import json import os import tempfile import unittest from contextlib import contextmanager from subprocess import run, PIPE from textwrap import dedent from import which from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase from . import _odoo_checker_sql_injection try: import pylint from pylint.lint import PyLinter except ImportError: pylint = None PyLinter = object try: pylint_bin = which('pylint') except IOError: pylint_bin = None class UnittestLinter(PyLinter): current_file = '' def __init__(self): self._messages = [] self.stats = {} super().__init__() def add_message(self, msg_id, *args, **kwargs): self._messages.append(msg_id) @staticmethod def is_message_enabled(*_args, **kwargs): return True HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) class TestPylintChecks(TransactionCase): def check(self, test_content, plugins, rules): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", encoding="utf-8", delete=False) as f: self.addCleanup(os.remove, f.write(dedent(test_content).strip()) res = run( [ pylint_bin, f"--rcfile={os.devnull}", f"--load-plugins={plugins}", "--disable=all", f"--enable={rules}", "--output-format=json",, ], stdout=PIPE, encoding="utf-8", env={ **os.environ, "PYTHONPATH": HERE + os.pathsep + os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", ""), }, check=False, shell=False, # keep False to avoid shell injection ) return res.returncode, json.loads(res.stdout) @unittest.skipUnless(pylint and pylint_bin, "testing lints requires pylint") class TestGetTextLint(TestPylintChecks): def check(self, testtext): return super().check(testtext, "_odoo_checker_gettext", "gettext-placeholders") def test_gettext_env(self): # check that _ and self.env._ are checked in the same way r, errs = self.check(""" def method(self, vars): _("something %s %s", *vars) """) self.assertTrue(r, "_() should have raised for multiple placeholders") self.assertEqual(errs[0]['line'], 2, errs) r, errs = self.check(""" def method(self, vars): self.env._("something %s %s", *vars) """) self.assertTrue(r, "self.env._() should have raised for multiple placeholders") self.assertEqual(errs[0]['line'], 2, errs) @unittest.skipUnless(pylint and pylint_bin, "testing lints requires pylint") class TestSqlLint(TestPylintChecks): def check(self, testtext): return super().check(testtext, "_odoo_checker_sql_injection", "sql-injection") def test_printf(self): r, [err] = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(cr, name): cr.execute('select %s from thing' % name) """) self.assertTrue(r, "should have noticed the injection") self.assertEqual(err['line'], 2, err) r, errs = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(self):"select thing from %s" % self._table) """) self.assertFalse(r, f"underscore-attributes are allowed\n{errs}") r, errs = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(self): query = "select thing from %s" % self._table) """) self.assertFalse(r, f"underscore-attributes are allowed\n{errs}") def test_fstring(self): r, [err] = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(cr, name): cr.execute(f'select {name} from thing') """) self.assertTrue(r, "should have noticed the injection") self.assertEqual(err['line'], 2, err) r, errs = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(cr, name): cr.execute(f'select name from thing') """) self.assertFalse(r, f"unnecessary fstring should be innocuous\n{errs}") #r, errs = self.check(""" #def do_the_thing(cr, name, value): # cr.execute(f'select {name} from thing where field = %s', [value]) #""") #self.assertFalse(r, f"probably has a good reason for the extra arg\n{errs}") r, errs = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(self):'select name from {self._table}') """) self.assertFalse(r, f'underscore-attributes are allowable\n{errs}') @contextmanager def assertMessages(self, *messages): self.linter._messages = [] yield self.assertEqual(self.linter._messages, list(messages)) @contextmanager def assertNoMessages(self): self.linter._messages = [] yield self.assertEqual(self.linter._messages, []) def test_sql_injection_detection(self): self.linter = UnittestLinter() self.linter.current_file = '' # should not be prefixed by test checker = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.OdooBaseChecker(self.linter) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test(): arg = "test" arg = arg + arg #@ """) with self.assertNoMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function9(self,arg): my_injection_variable= "aaa" % arg #Uninferable'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertMessages("sql-injection"): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function10(self): my_injection_variable= "aaa" + "aaa" #Const'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertNoMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function11(self, arg): my_injection_variable= "aaaaaaaa" + arg #Uninferable'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertMessages("sql-injection"): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function12(self): arg1 = "a" arg2 = "b" + arg1 arg3 = arg2 + arg1 + arg2 arg4 = arg1 + "d" my_injection_variable= arg1 + arg2 + arg3 + arg4'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertNoMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function1(self, arg): my_injection_variable= f"aaaaa{arg}aaa" #Uninferable'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertMessages("sql-injection"): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function2(self): arg = 'bbb' my_injection_variable= f"aaaaa{arg}aaa" #Uninferable'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertNoMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function3(self, arg): my_injection_variable= "aaaaaaaa".format() # Const'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertNoMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function4(self, arg): my_injection_variable= "aaaaaaaa {test}".format(test="aaa")'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertNoMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function5(self): arg = 'aaa' my_injection_variable= "aaaaaaaa {test}".format(test=arg) #Uninferable'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertNoMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function6(self,arg): my_injection_variable= "aaaaaaaa {test}".format(test="aaa" + arg) #Uninferable'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertMessages("sql-injection"): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function7(self): arg = "aaa" my_injection_variable= "aaaaaaaa {test}".format(test="aaa" + arg) #Const'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable)#@ """) with self.assertNoMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function8(self): global arg my_injection_variable= "aaaaaaaa {test}".format(test="aaa" + arg) #Uninferable'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertMessages("sql-injection"): checker.visit_call(node) #TODO #node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" #def test_function(self): # def test(): # return "hello world" # my_injection_variable= "aaaaaaaa {test}".format(test=test()) #Const #'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ #""") #with self.assertNoMessages(): # checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function9(self,arg): my_injection_variable= "aaa" % arg'select * from hello where id = %s' % my_injection_variable) #@ """) with self.assertMessages("sql-injection"): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test_function10(self,arg): if_else_variable = "aaa" if arg else "bbb" # the two choice of a condition are constant, this is not injectable'select * from hello where id = %s' % if_else_variable) #@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def _search_phone_mobile_search(self, operator, value): condition = 'IS NULL' if operator == '=' else 'IS NOT NULL' query = ''' SELECT FROM %s model WHERE %s AND %s ''' % (self._table, condition, condition) #@ """) #Real false positive example from the code with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test1(self): operator = 'aaa' value = 'bbb' op1 , val1 = (operator,value)'query' + op1) #@ """) #Test tuple assignement with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test2(self): operator = 'aaa' operator += 'bbb''query' + operator) #@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def test3(self):'{self._table}') #@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def _init_column(self, column_name): query = f'UPDATE "{self._table}" SET "{column_name}" = %s WHERE "{column_name}" IS NULL' self._cr.execute(query, (value,)) #@ """) #Test private function arg should not flag with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def _init_column1(self, column_name): query = 'SELECT %(var1)s FROM %(var2)s WHERE %(var3)s' % {'var1': 'field_name','var2': 'table_name','var3': 'where_clause'} self._cr.execute(query) #@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def _graph_data(self, start_date, end_date): query = '''SELECT %(x_query)s as x_value, %(y_query)s as y_value FROM %(table)s WHERE team_id = %(team_id)s AND DATE(%(date_column)s) >= %(start_date)s AND DATE(%(date_column)s) <= %(end_date)s %(extra_conditions)s GROUP BY x_value;''' # apply rules dashboard_graph_model = self._graph_get_model() GraphModel = self.env[dashboard_graph_model] graph_table = self._graph_get_table(GraphModel) extra_conditions = self._extra_sql_conditions() where_query = GraphModel._where_calc([]) GraphModel._apply_ir_rules(where_query, 'read') from_clause, where_clause, where_clause_params = where_query.get_sql() if where_clause: extra_conditions += " AND " + where_clause query = query % { 'x_query': self._graph_x_query(), 'y_query': self._graph_y_query(), 'table': graph_table, 'team_id': "%s", 'date_column': self._graph_date_column(), 'start_date': "%s", 'end_date': "%s", 'extra_conditions': extra_conditions } self._cr.execute(query, [, start_date, end_date] + where_clause_params) #@ return """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def first_fun(): anycall() #@ return 'a' """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def second_fun(value): anycall() #@ return value """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def injectable(): cr.execute(first_fun())#@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def injectable1(): cr.execute(second_fun('aaaaa'))#@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def injectable2(var): a = ['a','b'] cr.execute('a'.join(a))#@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def return_tuple(var): return 'a',var """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_functiondef(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def injectable4(var): a, _ = return_tuple(var) cr.execute(a) #@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def not_injectable5(var): star = ('defined','constant','string') cr.execute(*star)#@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def injectable6(var): star = ('defined','variable','string',var) cr.execute(*star)#@ """) with self.assertMessages("sql-injection"): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def formatNumber(var): cr.execute('LIMIT %d' % var)#@ """) with self.assertMessages(): checker.visit_call(node) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def wrapper1(var): query = SQL(var) #@ return query """) with self.assertMessages("sql-injection"): checker.visit_call(list(node.get_children())[1]) node = _odoo_checker_sql_injection.astroid.extract_node(""" def wrapper2(var): query = tools.SQL(var) #@ return query """) with self.assertMessages("sql-injection"): checker.visit_call(list(node.get_children())[1]) @unittest.skipUnless(pylint and pylint_bin, "testing lints requires pylint") class TestI18nChecks(TestPylintChecks): def check(self, test_content): return super().check( test_content, "_odoo_checker_gettext", "gettext-variable,gettext-placeholders,gettext-repr" ) def test_gettext_variable(self): exit_code, errors = self.check( """ some_variable = "Roblox Mini Golf! [ACTUALLY FIXED]" _(some_variable) _lt(513) _lt("string but" + "not static") _(f"formatted string") """ ) self.assertNotEqual(exit_code, os.EX_OK) self.assertEqual(len(errors), 4) for error in errors: self.assertEqual(error["symbol"], "gettext-variable") def test_gettext_placeholders(self): exit_code, errors = self.check( """ _("shouldn't match escaped %%s %%s") """ ) self.assertEqual(exit_code, os.EX_OK) self.assertFalse(errors) exit_code, errors = self.check( """ _("more than one unnamed placeholder: %s %s") _lt("with fancy placeholders: %03.14d %-xL") """ ) self.assertNotEqual(exit_code, os.EX_OK) self.assertEqual(len(errors), 2) for error in errors: self.assertEqual(error["symbol"], "gettext-placeholders") def test_gettext_repr(self): exit_code, errors = self.check( """ _("%r shouldn't be part of translated strings") _lt("%(with_placeholders_in_between)r") """ ) self.assertNotEqual(exit_code, os.EX_OK) self.assertEqual(len(errors), 2) for error in errors: self.assertEqual(error["symbol"], "gettext-repr")