import ast from babel.dates import format_datetime, format_date from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timedelta import base64 import json import random from odoo import models, api, _, fields, Command, tools from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.release import version from import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT as DF, SQL from import formatLang, format_date as odoo_format_date, get_lang def group_by_journal(vals_list): res = defaultdict(list) for vals in vals_list: res[vals['journal_id']].append(vals) return res class account_journal(models.Model): _inherit = "account.journal" kanban_dashboard = fields.Text(compute='_kanban_dashboard') kanban_dashboard_graph = fields.Text(compute='_kanban_dashboard_graph') json_activity_data = fields.Text(compute='_get_json_activity_data') show_on_dashboard = fields.Boolean(string='Show journal on dashboard', help="Whether this journal should be displayed on the dashboard or not", default=True) color = fields.Integer("Color Index", default=0) current_statement_balance = fields.Monetary(compute='_compute_current_statement_balance') # technical field used to avoid computing the value multiple times has_statement_lines = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_current_statement_balance') # technical field used to avoid computing the value multiple times entries_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_entries_count') has_posted_entries = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_has_entries') has_entries = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_has_entries') has_sequence_holes = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_has_sequence_holes') has_unhashed_entries = fields.Boolean(string='Unhashed Entries', compute='_compute_has_unhashed_entries') last_statement_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='', compute='_compute_last_bank_statement') def _compute_current_statement_balance(self): query_result = self._get_journal_dashboard_bank_running_balance() for journal in self: journal.has_statement_lines, journal.current_statement_balance = query_result.get( def _compute_last_bank_statement(self):""" SELECT, FROM account_journal journal LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT id, company_id FROM account_bank_statement WHERE journal_id = ORDER BY first_line_index DESC LIMIT 1 ) statement ON TRUE WHERE = ANY(%s) AND statement.company_id = ANY(%s) """, [self.ids, self.env.companies.ids]) last_statements = {journal_id: statement_id for journal_id, statement_id in} for journal in self: journal.last_statement_id = self.env[''].browse(last_statements.get( def _kanban_dashboard(self): dashboard_data = self._get_journal_dashboard_data_batched() for journal in self: journal.kanban_dashboard = json.dumps(dashboard_data[]) @api.depends('current_statement_balance') def _kanban_dashboard_graph(self): bank_cash_journals = self.filtered(lambda journal: journal.type in ('bank', 'cash', 'credit')) bank_cash_graph_datas = bank_cash_journals._get_bank_cash_graph_data() for journal in bank_cash_journals: journal.kanban_dashboard_graph = json.dumps(bank_cash_graph_datas[]) sale_purchase_journals = self.filtered(lambda journal: journal.type in ('sale', 'purchase')) sale_purchase_graph_datas = sale_purchase_journals._get_sale_purchase_graph_data() for journal in sale_purchase_journals: journal.kanban_dashboard_graph = json.dumps(sale_purchase_graph_datas[]) (self - bank_cash_journals - sale_purchase_journals).kanban_dashboard_graph = False def _get_json_activity_data(self): today = fields.Date.context_today(self) activities = defaultdict(list) # search activity on move on the journal act_type_name = self.env['mail.activity.type']._field_to_sql('act_type', 'name') sql_query = SQL( """ SELECT, activity.res_id, activity.res_model, activity.summary, CASE WHEN activity.date_deadline < %(today)s THEN 'late' ELSE 'future' END as status, %(act_type_name)s as act_type_name, act_type.category as activity_category, activity.date_deadline, move.journal_id FROM account_move move JOIN mail_activity activity ON activity.res_id = AND activity.res_model = 'account.move' LEFT JOIN mail_activity_type act_type ON activity.activity_type_id = WHERE move.journal_id = ANY(%(ids)s) AND move.company_id = ANY(%(company_ids)s) UNION ALL SELECT, activity.res_id, activity.res_model, activity.summary, CASE WHEN activity.date_deadline < %(today)s THEN 'late' ELSE 'future' END as status, %(act_type_name)s as act_type_name, act_type.category as activity_category, activity.date_deadline, as journal_id FROM account_journal journal JOIN mail_activity activity ON activity.res_id = AND activity.res_model = 'account.journal' LEFT JOIN mail_activity_type act_type ON activity.activity_type_id = WHERE = ANY(%(ids)s) AND journal.company_id = ANY(%(company_ids)s) """, today=today, act_type_name=act_type_name, ids=self.ids, company_ids=self.env.companies.ids, ) for activity in act = { 'id': activity['id'], 'res_id': activity['res_id'], 'res_model': activity['res_model'], 'status': activity['status'], 'name': activity['summary'] or activity['act_type_name'], 'activity_category': activity['activity_category'], 'date': odoo_format_date(self.env, activity['date_deadline']) } activities[activity['journal_id']].append(act) for journal in self: journal.json_activity_data = json.dumps({'activities': activities[]}) def _query_has_sequence_holes(self): self.env['account.move'].flush_model(['journal_id', 'date', 'sequence_prefix', 'made_sequence_gap']) queries = [] for company in self.env.companies: company = company.with_context(ignore_exceptions=True) queries.append(SQL( """ SELECT move.journal_id, move.sequence_prefix FROM account_move move JOIN account_journal journal ON move.journal_id = WHERE move.journal_id = ANY(%(journal_ids)s) AND move.company_id = %(company_id)s AND move.made_sequence_gap = TRUE AND > %(fiscal_lock_date)s AND (journal.type <> 'sale' OR > %(sale_lock_date)s) AND (journal.type <> 'purchase' OR > %(purchase_lock_date)s) GROUP BY move.journal_id, move.sequence_prefix """, journal_ids=self.ids,, fiscal_lock_date=max(company.user_fiscalyear_lock_date, company.user_hard_lock_date), sale_lock_date=company.user_sale_lock_date, purchase_lock_date=company.user_purchase_lock_date, ))' UNION ALL '.join(['%s'] * len(queries)), *queries)) return def _get_moves_to_hash(self, include_pre_last_hash, early_stop): """ If we have INV/1, INV/2 not hashed, then INV/3, INV/4 hashed, then INV/5 and INV/6 not hashed :param include_pre_last_hash: if True, this will include INV/1 and INV/2. Otherwise not. :param early_stop: if True, stop searching when we found at least one record :return: """ return self.env['account.move'].search([ ('restrict_mode_hash_table', '=', True), ('inalterable_hash', '=', False), ('journal_id', '=',, ('date', '>', self.company_id._get_user_fiscal_lock_date(self)), ])._get_chains_to_hash(force_hash=True, raise_if_gap=False, raise_if_no_document=False, early_stop=early_stop, include_pre_last_hash=include_pre_last_hash) def _compute_has_sequence_holes(self): has_sequence_holes = set(journal_id for journal_id, _prefix in self._query_has_sequence_holes()) for journal in self: journal.has_sequence_holes = in has_sequence_holes def _compute_has_unhashed_entries(self): for journal in self: if journal.restrict_mode_hash_table: journal.has_unhashed_entries = journal._get_moves_to_hash(include_pre_last_hash=False, early_stop=True) else: journal.has_unhashed_entries = False def _compute_has_entries(self): sql_query = SQL( """ SELECT, has_posted_entries.val, has_entries.val FROM account_journal j LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT bool( as val FROM account_move m WHERE m.journal_id = AND m.state = 'posted' LIMIT 1 ) AS has_posted_entries ON true LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT bool( as val FROM account_move m WHERE m.journal_id = LIMIT 1 ) AS has_entries ON true WHERE in %(journal_ids)s """, journal_ids=tuple(self.ids), ) res = {journal_id: (has_posted, has_entries) for journal_id, has_posted, has_entries in} for journal in self: r = res.get(, (False, False)) journal.has_posted_entries = bool(r[0]) journal.has_entries = bool(r[1]) def _compute_entries_count(self): res = { count for journal, count in self.env['account.move']._read_group( domain=[ *self.env['account.move']._check_company_domain(self.env.companies), ('journal_id', 'in', self.ids), ], groupby=['journal_id'], aggregates=['__count'], ) } for journal in self: journal.entries_count = res.get(, 0) def _graph_title_and_key(self): if self.type in ['sale', 'purchase']: return ['', _('Residual amount')] elif self.type == 'cash': return ['', _('Cash: Balance')] elif self.type == 'bank': return ['', _('Bank: Balance')] elif self.type == 'credit': return ['', _('Credit Card: Balance')] def _get_bank_cash_graph_data(self): """Computes the data used to display the graph for bank and cash journals in the accounting dashboard""" def build_graph_data(date, amount, currency): #display date in locale format name = format_date(date, 'd LLLL Y', locale=locale) short_name = format_date(date, 'd MMM', locale=locale) return {'x': short_name, 'y': currency.round(amount), 'name': name} today = last_month = today + timedelta(days=-30) locale = get_lang(self.env).code query = """ SELECT move.journal_id,, SUM(st_line.amount) AS amount FROM account_bank_statement_line st_line JOIN account_move move ON = st_line.move_id WHERE move.journal_id = ANY(%s) AND > %s AND <= %s AND move.company_id = ANY(%s) GROUP BY, move.journal_id ORDER BY DESC """, (self.ids, last_month, today, self.env.companies.ids)) query_result = group_by_journal( result = {} for journal in self: graph_title, graph_key = journal._graph_title_and_key() # User may have read access on the journal but not on the company currency = journal.currency_id or self.env['res.currency'].browse(journal.company_id.sudo() journal_result = query_result[] color = '#875A7B' if 'e' in version else '#7c7bad' is_sample_data = not journal_result and not journal.has_statement_lines data = [] if is_sample_data: for i in range(30, 0, -5): current_date = today + timedelta(days=-i) data.append(build_graph_data(current_date, random.randint(-5, 15), currency)) graph_key = _('Sample data') else: last_balance = journal.current_statement_balance data.append(build_graph_data(today, last_balance, currency)) date = today amount = last_balance #then we subtract the total amount of bank statement lines per day to get the previous points #(graph is drawn backward) for val in journal_result: date = val['date'] if date.strftime(DF) != today.strftime(DF): # make sure the last point in the graph is today data[:0] = [build_graph_data(date, amount, currency)] amount -= val['amount'] # make sure the graph starts 1 month ago if date.strftime(DF) != last_month.strftime(DF): data[:0] = [build_graph_data(last_month, amount, currency)] result[] = [{'values': data, 'title': graph_title, 'key': graph_key, 'area': True, 'color': color, 'is_sample_data': is_sample_data}] return result def _get_sale_purchase_graph_data(self): today = day_of_week = int(format_datetime(today, 'e', locale=get_lang(self.env).code)) first_day_of_week = today + timedelta(days=-day_of_week+1) format_month = lambda d: format_date(d, 'MMM', locale=get_lang(self.env).code)""" SELECT move.journal_id, COALESCE(SUM(move.amount_residual_signed) FILTER (WHERE invoice_date_due < %(start_week1)s), 0) AS total_before, COALESCE(SUM(move.amount_residual_signed) FILTER (WHERE invoice_date_due >= %(start_week1)s AND invoice_date_due < %(start_week2)s), 0) AS total_week1, COALESCE(SUM(move.amount_residual_signed) FILTER (WHERE invoice_date_due >= %(start_week2)s AND invoice_date_due < %(start_week3)s), 0) AS total_week2, COALESCE(SUM(move.amount_residual_signed) FILTER (WHERE invoice_date_due >= %(start_week3)s AND invoice_date_due < %(start_week4)s), 0) AS total_week3, COALESCE(SUM(move.amount_residual_signed) FILTER (WHERE invoice_date_due >= %(start_week4)s AND invoice_date_due < %(start_week5)s), 0) AS total_week4, COALESCE(SUM(move.amount_residual_signed) FILTER (WHERE invoice_date_due >= %(start_week5)s), 0) AS total_after FROM account_move move WHERE move.journal_id = ANY(%(journal_ids)s) AND move.state = 'posted' AND move.payment_state in ('not_paid', 'partial') AND move.move_type IN %(invoice_types)s AND move.company_id = ANY(%(company_ids)s) GROUP BY move.journal_id """, { 'invoice_types': tuple(self.env['account.move'].get_invoice_types(True)), 'journal_ids': self.ids, 'company_ids': self.env.companies.ids, 'start_week1': first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=-7), 'start_week2': first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=0), 'start_week3': first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=7), 'start_week4': first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=14), 'start_week5': first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=21), }) query_results = {r['journal_id']: r for r in} result = {} for journal in self: # User may have read access on the journal but not on the company currency = journal.currency_id or self.env['res.currency'].browse(journal.company_id.sudo() graph_title, graph_key = journal._graph_title_and_key() sign = 1 if journal.type == 'sale' else -1 journal_data = query_results.get( data = [] data.append({'label': _('Due'), 'type': 'past'}) for i in range(-1, 3): if i == 0: label = _('This Week') else: start_week = first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=i*7) end_week = start_week + timedelta(days=6) if start_week.month == end_week.month: label = f"{} - {} {format_month(end_week)}" else: label = f"{} {format_month(start_week)} - {} {format_month(end_week)}" data.append({'label': label, 'type': 'past' if i < 0 else 'future'}) data.append({'label': _('Not Due'), 'type': 'future'}) is_sample_data = not journal_data if not is_sample_data: data[0]['value'] = currency.round(sign * journal_data['total_before']) data[1]['value'] = currency.round(sign * journal_data['total_week1']) data[2]['value'] = currency.round(sign * journal_data['total_week2']) data[3]['value'] = currency.round(sign * journal_data['total_week3']) data[4]['value'] = currency.round(sign * journal_data['total_week4']) data[5]['value'] = currency.round(sign * journal_data['total_after']) else: for index in range(6): data[index]['type'] = 'o_sample_data' # we use unrealistic values for the sample data data[index]['value'] = random.randint(0, 20) graph_key = _('Sample data') result[] = [{'values': data, 'title': graph_title, 'key': graph_key, 'is_sample_data': is_sample_data}] return result def _get_journal_dashboard_data_batched(self): self.env['account.move'].flush_model() self.env['account.move.line'].flush_model() self.env['account.payment'].flush_model() dashboard_data = {} # container that will be filled by functions below for journal in self: dashboard_data[] = { 'currency_id': or journal.company_id.sudo(), 'show_company': len(self.env.companies) > 1 or !=, } self._fill_bank_cash_dashboard_data(dashboard_data) self._fill_sale_purchase_dashboard_data(dashboard_data) self._fill_general_dashboard_data(dashboard_data) self._fill_onboarding_data(dashboard_data) return dashboard_data def _fill_dashboard_data_count(self, dashboard_data, model, name, domain): """Populate the dashboard data with the result of a count. :param dashboard_data: a mapping between a journal ids and the data needed to display their dashboard kanban card. :type dashboard_data: dict[int, dict] :param model: the model on which to perform the count :type model: str :param name: the name of the variable to inject in the dashboard's data :type name: str :param domain: the domain of records to count :type domain: list[tuple] """ res = { count for journal, count in self.env[model]._read_group( domain=[ *self.env[model]._check_company_domain(self.env.companies), ('journal_id', 'in', self.ids), ] + domain, groupby=['journal_id'], aggregates=['__count'], ) } for journal in self: dashboard_data[][name] = res.get(, 0) def _fill_bank_cash_dashboard_data(self, dashboard_data): """Populate all bank and cash journal's data dict with relevant information for the kanban card.""" bank_cash_journals = self.filtered(lambda journal: journal.type in ('bank', 'cash', 'credit')) if not bank_cash_journals: return # Number to reconcile self._cr.execute(""" SELECT st_line.journal_id, COUNT( FROM account_bank_statement_line st_line JOIN account_move st_line_move ON = st_line.move_id WHERE st_line.journal_id IN %s AND st_line.company_id IN %s AND NOT st_line.is_reconciled AND st_line_move.checked IS TRUE AND st_line_move.state = 'posted' GROUP BY st_line.journal_id """, [tuple(bank_cash_journals.ids), tuple(self.env.companies.ids)]) number_to_reconcile = { journal_id: count for journal_id, count in } # Last statement bank_cash_journals.last_statement_id.mapped(lambda s: s.balance_end_real) # prefetch outstanding_pay_account_balances = bank_cash_journals._get_journal_dashboard_outstanding_payments() # Payment with method outstanding account == journal default account direct_payment_balances = bank_cash_journals._get_direct_bank_payments() # Misc Entries (journal items in the default_account not linked to bank.statement.line) misc_domain = [] for journal in bank_cash_journals: date_limit = or journal.company_id.fiscalyear_lock_date misc_domain.append( [('account_id', '=',, ('date', '>', date_limit)] if date_limit else [('account_id', '=',] ) misc_domain = [ *self.env['account.move.line']._check_company_domain(self.env.companies), ('statement_line_id', '=', False), ('parent_state', '=', 'posted'), ('payment_id', '=', False), ] + expression.OR(misc_domain) misc_totals = { account: (balance, count_lines, currencies) for account, balance, count_lines, currencies in self.env['account.move.line']._read_group( domain=misc_domain, aggregates=['amount_currency:sum', 'id:count', 'currency_id:recordset'], groupby=['account_id']) } # To check to_check = { journal: (amount, count) for journal, amount, count in self.env['']._read_group( domain=[ ('journal_id', 'in', bank_cash_journals.ids), ('move_id.company_id', 'in', self.env.companies.ids), ('move_id.checked', '=', False), ('move_id.state', '=', 'posted'), ], groupby=['journal_id'], aggregates=['amount:sum', '__count'], ) } for journal in bank_cash_journals: # User may have read access on the journal but not on the company currency = journal.currency_id or self.env['res.currency'].browse(journal.company_id.sudo() has_outstanding, outstanding_pay_account_balance = outstanding_pay_account_balances[] to_check_balance, number_to_check = to_check.get(journal, (0, 0)) misc_balance, number_misc, misc_currencies = misc_totals.get(journal.default_account_id, (0, 0, currency)) currency_consistent = misc_currencies == currency accessible = in journal.company_id._accessible_branches().ids nb_direct_payments, direct_payments_balance = direct_payment_balances[] drag_drop_settings = { 'image': '/account/static/src/img/bank.svg' if journal.type in ('bank', 'credit') else '/web/static/img/rfq.svg', 'text': _('Drop to import transactions'), } dashboard_data[].update({ 'number_to_check': number_to_check, 'to_check_balance': currency.format(to_check_balance), 'number_to_reconcile': number_to_reconcile.get(, 0), 'account_balance': currency.format(journal.current_statement_balance + direct_payments_balance), 'has_at_least_one_statement': bool(journal.last_statement_id), 'nb_lines_bank_account_balance': (bool(journal.has_statement_lines) or bool(nb_direct_payments)) and accessible, 'outstanding_pay_account_balance': currency.format(outstanding_pay_account_balance), 'nb_lines_outstanding_pay_account_balance': has_outstanding, 'last_balance': currency.format(journal.last_statement_id.balance_end_real), 'last_statement_id':, 'bank_statements_source': journal.bank_statements_source, 'is_sample_data': journal.has_statement_lines, 'nb_misc_operations': number_misc, 'misc_class': 'text-warning' if not currency_consistent else '', 'misc_operations_balance': currency.format(misc_balance) if currency_consistent else None, 'drag_drop_settings': drag_drop_settings, }) def _fill_sale_purchase_dashboard_data(self, dashboard_data): """Populate all sale and purchase journal's data dict with relevant information for the kanban card.""" sale_purchase_journals = self.filtered(lambda journal: journal.type in ('sale', 'purchase')) purchase_journals = self.filtered(lambda journal: journal.type == 'purchase') sale_journals = self.filtered(lambda journal: journal.type == 'sale') if not sale_purchase_journals: return bills_field_list = [ "account_move.journal_id", "(CASE WHEN account_move.move_type IN ('out_refund', 'in_refund') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END) * account_move.amount_residual AS amount_total", "(CASE WHEN account_move.move_type IN ('in_invoice', 'in_refund', 'in_receipt') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END) * account_move.amount_residual_signed AS amount_total_company", "account_move.currency_id AS currency", "account_move.move_type", "account_move.invoice_date", "account_move.company_id", ] # DRAFTS query, params = sale_purchase_journals._get_draft_sales_purchases_query().select(*bills_field_list), params) query_results_drafts = group_by_journal( # WAITING AND LATE BILLS AND PAYMENTS query_results_to_pay = {} late_query_results = {} for journal_type, journals in [('sale', sale_journals), ('purchase', purchase_journals)]: if not journals: continue query, selects = journals._get_open_sale_purchase_query(journal_type) sql = SQL("""%s GROUP BY account_move.company_id, account_move.journal_id, account_move.currency_id, late, to_pay""",*selects), ) query_result = group_by_journal( for journal in journals: query_results_to_pay[] = [r for r in query_result[] if r['to_pay']] late_query_results[] = [r for r in query_result[] if r['late']] to_check_vals = { (amount_total_signed_sum, count) for journal, amount_total_signed_sum, count in self.env['account.move']._read_group( domain=[ *self.env['account.move']._check_company_domain(self.env.companies), ('journal_id', 'in', sale_purchase_journals.ids), ('checked', '=', False), ('state', '=', 'posted'), ], groupby=['journal_id'], aggregates=['amount_total_signed:sum', '__count'], ) }""" SELECT id, moves_exists FROM account_journal journal LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM account_move move WHERE move.journal_id = AND move.company_id = ANY (%(companies_ids)s) AND move.journal_id = ANY (%(journal_ids)s)) AS moves_exists ) moves ON TRUE WHERE = ANY (%(journal_ids)s); """, journal_ids=sale_purchase_journals.ids, companies_ids=self.env.companies.ids, )) is_sample_data_by_journal_id = {row[0]: not row[1] for row in} for journal in sale_purchase_journals: # User may have read access on the journal but not on the company currency = journal.currency_id or self.env['res.currency'].browse(journal.company_id.sudo() (number_waiting, sum_waiting) = self._count_results_and_sum_amounts(query_results_to_pay[], currency) (number_draft, sum_draft) = self._count_results_and_sum_amounts(query_results_drafts[], currency) (number_late, sum_late) = self._count_results_and_sum_amounts(late_query_results[], currency) amount_total_signed_sum, count = to_check_vals.get(, (0, 0)) if journal.type == 'purchase': title_has_sequence_holes = _("Irregularities due to draft, cancelled or deleted bills with a sequence number since last lock date.") drag_drop_settings = { 'image': '/account/static/src/img/Bill.svg', 'text': _('Drop and let the AI process your bills automatically.'), } else: title_has_sequence_holes = _("Irregularities due to draft, cancelled or deleted invoices with a sequence number since last lock date.") drag_drop_settings = { 'image': '/web/static/img/quotation.svg', 'text': _('Drop to import your invoices.'), } dashboard_data[].update({ 'number_to_check': count, 'to_check_balance': currency.format(amount_total_signed_sum), 'title': _('Bills to pay') if journal.type == 'purchase' else _('Invoices owed to you'), 'number_draft': number_draft, 'number_waiting': number_waiting, 'number_late': number_late, 'sum_draft': currency.format(sum_draft), # sign is already handled by the SQL query 'sum_waiting': currency.format(sum_waiting * (1 if journal.type == 'sale' else -1)), 'sum_late': currency.format(sum_late * (1 if journal.type == 'sale' else -1)), 'has_sequence_holes': journal.has_sequence_holes, 'title_has_sequence_holes': title_has_sequence_holes, 'has_unhashed_entries': journal.has_unhashed_entries, 'is_sample_data': is_sample_data_by_journal_id[], 'has_entries': not is_sample_data_by_journal_id[], 'drag_drop_settings': drag_drop_settings, }) def _fill_general_dashboard_data(self, dashboard_data): """Populate all miscelaneous journal's data dict with relevant information for the kanban card.""" general_journals = self.filtered(lambda journal: journal.type == 'general') if not general_journals: return to_check_vals = { (amount_total_signed_sum, count) for journal, amount_total_signed_sum, count in self.env['account.move']._read_group( domain=[ *self.env['account.move']._check_company_domain(self.env.companies), ('journal_id', 'in', general_journals.ids), ('checked', '=', False), ('state', '=', 'posted'), ], groupby=['journal_id'], aggregates=['amount_total_signed:sum', '__count'], ) } for journal in general_journals: currency = journal.currency_id or self.env['res.currency'].browse(journal.company_id.sudo() amount_total_signed_sum, count = to_check_vals.get(, (0, 0)) drag_drop_settings = { 'image': '/web/static/img/folder.svg', 'text': _('Drop to create journal entries with attachments.'), 'group': 'account.group_account_user', } dashboard_data[].update({ 'number_to_check': count, 'to_check_balance': currency.format(amount_total_signed_sum), 'drag_drop_settings': drag_drop_settings, }) def _fill_onboarding_data(self, dashboard_data): """ Populate journals with onboarding data if they have no entries""" journal_onboarding_map = { 'sale': 'account_invoice', 'general': 'account_dashboard', } onboarding_data = defaultdict(dict) onboarding_progresses = self.env['onboarding.progress'].sudo().search([ ('onboarding_id.route_name', 'in', [*journal_onboarding_map.values()]), ('company_id', 'in', self.company_id.ids), ]) for progress in onboarding_progresses: ob = progress.onboarding_id ob_vals = ob.with_company(progress.company_id)._prepare_rendering_values() onboarding_data[progress.company_id][ob.route_name] = ob_vals onboarding_data[progress.company_id][ob.route_name]['current_onboarding_state'] = ob.current_onboarding_state onboarding_data[progress.company_id][ob.route_name]['steps'] = [ { 'id':, 'title': step.title, 'description': step.description, 'state': ob_vals['state'][], 'action': step.panel_step_open_action_name, } for step in ob_vals['steps'] ] for journal in self: dashboard_data[]['onboarding'] = onboarding_data[journal.company_id].get(journal_onboarding_map.get(journal.type)) def _get_draft_sales_purchases_query(self): return self.env['account.move']._where_calc([ *self.env['account.move']._check_company_domain(self.env.companies), ('journal_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', '=', 'draft'), ('move_type', 'in', self.env['account.move'].get_invoice_types(include_receipts=True)), ]) def _get_open_sale_purchase_query(self, journal_type): assert journal_type in ('sale', 'purchase') query = self.env['account.move']._where_calc([ *self.env['account.move']._check_company_domain(self.env.companies), ('journal_id', 'in', self.ids), ('payment_state', 'in', ('not_paid', 'partial')), ('move_type', 'in', ('out_invoice', 'out_refund') if journal_type == 'sale' else ('in_invoice', 'in_refund')), ('state', '=', 'posted'), ]) selects = [ SQL("journal_id"), SQL("company_id"), SQL("currency_id AS currency"), SQL("invoice_date_due < %s AS late", fields.Date.context_today(self)), SQL("SUM(amount_residual_signed) AS amount_total_company"), SQL("SUM((CASE WHEN move_type = 'in_invoice' THEN -1 ELSE 1 END) * amount_residual) AS amount_total"), SQL("COUNT(*)"), SQL("TRUE AS to_pay") ] return query, selects def _count_results_and_sum_amounts(self, results_dict, target_currency): """ Loops on a query result to count the total number of invoices and sum their amount_total field (expressed in the given target currency). amount_total must be signed! """ if not results_dict: return 0, 0 total_amount = 0 count = 0 company = today = fields.Date.context_today(self) ResCurrency = self.env['res.currency'] ResCompany = self.env[''] for result in results_dict: document_currency = ResCurrency.browse(result.get('currency')) document_company = ResCompany.browse(result.get('company_id')) or company date = result.get('invoice_date') or today count += result.get('count', 1) if document_company.currency_id == target_currency: total_amount += result.get('amount_total_company') or 0 else: total_amount += document_currency._convert(result.get('amount_total'), target_currency, document_company, date) return count, target_currency.round(total_amount) def _get_journal_dashboard_bank_running_balance(self): # In order to not recompute everything from the start, we take the last # bank statement and only sum starting from there. self._cr.execute(""" SELECT AS journal_id, AS statement_id, COALESCE(statement.balance_end_real, 0) AS balance_end_real, without_statement.amount AS unlinked_amount, without_statement.count AS unlinked_count FROM account_journal journal LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( -- select latest statement based on the date SELECT id, first_line_index, balance_end_real FROM account_bank_statement WHERE journal_id = AND company_id = ANY(%s) ORDER BY date DESC, id DESC LIMIT 1 ) statement ON TRUE LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( -- sum all the lines not linked to a statement with a higher index than the last line of the statement SELECT COALESCE(SUM(stl.amount), 0.0) AS amount, COUNT(*) FROM account_bank_statement_line stl JOIN account_move move ON = stl.move_id WHERE stl.statement_id IS NULL AND move.state != 'cancel' AND stl.journal_id = AND stl.company_id = ANY(%s) AND stl.internal_index >= COALESCE(statement.first_line_index, '') LIMIT 1 ) without_statement ON TRUE WHERE = ANY(%s) """, [self.env.companies.ids, self.env.companies.ids, self.ids]) query_res = {res['journal_id']: res for res in} result = {} for journal in self: journal_vals = query_res[] result[] = ( bool(journal_vals['statement_id'] or journal_vals['unlinked_count']), journal_vals['balance_end_real'] + journal_vals['unlinked_amount'], ) return result def _get_direct_bank_payments(self):""" SELECT move.journal_id AS journal_id, move.company_id AS company_id, move.currency_id AS currency, SUM(CASE WHEN payment.payment_type = 'outbound' THEN -payment.amount ELSE payment.amount END) AS amount_total, SUM(amount_company_currency_signed) AS amount_total_company FROM account_payment payment JOIN account_move move ON move.origin_payment_id = JOIN account_journal journal ON move.journal_id = WHERE payment.is_matched IS TRUE AND move.state = 'posted' AND payment.journal_id = ANY(%s) AND payment.company_id = ANY(%s) AND payment.outstanding_account_id = journal.default_account_id GROUP BY move.company_id, move.journal_id, move.currency_id """, [self.ids, self.env.companies.ids]) query_result = group_by_journal( result = {} for journal in self: # User may have read access on the journal but not on the company currency = (journal.currency_id or journal.company_id.sudo().currency_id).with_env(self.env) result[] = self._count_results_and_sum_amounts(query_result[], currency) return result def _get_journal_dashboard_outstanding_payments(self):""" SELECT payment.journal_id AS journal_id, payment.company_id AS company_id, payment.currency_id AS currency, SUM(CASE WHEN payment.payment_type = 'outbound' THEN -payment.amount ELSE payment.amount END) AS amount_total, SUM(amount_company_currency_signed) AS amount_total_company FROM account_payment payment JOIN account_move move ON move.origin_payment_id = WHERE (NOT payment.is_matched OR payment.is_matched IS NULL) AND move.state = 'posted' AND payment.journal_id = ANY(%s) AND payment.company_id = ANY(%s) GROUP BY payment.company_id, payment.journal_id, payment.currency_id """, [self.ids, self.env.companies.ids]) query_result = group_by_journal( result = {} for journal in self: # User may have read access on the journal but not on the company currency = journal.currency_id or self.env['res.currency'].browse(journal.company_id.sudo() result[] = self._count_results_and_sum_amounts(query_result[], currency) return result def _get_move_action_context(self): ctx = self._context.copy() journal = self if not ctx.get('default_journal_id'): ctx['default_journal_id'] = elif not journal: journal = self.browse(ctx['default_journal_id']) if journal.type == 'sale': ctx['default_move_type'] = 'out_refund' if ctx.get('refund') else 'out_invoice' elif journal.type == 'purchase': ctx['default_move_type'] = 'in_refund' if ctx.get('refund') else 'in_invoice' else: ctx['default_move_type'] = 'entry' ctx['view_no_maturity'] = True return ctx def action_create_new(self): return { 'name': _('Create invoice/bill'), 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_model': 'account.move', 'view_id': self.env.ref('account.view_move_form').id, 'context': self._get_move_action_context(), } def _build_no_journal_error_msg(self, company_name, journal_types): return _( "No journal could be found in company %(company_name)s for any of those types: %(journal_types)s", company_name=company_name, journal_types=', '.join(journal_types), ) def action_create_vendor_bill(self): """ This function is called by the "try our sample" button of Vendor Bills, visible on dashboard if no bill has been created yet. """ context = dict(self._context) purchase_journal = self.browse(context.get('default_journal_id')) or[('type', '=', 'purchase')], limit=1) if not purchase_journal: raise UserError(self._build_no_journal_error_msg(, ['purchase'])) context['default_move_type'] = 'in_invoice' invoice_date = - timedelta(days=12) partner = self.env['res.partner'].search([('name', '=', 'Deco Addict')], limit=1) company = purchase_journal.company_id if not partner: partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'Deco Addict', 'is_company': True, }) ProductCategory = self.env['product.category'].with_company(company) default_expense_account = ProductCategory._fields['property_account_expense_categ_id'].get_company_dependent_fallback(ProductCategory) ref = 'DE%s' % invoice_date.strftime('%Y%m') bill = self.env['account.move'].with_context(default_extract_state='done').create({ 'move_type': 'in_invoice', 'partner_id':, 'ref': ref, 'invoice_date': invoice_date, 'invoice_date_due': invoice_date + timedelta(days=30), 'journal_id':, 'invoice_line_ids': [ Command.create({ 'name': "[FURN_8999] Three-Seat Sofa", 'account_id': or, 'quantity': 5, 'price_unit': 1500, }), Command.create({ 'name': "[FURN_8220] Four Person Desk", 'account_id': or, 'quantity': 5, 'price_unit': 2350, }) ], }) # In case of test environment, don't create the pdf if tools.config['test_enable'] or tools.config['test_file']: bill.with_context(no_new_invoice=True).message_post() else: addr = [x for x in [ company.street, company.street2, ' '.join([x for x in [,] if x]),, ] if x] html = self.env['ir.qweb']._render('account.bill_preview', { 'company_name':, 'company_street_address': addr, 'invoice_name': 'Invoice ' + ref, 'invoice_ref': ref, 'invoice_date': invoice_date, 'invoice_due_date': invoice_date + timedelta(days=30), }) bodies = self.env['']._prepare_html(html)[0] content = self.env['']._run_wkhtmltopdf(bodies) attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({ 'type': 'binary', 'name': 'INV-%s-0001.pdf' % invoice_date.strftime('%Y-%m'), 'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'datas': base64.encodebytes(content), }) bill.with_context(no_new_invoice=True).message_post(attachment_ids=[]) return { 'name': _('Bills'), 'res_id':, 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_model': 'account.move', 'views': [[False, "form"]], 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'context': context, } def to_check_ids(self): self.ensure_one() return self.env[''].search([ ('journal_id', '=',, ('move_id.company_id', 'in', self.env.companies.ids), ('move_id.checked', '=', False), ('move_id.state', '=', 'posted'), ]) def _select_action_to_open(self): self.ensure_one() if self._context.get('action_name'): return self._context.get('action_name') elif self.type == 'bank': return 'action_bank_statement_tree' elif self.type == 'credit': return 'action_credit_statement_tree' elif self.type == 'cash': return 'action_view_bank_statement_tree' elif self.type == 'sale': return 'action_move_out_invoice_type' elif self.type == 'purchase': return 'action_move_in_invoice_type' else: return 'action_move_journal_line' def open_action(self): """return action based on type for related journals""" self.ensure_one() action_name = self._select_action_to_open() # Set 'account.' prefix if missing. if not action_name.startswith("account."): action_name = 'account.%s' % action_name action = self.env["ir.actions.act_window"]._for_xml_id(action_name) context = self._context.copy() if 'context' in action and isinstance(action['context'], str): context.update(ast.literal_eval(action['context'])) else: context.update(action.get('context', {})) action['context'] = context action['context'].update({ 'default_journal_id':, }) domain_type_field = action['res_model'] == 'account.move.line' and 'move_id.move_type' or 'move_type' # The model can be either account.move or account.move.line # Override the domain only if the action was not explicitly specified in order to keep the # original action domain. if action.get('domain') and isinstance(action['domain'], str): action['domain'] = ast.literal_eval(action['domain'] or '[]') if not self._context.get('action_name'): if self.type == 'sale': action['domain'] = [(domain_type_field, 'in', ('out_invoice', 'out_refund', 'out_receipt'))] elif self.type == 'purchase': action['domain'] = [(domain_type_field, 'in', ('in_invoice', 'in_refund', 'in_receipt', 'entry'))] action['domain'] = (action['domain'] or []) + [('journal_id', '=',] return action def open_payments_action(self, payment_type=False, mode='list'): if payment_type == 'outbound': action_ref = 'account.action_account_payments_payable' elif payment_type == 'transfer': action_ref = 'account.action_account_payments_transfer' elif payment_type == 'inbound': action_ref = 'account.action_account_payments' else: action_ref = 'account.action_account_all_payments' action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id(action_ref) action['context'] = dict(ast.literal_eval(action.get('context')),, if payment_type == 'transfer': action['context'].update({ 'default_partner_id':, 'default_is_internal_transfer': True, }) if mode == 'form': action['views'] = [[False, 'form']] return action def open_action_with_context(self): action_name = self.env.context.get('action_name', False) if not action_name: return False ctx = dict(self.env.context, if ctx.get('search_default_journal', False): ctx.update( ctx['search_default_journal'] = False # otherwise it will do a useless groupby in bank statements ctx.pop('group_by', None) action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id(f"account.{action_name}") action['context'] = ctx if ctx.get('use_domain', False): action['domain'] = isinstance(ctx['use_domain'], list) and ctx['use_domain'] or ['|', ('journal_id', '=',, ('journal_id', '=', False)] action['name'] = _( "%(action)s for journal %(journal)s", action=action["name"],, ) return action def open_bank_difference_action(self): self.ensure_one() action = self.env["ir.actions.act_window"]._for_xml_id("account.action_account_moves_all_a") action['context'] = { 'search_default_account_id':, 'search_default_group_by_move': False, 'search_default_no_st_line_id': True, 'search_default_posted': False, } date_from = or self.company_id.fiscalyear_lock_date if date_from: action['context'] |= { 'date_from': date_from, 'date_to': fields.Date.context_today(self), 'search_default_date_between': True } return action def _show_sequence_holes(self, domain): return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'name': _("Journal Entries"), 'res_model': 'account.move', 'search_view_id': (self.env.ref('account.view_account_move_with_gaps_in_sequence_filter').id, 'search'), 'view_mode': 'list,form', 'domain': domain, 'context': { 'search_default_group_by_sequence_prefix': 1, 'search_default_irregular_sequences': 1, 'expand': 1, } } def show_sequence_holes(self): has_sequence_holes = self._query_has_sequence_holes() domain = expression.OR( [ *self.env['account.move']._check_company_domain(self.env.companies), ('journal_id', '=', journal_id), ('sequence_prefix', '=', prefix), ] for journal_id, prefix in has_sequence_holes ) action = self._show_sequence_holes(domain) action['context'] = {**self._get_move_action_context(), **action['context']} return action def show_unhashed_entries(self): self.ensure_one() chains_to_hash = self._get_moves_to_hash(include_pre_last_hash=True, early_stop=False) moves = self.env['account.move'].concat(*[chain_moves['moves'] for chain_moves in chains_to_hash]) action = { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'name': _('Journal Entries to Hash'), 'res_model': 'account.move', 'domain': [('id', 'in', moves.ids)], 'views': [(False, 'list'), (False, 'form')], } if len(moves.ids) == 1: action.update({ 'res_id': moves[0].id, 'views': [(False, 'form')], }) return action def create_bank_statement(self): """return action to create a bank statements. This button should be called only on journals with type =='bank'""" action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("account.action_bank_statement_tree") action.update({ 'views': [[False, 'form']], 'context': "{'default_journal_id': " + str( + "}", }) return action def create_customer_payment(self): """return action to create a customer payment""" return self.open_payments_action('inbound', mode='form') def create_supplier_payment(self): """return action to create a supplier payment""" return self.open_payments_action('outbound', mode='form')