# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import re import subprocess from unittest import skipIf from odoo import tools from odoo.tests import tagged from odoo.tools.misc import file_path from odoo.modules import get_modules from . import lint_case _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: eslint = tools.misc.find_in_path('eslint') except IOError: eslint = None @skipIf(eslint is None, "eslint tool not found on this system") @tagged("test_themes") class TestESLint(lint_case.LintCase): longMessage = True def _test_eslint(self, modules, eslintrc_path): """ Test that there are no eslint errors in javascript files """ files_to_check = [ p for p in self.iter_module_files('**/static/**/*.js', modules=modules) if not re.match('.*/libs?/.*', p) # don't check libraries if not re.match('.*/o_spreadsheet/o_spreadsheet.js', p) # don't check generated code ] _logger.info('Testing %s js files', len(files_to_check)) cmd = [eslint, '--no-ignore', '--no-eslintrc', '-c', eslintrc_path] + files_to_check process = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8", check=False) self.assertEqual(process.returncode, 0, msg=f""" stdout: {process.stdout} Perhaps you might benefit from installing the tooling found at: https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Javascript-coding-guidelines#use-a-linter \n stderr: {process.stderr} """) def test_eslint(self): basic_test, strict_test = [], [] for module in get_modules(): strict_test.append(module) if re.search('^point_of_sale$|^pos_.*$|^.*_pos$|^.*_pos_.*$', module) else basic_test.append(module) self._test_eslint(basic_test, file_path('test_lint/tests/eslintrc')) self._test_eslint(strict_test, file_path('web/tooling/_eslintrc.json'))