# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase from odoo import Command class test_search(TransactionCase): def patch_order(self, model, order): self.patch(self.registry[model], '_order', order) def test_00_search_order(self): # Create 6 partners with a given name, and a given creation order to # ensure the order of their ID. Some are set as inactive to verify they # are by default excluded from the searches and to provide a second # `order` argument. Partner = self.env['res.partner'] c = Partner.create({'name': 'test_search_order_C'}) d = Partner.create({'name': 'test_search_order_D', 'active': False}) a = Partner.create({'name': 'test_search_order_A'}) b = Partner.create({'name': 'test_search_order_B'}) ab = Partner.create({'name': 'test_search_order_AB'}) e = Partner.create({'name': 'test_search_order_E', 'active': False}) # The tests. # The basic searches should exclude records that have active = False. # The order of the returned ids should be given by the `order` # parameter of search(). name_asc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%')], order="name asc") self.assertEqual([a, ab, b, c], list(name_asc), "Search with 'NAME ASC' order failed.") name_desc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%')], order="name desc") self.assertEqual([c, b, ab, a], list(name_desc), "Search with 'NAME DESC' order failed.") id_asc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%')], order="id asc") self.assertEqual([c, a, b, ab], list(id_asc), "Search with 'ID ASC' order failed.") id_desc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%')], order="id desc") self.assertEqual([ab, b, a, c], list(id_desc), "Search with 'ID DESC' order failed.") # The inactive records shouldn't be excluded as soon as a condition on # that field is present in the domain. The `order` parameter of # search() should support any legal coma-separated values. active_asc_id_asc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%'), '|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)], order="active asc, id asc") self.assertEqual([d, e, c, a, b, ab], list(active_asc_id_asc), "Search with 'ACTIVE ASC, ID ASC' order failed.") active_desc_id_asc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%'), '|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)], order="active desc, id asc") self.assertEqual([c, a, b, ab, d, e], list(active_desc_id_asc), "Search with 'ACTIVE DESC, ID ASC' order failed.") active_asc_id_desc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%'), '|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)], order="active asc, id desc") self.assertEqual([e, d, ab, b, a, c], list(active_asc_id_desc), "Search with 'ACTIVE ASC, ID DESC' order failed.") active_desc_id_desc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%'), '|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)], order="active desc, id desc") self.assertEqual([ab, b, a, c, e, d], list(active_desc_id_desc), "Search with 'ACTIVE DESC, ID DESC' order failed.") id_asc_active_asc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%'), '|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)], order="id asc, active asc") self.assertEqual([c, d, a, b, ab, e], list(id_asc_active_asc), "Search with 'ID ASC, ACTIVE ASC' order failed.") id_asc_active_desc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%'), '|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)], order="id asc, active desc") self.assertEqual([c, d, a, b, ab, e], list(id_asc_active_desc), "Search with 'ID ASC, ACTIVE DESC' order failed.") id_desc_active_asc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%'), '|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)], order="id desc, active asc") self.assertEqual([e, ab, b, a, d, c], list(id_desc_active_asc), "Search with 'ID DESC, ACTIVE ASC' order failed.") id_desc_active_desc = Partner.search([('name', 'like', 'test_search_order%'), '|', ('active', '=', True), ('active', '=', False)], order="id desc, active desc") self.assertEqual([e, ab, b, a, d, c], list(id_desc_active_desc), "Search with 'ID DESC, ACTIVE DESC' order failed.") a.ref = "ref1" c.ref = "ref2" ids = (a | b | c).ids for order, result in [ ('ref', a | c | b), ('ref desc', b | c | a), ('ref asc nulls first', b | a | c), ('ref asc nulls last', a | c | b), ('ref desc nulls first', b | c | a), ('ref desc nulls last', c | a | b) ]: with self.subTest(order): self.assertEqual( Partner.search([('id', 'in', ids)], order=order).mapped('name'), result.mapped('name')) # sorting by an m2o should alias to the natural order of the m2o self.patch_order('res.country', 'phone_code') a.country_id, c.country_id = self.env['res.country'].create([{ 'name': "Country 1", 'code': 'C1', 'phone_code': '01', }, { 'name': 'Country 2', 'code': 'C2', 'phone_code': '02' }]) for order, result in [ ('country_id', a | c | b), ('country_id desc', b | c | a), ('country_id asc nulls first', b | a | c), ('country_id asc nulls last', a | c | b), ('country_id desc nulls first', b | c | a), ('country_id desc nulls last', c | a | b) ]: with self.subTest(order): self.assertEqual( Partner.search([('id', 'in', ids)], order=order).mapped('name'), result.mapped('name')) # NULLS applies to the m2o itself, not its sub-fields, so a null `phone_code` # will sort normally (larger than non-null codes) b.country_id = self.env['res.country'].create({'name': "Country X", 'code': 'C3'}) for order, result in [ ('country_id', a | c | b), ('country_id desc', b | c | a), ('country_id asc nulls first', a | c | b), ('country_id asc nulls last', a | c | b), ('country_id desc nulls first', b | c | a), ('country_id desc nulls last', b | c | a) ]: with self.subTest(order): self.assertEqual( Partner.search([('id', 'in', ids)], order=order).mapped('name'), result.mapped('name')) # a field DESC should reverse the nested behaviour (and thus the inner # NULLS clauses), but the outer NULLS clause still has no effect self.patch_order('res.country', 'phone_code NULLS FIRST') for order, result in [ ('country_id', b | a | c), ('country_id desc', c | a | b), ('country_id asc nulls first', b | a | c), ('country_id asc nulls last', b | a | c), ('country_id desc nulls first', c | a | b), ('country_id desc nulls last', c | a | b) ]: with self.subTest(order): self.assertEqual( Partner.search([('id', 'in', ids)], order=order).mapped('name'), result.mapped('name')) def test_10_inherits_m2order(self): Users = self.env['res.users'] # Find Employee group group_employee = self.env.ref('base.group_user') # Get country/state data country_be = self.env.ref('base.be') country_us = self.env.ref('base.us') states_us = country_us.state_ids[:2] # Create test users u = Users.create({'name': '__search', 'login': '__search', 'groups_id': [Command.set([group_employee.id])]}) a = Users.create({'name': '__test_A', 'login': '__test_A', 'country_id': country_be.id, 'state_id': country_be.id}) b = Users.create({'name': '__test_B', 'login': '__a_test_B', 'country_id': country_us.id, 'state_id': states_us[1].id}) c = Users.create({'name': '__test_B', 'login': '__z_test_B', 'country_id': country_us.id, 'state_id': states_us[0].id}) # Search as search user Users = Users.with_user(u) # Do: search on res.users, order on a field on res.partner to try inherits'd fields, then res.users expected_ids = [u.id, a.id, c.id, b.id] user_ids = Users.search([('id', 'in', expected_ids)], order='name asc, login desc').ids self.assertEqual(user_ids, expected_ids, 'search on res_users did not provide expected ids or expected order') # Do: order on many2one and inherits'd fields expected_ids = [c.id, b.id, a.id, u.id] user_ids = Users.search([('id', 'in', expected_ids)], order='state_id asc, country_id desc, name asc, login desc').ids self.assertEqual(user_ids, expected_ids, 'search on res_users did not provide expected ids or expected order') # Do: order on many2one and inherits'd fields expected_ids = [u.id, b.id, c.id, a.id] user_ids = Users.search([('id', 'in', expected_ids)], order='country_id desc, state_id desc, name asc, login desc').ids self.assertEqual(user_ids, expected_ids, 'search on res_users did not provide expected ids or expected order') # Do: order on many2one, but not by specifying in order parameter of search, but by overriding _order of res_users self.patch_order('res.users', 'country_id desc, name asc, login desc') expected_ids = [u.id, c.id, b.id, a.id] user_ids = Users.search([('id', 'in', expected_ids)]).ids self.assertEqual(user_ids, expected_ids, 'search on res_users did not provide expected ids or expected order') def test_11_indirect_inherits_m2o_order(self): Cron = self.env['ir.cron'] Users = self.env['res.users'] user_ids = {} cron_ids = {} for u in 'BAC': user_ids[u] = Users.create({'name': u, 'login': u}).id cron_ids[u] = Cron.create({'name': u, 'model_id': self.env.ref('base.model_res_partner').id, 'user_id': user_ids[u]}).id ids = Cron.search([('id', 'in', list(cron_ids.values()))], order='user_id').ids expected_ids = [cron_ids[l] for l in 'ABC'] self.assertEqual(ids, expected_ids) def test_12_m2o_order_loop_self(self): Cats = self.env['ir.module.category'] cat_ids = {} def create(name, **kw): cat_ids[name] = Cats.create(dict(kw, name=name)).id self.patch_order('ir.module.category', 'parent_id desc, name') create('A') create('B', parent_id=cat_ids['A']) create('C', parent_id=cat_ids['A']) create('D') create('E', parent_id=cat_ids['D']) create('F', parent_id=cat_ids['D']) expected_ids = [cat_ids[x] for x in 'ADEFBC'] found_ids = Cats.search([('id', 'in', list(cat_ids.values()))]).ids self.assertEqual(found_ids, expected_ids) def test_13_m2o_order_loop_multi(self): Users = self.env['res.users'] # will sort by login desc of the creator, then by name self.patch_order('res.partner', 'create_uid, name') self.patch_order('res.users', 'partner_id, login desc') kw = dict(groups_id=[Command.set([self.ref('base.group_system'), self.ref('base.group_partner_manager')])]) # When creating with the superuser, the ordering by 'create_uid' will # compare user logins with the superuser's login "__system__", which # may give different results, because "_" may come before or after # letters, depending on the database's locale. In order to avoid this # issue, use a user with a login that doesn't include "_". u0 = Users.create(dict(name='A system', login='a', **kw)).id u1 = Users.with_user(u0).create(dict(name='Q', login='m', **kw)).id u2 = Users.with_user(u1).create(dict(name='B', login='f', **kw)).id u3 = Users.with_user(u0).create(dict(name='C', login='c', **kw)).id u4 = Users.with_user(u2).create(dict(name='D', login='z', **kw)).id expected_ids = [u2, u4, u3, u1] found_ids = Users.search([('id', 'in', expected_ids)]).ids self.assertEqual(found_ids, expected_ids) def test_20_x_active(self): """Check the behaviour of the x_active field.""" # test that a custom field x_active filters like active # we take the model res.country as a test model as it is included in base and does # not have an active field self.addCleanup(self.registry.reset_changes) # reset the registry to avoid polluting other tests model_country = self.env['res.country'] self.assertNotIn('active', model_country._fields) # just in case someone adds the active field in the model self.env['ir.model.fields'].create({ 'name': 'x_active', 'model_id': self.env.ref('base.model_res_country').id, 'ttype': 'boolean', }) self.assertEqual('x_active', model_country._active_name) country_ussr = model_country.create({'name': 'USSR', 'x_active': False, 'code': 'ZV'}) ussr_search = model_country.search([('name', '=', 'USSR')]) self.assertFalse(ussr_search) ussr_search = model_country.with_context(active_test=False).search([('name', '=', 'USSR')]) self.assertIn(country_ussr, ussr_search, "Search with active_test on a custom x_active field failed") ussr_search = model_country.search([('name', '=', 'USSR'), ('x_active', '=', False)]) self.assertIn(country_ussr, ussr_search, "Search with active_test on a custom x_active field failed") # test that a custom field x_active on a model with the standard active # field does not interfere with the standard behaviour # use res.bank since it has an active field and is simple to use model_bank = self.env['res.bank'] self.env['ir.model.fields'].create({ 'name': 'x_active', 'model_id': self.env.ref('base.model_res_bank').id, 'ttype': 'boolean', }) self.assertEqual('active', model_bank._active_name) bank_credit_communal = model_bank.create({'name': 'Crédit Communal', 'x_active': False, 'active': True}) cc_search = model_bank.search([('name', '=', 'Crédit Communal')]) self.assertIn(bank_credit_communal, cc_search, "Search for active record with x_active set to False has failed") bank_credit_communal.write({ 'active': False, 'x_active': True, }) cc_search = model_bank.search([('name', '=', 'Crédit Communal')]) self.assertNotIn(bank_credit_communal, cc_search, "Search for inactive record with x_active set to True has failed") def test_21_search_count(self): Partner = self.env['res.partner'] count_partner_before = Partner.search_count([]) partners = Partner.create([ {'name': 'abc'}, {'name': 'zer'}, {'name': 'christope'}, {'name': 'runbot'}, ]) self.assertEqual(len(partners) + count_partner_before, Partner.search_count([])) self.assertEqual(3, Partner.search_count([], limit=3)) def test_22_like_folding(self): Model = self.env['res.country'] with self.assertQueries([""" SELECT "res_country"."id" FROM "res_country" WHERE TRUE ORDER BY "res_country"."name"->>%s """, """ SELECT "res_country"."id" FROM "res_country" WHERE FALSE ORDER BY "res_country"."name"->>%s """]): Model.search([('code', 'ilike', '')]) Model.search([('code', 'not ilike', '')])