sale.order primary sale.order primary 32 1 sale.order.form.abandoned.cart sale.order Orders sale.order list,form,kanban,activity [] {'show_sale': True, 'search_default_order_confirmed': 1, 'search_default_from_website': 1}

There is no confirmed order from the website

Unpaid Orders sale.order list,form,kanban,activity [('state', '=', 'sent'), ('website_id', '!=', False)] {'show_sale': True, 'create': False}

There is no unpaid order from the website yet

Process the order once the payment is received.

sale.order.ecommerce.abondand.view sale.order 32 Orders To Invoice sale.order list,form,kanban [('state', '=', 'sale'), ('order_line', '!=', False), ('invoice_status', '=', 'to invoice'), ('website_id', '!=', False)] {'show_sale': True, 'search_default_order_confirmed': 1, 'create': False}

You don't have any order to invoice from the website

Unpaid Orders sale.order list,kanban,form,activity [('state', '=', 'sent'), ('website_id', '!=', False)] {'show_sale': True, 'create': False}

There is no unpaid order from the website yet

Process the order once the payment is received.

Abandoned Carts sale.order list,kanban,form,activity [('is_abandoned_cart', '=', 1)]

No abandoned carts found

You'll find here all the carts abandoned by your visitors. If they completed their address, you should send them a recovery email!

The time to mark a cart as abandoned can be changed in the settings.

sale.order.form sale.order { 'display_website': True, 'res_partner_search_mode': 'customer', 'show_address': 1, 'show_vat': True, } sale.order