# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import models, fields, api, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError, RedirectWarning from odoo.tools.misc import formatLang, format_date from odoo.tools.sql import column_exists, create_column INV_LINES_PER_STUB = 9 class AccountPayment(models.Model): _inherit = "account.payment" check_amount_in_words = fields.Char( string="Amount in Words", store=True, compute='_compute_check_amount_in_words', ) check_manual_sequencing = fields.Boolean(related='journal_id.check_manual_sequencing') check_number = fields.Char( string="Check Number", store=True, readonly=True, copy=False, compute='_compute_check_number', inverse='_inverse_check_number', help="The selected journal is configured to print check numbers. If your pre-printed check paper already has numbers " "or if the current numbering is wrong, you can change it in the journal configuration page.", ) payment_method_line_id = fields.Many2one(index=True) show_check_number = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_show_check_number') @api.depends('payment_method_line_id.code', 'check_number') def _compute_show_check_number(self): for payment in self: payment.show_check_number = ( payment.payment_method_line_id.code == 'check_printing' and payment.check_number ) @api.constrains('check_number') def _constrains_check_number(self): for payment_check in self.filtered('check_number'): if not payment_check.check_number.isdecimal(): raise ValidationError(_('Check numbers can only consist of digits')) def _auto_init(self): """ Create compute stored field check_number here to avoid MemoryError on large databases. """ if not column_exists(self.env.cr, 'account_payment', 'check_number'): create_column(self.env.cr, 'account_payment', 'check_number', 'varchar') return super()._auto_init() @api.constrains('check_number', 'journal_id') def _constrains_check_number_unique(self): payment_checks = self.filtered('check_number') if not payment_checks: return self.env.flush_all() self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT payment.check_number, move.journal_id FROM account_payment payment JOIN account_move move ON move.id = payment.move_id JOIN account_journal journal ON journal.id = move.journal_id, account_payment other_payment JOIN account_move other_move ON other_move.id = other_payment.move_id WHERE payment.check_number::BIGINT = other_payment.check_number::BIGINT AND move.journal_id = other_move.journal_id AND payment.id != other_payment.id AND payment.id IN %(ids)s AND move.state = 'posted' AND other_move.state = 'posted' AND payment.check_number IS NOT NULL AND other_payment.check_number IS NOT NULL """, { 'ids': tuple(payment_checks.ids), }) res = self.env.cr.dictfetchall() if res: raise ValidationError(_( 'The following numbers are already used:\n%s', '\n'.join(_( '%(number)s in journal %(journal)s', number=r['check_number'], journal=self.env['account.journal'].browse(r['journal_id']).display_name, ) for r in res) )) @api.depends('payment_method_line_id', 'currency_id', 'amount') def _compute_check_amount_in_words(self): for pay in self: if pay.currency_id: pay.check_amount_in_words = pay.currency_id.amount_to_text(pay.amount) else: pay.check_amount_in_words = False @api.depends('journal_id', 'payment_method_code') def _compute_check_number(self): for pay in self: if pay.journal_id.check_manual_sequencing and pay.payment_method_code == 'check_printing': sequence = pay.journal_id.check_sequence_id pay.check_number = sequence.get_next_char(sequence.number_next_actual) else: pay.check_number = False def _inverse_check_number(self): for payment in self: if payment.check_number: sequence = payment.journal_id.check_sequence_id.sudo() sequence.padding = len(payment.check_number) def _get_aml_default_display_name_list(self): # Extends 'account' self.ensure_one() if not self.check_number: return super()._get_aml_default_display_name_list() result = [ ('label', _("Checks")), ('sep', ' - '), ('check_number', self.check_number), ] if self.memo: result += [ ('sep', ': '), ('memo', self.memo), ] return result def action_post(self): payment_method_check = self.env.ref('account_check_printing.account_payment_method_check') for payment in self.filtered(lambda p: p.payment_method_id == payment_method_check and p.check_manual_sequencing): sequence = payment.journal_id.check_sequence_id payment.check_number = sequence.next_by_id() return super(AccountPayment, self).action_post() def print_checks(self): """ Check that the recordset is valid, set the payments state to sent and call print_checks() """ # Since this method can be called via a client_action_multi, we need to make sure the received records are what we expect valid_payments = self.filtered(lambda r: r.payment_method_line_id.code == 'check_printing' and r.state != 'paid') if len(valid_payments) == 0: raise UserError(_("Payments to print as a checks must have 'Check' selected as payment method and " "not have already been reconciled")) if any(payment.journal_id != valid_payments[0].journal_id for payment in valid_payments): raise UserError(_("In order to print multiple checks at once, they must belong to the same bank journal.")) if not valid_payments[0].journal_id.check_manual_sequencing: # The wizard asks for the number printed on the first pre-printed check # so payments are attributed the number of the check the'll be printed on. self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT payment.id FROM account_payment payment WHERE payment.journal_id = %(journal_id)s AND payment.check_number IS NOT NULL ORDER BY payment.check_number::BIGINT DESC LIMIT 1 """, { 'journal_id': self.journal_id.id, }) last_printed_check = self.browse(self.env.cr.fetchone()) number_len = len(last_printed_check.check_number or "") next_check_number = '%0{}d'.format(number_len) % (int(last_printed_check.check_number) + 1) return { 'name': _('Print Pre-numbered Checks'), 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': 'print.prenumbered.checks', 'view_mode': 'form', 'target': 'new', 'context': { 'payment_ids': valid_payments.ids, 'default_next_check_number': next_check_number, } } else: valid_payments.filtered(lambda r: r.state == 'draft').action_post() return valid_payments.do_print_checks() def action_void_check(self): self.action_draft() self.action_cancel() def do_print_checks(self): check_layout = self.journal_id.bank_check_printing_layout or self.company_id.account_check_printing_layout redirect_action = self.env.ref('account.action_account_config') if not check_layout or check_layout == 'disabled': msg = _("You have to choose a check layout. For this, go in Invoicing/Accounting Settings, search for 'Checks layout' and set one.") raise RedirectWarning(msg, redirect_action.id, _('Go to the configuration panel')) report_action = self.env.ref(check_layout, False) if not report_action: msg = _("Something went wrong with Check Layout, please select another layout in Invoicing/Accounting Settings and try again.") raise RedirectWarning(msg, redirect_action.id, _('Go to the configuration panel')) self.write({'is_sent': 'True'}) return report_action.report_action(self) ####################### #CHECK PRINTING METHODS ####################### def _check_fill_line(self, amount_str): return amount_str and (amount_str + ' ').ljust(200, '*') or '' def _check_build_page_info(self, i, p): multi_stub = self.company_id.account_check_printing_multi_stub return { 'sequence_number': self.check_number, 'manual_sequencing': self.journal_id.check_manual_sequencing, 'date': format_date(self.env, self.date), 'partner_id': self.partner_id, 'partner_name': self.partner_id.name, 'currency': self.currency_id, 'state': self.state, 'amount': formatLang(self.env, self.amount, currency_obj=self.currency_id) if i == 0 else 'VOID', 'amount_in_word': self._check_fill_line(self.check_amount_in_words) if i == 0 else 'VOID', 'memo': self.memo, 'stub_cropped': not multi_stub and len(self.move_id._get_reconciled_invoices()) > INV_LINES_PER_STUB, # If the payment does not reference an invoice, there is no stub line to display 'stub_lines': p, } def _check_get_pages(self): """ Returns the data structure used by the template: a list of dicts containing what to print on pages. """ stub_pages = self._check_make_stub_pages() or [False] pages = [] for i, p in enumerate(stub_pages): pages.append(self._check_build_page_info(i, p)) return pages def _check_make_stub_pages(self): """ The stub is the summary of paid invoices. It may spill on several pages, in which case only the check on first page is valid. This function returns a list of stub lines per page. """ self.ensure_one() def prepare_vals(invoice, partials): number = ' - '.join([invoice.name, invoice.ref] if invoice.ref else [invoice.name]) if invoice.is_outbound() or invoice.move_type == 'in_receipt': invoice_sign = 1 partial_field = 'debit_amount_currency' else: invoice_sign = -1 partial_field = 'credit_amount_currency' if invoice.currency_id.is_zero(invoice.amount_residual): amount_residual_str = '-' else: amount_residual_str = formatLang(self.env, invoice_sign * invoice.amount_residual, currency_obj=invoice.currency_id) return { 'due_date': format_date(self.env, invoice.invoice_date_due), 'number': number, 'amount_total': formatLang(self.env, invoice_sign * invoice.amount_total, currency_obj=invoice.currency_id), 'amount_residual': amount_residual_str, 'amount_paid': formatLang(self.env, invoice_sign * sum(partials.mapped(partial_field)), currency_obj=self.currency_id), 'currency': invoice.currency_id, } # Decode the reconciliation to keep only invoices. term_lines = self.move_id.line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.account_id.account_type in ('asset_receivable', 'liability_payable')) invoices = (term_lines.matched_debit_ids.debit_move_id.move_id + term_lines.matched_credit_ids.credit_move_id.move_id)\ .filtered(lambda x: x.is_outbound() or x.move_type == 'in_receipt') invoices = invoices.sorted(lambda x: x.invoice_date_due or x.date) # Group partials by invoices. invoice_map = {invoice: self.env['account.partial.reconcile'] for invoice in invoices} for partial in term_lines.matched_debit_ids: invoice = partial.debit_move_id.move_id if invoice in invoice_map: invoice_map[invoice] |= partial for partial in term_lines.matched_credit_ids: invoice = partial.credit_move_id.move_id if invoice in invoice_map: invoice_map[invoice] |= partial # Prepare stub_lines. if 'out_refund' in invoices.mapped('move_type'): stub_lines = [{'header': True, 'name': "Bills"}] stub_lines += [prepare_vals(invoice, partials) for invoice, partials in invoice_map.items() if invoice.move_type == 'in_invoice'] stub_lines += [{'header': True, 'name': "Refunds"}] stub_lines += [prepare_vals(invoice, partials) for invoice, partials in invoice_map.items() if invoice.move_type == 'out_refund'] else: stub_lines = [prepare_vals(invoice, partials) for invoice, partials in invoice_map.items() if invoice.move_type in ('in_invoice', 'in_receipt')] # Crop the stub lines or split them on multiple pages if not self.company_id.account_check_printing_multi_stub: # If we need to crop the stub, leave place for an ellipsis line num_stub_lines = len(stub_lines) > INV_LINES_PER_STUB and INV_LINES_PER_STUB - 1 or INV_LINES_PER_STUB stub_pages = [stub_lines[:num_stub_lines]] else: stub_pages = [] i = 0 while i < len(stub_lines): # Make sure we don't start the credit section at the end of a page if len(stub_lines) >= i + INV_LINES_PER_STUB and stub_lines[i + INV_LINES_PER_STUB - 1].get('header'): num_stub_lines = INV_LINES_PER_STUB - 1 or INV_LINES_PER_STUB else: num_stub_lines = INV_LINES_PER_STUB stub_pages.append(stub_lines[i:i + num_stub_lines]) i += num_stub_lines return stub_pages