res.lang.list res.lang
Legends for supported Date and Time Formats
%a - Abbreviated day of the week.
%A - Full day of the week.
%b - Abbreviated month name.
%B - Full month name."
%d - Day of the month [01,31]."
%j - Day of the year [001,366]."
%H - Hour (24-hour clock) [00,23]."
%I - Hour (12-hour clock) [01,12]."
%M - Minute [00,59]."
%p - Equivalent of either AM or PM."
%S - Seconds [00,61]."
%w - Day of the week number [0(Sunday),6]."
%y - Year without century [00,99]."
%Y - Year with century."
%m - Month number [01,12]."
1. %b, %B ==> Dec, December
2. %a ,%A ==> Fri, Friday
3. %y, %Y ==> 08, 2008
4. %d, %m ==> 05, 12
5. %H:%M:%S ==> 18:25:20
6. %I:%M:%S %p ==> 06:25:20 PM
7. %j ==> 340
8. %S ==> 20
9. %w ==> 5 ( Friday is the 6th day) res.lang Languages res.lang {'active_test': False}