# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import re from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class WebsiteConfiguratorFeature(models.Model): _name = 'website.configurator.feature' _description = 'Website Configurator Feature' _order = 'sequence' sequence = fields.Integer() name = fields.Char(translate=True) description = fields.Char(translate=True) icon = fields.Char() iap_page_code = fields.Char(help='Page code used to tell IAP website_service for which page a snippet list should be generated') website_config_preselection = fields.Char(help='Comma-separated list of website type/purpose for which this feature should be pre-selected') page_view_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', ondelete='cascade') module_id = fields.Many2one('ir.module.module', ondelete='cascade') feature_url = fields.Char() menu_sequence = fields.Integer(help='If set, a website menu will be created for the feature.') menu_company = fields.Boolean(help='If set, add the menu as a second level menu, as a child of "Company" menu.') @api.constrains('module_id', 'page_view_id') def _check_module_xor_page_view(self): if bool(self.module_id) == bool(self.page_view_id): raise ValidationError(_("One and only one of the two fields 'page_view_id' and 'module_id' should be set")) @staticmethod def _process_svg(theme, colors, image_mapping): svg = None try: with tools.file_open(f'{theme}/static/description/{theme}.svg', 'r') as file: svg = file.read() except FileNotFoundError: return False default_colors = { 'color1': '#3AADAA', 'color2': '#7C6576', 'color3': '#F6F6F6', 'color4': '#FFFFFF', 'color5': '#383E45', 'menu': '#MENU_COLOR', 'footer': '#FOOTER_COLOR', } color_mapping = {default_colors[color_key]: color_value for color_key, color_value in colors.items() if color_key in default_colors.keys()} # Replace the default colors by the chosen ones for default_color, chosen_color in color_mapping.items(): svg = svg.replace(default_color, chosen_color) # Replace the default images by the one corresponding to the industry for default_img, new_img in image_mapping.items(): svg = svg.replace(default_img, new_img) return svg