# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import base64 import contextlib import logging import re import requests from markupsafe import Markup from urllib.parse import parse_qs from werkzeug.urls import url_encode from odoo import _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools import image_process logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # To detect if we have a valid URL or not valid_url_regex = r'^(http://|https://|//)[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(/.*)?$' # Regex for few of the widely used video hosting services player_regexes = { 'youtube': r'^(?:(?:https?:)?//)?(?:www\.|m\.)?(?:youtu\.be/|youtube(-nocookie)?\.com/(?:embed/|v/|shorts/|live/|watch\?v=|watch\?.+&v=))((?:\w|-){11})\S*$', 'vimeo': r'^(?:(?:https?:)?//)?(?:www\.)?vimeo\.com\/(?P[^/\?]+)(?:/(?P[^/\?]+))?(?:\?(?P[^\s]+))?$', 'vimeo_player': r'^(?:(?:https?:)?//)?player\.vimeo\.com\/video\/(?P[^/\?]+)(?:\?(?P[^\s]+))?$', 'dailymotion': r'(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(dailymotion\.com\/(embed\/video\/|embed\/|video\/|hub\/.*#video=)|dai\.ly\/)(?P[A-Za-z0-9]{6,7})', 'instagram': r'(?:(.*)instagram.com|instagr\.am)/p/(.[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]*)', 'youku': r'(?:(https?:\/\/)?(v\.youku\.com/v_show/id_|player\.youku\.com/player\.php/sid/|player\.youku\.com/embed/|cloud\.youku\.com/services/sharev\?vid=|video\.tudou\.com/v/)|youku:)(?P[A-Za-z0-9]+)(?:\.html|/v\.swf|)', } def get_video_source_data(video_url): """ Computes the valid source, document ID and regex match from given URL (or None in case of invalid URL). """ if not video_url: return None if re.search(valid_url_regex, video_url): youtube_match = re.search(player_regexes['youtube'], video_url) if youtube_match: return ('youtube', youtube_match[2], youtube_match) vimeo_match = ( re.search(player_regexes['vimeo'], video_url) or re.search(player_regexes['vimeo_player'], video_url)) if vimeo_match: return ('vimeo', vimeo_match.group('id'), vimeo_match) dailymotion_match = re.search(player_regexes['dailymotion'], video_url) if dailymotion_match: return ('dailymotion', dailymotion_match.group("id"), dailymotion_match) instagram_match = re.search(player_regexes['instagram'], video_url) if instagram_match: return ('instagram', instagram_match[2], instagram_match) youku_match = re.search(player_regexes['youku'], video_url) if youku_match: return ('youku', youku_match.group("id"), youku_match) return None def get_video_url_data(video_url, autoplay=False, loop=False, hide_controls=False, hide_fullscreen=False, hide_dm_logo=False, hide_dm_share=False): """ Computes the platform name, the embed_url, the video id and the video params of the given URL (or error message in case of invalid URL). """ source = get_video_source_data(video_url) if source is None: return {'error': True, 'message': _('The provided url is invalid')} embed_url = video_url platform, video_id, platform_match = source params = {} if platform == 'youtube': params['rel'] = 0 params['autoplay'] = autoplay and 1 or 0 if autoplay: params['mute'] = 1 # The youtube js api is needed for autoplay on mobile. Note: this # was added as a fix, old customers may have autoplay videos # without this, which will make their video autoplay on desktop but # not in mobile (so no behavior change was done in stable, this # should not be migrated). params['enablejsapi'] = 1 if hide_controls: params['controls'] = 0 if loop: params['loop'] = 1 params['playlist'] = video_id if hide_fullscreen: params['fs'] = 0 embed_url = f'//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/{video_id}' elif platform == 'vimeo': params['autoplay'] = autoplay and 1 or 0 # Always enable "do not track" parameter. params['dnt'] = 1 if autoplay: params['muted'] = 1 params['autopause'] = 0 if hide_controls: params['controls'] = 0 if loop: params['loop'] = 1 groups = platform_match.groupdict() if groups.get('hash'): params['h'] = groups['hash'] elif groups.get('params'): url_params = parse_qs(groups['params']) if 'h' in url_params: params['h'] = url_params['h'][0] embed_url = f'//player.vimeo.com/video/{video_id}' elif platform == 'dailymotion': params['autoplay'] = autoplay and 1 or 0 if autoplay: params['mute'] = 1 if hide_controls: params['controls'] = 0 if hide_dm_logo: params['ui-logo'] = 0 if hide_dm_share: params['sharing-enable'] = 0 embed_url = f'//www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/{video_id}' elif platform == 'instagram': embed_url = f'//www.instagram.com/p/{video_id}/embed/' elif platform == 'youku': embed_url = f'//player.youku.com/embed/{video_id}' if params: embed_url = f'{embed_url}?{url_encode(params)}' return { 'platform': platform, 'embed_url': embed_url, 'video_id': video_id, 'params': params } def get_video_embed_code(video_url): """ Computes the valid iframe from given URL that can be embedded (or None in case of invalid URL). """ data = get_video_url_data(video_url) if 'error' in data: return None return Markup('') % data['embed_url'] def get_video_thumbnail(video_url): """ Computes the valid thumbnail image from given URL (or None in case of invalid URL). """ source = get_video_source_data(video_url) if source is None: return None response = None platform, video_id = source[:2] with contextlib.suppress(requests.exceptions.RequestException): if platform == 'youtube': response = requests.get(f'https://img.youtube.com/vi/{video_id}/0.jpg', timeout=10) elif platform == 'vimeo': res = requests.get(f'http://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url={video_url}', timeout=10) if res.ok: data = res.json() response = requests.get(data['thumbnail_url'], timeout=10) elif platform == 'dailymotion': response = requests.get(f'https://www.dailymotion.com/thumbnail/video/{video_id}', timeout=10) elif platform == 'instagram': response = requests.get(f'https://www.instagram.com/p/{video_id}/media/?size=t', timeout=10) if response and response.ok: return image_process(response.content) return None diverging_history_regex = 'data-last-history-steps="([0-9,]+)"' # This method must be called in a context that has write access to the record as # it will write to the bus. def handle_history_divergence(record, html_field_name, vals): # Do not handle history divergence if the field is not in the values. if html_field_name not in vals: return # Do not handle history divergence if in module installation mode. if record.env.context.get('install_module'): return incoming_html = vals[html_field_name] incoming_history_matches = re.search(diverging_history_regex, incoming_html or '') # When there is no incoming history id, it means that the value does not # comes from the odoo editor or the collaboration was not activated. In # project, it could come from the collaboration pad. In that case, we do not # handle history divergences. if request: channel = (request.db, 'editor_collaboration', record._name, html_field_name, record.id) if incoming_history_matches is None: if request: bus_data = { 'model_name': record._name, 'field_name': html_field_name, 'res_id': record.id, 'notificationName': 'html_field_write', 'notificationPayload': {'last_step_id': None}, } request.env['bus.bus']._sendone(channel, 'editor_collaboration', bus_data) return incoming_history_ids = incoming_history_matches[1].split(',') last_step_id = incoming_history_ids[-1] bus_data = { 'model_name': record._name, 'field_name': html_field_name, 'res_id': record.id, 'notificationName': 'html_field_write', 'notificationPayload': {'last_step_id': last_step_id}, } if request: request.env['bus.bus']._sendone(channel, 'editor_collaboration', bus_data) if record[html_field_name]: server_history_matches = re.search(diverging_history_regex, record[html_field_name] or '') # Do not check old documents without data-last-history-steps. if server_history_matches: server_last_history_id = server_history_matches[1].split(',')[-1] if server_last_history_id not in incoming_history_ids: logger.warning('The document was already saved from someone with a different history for model %r, field %r with id %r.', record._name, html_field_name, record.id) raise ValidationError(_( 'The document was already saved from someone with a different history for model "%(model)s", field "%(field)s" with id "%(id)d".', model=record._name, field=html_field_name, id=record.id, )) # Save only the latest id. vals[html_field_name] = incoming_html[0:incoming_history_matches.start(1)] + last_step_id + incoming_html[incoming_history_matches.end(1):]