# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. # decorator makes wrappers that have the same API as their wrapped function from collections import Counter, defaultdict from decorator import decorator from inspect import signature, Parameter import logging import time import warnings unsafe_eval = eval _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ormcache_counter(object): """ Statistic counters for cache entries. """ __slots__ = ['hit', 'miss', 'err', 'gen_time', 'cache_name'] def __init__(self): self.hit = 0 self.miss = 0 self.err = 0 self.gen_time = 0 self.cache_name = None @property def ratio(self): return 100.0 * self.hit / (self.hit + self.miss or 1) # statistic counters dictionary, maps (dbname, modelname, method) to counter STAT = defaultdict(ormcache_counter) class ormcache(object): """ LRU cache decorator for model methods. The parameters are strings that represent expressions referring to the signature of the decorated method, and are used to compute a cache key:: @ormcache('model_name', 'mode') def _compute_domain(self, model_name, mode="read"): ... For the sake of backward compatibility, the decorator supports the named parameter `skiparg`:: @ormcache(skiparg=1) def _compute_domain(self, model_name, mode="read"): ... Methods implementing this decorator should never return a Recordset, because the underlying cursor will eventually be closed and raise a `psycopg2.InterfaceError`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.skiparg = kwargs.get('skiparg') self.cache_name = kwargs.get('cache', 'default') def __call__(self, method): self.method = method self.determine_key() lookup = decorator(self.lookup, method) lookup.__cache__ = self return lookup def add_value(self, *args, cache_value=None, **kwargs): model = args[0] d, key0, counter = self.lru(model) counter.cache_name = self.cache_name key = key0 + self.key(*args, **kwargs) d[key] = cache_value def determine_key(self): """ Determine the function that computes a cache key from arguments. """ if self.skiparg is None: # build a string that represents function code and evaluate it args = ', '.join( # remove annotations because lambdas can't be type-annotated, # and defaults because they are redundant (defaults are present # in the wrapper function itself) str(params.replace(annotation=Parameter.empty, default=Parameter.empty)) for params in signature(self.method).parameters.values() ) if self.args: code = "lambda %s: (%s,)" % (args, ", ".join(self.args)) else: code = "lambda %s: ()" % (args,) self.key = unsafe_eval(code) else: # backward-compatible function that uses self.skiparg self.key = lambda *args, **kwargs: args[self.skiparg:] def lru(self, model): counter = STAT[(model.pool.db_name, model._name, self.method)] return model.pool._Registry__caches[self.cache_name], (model._name, self.method), counter def lookup(self, method, *args, **kwargs): d, key0, counter = self.lru(args[0]) key = key0 + self.key(*args, **kwargs) try: r = d[key] counter.hit += 1 return r except KeyError: counter.miss += 1 counter.cache_name = self.cache_name start = time.time() value = d[key] = self.method(*args, **kwargs) counter.gen_time += time.time() - start return value except TypeError: _logger.warning("cache lookup error on %r", key, exc_info=True) counter.err += 1 return self.method(*args, **kwargs) def clear(self, model, *args): """ Clear the registry cache """ warnings.warn('Deprecated method ormcache.clear(model, *args), use registry.clear_cache() instead') model.pool.clear_all_caches() class ormcache_context(ormcache): """ This LRU cache decorator is a variant of :class:`ormcache`, with an extra parameter ``keys`` that defines a sequence of dictionary keys. Those keys are looked up in the ``context`` parameter and combined to the cache key made by :class:`ormcache`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ormcache_context, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.keys = kwargs['keys'] def determine_key(self): """ Determine the function that computes a cache key from arguments. """ assert self.skiparg is None, "ormcache_context() no longer supports skiparg" # build a string that represents function code and evaluate it sign = signature(self.method) args = ', '.join( str(params.replace(annotation=Parameter.empty, default=Parameter.empty)) for params in sign.parameters.values() ) cont_expr = "(context or {})" if 'context' in sign.parameters else "self._context" keys_expr = "tuple(%s.get(k) for k in %r)" % (cont_expr, self.keys) if self.args: code = "lambda %s: (%s, %s)" % (args, ", ".join(self.args), keys_expr) else: code = "lambda %s: (%s,)" % (args, keys_expr) self.key = unsafe_eval(code) def log_ormcache_stats(sig=None, frame=None): # noqa: ARG001 (arguments are there for signals) """ Log statistics of ormcache usage by database, model, and method. """ from odoo.modules.registry import Registry cache_entries = {} current_db = None cache_stats = ['Caches stats:'] for (dbname, model, method), stat in sorted(STAT.items(), key=lambda k: (k[0][0] or '~', k[0][1], k[0][2].__name__)): dbname_display = dbname or "" if current_db != dbname_display: current_db = dbname_display cache_stats.append(f"Database {dbname_display}") if dbname: # mainly for MockPool if (dbname, stat.cache_name) not in cache_entries: cache = Registry.registries.d[dbname]._Registry__caches[stat.cache_name] cache_entries[dbname, stat.cache_name] = Counter(k[:2] for k in cache.d) nb_entries = cache_entries[dbname, stat.cache_name][model, method] else: nb_entries = 0 cache_name = stat.cache_name.rjust(25) cache_stats.append( f"{cache_name}, {nb_entries:6d} entries, {stat.hit:6d} hit, {stat.miss:6d} miss, {stat.err:6d} err, {stat.gen_time:10.3f}s time, {stat.ratio:6.1f}% ratio for {model}.{method.__name__}" ) _logger.info('\n'.join(cache_stats)) def get_cache_key_counter(bound_method, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the cache, key and stat counter for the given call. """ model = bound_method.__self__ ormcache = bound_method.__cache__ cache, key0, counter = ormcache.lru(model) key = key0 + ormcache.key(model, *args, **kwargs) return cache, key, counter # For backward compatibility cache = ormcache