# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from datetime import datetime import gc import json import logging import sys import time import threading import re import functools from psycopg2 import OperationalError from odoo import tools from odoo.tools import SQL _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # ensure we have a non patched time for profiling times when using freezegun real_datetime_now = datetime.now real_time = time.time.__call__ def _format_frame(frame): code = frame.f_code return (code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, code.co_name, '') def _format_stack(stack): return [list(frame) for frame in stack] def get_current_frame(thread=None): if thread: frame = sys._current_frames()[thread.ident] else: frame = sys._getframe() while frame.f_code.co_filename == __file__: frame = frame.f_back return frame def _get_stack_trace(frame, limit_frame=None): stack = [] while frame is not None and frame != limit_frame: stack.append(_format_frame(frame)) frame = frame.f_back if frame is None and limit_frame: _logger.error("Limit frame was not found") return list(reversed(stack)) def stack_size(): frame = get_current_frame() size = 0 while frame: size += 1 frame = frame.f_back return size def make_session(name=''): return f'{real_datetime_now():%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} {name}' def force_hook(): """ Force periodic profiling collectors to generate some stack trace. This is useful before long calls that do not release the GIL, so that the time spent in those calls is attributed to a specific stack trace, instead of some arbitrary former frame. """ thread = threading.current_thread() for func in getattr(thread, 'profile_hooks', ()): func() class Collector: """ Base class for objects that collect profiling data. A collector object is used by a profiler to collect profiling data, most likely a list of stack traces with time and some context information added by ExecutionContext decorator on current thread. This is a generic implementation of a basic collector, to be inherited. It defines default behaviors for creating an entry in the collector. """ name = None # symbolic name of the collector _registry = {} # map collector names to their class @classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls): if cls.name: cls._registry[cls.name] = cls cls._registry[cls.__name__] = cls @classmethod def make(cls, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a collector corresponding to the given name. """ return cls._registry[name](*args, **kwargs) def __init__(self): self._processed = False self._entries = [] self.profiler = None def start(self): """ Start the collector. """ def stop(self): """ Stop the collector. """ def add(self, entry=None, frame=None): """ Add an entry (dict) to this collector. """ # todo add entry count limit self._entries.append({ 'stack': self._get_stack_trace(frame), 'exec_context': getattr(self.profiler.init_thread, 'exec_context', ()), 'start': real_time(), **(entry or {}), }) def _get_stack_trace(self, frame=None): """ Return the stack trace to be included in a given entry. """ frame = frame or get_current_frame(self.profiler.init_thread) return _get_stack_trace(frame, self.profiler.init_frame) def post_process(self): for entry in self._entries: stack = entry.get('stack', []) self.profiler._add_file_lines(stack) @property def entries(self): """ Return the entries of the collector after postprocessing. """ if not self._processed: self.post_process() self._processed = True return self._entries def summary(self): return f"{'='*10} {self.name} {'='*10} \n Entries: {len(self._entries)}" class SQLCollector(Collector): """ Saves all executed queries in the current thread with the call stack. """ name = 'sql' def start(self): init_thread = self.profiler.init_thread if not hasattr(init_thread, 'query_hooks'): init_thread.query_hooks = [] init_thread.query_hooks.append(self.hook) def stop(self): self.profiler.init_thread.query_hooks.remove(self.hook) def hook(self, cr, query, params, query_start, query_time): self.add({ 'query': str(query), 'full_query': str(cr._format(query, params)), 'start': query_start, 'time': query_time, }) def summary(self): total_time = sum(entry['time'] for entry in self._entries) or 1 sql_entries = '' for entry in self._entries: sql_entries += f"\n{'-' * 100}'\n'{entry['time']} {'*' * int(entry['time'] / total_time * 100)}'\n'{entry['full_query']}" return super().summary() + sql_entries class PeriodicCollector(Collector): """ Record execution frames asynchronously at most every `interval` seconds. :param interval (float): time to wait in seconds between two samples. """ name = 'traces_async' def __init__(self, interval=0.01): # check duration. dynamic? super().__init__() self.active = False self.frame_interval = interval self.__thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run) self.last_frame = None def run(self): self.active = True last_time = real_time() while self.active: # maybe add a check on parent_thread state? duration = real_time() - last_time if duration > self.frame_interval * 10 and self.last_frame: # The profiler has unexpectedly slept for more than 10 frame intervals. This may # happen when calling a C library without releasing the GIL. In that case, the # last frame was taken before the call, and the next frame is after the call, and # the call itself does not appear in any of those frames: the duration of the call # is incorrectly attributed to the last frame. self._entries[-1]['stack'].append(('profiling', 0, '⚠ Profiler freezed for %s s' % duration, '')) self.last_frame = None # skip duplicate detection for the next frame. self.add() last_time = real_time() time.sleep(self.frame_interval) self._entries.append({'stack': [], 'start': real_time()}) # add final end frame def start(self): interval = self.profiler.params.get('traces_async_interval') if interval: self.frame_interval = min(max(float(interval), 0.001), 1) init_thread = self.profiler.init_thread if not hasattr(init_thread, 'profile_hooks'): init_thread.profile_hooks = [] init_thread.profile_hooks.append(self.add) self.__thread.start() def stop(self): self.active = False self.__thread.join() self.profiler.init_thread.profile_hooks.remove(self.add) def add(self, entry=None, frame=None): """ Add an entry (dict) to this collector. """ frame = frame or get_current_frame(self.profiler.init_thread) if frame == self.last_frame: # don't save if the frame is exactly the same as the previous one. # maybe modify the last entry to add a last seen? return self.last_frame = frame super().add(entry=entry, frame=frame) class SyncCollector(Collector): """ Record complete execution synchronously. Note that --limit-memory-hard may need to be increased when launching Odoo. """ name = 'traces_sync' def start(self): if sys.gettrace() is not None: _logger.error("Cannot start SyncCollector, settrace already set: %s", sys.gettrace()) assert not self._processed, "You cannot start SyncCollector after accessing entries." sys.settrace(self.hook) # todo test setprofile, but maybe not multithread safe def stop(self): sys.settrace(None) def hook(self, _frame, event, _arg=None): if event == 'line': return entry = {'event': event, 'frame': _format_frame(_frame)} if event == 'call' and _frame.f_back: # we need the parent frame to determine the line number of the call entry['parent_frame'] = _format_frame(_frame.f_back) self.add(entry, frame=_frame) return self.hook def _get_stack_trace(self, frame=None): # Getting the full stack trace is slow, and not useful in this case. # SyncCollector only saves the top frame and event at each call and # recomputes the complete stack at the end. return None def post_process(self): # Transform the evented traces to full stack traces. This processing # could be avoided since speedscope will transform that back to # evented anyway, but it is actually simpler to integrate into the # current speedscope logic, especially when mixed with SQLCollector. # We could improve it by saving as evented and manage it later. stack = [] for entry in self._entries: frame = entry.pop('frame') event = entry.pop('event') if event == 'call': if stack: stack[-1] = entry.pop('parent_frame') stack.append(frame) elif event == 'return': stack.pop() entry['stack'] = stack[:] super().post_process() class QwebTracker(): @classmethod def wrap_render(cls, method_render): @functools.wraps(method_render) def _tracked_method_render(self, template, values=None, **options): current_thread = threading.current_thread() execution_context_enabled = getattr(current_thread, 'profiler_params', {}).get('execution_context_qweb') qweb_hooks = getattr(current_thread, 'qweb_hooks', ()) if execution_context_enabled or qweb_hooks: # To have the new compilation cached because the generated code will change. # Therefore 'profile' is a key to the cache. options['profile'] = True return method_render(self, template, values, **options) return _tracked_method_render @classmethod def wrap_compile(cls, method_compile): @functools.wraps(method_compile) def _tracked_compile(self, template): if not self.env.context.get('profile'): return method_compile(self, template) template_functions, def_name = method_compile(self, template) render_template = template_functions[def_name] def profiled_method_compile(self, values): options = template_functions['options'] ref = options.get('ref') ref_xml = options.get('ref_xml') qweb_tracker = QwebTracker(ref, ref_xml, self.env.cr) self = self.with_context(qweb_tracker=qweb_tracker) if qweb_tracker.execution_context_enabled: with ExecutionContext(template=ref): return render_template(self, values) return render_template(self, values) template_functions[def_name] = profiled_method_compile return (template_functions, def_name) return _tracked_compile @classmethod def wrap_compile_directive(cls, method_compile_directive): @functools.wraps(method_compile_directive) def _tracked_compile_directive(self, el, options, directive, level): if not options.get('profile') or directive in ('inner-content', 'tag-open', 'tag-close'): return method_compile_directive(self, el, options, directive, level) enter = f"{' ' * 4 * level}self.env.context['qweb_tracker'].enter_directive({directive!r}, {el.attrib!r}, {options['_qweb_error_path_xml'][0]!r})" leave = f"{' ' * 4 * level}self.env.context['qweb_tracker'].leave_directive({directive!r}, {el.attrib!r}, {options['_qweb_error_path_xml'][0]!r})" code_directive = method_compile_directive(self, el, options, directive, level) return [enter, *code_directive, leave] if code_directive else [] return _tracked_compile_directive def __init__(self, view_id, arch, cr): current_thread = threading.current_thread() # don't store current_thread on self self.execution_context_enabled = getattr(current_thread, 'profiler_params', {}).get('execution_context_qweb') self.qweb_hooks = getattr(current_thread, 'qweb_hooks', ()) self.context_stack = [] self.cr = cr self.view_id = view_id for hook in self.qweb_hooks: hook('render', self.cr.sql_log_count, view_id=view_id, arch=arch) def enter_directive(self, directive, attrib, xpath): execution_context = None if self.execution_context_enabled: directive_info = {} if ('t-' + directive) in attrib: directive_info['t-' + directive] = repr(attrib['t-' + directive]) if directive == 'set': if 't-value' in attrib: directive_info['t-value'] = repr(attrib['t-value']) if 't-valuef' in attrib: directive_info['t-valuef'] = repr(attrib['t-valuef']) for key in attrib: if key.startswith('t-set-') or key.startswith('t-setf-'): directive_info[key] = repr(attrib[key]) elif directive == 'foreach': directive_info['t-as'] = repr(attrib['t-as']) elif directive == 'groups' and 'groups' in attrib and not directive_info.get('t-groups'): directive_info['t-groups'] = repr(attrib['groups']) elif directive == 'att': for key in attrib: if key.startswith('t-att-') or key.startswith('t-attf-'): directive_info[key] = repr(attrib[key]) elif directive == 'options': for key in attrib: if key.startswith('t-options-'): directive_info[key] = repr(attrib[key]) elif ('t-' + directive) not in attrib: directive_info['t-' + directive] = None execution_context = tools.profiler.ExecutionContext(**directive_info, xpath=xpath) execution_context.__enter__() self.context_stack.append(execution_context) for hook in self.qweb_hooks: hook('enter', self.cr.sql_log_count, view_id=self.view_id, xpath=xpath, directive=directive, attrib=attrib) def leave_directive(self, directive, attrib, xpath): if self.execution_context_enabled: self.context_stack.pop().__exit__() for hook in self.qweb_hooks: hook('leave', self.cr.sql_log_count, view_id=self.view_id, xpath=xpath, directive=directive, attrib=attrib) class QwebCollector(Collector): """ Record qweb execution with directive trace. """ name = 'qweb' def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.events = [] def hook(event, sql_log_count, **kwargs): self.events.append((event, kwargs, sql_log_count, real_time())) self.hook = hook def _get_directive_profiling_name(self, directive, attrib): expr = '' if directive == 'set': if 't-set' in attrib: expr = f"t-set={repr(attrib['t-set'])}" if 't-value' in attrib: expr += f" t-value={repr(attrib['t-value'])}" if 't-valuef' in attrib: expr += f" t-valuef={repr(attrib['t-valuef'])}" for key in attrib: if key.startswith('t-set-') or key.startswith('t-setf-'): if expr: expr += ' ' expr += f"{key}={repr(attrib[key])}" elif directive == 'foreach': expr = f"t-foreach={repr(attrib['t-foreach'])} t-as={repr(attrib['t-as'])}" elif directive == 'options': if attrib.get('t-options'): expr = f"t-options={repr(attrib['t-options'])}" for key in attrib: if key.startswith('t-options-'): expr = f"{expr} {key}={repr(attrib[key])}" elif directive == 'att': for key in attrib: if key == 't-att' or key.startswith('t-att-') or key.startswith('t-attf-'): if expr: expr += ' ' expr += f"{key}={repr(attrib[key])}" elif ('t-' + directive) in attrib: expr = f"t-{directive}={repr(attrib['t-' + directive])}" else: expr = f"t-{directive}" return expr def start(self): init_thread = self.profiler.init_thread if not hasattr(init_thread, 'qweb_hooks'): init_thread.qweb_hooks = [] init_thread.qweb_hooks.append(self.hook) def stop(self): self.profiler.init_thread.qweb_hooks.remove(self.hook) def post_process(self): last_event_query = None last_event_time = None stack = [] results = [] archs = {} for event, kwargs, sql_count, time in self.events: if event == 'render': archs[kwargs['view_id']] = kwargs['arch'] continue # update the active directive with the elapsed time and queries if stack: top = stack[-1] top['delay'] += time - last_event_time top['query'] += sql_count - last_event_query last_event_time = time last_event_query = sql_count directive = self._get_directive_profiling_name(kwargs['directive'], kwargs['attrib']) if directive: if event == 'enter': data = { 'view_id': kwargs['view_id'], 'xpath': kwargs['xpath'], 'directive': directive, 'delay': 0, 'query': 0, } results.append(data) stack.append(data) else: assert event == "leave" data = stack.pop() self.add({'results': {'archs': archs, 'data': results}}) super().post_process() class ExecutionContext: """ Add some context on thread at current call stack level. This context stored by collector beside stack and is used by Speedscope to add a level to the stack with this information. """ def __init__(self, **context): self.context = context self.previous_context = None def __enter__(self): current_thread = threading.current_thread() self.previous_context = getattr(current_thread, 'exec_context', ()) current_thread.exec_context = self.previous_context + ((stack_size(), self.context),) def __exit__(self, *_args): threading.current_thread().exec_context = self.previous_context class Profiler: """ Context manager to use to start the recording of some execution. Will save sql and async stack trace by default. """ def __init__(self, collectors=None, db=..., profile_session=None, description=None, disable_gc=False, params=None, log=False): """ :param db: database name to use to save results. Will try to define database automatically by default. Use value ``None`` to not save results in a database. :param collectors: list of string and Collector object Ex: ['sql', PeriodicCollector(interval=0.2)]. Use `None` for default collectors :param profile_session: session description to use to reproup multiple profile. use make_session(name) for default format. :param description: description of the current profiler Suggestion: (route name/test method/loading module, ...) :param disable_gc: flag to disable gc durring profiling (usefull to avoid gc while profiling, especially during sql execution) :param params: parameters usable by collectors (like frame interval) """ self.start_time = 0 self.duration = 0 self.profile_session = profile_session or make_session() self.description = description self.init_frame = None self.init_stack_trace = None self.init_thread = None self.disable_gc = disable_gc self.filecache = {} self.params = params or {} # custom parameters usable by collectors self.profile_id = None self.log = log self.sub_profilers = [] if db is ...: # determine database from current thread db = getattr(threading.current_thread(), 'dbname', None) if not db: # only raise if path is not given and db is not explicitely disabled raise Exception('Database name cannot be defined automaticaly. \n Please provide a valid/falsy dbname or path parameter') self.db = db # collectors if collectors is None: collectors = ['sql', 'traces_async'] self.collectors = [] for collector in collectors: if isinstance(collector, str): try: collector = Collector.make(collector) except Exception: _logger.error("Could not create collector with name %r", collector) continue collector.profiler = self self.collectors.append(collector) def __enter__(self): self.init_thread = threading.current_thread() try: self.init_frame = get_current_frame(self.init_thread) self.init_stack_trace = _get_stack_trace(self.init_frame) except KeyError: # when using thread pools (gevent) the thread won't exist in the current_frames # this case is managed by http.py but will still fail when adding a profiler # inside a piece of code that may be called by a longpolling route. # in this case, avoid crashing the caller and disable all collectors self.init_frame = self.init_stack_trace = self.collectors = [] self.db = self.params = None message = "Cannot start profiler, thread not found. Is the thread part of a thread pool?" if not self.description: self.description = message _logger.warning(message) if self.description is None: frame = self.init_frame code = frame.f_code self.description = f"{frame.f_code.co_name} ({code.co_filename}:{frame.f_lineno})" if self.params: self.init_thread.profiler_params = self.params if self.disable_gc and gc.isenabled(): gc.disable() self.start_time = real_time() for collector in self.collectors: collector.start() return self def __exit__(self, *args): try: for collector in self.collectors: collector.stop() self.duration = real_time() - self.start_time self._add_file_lines(self.init_stack_trace) if self.db: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from odoo.sql_db import db_connect # only import from odoo if/when needed. with db_connect(self.db).cursor() as cr: values = { "name": self.description, "session": self.profile_session, "create_date": real_datetime_now(), "init_stack_trace": json.dumps(_format_stack(self.init_stack_trace)), "duration": self.duration, "entry_count": self.entry_count(), "sql_count": sum(len(collector.entries) for collector in self.collectors if collector.name == 'sql') } for collector in self.collectors: if collector.entries: values[collector.name] = json.dumps(collector.entries) query = SQL( "INSERT INTO ir_profile(%s) VALUES %s RETURNING id", SQL(",").join(map(SQL.identifier, values)), tuple(values.values()), ) cr.execute(query) self.profile_id = cr.fetchone()[0] _logger.info('ir_profile %s (%s) created', self.profile_id, self.profile_session) except OperationalError: _logger.exception("Could not save profile in database") finally: if self.disable_gc: gc.enable() if self.params: del self.init_thread.profiler_params if self.log: _logger.info(self.summary()) def _add_file_lines(self, stack): for index, frame in enumerate(stack): (filename, lineno, name, line) = frame if line != '': continue # retrieve file lines from the filecache if not lineno: continue try: filelines = self.filecache[filename] except KeyError: try: with tools.file_open(filename, filter_ext=('.py',)) as f: filelines = f.readlines() except (ValueError, FileNotFoundError): # mainly for "filename" filelines = None self.filecache[filename] = filelines # fill in the line if filelines is not None: line = filelines[lineno - 1] stack[index] = (filename, lineno, name, line) def entry_count(self): """ Return the total number of entries collected in this profiler. """ return sum(len(collector.entries) for collector in self.collectors) def format_path(self, path): """ Utility function to format a path for this profiler. This is mainly useful to uniquify a path between executions. """ return path.format( time=real_datetime_now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), len=self.entry_count(), desc=re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z-]+", "_", self.description) ) def json(self): """ Utility function to generate a json version of this profiler. This is useful to write profiling entries into a file, such as:: with Profiler(db=None) as profiler: do_stuff() filename = p.format_path('/home/foo/{desc}_{len}.json') with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(profiler.json()) """ return json.dumps({ "name": self.description, "session": self.profile_session, "create_date": real_datetime_now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), "init_stack_trace": _format_stack(self.init_stack_trace), "duration": self.duration, "collectors": {collector.name: collector.entries for collector in self.collectors}, }, indent=4) def summary(self): result = '' for profiler in [self, *self.sub_profilers]: for collector in profiler.collectors: result += f'\n{self.description}\n{collector.summary()}' return result class Nested: """ Utility to nest another context manager inside a profiler. The profiler should only be called directly in the "with" without nesting it with ExitStack. If not, the retrieval of the 'init_frame' may be incorrect and lead to an error "Limit frame was not found" when profiling. Since the stack will ignore all stack frames inside this file, the nested frames will be ignored, too. This is also why Nested() does not use contextlib.contextmanager. """ def __init__(self, profiler, context_manager): self.profiler = profiler self.context_manager = context_manager def __enter__(self): self.profiler.__enter__() return self.context_manager.__enter__() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): try: return self.context_manager.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) finally: self.profiler.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)