import ast import itertools import os from . import lint_case from import file_open class OnchangeChecker(lint_case.NodeVisitor): def matches_onchange(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.Call): if isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute): return node.func.attr == 'onchange' if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name): return == 'onchange' return False def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): walker = ast.walk(node) if any(map(self.matches_onchange, node.decorator_list)) else [] # can stop at the first match: an @onchange function either mentions # domains or does not return itertools.islice(( n for n in walker if isinstance(n, ast.Constant) and n.value == 'domain' ), 1) class TestOnchangeDomains(lint_case.LintCase): """ Would ideally have been a pylint module but that's slow as molasses (takes minutes to run, and can blow up entirely depending on the pylint version) """ def test_forbid_domains_in_onchanges(self): """ Dynamic domains (returning a domain from an onchange) are deprecated and should not be used in "standard" Odoo anymore """ checker = OnchangeChecker() rs = [] for path in self.iter_module_files('*.py'): with file_open(path, 'rb') as f: t = ast.parse(, path) rs.extend(zip(itertools.repeat(os.path.relpath(path)), checker.visit(t))) rs.sort(key=lambda t: t[0]) assert not rs, "probable domains in onchanges at\n" + '\n'.join( "- %s:%d" % (path, node.lineno) for path, node in rs )