# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from math import log10 from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase from odoo.tools import float_compare, float_is_zero, float_repr, float_round, float_split, float_split_str class TestFloatPrecision(TransactionCase): """ Tests on float precision. """ def test_rounding_02(self): """ Test rounding methods with 2 digits. """ currency = self.env.ref('base.EUR') def try_round(amount, expected, digits=2, method='HALF-UP'): value = float_round(amount, precision_digits=digits, rounding_method=method) result = float_repr(value, precision_digits=digits) self.assertEqual(result, expected, 'Rounding error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected)) try_round(2.674,'2.67') try_round(2.675,'2.68') # in Python 2.7.2, round(2.675,2) gives 2.67 try_round(-2.675,'-2.68') # in Python 2.7.2, round(2.675,2) gives 2.67 try_round(0.001,'0.00') try_round(-0.001,'-0.00') try_round(0.0049,'0.00') # 0.0049 is closer to 0 than to 0.01, so should round down try_round(0.005,'0.01') # the rule is to round half away from zero try_round(-0.005,'-0.01') # the rule is to round half away from zero try_round(6.6 * 0.175, '1.16') # 6.6 * 0.175 is rounded to 1.15 with epsilon = 53 try_round(-6.6 * 0.175, '-1.16') try_round(5.015, '5.02', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(5.025, '5.02', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(-5.015, '-5.02', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(-5.025, '-5.02', method='HALF-EVEN') def try_zero(amount, expected): self.assertEqual(currency.is_zero(amount), expected, "Rounding error: %s should be zero!" % amount) try_zero(0.01, False) try_zero(-0.01, False) try_zero(0.001, True) try_zero(-0.001, True) try_zero(0.0046, True) try_zero(-0.0046, True) try_zero(2.68-2.675, False) # 2.68 - 2.675 = 0.005 -> rounds to 0.01 try_zero(2.68-2.676, True) # 2.68 - 2.675 = 0.004 -> rounds to 0.0 try_zero(2.676-2.68, True) # 2.675 - 2.68 = -0.004 -> rounds to -0.0 try_zero(2.675-2.68, False) # 2.675 - 2.68 = -0.005 -> rounds to -0.01 def try_compare(amount1, amount2, expected): self.assertEqual(currency.compare_amounts(amount1, amount2), expected, "Rounding error, compare_amounts(%s,%s) should be %s" % (amount1, amount2, expected)) try_compare(0.001, 0.001, 0) try_compare(-0.001, -0.001, 0) try_compare(0.001, 0.002, 0) try_compare(-0.001, -0.002, 0) try_compare(2.675, 2.68, 0) try_compare(2.676, 2.68, 0) try_compare(-2.676, -2.68, 0) try_compare(2.674, 2.68, -1) try_compare(-2.674, -2.68, 1) try_compare(3, 2.68, 1) try_compare(-3, -2.68, -1) try_compare(0.01, 0, 1) try_compare(-0.01, 0, -1) def test_rounding_03(self): """ Test rounding methods with 3 digits. """ def try_round(amount, expected, digits=3, method='HALF-UP'): value = float_round(amount, precision_digits=digits, rounding_method=method) result = float_repr(value, precision_digits=digits) self.assertEqual(result, expected, 'Rounding error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected)) try_round(2.6735, '2.674') # Tie rounds away from 0 try_round(-2.6735, '-2.674') # Tie rounds away from 0 try_round(2.6745, '2.675') # Tie rounds away from 0 try_round(-2.6745, '-2.675') # Tie rounds away from 0 try_round(2.6744, '2.674') try_round(-2.6744, '-2.674') try_round(0.0004, '0.000') try_round(-0.0004, '-0.000') try_round(357.4555, '357.456') try_round(-357.4555, '-357.456') try_round(457.4554, '457.455') try_round(-457.4554, '-457.455') # Try some rounding value with rounding method HALF-DOWN instead of HALF-UP try_round(2.6735, '2.673', method='HALF-DOWN') # Tie rounds towards 0 try_round(-2.6735, '-2.673', method='HALF-DOWN') # Tie rounds towards 0 try_round(2.6745, '2.674', method='HALF-DOWN') # Tie rounds towards 0 try_round(-2.6745, '-2.674', method='HALF-DOWN') # Tie rounds towards 0 try_round(2.6744, '2.674', method='HALF-DOWN') try_round(-2.6744, '-2.674', method='HALF-DOWN') try_round(0.0004, '0.000', method='HALF-DOWN') try_round(-0.0004, '-0.000', method='HALF-DOWN') try_round(357.4555, '357.455', method='HALF-DOWN') try_round(-357.4555, '-357.455', method='HALF-DOWN') try_round(457.4554, '457.455', method='HALF-DOWN') try_round(-457.4554, '-457.455', method='HALF-DOWN') # Try some rounding value with rounding method HALF-EVEN instead of HALF-UP try_round(2.6735, '2.674', method='HALF-EVEN') # Tie rounds to the closest even number (i.e. up here) try_round(-2.6735, '-2.674', method='HALF-EVEN') # Tie rounds to the closest even number (i.e. up here) try_round(2.6745, '2.674', method='HALF-EVEN') # Tie rounds to the closest even number (i.e. down here) try_round(-2.6745, '-2.674', method='HALF-EVEN') # Tie rounds to the closest even number (i.e. down here) try_round(2.6744, '2.674', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(-2.6744, '-2.674', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(0.0004, '0.000', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(-0.0004, '-0.000', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(357.4555, '357.456', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(-357.4555, '-357.456', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(457.4554, '457.455', method='HALF-EVEN') try_round(-457.4554, '-457.455', method='HALF-EVEN') # Try some rounding value with rounding method UP instead of HALF-UP # We use 8.175 because when normalizing 8.175 with precision_digits=3 it gives # us 8175,0000000001234 as value, and if not handle correctly the rounding UP # value will be incorrect (should be 8,175 and not 8,176) try_round(8.175, '8.175', method='UP') try_round(8.1751, '8.176', method='UP') try_round(-8.175, '-8.175', method='UP') try_round(-8.1751, '-8.176', method='UP') try_round(-6.000, '-6.000', method='UP') try_round(1.8, '2', 0, method='UP') try_round(-1.8, '-2', 0, method='UP') # Try some rounding value with rounding method DOWN instead of HALF-UP # We use 2.425 because when normalizing 2.425 with precision_digits=3 it gives # us 2424.9999999999995 as value, and if not handle correctly the rounding DOWN # value will be incorrect (should be 2.425 and not 2.424) try_round(2.425, '2.425', method='DOWN') try_round(2.4249, '2.424', method='DOWN') try_round(-2.425, '-2.425', method='DOWN') try_round(-2.4249, '-2.424', method='DOWN') try_round(-2.500, '-2.500', method='DOWN') try_round(1.8, '1', 0, method='DOWN') try_round(-1.8, '-1', 0, method='DOWN') # Extended float range test, inspired by Cloves Almeida's test on bug #882036. fractions = [.0, .015, .01499, .675, .67499, .4555, .4555, .45555] expecteds = ['.00', '.02', '.01', '.68', '.67', '.46', '.456', '.4556'] precisions = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4] # Note: max precision for double floats is 53 bits of precision or # 17 significant decimal digits for magnitude in range(7): for frac, exp, prec in zip(fractions, expecteds, precisions): for sign in [-1,1]: for x in range(0, 10000, 97): n = x * 10 ** magnitude f = sign * (n + frac) f_exp = ('-' if f != 0 and sign == -1 else '') + str(n) + exp try_round(f, f_exp, digits=prec) def try_zero(amount, expected): self.assertEqual(float_is_zero(amount, precision_digits=3), expected, "Rounding error: %s should be zero!" % amount) try_zero(0.0002, True) try_zero(-0.0002, True) try_zero(0.00034, True) try_zero(0.0005, False) try_zero(-0.0005, False) try_zero(0.0008, False) try_zero(-0.0008, False) def try_compare(amount1, amount2, expected): self.assertEqual(float_compare(amount1, amount2, precision_digits=3), expected, "Rounding error, compare_amounts(%s,%s) should be %s" % (amount1, amount2, expected)) try_compare(0.0003, 0.0004, 0) try_compare(-0.0003, -0.0004, 0) try_compare(0.0002, 0.0005, -1) try_compare(-0.0002, -0.0005, 1) try_compare(0.0009, 0.0004, 1) try_compare(-0.0009, -0.0004, -1) try_compare(557.4555, 557.4556, 0) try_compare(-557.4555, -557.4556, 0) try_compare(657.4444, 657.445, -1) try_compare(-657.4444, -657.445, 1) # Rounding to unusual rounding units (e.g. coin values) def try_round(amount, expected, precision_rounding=None, method='HALF-UP'): # pylint: disable=function-redefined value = float_round(amount, precision_rounding=precision_rounding, rounding_method=method) result = float_repr(value, precision_digits=2) self.assertEqual(result, expected, 'Rounding error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected)) try_round(-457.4554, '-457.45', precision_rounding=0.05) try_round(457.444, '457.50', precision_rounding=0.5) try_round(457.3, '455.00', precision_rounding=5) try_round(457.5, '460.00', precision_rounding=5) try_round(457.1, '456.00', precision_rounding=3) try_round(2.5, '2.50', precision_rounding=0.05, method='DOWN') try_round(-2.5, '-2.50', precision_rounding=0.05, method='DOWN') def test_rounding_04(self): """ check that proper rounding is performed for float persistence """ currency = self.env.ref('base.EUR') currency_rate = self.env['res.currency.rate'] def try_roundtrip(value, expected, date): rate = currency_rate.create({'name': date, 'rate': value, 'currency_id': currency.id}) self.assertEqual(rate.rate, expected, 'Roundtrip error: got %s back from db, expected %s' % (rate, expected)) # res.currency.rate no more uses 6 digits of precision by default, it now uses whatever precision it gets try_roundtrip(10000.999999, 10000.999999, '2000-01-03') #TODO re-enable those tests when tests are made on dedicated models # (res.currency.rate don't accept negative value anymore) #try_roundtrip(-2.6748955, -2.674896, '2000-01-02') #try_roundtrip(-10000.999999, -10000.999999, '2000-01-04') def test_float_split_05(self): """ Test split method with 2 digits. """ currency = self.env.ref('base.EUR') def try_split(value, expected, split_fun, rounding=None): digits = max(0, -int(log10(currency.rounding))) if rounding is None else rounding result = split_fun(value, precision_digits=digits) self.assertEqual(result, expected, 'Split error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected)) try_split(2.674, ('2', '67'), float_split_str) try_split(2.675, ('2', '68'), float_split_str) # in Python 2.7.2, round(2.675,2) gives 2.67 try_split(-2.675, ('-2', '68'), float_split_str) # in Python 2.7.2, round(2.675,2) gives 2.67 try_split(0.001, ('0', '00'), float_split_str) try_split(-0.001, ('-0', '00'), float_split_str) try_split(42, ('42', '00'), float_split_str) try_split(0.1, ('0', '10'), float_split_str) try_split(13.0, ('13', ''), float_split_str, rounding=0) try_split(2.674, (2, 67), float_split) try_split(2.675, (2, 68), float_split) # in Python 2.7.2, round(2.675,2) gives 2.67 try_split(-2.675, (-2, 68), float_split) # in Python 2.7.2, round(2.675,2) gives 2.67 try_split(0.001, (0, 0), float_split) try_split(-0.001, (0, 0), float_split) try_split(42, (42, 0), float_split) try_split(0.1, (0, 10), float_split) try_split(13.0, (13, 0), float_split, rounding=0) def test_rounding_invalid(self): """ verify that invalid parameters are forbidden """ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_is_zero(0.01, precision_digits=3, precision_rounding=0.01) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_is_zero(0.0, precision_rounding=0.0) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_is_zero(0.0, precision_rounding=-0.1) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_compare(0.01, 0.02, precision_digits=3, precision_rounding=0.01) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_compare(1.0, 1.0, precision_rounding=0.0) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_compare(1.0, 1.0, precision_rounding=-0.1) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_round(0.01, precision_digits=3, precision_rounding=0.01) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_round(-1.0, precision_digits=0, precision_rounding=0.1) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_round(1.25, precision_rounding=0.0) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_round(1.25, precision_rounding=-0.1) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_round(1.25, precision_digits=-1) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): float_round(1.25, precision_digits=0.5) def test_amount_to_text_10(self): """ verify that amount_to_text works as expected """ currency = self.env.ref('base.EUR') amount_target = currency.amount_to_text(0.29) amount_test = currency.amount_to_text(0.28) self.assertNotEqual(amount_test, amount_target, "Amount in text should not depend on float representation")