID: 1,
name: "root",
appID: "root",
// Force the parent width, to make this test independent of screen size
await resize({ width: 600 });
// TODO: this test case doesn't make sense since it relies on small widths
// with `env.isSmall` still returning `false`.
const env = await makeMockEnv();
Object.defineProperty(env, "isSmall", { get: () => false });
const navbar = await mountWithCleanup(MyNavbar);
expect(navbar.currentAppSections).toHaveLength(0, { message: "0 app sub menus" });
expect(".o_navbar").toHaveRect({ width: 600 });
expect(adaptRenderCount).toBe(0, {
message: "during adapt, render not triggered as the navbar has no app sub menus",
await resize({ width: 0 });
await waitNavbarAdaptation();
expect(".o_navbar").toHaveRect({ width: 0 });
expect(adaptRenderCount).toBe(0, {
message: "during adapt, render not triggered as the navbar has no app sub menus",
// Set menu
await animationFrame();
expect(navbar.currentAppSections).toHaveLength(3, { message: "3 app sub menus" });
expect(navbar.currentAppSectionsExtra).toHaveLength(3, {
message: "all app sub menus are inside the more menu",
expect(adaptRenderCount).toBe(1, {
"during adapt, render triggered as the navbar does not have enough space for app sub menus",
// Force small width
await resize({ width: 240 });
await waitNavbarAdaptation();
expect(navbar.currentAppSectionsExtra).toHaveLength(3, {
message: "all app sub menus are inside the more menu",
expect(adaptRenderCount).toBe(1, {
message: "during adapt, render not triggered as the more menu dropdown is STILL the same",
// Reset to full width
await resize({ width: 1366 });
await waitNavbarAdaptation();
expect(navbar.currentAppSections).toHaveLength(3, { message: "still 3 app sub menus" });
expect(navbar.currentAppSectionsExtra).toHaveLength(0, {
message: "all app sub menus are NO MORE inside the more menu",
expect(adaptRenderCount).toBe(2, {
message: "during adapt, render triggered as the more menu dropdown is NO MORE the same",
test("'more' menu sections properly updated on app change", async () => {
id: "root",
children: [
// First App
id: 1,
children: [
{ id: 10, children: [], name: "Section 10", appID: 1 },
{ id: 11, children: [], name: "Section 11", appID: 1 },
id: 12,
children: [
{ id: 120, children: [], name: "Section 120", appID: 1 },
{ id: 121, children: [], name: "Section 121", appID: 1 },
{ id: 122, children: [], name: "Section 122", appID: 1 },
name: "Section 12",
appID: 1,
name: "App1",
appID: 1,
// Second App
id: 2,
children: [
{ id: 20, children: [], name: "Section 20", appID: 2 },
{ id: 21, children: [], name: "Section 21", appID: 2 },
id: 22,
children: [
{ id: 220, children: [], name: "Section 220", appID: 2 },
{ id: 221, children: [], name: "Section 221", appID: 2 },
{ id: 222, children: [], name: "Section 222", appID: 2 },
name: "Section 22",
appID: 2,
name: "App2",
appID: 2,
name: "root",
appID: "root",
// Force the parent width, to make this test independent of screen size
await resize({ width: 1080 });
// TODO: this test case doesn't make sense since it relies on small widths
// with `env.isSmall` still returning `false`.
const env = await makeMockEnv();
Object.defineProperty(env, "isSmall", { get: () => false });
// Set menu and mount
await mountWithCleanup(NavBar);
// Force minimal width
await resize({ width: 0 });
await waitNavbarAdaptation();
expect(".o_menu_sections > *:not(.d-none)").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "only one menu section should be displayed",
expect(".o_menu_sections_more:not(.d-none)").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the displayed menu section should be the 'more' menu",
// Open the more menu
await contains(".o_menu_sections_more .dropdown-toggle").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".dropdown-menu > *")).toEqual(
["Section 10", "Section 11", "Section 12", "Section 120", "Section 121", "Section 122"],
{ message: "'more' menu should contain App1 sections" }
// Close the more menu
await contains(".o_menu_sections_more .dropdown-toggle").click();
// Set App2 menu
await animationFrame();
// Open the more menu
await contains(".o_menu_sections_more .dropdown-toggle").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".dropdown-menu > *")).toEqual(
["Section 20", "Section 21", "Section 22", "Section 220", "Section 221", "Section 222"],
{ message: "'more' menu should contain App2 sections" }
test("Do not execute adapt when navbar is destroyed", async () => {
class MyNavbar extends NavBar {
async adapt() {
expect.step("adapt NavBar");
return super.adapt();
await makeMockEnv();
// Set menu and mount
const navbar = await mountWithCleanup(MyNavbar);
expect.verifySteps(["adapt NavBar"]);
await resize();
await runAllTimers();
expect.verifySteps(["adapt NavBar"]);
await resize();
await runAllTimers();