import contextlib import logging import shutil import smtplib import socket import ssl import unittest import warnings from base64 import b64encode from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import patch from socket import getaddrinfo # keep a reference on the non-patched function from odoo import modules from odoo.exceptions import UserError from import config, file_path, mute_logger from .common import TransactionCaseWithUserDemo try: import aiosmtpd import aiosmtpd.controller import aiosmtpd.smtp import aiosmtpd.handlers except ImportError: aiosmtpd = None PASSWORD = 'secretpassword' _openssl = shutil.which('openssl') _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _find_free_local_address(): """ Get a triple (family, address, port) on which it possible to bind a local tcp service. """ addr = aiosmtpd.controller.get_localhost() # it returns or ::1 family = socket.AF_INET if addr == '' else socket.AF_INET6 with socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.bind((addr, 0)) port = sock.getsockname()[1] return family, addr, port def _smtp_authenticate(server, session, enveloppe, mechanism, data): """ Callback method used by aiosmtpd to validate a login/password pair. """ result = aiosmtpd.smtp.AuthResult(success=data.password == PASSWORD.encode()) _logger.debug("AUTH %s", "successfull" if result.success else "failed") return result class Certificate: def __init__(self, key, cert): self.key = key and Path(file_path(key, filter_ext='.pem')) self.cert = Path(file_path(cert, filter_ext='.pem')) def __repr__(self): return f"Certificate({self.key=}, {self.cert=})" # skip when optional dependencies are not found @unittest.skipUnless(aiosmtpd, "aiosmtpd couldn't be imported") @unittest.skipUnless(_openssl, "openssl not found in path") # fail fast for timeout errors @patch('odoo.addons.base.models.ir_mail_server.SMTP_TIMEOUT', .1) # prevent the CLI from interfering with the tests @patch.dict(config.options, {'smtp_server': ''}) class TestIrMailServerSMTPD(TransactionCaseWithUserDemo): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() # aiosmtpd emits deprecation warnings because it uses its own # deprecated features, mute those logs. # class Session(aiosmtpd.smtp.Session): @property def login_data(self): return self._login_data @login_data.setter def login_data(self, value): self._login_data = value patcher = patch('aiosmtpd.smtp.Session', Session) patcher.start() cls.addClassCleanup(patcher.stop) # aiosmtpd emits warnings for some unusual configuration, like # requiring AUTH on a clear-text transport. Mute those logs # since we also test those unusual configurations. warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', "Requiring AUTH while not requiring TLS can lead to security vulnerabilities!", category=UserWarning ) class CustomFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): if record.msg == "auth_required == True but auth_require_tls == False": return False if record.msg == "tls_context.verify_mode not in {CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL}; this might cause client connection problems": return False return True logging.getLogger('mail.log').addFilter(CustomFilter()) # decrease aiosmtpd verbosity, odoo INFO = aiosmtpd WARNING logging.getLogger('mail.log').setLevel(_logger.getEffectiveLevel() + 10) # Get various TLS keys and certificates. CA was used to sign # both client and server. self_signed is... self signed. cls.ssl_ca, cls.ssl_client, cls.ssl_server, cls.ssl_self_signed = [ Certificate(None, 'base/tests/ssl/ca.cert.pem'), Certificate('base/tests/ssl/client.key.pem', 'base/tests/ssl/client.cert.pem'), Certificate('base/tests/ssl/server.key.pem', 'base/tests/ssl/server.cert.pem'), Certificate('base/tests/ssl/self_signed.key.pem', 'base/tests/ssl/self_signed.cert.pem'), ] # Patch the two SMTP client classes into trusting the above CA class TEST_SMTP(smtplib.SMTP): def starttls(self, *, context): if context is None: context = ssl._create_stdlib_context() # what SMTP_SSL does # context = ssl.create_default_context() # what it should do context.load_verify_locations(cafile=str(cls.ssl_ca.cert)) super().starttls(context=context) class TEST_SMTP_SSL(smtplib.SMTP_SSL): def _get_socket(self, *args, **kwargs): # self.context = ssl.create_default_context() # what it should do self.context.load_verify_locations(cafile=str(cls.ssl_ca.cert)) return super()._get_socket(*args, **kwargs) patcher = patch('smtplib.SMTP', TEST_SMTP) patcher.start() cls.addClassCleanup(patcher.stop) patcher = patch('smtplib.SMTP_SSL', TEST_SMTP_SSL) patcher.start() cls.addClassCleanup(patcher.stop) # reactivate sending emails during this test suite, make sure # NOT TO send emails using another ir.mail_server than the one # created in setUp! patcher = patch.object(modules.module, 'current_test', False) patcher.start() cls.addClassCleanup(patcher.stop) # fix runbot, docker uses a single ipv4 stack but it gives ::1 # when resolving "localhost" (so stupid), use the following to # force aiosmtpd/odoo to bind/connect to a fixed ipv4 OR ipv6 # address. family, _, cls.port = _find_free_local_address() cls.localhost = getaddrinfo('localhost', cls.port, family) cls.startClassPatcher(patch('socket.getaddrinfo', cls.getaddrinfo)) @classmethod def getaddrinfo(cls, host, port, *args, **kwargs): """ Resolve both "localhost" and "notlocalhost" on the ip address bound by aiosmtpd inside `start_smtpd`. """ if host in ('localhost', 'notlocalhost') and port == cls.port: return cls.localhost return getaddrinfo(host, port, family=0, type=0, proto=0, flags=0) @contextlib.contextmanager def start_smtpd( self, encryption, ssl_context=None, auth_required=True, stop_on_cleanup=True ): """ Start a smtp daemon in a background thread, stop it upon exiting the context manager. :param encryption: 'none', 'ssl' or 'starttls', the kind of server to start. :param ssl_context: the ``ssl.SSLContext`` object to use with 'ssl' or 'starttls'. :param auth_required: whether the server enforces password authentication or not. """ assert encryption in ('none', 'ssl', 'starttls') assert encryption == 'none' or ssl_context kwargs = {} if encryption == 'starttls': # for aiosmtpd.smtp.SMTP kwargs.update({ 'require_starttls': True, 'tls_context': ssl_context, }) elif encryption == 'ssl': # for aiosmtpd.controller.InetMixin kwargs['ssl_context'] = ssl_context if auth_required: kwargs['authenticator'] = _smtp_authenticate smtpd_thread = aiosmtpd.controller.Controller( aiosmtpd.handlers.Debugging(), hostname=aiosmtpd.controller.get_localhost(), server_hostname='localhost', port=self.port, auth_required=auth_required, auth_require_tls=False, enable_SMTPUTF8=True, **kwargs, ) try: smtpd_thread.start() yield smtpd_thread finally: smtpd_thread.stop() @mute_logger('mail.log') def test_authentication_certificate_matrix(self): """ Connect to a server that is authenticating users via a TLS certificate. Test the various possible configurations (missing cert, invalid cert and valid cert) against both a STARTTLS and a SSL/TLS SMTP server. """ mail_server = self.env['ir.mail_server'].create({ 'name': 'test smtpd', 'from_filter': 'localhost', 'smtp_host': 'localhost', 'smtp_port': self.port, 'smtp_authentication': 'login', 'smtp_user': '', 'smtp_pass': '', }) ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) ssl_context.load_cert_chain(self.ssl_server.cert, self.ssl_server.key) ssl_context.load_verify_locations(cafile=self.ssl_ca.cert) ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED self_signed_key = b64encode(self.ssl_self_signed.key.read_bytes()) self_signed_cert = b64encode(self.ssl_self_signed.cert.read_bytes()) client_key = b64encode(self.ssl_client.key.read_bytes()) client_cert = b64encode(self.ssl_client.cert.read_bytes()) matrix = [ # authentication, name, certificate, private key, error pattern ('login', "missing", '', '', r"The server has closed the connection unexpectedly\. " r"Check configuration served on this port number\.\n " r"Connection unexpectedly closed"), ('certificate', "self signed", self_signed_cert, self_signed_key, r"The server has closed the connection unexpectedly\. " r"Check configuration served on this port number\.\n " r"Connection unexpectedly closed"), ('certificate', "valid client", client_cert, client_key, None), ] for encryption in ('starttls', 'ssl'): mail_server.smtp_encryption = encryption with self.start_smtpd(encryption, ssl_context, auth_required=False): for authentication, name, certificate, private_key, error_pattern in matrix: with self.subTest(encryption=encryption, certificate=name): mail_server.write({ 'smtp_authentication': authentication, 'smtp_ssl_certificate': certificate, 'smtp_ssl_private_key': private_key, }) if error_pattern: with self.assertRaises(UserError) as error_capture: mail_server.test_smtp_connection() self.assertRegex(error_capture.exception.args[0], error_pattern) else: mail_server.test_smtp_connection() def test_authentication_login_matrix(self): """ Connect to a server that is authenticating users via a login/pwd pair. Test the various possible configurations (missing pair, invalid pair and valid pair) against both a SMTP server without encryption, a STARTTLS and a SSL/TLS SMTP server. """ mail_server = self.env['ir.mail_server'].create({ 'name': 'test smtpd', 'from_filter': 'localhost', 'smtp_host': 'localhost', 'smtp_port': self.port, 'smtp_authentication': 'login', 'smtp_user': '', 'smtp_pass': '', }) ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) ssl_context.load_cert_chain(self.ssl_server.cert, self.ssl_server.key) MISSING = '' INVALID = 'bad password' matrix = [ # auth_required, password, error_pattern (False, MISSING, None), (True, MISSING, r"The server refused the sender address \(noreply@localhost\) " r"with error b'5\.7\.0 Authentication required'"), (True, INVALID, r"The server has closed the connection unexpectedly\. " r"Check configuration served on this port number\.\n " r"Connection unexpectedly closed:.* timed out"), (True, PASSWORD, None), ] for encryption in ('none', 'starttls', 'ssl'): mail_server.smtp_encryption = encryption for auth_required, password, error_pattern in matrix: mail_server.smtp_user = password and mail_server.smtp_pass = password with self.subTest(encryption=encryption, auth_required=auth_required, password=password): with self.start_smtpd(encryption, ssl_context, auth_required): if error_pattern: with self.assertRaises(UserError) as capture: mail_server.test_smtp_connection() self.assertRegex(capture.exception.args[0], error_pattern) else: mail_server.test_smtp_connection() @mute_logger('mail.log') def test_encryption_matrix(self): """ Connect to a server on a different encryption configuration than the server is configured. Verify that it crashes with a good error message. """ mail_server = self.env['ir.mail_server'].create({ 'name': 'test smtpd', 'from_filter': 'localhost', 'smtp_host': 'localhost', 'smtp_port': self.port, 'smtp_authentication': 'login', 'smtp_user': '', 'smtp_pass': '', }) ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) ssl_context.load_cert_chain(self.ssl_server.cert, self.ssl_server.key) matrix = [ # client, server, error_pattern ('none', 'ssl', r"The server has closed the connection unexpectedly\. " r"Check configuration served on this port number\.\n " r"Connection unexpectedly closed: timed out"), ('none', 'starttls', r"The server refused the sender address \(noreply@localhost\) with error " r"b'Must issue a STARTTLS command first'"), ('starttls', 'none', r"An option is not supported by the server:\n " r"STARTTLS extension not supported by server\."), ('starttls', 'ssl', r"The server has closed the connection unexpectedly\. " r"Check configuration served on this port number\.\n " r"Connection unexpectedly closed: timed out"), ('ssl', 'none', r"An SSL exception occurred\. " r"Check connection security type\.\n " r".*?wrong version number"), ('ssl', 'starttls', r"An SSL exception occurred\. " r"Check connection security type\.\n " r".*?wrong version number"), ] for client_encryption, server_encryption, error_pattern in matrix: with self.subTest(server_encryption=server_encryption, client_encryption=client_encryption): mail_server.smtp_encryption = client_encryption with self.start_smtpd(server_encryption, ssl_context, auth_required=False): with self.assertRaises(UserError) as capture: mail_server.test_smtp_connection() self.assertRegex(capture.exception.args[0], error_pattern) def test_man_in_the_middle_matrix(self): """ Simulate that a pirate was successful at intercepting the live traffic in between the Odoo server and the legitimate SMTP server. """ mail_server = self.env['ir.mail_server'].create({ 'name': 'test smtpd', 'from_filter': 'localhost', 'smtp_host': 'localhost', 'smtp_port': self.port, 'smtp_authentication': 'login', 'smtp_user':, 'smtp_pass': PASSWORD, 'smtp_ssl_certificate': b64encode(self.ssl_client.cert.read_bytes()), 'smtp_ssl_private_key': b64encode(self.ssl_client.key.read_bytes()), }) cert_good = self.ssl_server cert_bad = self.ssl_self_signed host_good = 'localhost' host_bad = 'notlocalhost' # for now it doesn't raise any error for bad cert/host matrix = [ # authentication, certificate, hostname, error_pattern ('login', cert_bad, host_good, None), ('login', cert_good, host_bad, None), ('certificate', cert_bad, host_good, None), ('certificate', cert_good, host_bad, None), ] for encryption in ('starttls', 'ssl'): for authentication, certificate, hostname, error_pattern in matrix: mail_server.smtp_host = hostname mail_server.smtp_authentication = authentication mail_server.smtp_encryption = encryption with self.subTest( encryption=encryption, authentication=authentication, cert_good=certificate == cert_good, host_good=hostname == host_good, ): mitm_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) mitm_context.load_cert_chain(certificate.cert, certificate.key) auth_required = authentication == 'login' with self.start_smtpd(encryption, mitm_context, auth_required): if error_pattern: with self.assertRaises(UserError) as capture: mail_server.test_smtp_connection() self.assertRegex(capture.exception.args[0], error_pattern) else: mail_server.test_smtp_connection()