# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import collections import datetime import time from odoo.exceptions import AccessDenied, AccessError from odoo.http import _request_stack import odoo import odoo.tools from odoo.tests import common from odoo.service import common as auth, model from odoo.tools import DotDict from odoo.api import call_kw @common.tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestXMLRPC(common.HttpCase): def setUp(self): super(TestXMLRPC, self).setUp() self.admin_uid = self.env.ref('base.user_admin').id def xmlrpc(self, model, method, *args, **kwargs): return self.xmlrpc_object.execute_kw( common.get_db_name(), self.admin_uid, 'admin', model, method, args, kwargs ) def test_01_xmlrpc_login(self): """ Try to login on the common service. """ db_name = common.get_db_name() uid = self.xmlrpc_common.login(db_name, 'admin', 'admin') self.assertEqual(uid, self.admin_uid) def test_xmlrpc_ir_model_search(self): """ Try a search on the object service. """ o = self.xmlrpc_object db_name = common.get_db_name() ids = o.execute(db_name, self.admin_uid, 'admin', 'ir.model', 'search', []) self.assertIsInstance(ids, list) ids = o.execute(db_name, self.admin_uid, 'admin', 'ir.model', 'search', [], {}) self.assertIsInstance(ids, list) def test_xmlrpc_datetime(self): """ Test that native datetime can be sent over xmlrpc """ m = self.env.ref('base.model_res_device_log') self.env['ir.model.access'].create({ 'name': "w/e", 'model_id': m.id, 'perm_read': True, 'perm_create': True, }) now = datetime.datetime.now() ids = self.xmlrpc( 'res.device.log', 'create', {'session_identifier': "abc", 'first_activity': now} ) [r] = self.xmlrpc( 'res.device.log', 'read', ids, ['first_activity'], ) self.assertEqual(r['first_activity'], now.isoformat(" ", "seconds")) def test_xmlrpc_read_group(self): groups = self.xmlrpc_object.execute( common.get_db_name(), self.admin_uid, 'admin', 'res.partner', 'read_group', [], ['is_company', 'color'], ['parent_id'] ) def test_xmlrpc_name_search(self): self.xmlrpc_object.execute( common.get_db_name(), self.admin_uid, 'admin', 'res.partner', 'name_search', "admin" ) def test_xmlrpc_html_field(self): sig = '

bork bork bork bork

' r = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'name': 'bob', 'login': 'bob', 'signature': sig }) self.assertEqual(str(r.signature), sig) [x] = self.xmlrpc('res.users', 'read', r.id, ['signature']) self.assertEqual(x['signature'], sig) def test_xmlrpc_frozendict_marshalling(self): """ Test that the marshalling of a frozendict object works properly over XMLRPC """ self.env.ref('base.user_admin').tz = "Europe/Brussels" ctx = self.xmlrpc_object.execute( common.get_db_name(), self.admin_uid, 'admin', 'res.users', 'context_get', ) self.assertEqual(ctx['lang'], 'en_US') self.assertEqual(ctx['tz'], 'Europe/Brussels') def test_xmlrpc_defaultdict_marshalling(self): """ Test that the marshalling of a collections.defaultdict object works properly over XMLRPC """ self.patch(self.registry['res.users'], 'context_get', odoo.api.model(lambda *_: collections.defaultdict(int))) self.assertEqual(self.xmlrpc('res.users', 'context_get'), {}) def test_xmlrpc_remove_control_characters(self): record = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'name': 'bob with a control character: \x03', 'login': 'bob', }) self.assertEqual(record.name, 'bob with a control character: \x03') [record_data] = self.xmlrpc('res.users', 'read', record.id, ['name']) self.assertEqual(record_data['name'], 'bob with a control character: ') def test_jsonrpc_read_group(self): self._json_call( common.get_db_name(), self.admin_uid, 'admin', 'res.partner', 'read_group', [], ['is_company', 'color'], ['parent_id'] ) def test_jsonrpc_name_search(self): # well that's some sexy sexy call right there self._json_call( common.get_db_name(), self.admin_uid, 'admin', 'res.partner', 'name_search', 'admin' ) def _json_call(self, *args): self.opener.post(f"{self.base_url()}/jsonrpc", json={ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': None, 'method': 'call', 'params': { 'service': 'object', 'method': 'execute', 'args': args } }) def test_xmlrpc_attachment_raw(self): ids = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({'name': 'n', 'raw': b'\x01\x09'}).ids [att] = self.xmlrpc_object.execute( common.get_db_name(), self.admin_uid, 'admin', 'ir.attachment', 'read', ids, ['raw']) self.assertEqual(att['raw'], '\t', "on read, binary data should be decoded as a string and stripped from control character") # really just for the test cursor @common.tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestAPIKeys(common.HttpCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls._user = cls.env['res.users'].create({ 'name': "Bylan", 'login': 'byl', 'password': 'ananananan', 'tz': 'Australia/Eucla', }) def setUp(self): super().setUp() def get_json_data(): raise ValueError("There is no json here") # needs a fake request in order to call methods protected with check_identity fake_req = DotDict({ # various things go and access request items 'httprequest': DotDict({ 'environ': {'REMOTE_ADDR': 'localhost'}, 'cookies': {}, 'args': {}, }), 'cookies': {}, # bypass check_identity flow 'session': {'identity-check-last': time.time()}, 'geoip': {}, 'get_json_data': get_json_data, }) _request_stack.push(fake_req) self.addCleanup(_request_stack.pop) def test_trivial(self): uid = auth.dispatch('authenticate', [self.env.cr.dbname, 'byl', 'ananananan', {}]) self.assertEqual(uid, self._user.id) ctx = model.dispatch('execute_kw', [ self.env.cr.dbname, uid, 'ananananan', 'res.users', 'context_get', [] ]) self.assertEqual(ctx['tz'], 'Australia/Eucla') def test_wrongpw(self): # User.authenticate raises but RPC.authenticate returns False uid = auth.dispatch('authenticate', [self.env.cr.dbname, 'byl', 'aws', {}]) self.assertFalse(uid) with self.assertRaises(AccessDenied): model.dispatch('execute_kw', [ self.env.cr.dbname, self._user.id, 'aws', 'res.users', 'context_get', [] ]) def test_key(self): env = self.env(user=self._user) r = env['res.users.apikeys.description'].create({ 'name': 'a', }).make_key() k = r['context']['default_key'] uid = auth.dispatch('authenticate', [self.env.cr.dbname, 'byl', 'ananananan', {}]) self.assertEqual(uid, self._user.id) uid = auth.dispatch('authenticate', [self.env.cr.dbname, 'byl', k, {}]) self.assertEqual(uid, self._user.id) ctx = model.dispatch('execute_kw', [ self.env.cr.dbname, uid, k, 'res.users', 'context_get', [] ]) self.assertEqual(ctx['tz'], 'Australia/Eucla') api_key = call_kw( model=self.env['res.users.apikeys.description'], name='create', args=[{'name': 'Name of the key'}], kwargs={} ) self.assertTrue(isinstance(api_key, int)) def test_delete(self): env = self.env(user=self._user) env['res.users.apikeys.description'].create({'name': 'b',}).make_key() env['res.users.apikeys.description'].create({'name': 'b',}).make_key() env['res.users.apikeys.description'].create({'name': 'b',}).make_key() k0, k1, k2 = env['res.users.apikeys'].search([]) # user can remove their own keys k0.remove() self.assertFalse(k0.exists()) # admin can remove user keys k1.with_user(self.env.ref('base.user_admin')).remove () self.assertFalse(k1.exists()) # other user can't remove user keys u = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'name': 'a', 'login': 'a', 'groups_id': self.env.ref('base.group_user').ids, }) with self.assertRaises(AccessError): k2.with_user(u).remove() def test_disabled(self): env = self.env(user=self._user) k = env['res.users.apikeys.description'].create({'name': 'b',}).make_key()['context']['default_key'] self._user.active = False with self.assertRaises(AccessDenied): model.dispatch('execute_kw', [ self.env.cr.dbname, self._user.id, 'ananananan', 'res.users', 'context_get', [] ]) with self.assertRaises(AccessDenied): model.dispatch('execute_kw', [ self.env.cr.dbname, self._user.id, k, 'res.users', 'context_get', [] ])