# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from odoo import api, fields, models, Command, tools, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError import re from math import copysign from collections import defaultdict from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta class AccountReconcileModelPartnerMapping(models.Model): _name = 'account.reconcile.model.partner.mapping' _description = 'Partner mapping for reconciliation models' _check_company_auto = True model_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.reconcile.model', readonly=True, required=True, ondelete='cascade') company_id = fields.Many2one(related='model_id.company_id') partner_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.partner', string="Partner", required=True, ondelete='cascade', check_company=True) payment_ref_regex = fields.Char(string="Find Text in Label") narration_regex = fields.Char(string="Find Text in Notes") @api.constrains('narration_regex', 'payment_ref_regex') def validate_regex(self): for record in self: if not (record.narration_regex or record.payment_ref_regex): raise ValidationError(_("Please set at least one of the match texts to create a partner mapping.")) current_regex = None try: if record.payment_ref_regex: current_regex = record.payment_ref_regex re.compile(record.payment_ref_regex) if record.narration_regex: current_regex = record.narration_regex re.compile(record.narration_regex) except re.error: raise ValidationError(_("The following regular expression is invalid to create a partner mapping: %s", current_regex)) class AccountReconcileModelLine(models.Model): _name = 'account.reconcile.model.line' _inherit = 'analytic.mixin' _description = 'Rules for the reconciliation model' _order = 'sequence, id' _check_company_auto = True model_id = fields.Many2one('account.reconcile.model', readonly=True, ondelete='cascade') allow_payment_tolerance = fields.Boolean(related='model_id.allow_payment_tolerance') payment_tolerance_param = fields.Float(related='model_id.payment_tolerance_param') rule_type = fields.Selection(related='model_id.rule_type') company_id = fields.Many2one(related='model_id.company_id', store=True) sequence = fields.Integer(required=True, default=10) account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Account', ondelete='cascade', domain="[('deprecated', '=', False), ('account_type', '!=', 'off_balance')]", check_company=True) # This field is ignored in a bank statement reconciliation. journal_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.journal', string="Journal", ondelete='cascade', check_company=True, store=True, readonly=False, compute='_compute_journal_id', ) label = fields.Char(string='Journal Item Label', translate=True) amount_type = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('fixed', 'Fixed'), ('percentage', 'Percentage of balance'), ('percentage_st_line', 'Percentage of statement line'), ('regex', 'From label'), ], required=True, store=True, precompute=True, compute='_compute_amount_type', readonly=False, ) # used to show the force tax included button' show_force_tax_included = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_show_force_tax_included') force_tax_included = fields.Boolean(string='Tax Included in Price', help='Force the tax to be managed as a price included tax.') # technical shortcut to parse the amount to a float amount = fields.Float(string="Float Amount", compute='_compute_float_amount', store=True) amount_string = fields.Char(string="Amount", default='100', required=True, help="""Value for the amount of the writeoff line * Percentage: Percentage of the balance, between 0 and 100. * Fixed: The fixed value of the writeoff. The amount will count as a debit if it is negative, as a credit if it is positive. * From Label: There is no need for regex delimiter, only the regex is needed. For instance if you want to extract the amount from\nR:9672938 10/07 AX 9415126318 T:5L:NA BRT: 3358,07 C:\nYou could enter\nBRT: ([\\d,]+)""") tax_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name='account.tax', string="Taxes", ondelete='restrict', check_company=True, compute='_compute_tax_ids', readonly=False, store=True, ) @api.onchange('tax_ids') def _onchange_tax_ids(self): # Multiple taxes with force_tax_included results in wrong computation, so we # only allow to set the force_tax_included field if we have one tax selected if len(self.tax_ids) != 1: self.force_tax_included = False @api.depends('tax_ids') def _compute_show_force_tax_included(self): for record in self: record.show_force_tax_included = False if len(record.tax_ids) != 1 else True @api.onchange('amount_type') def _onchange_amount_type(self): self.amount_string = '' if self.amount_type in ('percentage', 'percentage_st_line'): self.amount_string = '100' elif self.amount_type == 'regex': self.amount_string = r'([\d,]+)' @api.depends('amount_string') def _compute_float_amount(self): for record in self: try: record.amount = float(record.amount_string) except ValueError: record.amount = 0 @api.depends('rule_type', 'model_id.counterpart_type') def _compute_amount_type(self): for line in self: if line.rule_type == 'writeoff_button' and line.model_id.counterpart_type in ('sale', 'purchase'): line.amount_type = line.amount_type or 'percentage_st_line' else: line.amount_type = line.amount_type or 'percentage' @api.depends('model_id.counterpart_type') def _compute_journal_id(self): for line in self: if line.journal_id.type != line.model_id.counterpart_type: line.journal_id = None else: line.journal_id = line.journal_id @api.depends('model_id.counterpart_type', 'rule_type', 'account_id', 'company_id', 'company_id.account_purchase_tax_id') def _compute_tax_ids(self): for line in self: if line.rule_type == 'writeoff_button' and line.model_id.counterpart_type in ('sale', 'purchase'): line.tax_ids = line.tax_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.type_tax_use == line.model_id.counterpart_type) if not line.tax_ids: line.tax_ids = line.account_id.tax_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.type_tax_use == line.model_id.counterpart_type) if not line.tax_ids: if line.model_id.counterpart_type == 'purchase' and line.company_id.account_purchase_tax_id: line.tax_ids = line.company_id.account_purchase_tax_id elif line.model_id.counterpart_type == 'sale' and line.company_id.account_sale_tax_id: line.tax_ids = line.company_id.account_sale_tax_id else: line.tax_ids = line.tax_ids @api.constrains('amount_string') def _validate_amount(self): for record in self: if record.amount_type == 'fixed' and record.amount == 0: raise UserError(_("The amount is not a number")) if record.amount_type == 'percentage_st_line' and record.amount == 0: raise UserError(_("Balance percentage can't be 0")) if record.amount_type == 'percentage' and record.amount == 0: raise UserError(_("Statement line percentage can't be 0")) if record.amount_type == 'regex': try: re.compile(record.amount_string) except re.error: raise UserError(_('The regex is not valid')) class AccountReconcileModel(models.Model): _name = 'account.reconcile.model' _description = 'Preset to create journal entries during a invoices and payments matching' _inherit = ['mail.thread'] _order = 'sequence, id' _check_company_auto = True _sql_constraints = [('name_unique', 'unique(name, company_id)', 'A reconciliation model already bears this name.')] # Base fields. active = fields.Boolean(default=True) name = fields.Char(string='Name', required=True, translate=True) sequence = fields.Integer(required=True, default=10) company_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.company', string='Company', required=True, readonly=True, default=lambda self: self.env.company) rule_type = fields.Selection(selection=[ ('writeoff_button', 'Button to generate counterpart entry'), ('writeoff_suggestion', 'Rule to suggest counterpart entry'), ('invoice_matching', 'Rule to match invoices/bills'), ], string='Type', default='writeoff_button', required=True, tracking=True) auto_reconcile = fields.Boolean(string='Auto-validate', tracking=True, help='Validate the statement line automatically (reconciliation based on your rule).') to_check = fields.Boolean(string='To Check', default=False, help='This matching rule is used when the user is not certain of all the information of the counterpart.') matching_order = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('old_first', 'Oldest first'), ('new_first', 'Newest first'), ], required=True, default='old_first', tracking=True, ) counterpart_type = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('general', 'Journal Entry'), ('sale', 'Customer Invoices'), ('purchase', 'Vendor Bills'), ], string="Counterpart Type", default='general', ) # ===== Conditions ===== match_text_location_label = fields.Boolean( default=True, help="Search in the Statement's Label to find the Invoice/Payment's reference", tracking=True, ) match_text_location_note = fields.Boolean( default=False, help="Search in the Statement's Note to find the Invoice/Payment's reference", tracking=True, ) match_text_location_reference = fields.Boolean( default=False, help="Search in the Statement's Reference to find the Invoice/Payment's reference", tracking=True, ) match_journal_ids = fields.Many2many('account.journal', string='Journals Availability', domain="[('type', 'in', ('bank', 'cash', 'credit'))]", check_company=True, help='The reconciliation model will only be available from the selected journals.') match_nature = fields.Selection(selection=[ ('amount_received', 'Received'), ('amount_paid', 'Paid'), ('both', 'Paid/Received') ], string='Amount Type', required=True, default='both', tracking=True, help='''The reconciliation model will only be applied to the selected transaction type: * Amount Received: Only applied when receiving an amount. * Amount Paid: Only applied when paying an amount. * Amount Paid/Received: Applied in both cases.''') match_amount = fields.Selection(selection=[ ('lower', 'Is Lower Than'), ('greater', 'Is Greater Than'), ('between', 'Is Between'), ], string='Amount Condition', tracking=True, help='The reconciliation model will only be applied when the amount being lower than, greater than or between specified amount(s).') match_amount_min = fields.Float(string='Amount Min Parameter', tracking=True) match_amount_max = fields.Float(string='Amount Max Parameter', tracking=True) match_label = fields.Selection(selection=[ ('contains', 'Contains'), ('not_contains', 'Not Contains'), ('match_regex', 'Match Regex'), ], string='Label', tracking=True, help='''The reconciliation model will only be applied when the label: * Contains: The proposition label must contains this string (case insensitive). * Not Contains: Negation of "Contains". * Match Regex: Define your own regular expression.''') match_label_param = fields.Char(string='Label Parameter', tracking=True) match_note = fields.Selection(selection=[ ('contains', 'Contains'), ('not_contains', 'Not Contains'), ('match_regex', 'Match Regex'), ], string='Note', tracking=True, help='''The reconciliation model will only be applied when the note: * Contains: The proposition note must contains this string (case insensitive). * Not Contains: Negation of "Contains". * Match Regex: Define your own regular expression.''') match_note_param = fields.Char(string='Note Parameter', tracking=True) match_transaction_type = fields.Selection(selection=[ ('contains', 'Contains'), ('not_contains', 'Not Contains'), ('match_regex', 'Match Regex'), ], string='Transaction Type', tracking=True, help='''The reconciliation model will only be applied when the transaction type: * Contains: The proposition transaction type must contains this string (case insensitive). * Not Contains: Negation of "Contains". * Match Regex: Define your own regular expression.''') match_transaction_type_param = fields.Char(string='Transaction Type Parameter', tracking=True) match_same_currency = fields.Boolean(string='Same Currency', default=True, tracking=True, help='Restrict to propositions having the same currency as the statement line.') allow_payment_tolerance = fields.Boolean( string="Payment Tolerance", default=True, tracking=True, help="Difference accepted in case of underpayment.", ) payment_tolerance_param = fields.Float( string="Gap", compute='_compute_payment_tolerance_param', readonly=False, store=True, tracking=True, help="The sum of total residual amount propositions matches the statement line amount under this amount/percentage.", ) payment_tolerance_type = fields.Selection( selection=[('percentage', "in percentage"), ('fixed_amount', "in amount")], default='percentage', required=True, tracking=True, help="The sum of total residual amount propositions and the statement line amount allowed gap type.", ) match_partner = fields.Boolean(string='Partner is Set', tracking=True, help='The reconciliation model will only be applied when a customer/vendor is set.') match_partner_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner', string='Matching partners', help='The reconciliation model will only be applied to the selected customers/vendors.') match_partner_category_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner.category', string='Matching categories', help='The reconciliation model will only be applied to the selected customer/vendor categories.') line_ids = fields.One2many('account.reconcile.model.line', 'model_id', copy=True) partner_mapping_line_ids = fields.One2many(string="Partner Mapping Lines", comodel_name='account.reconcile.model.partner.mapping', inverse_name='model_id', help="The mapping uses regular expressions.\n" "- To Match the text at the beginning of the line (in label or notes), simply fill in your text.\n" "- To Match the text anywhere (in label or notes), put your text between .*\n" " e.g: .*N°48748 abc123.*") past_months_limit = fields.Integer( string="Search Months Limit", default=18, tracking=True, help="Number of months in the past to consider entries from when applying this model.", ) decimal_separator = fields.Char( default=lambda self: self.env['res.lang']._get_data(code=self.env.user.lang).decimal_point, tracking=True, help="Every character that is nor a digit nor this separator will be removed from the matching string", ) # used to decide if we should show the decimal separator for the regex matching field show_decimal_separator = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_show_decimal_separator') number_entries = fields.Integer(string='Number of entries related to this model', compute='_compute_number_entries') def action_reconcile_stat(self): self.ensure_one() action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("account.action_move_journal_line") self._cr.execute(''' SELECT ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT move_id) FROM account_move_line WHERE reconcile_model_id = %s ''', [self.id]) action.update({ 'context': {}, 'domain': [('id', 'in', self._cr.fetchone()[0])], 'help': """


""".format(_('This reconciliation model has created no entry so far')), }) return action def _compute_number_entries(self): data = self.env['account.move.line']._read_group([('reconcile_model_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['reconcile_model_id'], ['__count']) mapped_data = {reconcile_model.id: count for reconcile_model, count in data} for model in self: model.number_entries = mapped_data.get(model.id, 0) @api.depends('line_ids.amount_type') def _compute_show_decimal_separator(self): for record in self: record.show_decimal_separator = any(l.amount_type == 'regex' for l in record.line_ids) @api.depends('payment_tolerance_param', 'payment_tolerance_type') def _compute_payment_tolerance_param(self): for record in self: if record.payment_tolerance_type == 'percentage': record.payment_tolerance_param = min(100.0, max(0.0, record.payment_tolerance_param)) else: record.payment_tolerance_param = max(0.0, record.payment_tolerance_param) @api.constrains('allow_payment_tolerance', 'payment_tolerance_param', 'payment_tolerance_type') def _check_payment_tolerance_param(self): for record in self: if record.allow_payment_tolerance: if record.payment_tolerance_type == 'percentage' and not 0 <= record.payment_tolerance_param <= 100: raise ValidationError(_("A payment tolerance defined as a percentage should always be between 0 and 100")) elif record.payment_tolerance_type == 'fixed_amount' and record.payment_tolerance_param < 0: raise ValidationError(_("A payment tolerance defined as an amount should always be higher than 0")) def copy_data(self, default=None): default = dict(default or {}) vals_list = super().copy_data(default) if default.get('name'): return vals_list for model, vals in zip(self, vals_list): name = _("%s (copy)", model.name) while self.env['account.reconcile.model'].search_count([('name', '=', name)], limit=1): name = _("%s (copy)", name) vals['name'] = name return vals_list