import io from markupsafe import Markup from unittest.mock import patch from odoo import Command from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.tests import tagged from odoo.addons.account.models.chart_template import code_translations, AccountChartTemplate, TEMPLATE_MODELS from odoo.addons.account.tests.common import AccountTestInvoicingCommon def _get_chart_template_mapping(self, get_all=False): return {'test': { 'name': 'test', 'country_id': self.env.ref('').id, 'country_code': None, 'module': 'account', 'parent': None, }} def test_get_data(self, template_code): return { 'template_data': { 'code_digits': 6, 'currency_id': 'base.EUR', 'property_account_income_categ_id': 'test_account_income_template', 'property_account_expense_categ_id': 'test_account_expense_template', 'property_account_receivable_id': 'test_account_receivable_template', 'property_account_payable_id': 'test_account_payable_template', }, '': { 'tax_group_taxes': { 'name': "Taxes", 'sequence': 0, }, }, 'account.journal': self._get_account_journal(template_code), '': { { 'bank_account_code_prefix': '1000', 'cash_account_code_prefix': '2000', 'transfer_account_code_prefix': '3000', 'account_sale_tax_id': 'test_tax_1_template', }, }, 'account.account.tag': { f'account.account_tax_tag_{i}': { 'name': f'tax_tag_name_{i}', 'applicability': 'taxes', 'country_id': '', } for i in range(1, 9) }, '': { xmlid: _tax_vals(name, amount, 'account.account_tax_tag_1') for name, xmlid, amount in [ ('Tax 1', 'test_tax_1_template', 15), ('Tax 2', 'test_tax_2_template', 0), ] }, '': { 'test_account_group_1': { 'name': 'test_account_group_name_1', 'code_prefix_start': 222220, 'code_prefix_end': 222229, } }, 'account.account': { 'test_account_receivable_template': { 'name': 'property_receivable_account', 'code': '411111', 'account_type': 'asset_receivable', }, 'test_account_payable_template': { 'name': 'property_payable_account', 'code': '421111', 'account_type': 'liability_payable', }, 'test_account_income_template': { 'name': 'property_income_account', 'code': '222221', 'account_type': 'income', 'group_id': 'test_account_group_1', }, 'test_account_expense_template': { 'name': 'property_expense_account', 'code': '222222', 'account_type': 'expense', }, }, 'account.fiscal.position': { 'test_fiscal_position_template': { 'name': 'Fiscal Position', 'country_id': '', 'auto_apply': True, 'tax_ids': [ Command.create({ 'tax_src_id': 'test_tax_1_template', 'tax_dest_id': 'test_tax_2_template', }) ] } }, 'account.reconcile.model': { 'test_account_reconcile_model_1': { 'name': 'test_reconcile_model_with_payment_tolerance', 'rule_type': 'invoice_matching', 'allow_payment_tolerance': True, 'payment_tolerance_type': 'percentage', 'payment_tolerance_param': 2.0, 'line_ids': [Command.create({'account_id': 'test_account_income_template'})], } } } def _tax_vals(name, amount, tax_tag_id=None, children_tax_xmlids=None, active=True, tax_scope="consu"): tag_command = [Command.set([tax_tag_id])] if tax_tag_id else None tax_vals = { 'name': name, 'amount': amount, 'amount_type': 'percent' if not children_tax_xmlids else 'group', 'tax_group_id': 'tax_group_taxes', 'active': active, 'tax_scope': tax_scope } if children_tax_xmlids: tax_vals.update({'children_tax_ids': [Command.set(children_tax_xmlids)]}) else: tax_vals.update({'repartition_line_ids': [ Command.create({'document_type': 'invoice', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids': tag_command}), Command.create({'document_type': 'invoice', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'tax'}), Command.create({'document_type': 'refund', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'base'}), Command.create({'document_type': 'refund', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'tax'}), ]}) return tax_vals CSV_DATA = { 'tax_1': ( '"id","name","type_tax_use","amount","amount_type","description","invoice_label","tax_group_id","repartition_line_ids/repartition_type",' '"repartition_line_ids/factor_percent","repartition_line_ids/document_type","repartition_line_ids/tag_ids","repartition_line_ids/account_id",' '"repartition_line_ids/use_in_tax_closing","description@en"\n' '"tax_1","5%","sale","5.0","percent","","VAT 5%","tax_group_taxes","base","","invoice","tax_tag_name_1||tax_tag_name_2","","","Test tax"\n' '"","","","","","","","","tax","50","invoice","tax_tag_name_3","test_account_income_template","False",""\n' '"","","","","","","","","tax","50","invoice","tax_tag_name_4","test_account_income_template","False",""\n' '"","","","","","","","","base","","refund","tax_tag_name_5||tax_tag_name_6","","",""\n' '"","","","","","","","","tax","50","refund","tax_tag_name_7","test_account_income_template","False",""\n' '"","","","","","","","","tax","50","refund","tax_tag_name_8","test_account_income_template","False",""\n' ), 'test_fiscal_position_template': ( '"id","name","country_id","auto_apply","tax_ids/tax_src_id","tax_ids/tax_dest_id"\n' '"test_fiscal_position_template","Fiscal Position","","1","test_tax_3_template","test_tax_4_template"\n' ), } @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') @patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_mapping', _get_chart_template_mapping) class TestChartTemplate(AccountTestInvoicingCommon): @classmethod def _use_chart_template(cls, company, chart_template_ref=None): with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True): cls.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading("test", company=company, install_demo=False) @classmethod @AccountTestInvoicingCommon.setup_country('be') @patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_mapping', _get_chart_template_mapping) def setUpClass(cls): """ Setups a company with a custom chart template, containing a tax and a fiscal position. We need to add xml_ids to the templates because they are loaded from their xml_ids """ # Avoid creating data from AccountTestInvoicingCommon setUpClass # just use the override of the functions it provides super(AccountTestInvoicingCommon, cls).setUpClass() cls.ChartTemplate = cls.env['account.chart.template'].with_company( cls.country_be = cls.env.ref('') def test_signed_and_unsigned_tags_tax(self): tax_report = self.env[''].create({ 'name': "Tax report 1", 'country_id':, 'column_ids': [ Command.create({ 'name': "Balance", 'expression_label': 'balance', }), ], }) self.env[''].create({ 'name': "[SIGNED_TAG] Signed tag line", 'report_id':, 'sequence': max(tax_report.mapped('line_ids.sequence') or [0]) + 1, 'expression_ids': [ Command.create({ 'label': 'balance', 'engine': 'tax_tags', 'formula': 'SIGNED_TAG', }), ], }) signed_tag = self.env['account.account.tag'].search([ ('applicability', '=', 'taxes'), ('name', '=', '+SIGNED_TAG'), ]) self.env['account.account.tag']._load_records([ { 'xml_id': 'account.unsigned_tax_tag', 'noupdate': True, 'values': { 'name': "unsigned tax tag", 'applicability': 'taxes', 'country_id':, }, }, ]) tax_to_load = { 'name': 'Mixed Tags Tax', 'amount': 30, 'amount_type': 'percent', 'tax_group_id': 'tax_group_taxes', 'active': True, 'repartition_line_ids': [ Command.create({'document_type': 'invoice', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids': 'account.unsigned_tax_tag||+SIGNED_TAG'}), Command.create({'document_type': 'invoice', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'tax'}), Command.create({'document_type': 'refund', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'base'}), Command.create({'document_type': 'refund', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'tax'}), ] } self.env['account.chart.template']._deref_account_tags('test', {'tax1': tax_to_load}) self.assertEqual( tax_to_load['repartition_line_ids'][0], Command.create({ 'document_type': 'invoice', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids': [Command.set(['account.unsigned_tax_tag',])], }) ) def test_inactive_tag_tax(self): inactive_tag = self.env['account.account.tag'].create({ 'name': 'Inactive Tax Tag', 'applicability': 'taxes', 'active': False, 'country_id':, }) tax_to_load = { 'name': 'Inactive Tags Tax', 'amount': 30, 'amount_type': 'percent', 'tax_group_id': 'tax_group_taxes', 'active': True, 'repartition_line_ids': [ Command.create({ 'document_type': 'invoice', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids':, }), ] } self.env['account.chart.template']._deref_account_tags('test', {'tax1': tax_to_load}) self.assertEqual( tax_to_load['repartition_line_ids'][0], Command.create({ 'document_type': 'invoice', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids': [(Command.set([]))], }), ) def test_update_taxes_creation(self): """ Tests that adding a new tax and a fiscal position tax creates new records when updating. """ def local_get_data(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) data[''].update({ xmlid: _tax_vals(name, amount) for name, xmlid, amount in [ ('Tax 3', 'test_tax_3_template', 16), ('Tax 4', 'test_tax_4_template', 17), ] }) data['account.fiscal.position']['test_fiscal_position_template']['tax_ids'].extend([ Command.create({ 'tax_src_id': 'test_tax_3_template', 'tax_dest_id': 'test_tax_1_template', }), Command.create({ 'tax_src_id': 'test_tax_2_template', 'tax_dest_id': 'test_tax_4_template', }), ]) return data with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) taxes = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',]) self.assertRecordValues(taxes, [ {'name': 'Tax 1'}, {'name': 'Tax 2'}, {'name': 'Tax 3'}, {'name': 'Tax 4'}, ]) fiscal_position = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search([]) self.assertRecordValues(fiscal_position.tax_ids.tax_src_id, [ {'name': 'Tax 1'}, {'name': 'Tax 3'}, {'name': 'Tax 2'}, ]) self.assertRecordValues(fiscal_position.tax_ids.tax_dest_id, [ {'name': 'Tax 2'}, {'name': 'Tax 1'}, {'name': 'Tax 4'}, ]) def test_new_tax_rate(self): """Test the flow to replace taxes from an old to a new rate. This test aims at defining more clearly how to update the taxes when the rate changes. There are some constraints to take into account: * There is a transition period where both taxes need to be usable * Some reports might need to keep the references to the old tax i.e. on the fiscal positions (OSS) The procedure for the code change is: * Create the new report section if needed. * Remove the taxes from the template. This will not delete the taxes from the company when updating the template on the company. * Add the new taxes with a xmlid different from the ones deleted. The taxes will be created when updating the template on the company. * Update all the references to the old taxes to the new ones. - Fiscal positions: The previous mappings won't be deleted but the new ones will be created. This ensures that reports still work. - Company: The default sales/purchase taxes should be updated. It should only impact the creation of new products so it is probably not going to be an issue. * If such a tax was part of a group, a new group must be created and the old one removed from the template. The procedure for the users, when they are ready, is: * When the old taxes are not needed anymore (i.e. tax period closed), archive them * Update the taxes on - products - accounts - reconcile models """ def local_get_data(self, template_code): # Delete the existing tax and create a new one with a different rate data = test_get_data(self, template_code) del data['']['test_tax_1_template'] data['']['test_tax_3_template'] = _tax_vals('Tax 3', 30) for fpos in data['account.fiscal.position'].values(): for _command, _id, tax in fpos['tax_ids']: if tax['tax_src_id'] == 'test_tax_1_template': tax['tax_src_id'] = 'test_tax_3_template' if tax['tax_dest_id'] == 'test_tax_1_template': tax['tax_dest_id'] = 'test_tax_3_template' data[''][]['account_sale_tax_id'] = 'test_tax_3_template' return data with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) # On an existing company all the taxes are still present. # The user has to deactivate them manually when not needed anymore (if they needed to encode things in the past) taxes = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',]) self.assertRecordValues(taxes, [ {'name': 'Tax 1'}, {'name': 'Tax 2'}, {'name': 'Tax 3'}, ]) tax_1, tax_2, tax_3 = taxes fiscal_position = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search([('company_id', '=',]) self.assertRecordValues(fiscal_position.tax_ids, [ {'tax_src_id':, 'tax_dest_id':}, {'tax_src_id':, 'tax_dest_id':}, ]) self.assertEqual(, tax_3) # On a new company you would never see the old tax. # In case users need it, they can duplicate the new one and change the rate. new_company = self.env[''].create({'name': 'New Company'}) with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test', company=new_company, install_demo=False) taxes = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',]) self.assertRecordValues(taxes, [ {'name': 'Tax 2'}, {'name': 'Tax 3'}, ]) tax_2, tax_3 = taxes fiscal_position = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search([('company_id', '=',]) self.assertRecordValues(fiscal_position.tax_ids, [ {'tax_src_id':, 'tax_dest_id':}, ]) self.assertEqual(new_company.account_sale_tax_id, tax_3) def test_update_taxes_update(self): """ When a tax is close enough from an existing tax we want to update that tax with the new values. """ def local_get_data(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) data['account.account.tag']['account.account_tax_tag_1']['name'] += ' [DUP]' return data with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) updated_tax = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', 'like', '%Tax 1')]) # Check that tax was not recreated self.assertEqual(len(updated_tax), 1) # Check that tags have been updated self.assertEqual(, 'tax_tag_name_1 [DUP]') def test_update_taxes_update_rounding(self): """ When a tax is close enough to an existing tax but has a minor rounding error, we still want to update that tax with the new values. """ def local_get_data(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) data['account.account.tag']['account.account_tax_tag_1']['name'] += ' [DUP]' # We compare up to the precision of the field, which is 4 decimals data['']['test_tax_1_template']['amount'] += 0.00001 return data with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) updated_tax = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', 'like', '%Tax 1')]) # Check that tax was not recreated self.assertEqual(len(updated_tax), 1) # Check that tags have been updated self.assertEqual(, 'tax_tag_name_1 [DUP]') def test_update_taxes_recreation(self): """ When a tax is too different from an existing tax we want to recreate a new tax with new values. """ def local_get_data(self, template_code): # We increment the amount so the template gets slightly different from the # corresponding tax and triggers recreation data = test_get_data(self, template_code) data['']['test_tax_1_template']['name'] = 'Tax 1 modified' data['']['test_tax_1_template']['amount'] += 1 return data tax_existing = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', 'Tax 1')]) with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) # Check that old tax has not been changed beside of the name prefixed by [old] self.assertRecordValues(tax_existing, [{'name': '[old] Tax 1', 'amount': 15}]) # Check that new tax has been recreated new_tax = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', 'Tax 1 modified')]) self.assertEqual(new_tax.amount, tax_existing.amount + 1) def test_update_taxes_removed_from_templates(self): """ Tests updating after the removal of taxes and fiscal position mapping from the company """ fiscal_position = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search([]) fiscal_position.tax_ids.unlink() self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',]).unlink() with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) # if taxes have been deleted, they will be recreated, and the fiscal position mapping for it too self.assertEqual(len(self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',])), 2) self.assertEqual(len(fiscal_position.tax_ids), 1) fiscal_position.tax_ids.unlink() with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) # if only the fiscal position mapping has been removed, it won't be recreated self.assertEqual(len(fiscal_position.tax_ids), 0) def test_update_taxes_conflict_name(self): def local_get_data(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) data['']['test_tax_1_template']['amount'] = 40 return data def local_get_data2(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) data['']['test_tax_1_template']['amount'] = 15 return data tax_1_existing = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', "Tax 1")]) with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) tax_1_old = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', "[old] Tax 1")]) tax_1_new = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', "Tax 1")]) self.assertEqual(tax_1_old, tax_1_existing, "Old tax still exists but with a different name.") self.assertEqual(len(tax_1_new), 1, "New tax have been created with the original name.") with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data2, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) tax_1_old_first = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', "[old] Tax 1")]) tax_1_old_second = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', "[old1] Tax 1")]) tax_1_latest = self.env[''].search([('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', "Tax 1")]) self.assertEqual(tax_1_old, tax_1_old_first, "Old renamed tax is still the same.") self.assertEqual(tax_1_old_second, tax_1_new, "Outdated tax is renamed again.") self.assertEqual(len(tax_1_latest), 1, "New tax have been created with the original name.") def test_update_taxes_multi_company(self): """ In a multi-company environment all companies should be correctly updated.""" def local_get_data(self, template_code): # triggers recreation of tax 1 data = test_get_data(self, template_code) data['']['test_tax_1_template']['amount'] += 1 return data company_2 = self.env[''].create({ 'name': 'TestCompany2', 'country_id': self.env.ref('').id, }) with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test', company=company_2, install_demo=False) with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test', company=company_2, install_demo=False) taxes_1_companies = self.env[''].search([ ('name', '=like', '%Tax 1'), ('company_id', 'in', [,]), ]) # we should have 4 records: 2 companies * (1 original tax + 1 recreated tax) self.assertEqual(len(taxes_1_companies), 4) def test_update_account_codes_conflict(self): # Change code of an existing account to something else standard_account = self.env['account.chart.template'].ref('test_account_income_template') standard_account.code = '111111' # create a new account with the same code as an existing one problematic_account = self.env['account.account'].create({ 'code': '222221', 'name': 'problematic_account', }) # remove an xmlid to see if it gets relinked and not duplicated self.env[''].search([ ('name', '=', f'{}_test_account_expense_template'), ('module', '=', 'account'), ]).unlink() # reload chart template with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) # check that xmlid is now pointing to problematic_account xmlid_account = self.env.ref(f'account.{}_test_account_income_template') self.assertEqual(problematic_account, xmlid_account, "xmlid is not pointing to the right account") def test_update_taxes_children_tax_ids(self): """ Ensures children_tax_ids are correctly generated when updating taxes with amount_type='group'. """ def local_get_data(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) normal_tax_xmlids = ['test_tax_3_template', 'test_tax_4_template'] data[''].update({ xmlid: _tax_vals(name, amount, children_tax_xmlids=children_tax_xmlids) for name, xmlid, amount, children_tax_xmlids in [ ('Tax 3', normal_tax_xmlids[0], 16, None), ('Tax 4', normal_tax_xmlids[1], 17, None), ('Tax with children', 'test_tax_5_group_template', 0, normal_tax_xmlids) ] }) return data with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) parent_tax = self.env[''].search([ ('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', 'Tax with children'), ]) children_taxes = self.env[''].search([ ('company_id', '=',, ('name', 'in', ['Tax 3', 'Tax 4']), ]) self.assertEqual(len(parent_tax), 1, "The parent tax should have been created.") self.assertEqual(len(children_taxes), 2, "Two children should have been created.") self.assertEqual(parent_tax.children_tax_ids.ids, children_taxes.ids, "The parent and its children taxes should be linked together.") with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): # We don't change anything self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) self.assertEqual(, 'Tax with children', "The parent tax created before should not have changed") def test_update_taxes_children_tax_ids_inactive(self): """ Ensure tax templates are correctly generated when updating taxes with children taxes, even if templates are inactive. """ def local_get_data(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) normal_tax_xmlids = ['test_tax_3_template', 'test_tax_4_template'] data[''].update({ xmlid: _tax_vals(name, amount, children_tax_xmlids=children_tax_xmlids, active=active) for name, xmlid, amount, children_tax_xmlids, active in [ ('Inactive Tax 3', normal_tax_xmlids[0], 16, None, False), ('Inactive Tax 4', normal_tax_xmlids[1], 17, None, False), ('Inactive Tax with children', 'test_tax_5_group_template', 0, normal_tax_xmlids, False) ] }) return data with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) parent_tax = self.env[''].with_context(active_test=False).search([ ('company_id', '=',, ('name', '=', 'Inactive Tax with children'), ]) children_taxes = self.env[''].with_context(active_test=False).search([ ('company_id', '=',, ('name', 'in', ['Inactive Tax 3', 'Inactive Tax 4']), ]) self.assertEqual(len(parent_tax), 1, "The parent tax should have been created, even if it is inactive.") self.assertFalse(, "The parent tax should be inactive.") self.assertEqual(len(children_taxes), 2, "Two children should have been created, even if they are inactive.") self.assertEqual(children_taxes.mapped('active'), [False] * 2, "Children taxes should be inactive.") def test_update_reload_no_new_data(self): """ Tests that the reload does nothing when data are left unchanged. Tested models:, account.account,,, account.journal, account.reconcile.model, account.fiscal.position,,, account.account.tag. """ def get_domain(model): if model == 'account.account.tag': return [('country_id', '=',] elif model == 'account.account': return [('company_ids', '=',] else: return [('company_id', '=',] sub_models = ('', '', 'account.account.tag') data_before = {} for model in TEMPLATE_MODELS + sub_models: data_before[model] = self.env[model].search(get_domain(model)) with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) for model in TEMPLATE_MODELS + sub_models: data_after = self.env[model].search(get_domain(model)) self.assertEqual(data_before[model], data_after) def test_unknown_company_fields(self): """ Tests that if a key is not known in the company template data when the context value 'l10n_check_fields_complete' is set, an error is raised. If a key is not known in the company template data but the context value is not set, that key is skipped and no error is raised.""" def local_get_data(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) data[''][]['unknown_company_key'] = 'unknown_company_value' return data company = with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): # hard fail the loading if the context key is set to ensure `test_all_l10n` works as expected with ( self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'unknown_company_key'),, ): self.env['account.chart.template'].with_context(l10n_check_fields_complete=True).try_loading('test', company=company, install_demo=False) # silently ignore if the field doesn't exist (yet) self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test', company=company, install_demo=False) def test_branch(self): # Test the auto-installation of a chart template (including demo data) on a branch # Create a new main company, because install_demo doesn't do anything when reloading data company = self.env[''].create([{'name': 'Test Company'}]) branch = self.env[''].create([{ 'name': 'Test Branch', 'parent_id':, }]) with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test', company=company, install_demo=True) self.assertEqual(company.chart_template, 'test') self.assertEqual(branch.chart_template, 'test') def test_change_coa(self): def _get_chart_template_mapping(self, get_all=False): return {'other_test': { 'name': 'test', 'country_id': None, 'country_code': None, 'module': 'account', 'parent': None, }} # Check that company fields that should depend on CoA are reset when changing CoA # (afaik there is only `anglo_saxon_accounting`) = True with ( patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_mapping', _get_chart_template_mapping), patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True) ): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('other_test',, install_demo=True) # Create a branch and an unrelated company branch, other_company = self.env[''].create([ { 'name': 'Test Branch', 'parent_id':, }, { 'name': 'Other Test Company', }, ]) # Run precommit hook to load the template on the branch self.assertEqual(, 'other_test') self.assertEqual(branch.chart_template, 'other_test') self.assertFalse( # Setup a shared account, belonging to the company, the branch, and the unrelated company shared_account = self.env['account.account'].create([{ 'name': 'Shared Account', 'company_ids': [Command.set(( | branch | other_company).ids)], 'code_mapping_ids': [ Command.create({'company_id':, 'code': '180001'}), Command.create({'company_id':, 'code': '180001'}), Command.create({'company_id':, 'code': '180001'}), ], }]) with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=True) self.assertEqual(, 'test') self.assertEqual(branch.chart_template, 'test') # Check that the shared account was not deleted, but just unlinked from the company and the branch. self.assertEqual(shared_account.company_ids, other_company) def test_update_tax_with_non_existent_tag(self): """ Tests that when we update the CoA with a tax that has a tag that does not exist yet we raise an error. Typical use case is when the code got updated but the module haven't been updated (-u). """ tax_to_load = { 'name': 'Mixed Tags Tax', 'amount': 30, 'amount_type': 'percent', 'tax_group_id': 'tax_group_taxes', 'active': True, 'repartition_line_ids': [ Command.create({'document_type': 'invoice', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids': '+SIGNED_TAG'}), Command.create({'document_type': 'invoice', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'tax'}), Command.create({'document_type': 'refund', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'base'}), Command.create({'document_type': 'refund', 'factor_percent': 100, 'repartition_type': 'tax'}), ] } with self.assertRaisesRegex(UserError, 'update your localization'): self.env['account.chart.template']._deref_account_tags('test', {'tax1': tax_to_load}) def test_install_with_translations(self): """ Ensure that the translations are loaded correctly when installing chart data; i.e. test '_load_translations' and that the untranslatable fields are translated correctly. Note: The '_load_translations' function depends on the '_get_chart_template_data' function for some information. The result of '_get_chart_template_data' is mocked (correctly) in this test (and not tested). """ # Local mock for '_get_chart_template_mapping' # We will use / install a dedicated new chart 'translation' (not just reload 'test') # To have control over the original / en_US values. def local_get_mapping(self, get_all=False): return {'translation': { 'name': 'translation', 'country_id': None, 'country_code': None, 'modules': ['account'], 'parent': None, }} company = # Create records that are not part of the chart template # They will be translated via code translations. # The module used to source the translation is the module from the xml_id or 'account' (as fallback) non_chart_data = { '': { # try module 'no_translation'; fallback to 'account' 'no_translation.test_chart_template_company_test_free_account_group': { 'name': 'Free Account Group', 'code_prefix_start': 333330, 'code_prefix_end': 333339, 'company_id':, }, }, 'account.account': { # translate via 'translation' module 'translation.test_chart_template_company_test_free_account': { 'name': 'Free Account', 'code': '333331', 'account_type': 'asset_current', 'company_ids': [], }, }, '': { # translate via 'translation' module; # 2 translatable fields ('name' and 'description') 'translation.test_chart_template_company_test_free_tax': { "name": "Free Tax", "description": "Free Tax Description", "amount": "0.00", "company_id":, }, }, } # Local function to "extend" '_post_load_data' to ensure the creation of the records from 'non_chart_data' def test_post_load_data(template_code, company, template_data): for model, data in non_chart_data.items(): for xml_id, values in data.items(): self.env[model]._load_records([{ 'xml_id': xml_id, 'values': values, }]) # Create a local mock of '_get_chart_template_data'; "extend" 'test_get_data' with the translation info translation_update_for_test_get_data = { # Use code translations from module 'translation' 'account.journal': { 'cash': { 'name': "Cash", 'code': "C", # untranslatable field; shortened due to length restriction (for _translation) '__translation_module__': { 'name': 'translation', 'code': 'translation', }, }, }, # Different modules for code translations of 'name' and 'description' '': { 'test_tax_1_template': { 'name': "Tax 1", 'description': "Tax 1 Description", '__translation_module__': { 'name': 'translation', 'description': 'translation2', }, }, }, # Use 'name@' and not code translation '': { 'tax_group_taxes': { 'name': "Taxes", 'name@fr': "Taxes FR", '__translation_module__': { 'name': 'translation', }, }, }, } def local_get_data(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) for model, record_info in translation_update_for_test_get_data.items(): for xmlid, data_update in record_info.items(): data[model][xmlid].update(data_update) return data # Tranlations should fall back to more generic locale 'fr' # Target lang for untranslatable fields company.partner_id.lang = self.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('fr_BE').code # Init empty mock translations to make sure we do not use unintended translation mock_python_translations = {} for module, lang, value, translation in [ # wrong translations ('translation', 'fr', "Taxes", "WRONG"), # there is a value in the chart data ('translation', 'fr', "Free Account", "Free Account FR"), # there is a value for fr_BE # correct translations ('translation', 'fr', "Cash", "Cash FR"), ('translation', 'fr', "C", "C FR"), ('translation', 'fr', "Tax 1", "Tax 1 FR"), ('translation', 'fr_BE', "Free Account", "Free Account FR_BE"), ('translation', 'fr', "Free Tax", "Free Tax FR"), ('translation', 'fr', "Free Tax Description", "Free Tax Description FR"), ('translation2', 'fr', "Tax 1 Description", "Tax 1 Description translation2/FR"), ('account', 'fr', "Free Account Group", "Free Account Group account/FR"), ]: mock_python_translations.setdefault((module, lang), {})[value] = translation with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_mapping', side_effect=local_get_mapping, autospec=True): with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_post_load_data', wraps=test_post_load_data): with patch.object(code_translations, 'python_translations', mock_python_translations): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('translation', company=company, install_demo=False) # Check translations translatable_model_fields = self.env['account.chart.template']._get_translatable_template_model_fields() untranslatable_model_fields = self.env['account.chart.template']._get_untranslatable_fields_to_translate() fields_to_translate = { model: set(translatable_model_fields.get(model, []) + untranslatable_model_fields.get(model, [])) for model in TEMPLATE_MODELS } self.assertEqual({ f'{xmlid}.{field}@{lang}': self.env['account.chart.template'].ref(xmlid).with_context(lang=lang)[field] for chart_like_data in [non_chart_data, translation_update_for_test_get_data] for model, data in chart_like_data.items() for xmlid, record_data in data.items() for field in record_data if field in fields_to_translate.get(model, set()) for lang in ['en_US', 'fr_BE'] }, { 'cash.code@en_US': 'C FR', # untranslatable field loaded in lang fr_BE 'cash.code@fr_BE': 'C FR', '': 'Cash', '': 'Cash FR', '': 'Free Account Group', '': 'Free Account Group account/FR', # fallback to account '': 'Taxes', '': 'Taxes FR', 'test_tax_1_template.description@en_US': Markup('
Tax 1 Description
'), 'test_tax_1_template.description@fr_BE': Markup('Tax 1 Description translation2/FR'), '': 'Tax 1', '': 'Tax 1 FR', '': 'Free Account', '': 'Free Account FR_BE', # do not use generic lang 'translation.test_chart_template_company_test_free_tax.description@en_US': Markup('Free Tax Description
'), 'translation.test_chart_template_company_test_free_tax.description@fr_BE': Markup('Free Tax Description
'), '': 'Free Tax', '': 'Free Tax FR', }) def test_parsed_csv_submodel_being_loaded(self): def get_rep_line_data(x): return (x.document_type, x.repartition_type, x.factor_percent, x.use_in_tax_closing) with patch('odoo.addons.account.models.chart_template.file_open', side_effect=lambda *args: io.StringIO(CSV_DATA['tax_1'])): data = {'': self.ChartTemplate._get_account_tax('test')} self.ChartTemplate._load_data(data) tax_1 = self.env.ref(f'account.{}_tax_1', raise_if_not_found=False) tax_rep_lines = tax_1.repartition_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax') self.assertEqual([ ('invoice', 'tax', 50.0, False), ('invoice', 'tax', 50.0, False), ('refund', 'tax', 50.0, False), ('refund', 'tax', 50.0, False), ], tax_rep_lines.mapped(get_rep_line_data)) def test_parsed_csv_submodel_being_updated(self): def local_get_data(self, template_code): return { **test_get_data(self, template_code), '': { xmlid: _tax_vals(name, amount) for name, xmlid, amount in [ ('Tax 1', 'test_tax_1_template', 15), ('Tax 2', 'test_tax_2_template', 0), ('Tax 3', 'test_tax_3_template', 16), ('Tax 4', 'test_tax_4_template', 17), ] }, } with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) with patch('odoo.addons.account.models.chart_template.file_open', side_effect=lambda *args: io.StringIO(CSV_DATA['test_fiscal_position_template'])): data = {'account.fiscal.position': self.ChartTemplate._get_account_fiscal_position('test')} self.ChartTemplate._pre_reload_data(, {}, data) self.ChartTemplate._load_data(data) def test_command_int_values(self): """ Command int values should just work in place of their Enum alternatives. """ def local_get_data(self, template_code): data = test_get_data(self, template_code) data['account.account'].update({ "test_account": { 'name': "Test account A", 'code': '777777', 'account_type': 'income_other', 'tag_ids': [(6, 0, self.ref('account.account_tag_investing').ids)], }, "test_account_2": { 'name': "Test account B", 'code': '777778', 'account_type': 'income_other', 'tag_ids': [ (5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {'name': 'Test account tag', 'applicability': 'accounts'}), (0, 0, {'name': 'Test account tag 2', 'applicability': 'accounts'}), ]} }) return data with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=local_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test',, install_demo=False) accounts = self.env['account.account'].search([ ('company_ids', '=',, ('code', 'in', ('777777', '777778')) ], order='code asc') self.assertEqual(2, len(accounts)) self.assertEqual(self.env.ref('account.account_tag_investing'), accounts[0].tag_ids) self.assertEqual({'Test account tag', 'Test account tag 2'}, set(accounts[1].tag_ids.mapped("name"))) def test_chart_template_company_without_country(self): """ In this test we will try to install a chart template to a company without a country. The expected behavior is that the country of the chart template will be set on the company """ company = self.env[''].create({'name': 'Test Company Without country'}) self.assertFalse(company.country_id) with patch.object(AccountChartTemplate, '_get_chart_template_data', side_effect=test_get_data, autospec=True): self.env['account.chart.template'].try_loading('test', company=company, install_demo=False) self.assertEqual(company.country_id.code, "BE")