from enum import Enum from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Union from .cose import COSEAlgorithmIdentifier ################ # # Fundamental data structures # ################ class AuthenticatorTransport(str, Enum): """How an authenticator communicates to the client/browser. Members: `USB`: USB wired connection `NFC`: Near Field Communication `BLE`: Bluetooth Low Energy `INTERNAL`: Direct connection (read: a platform authenticator) `CABLE`: Cloud Assisted Bluetooth Low Energy `HYBRID`: A combination of (often separate) data-transport and proximity mechanisms """ USB = "usb" NFC = "nfc" BLE = "ble" INTERNAL = "internal" CABLE = "cable" HYBRID = "hybrid" class AuthenticatorAttachment(str, Enum): """How an authenticator is connected to the client/browser. Members: `PLATFORM`: A non-removable authenticator, like TouchID or Windows Hello `CROSS_PLATFORM`: A "roaming" authenticator, like a YubiKey """ PLATFORM = "platform" CROSS_PLATFORM = "cross-platform" class ResidentKeyRequirement(str, Enum): """The Relying Party's preference for the authenticator to create a dedicated "client-side" credential for it. Requiring an authenticator to store a dedicated credential should not be done lightly due to the limited storage capacity of some types of authenticators. Members: `DISCOURAGED`: The authenticator should not create a dedicated credential `PREFERRED`: The authenticator can create and store a dedicated credential, but if it doesn't that's alright too `REQUIRED`: The authenticator MUST create a dedicated credential. If it cannot, the RP is prepared for an error to occur. """ DISCOURAGED = "discouraged" PREFERRED = "preferred" REQUIRED = "required" class UserVerificationRequirement(str, Enum): """The degree to which the Relying Party wishes to verify a user's identity. Members: `REQUIRED`: User verification must occur `PREFERRED`: User verification would be great, but if not that's okay too `DISCOURAGED`: User verification should not occur, but it's okay if it does """ REQUIRED = "required" PREFERRED = "preferred" DISCOURAGED = "discouraged" class AttestationConveyancePreference(str, Enum): """The Relying Party's interest in receiving an attestation statement. Members: `NONE`: The Relying Party isn't interested in receiving an attestation statement `INDIRECT`: The Relying Party is interested in an attestation statement, but the client is free to generate it as it sees fit `DIRECT`: The Relying Party is interested in an attestation statement generated directly by the authenticator `ENTERPRISE`: The Relying Party is interested in a statement with identifying information. Typically used within organizations """ NONE = "none" INDIRECT = "indirect" DIRECT = "direct" ENTERPRISE = "enterprise" class PublicKeyCredentialType(str, Enum): """The type of credential that should be returned by an authenticator. There's but a single member because this is a specific subclass of a higher-level `CredentialType` that can be of other types. Members: `PUBLIC_KEY`: The literal string `"public-key"` """ PUBLIC_KEY = "public-key" class AttestationFormat(str, Enum): """The "syntax" of an attestation statement. Formats should be registered with the IANA and include documented signature verification steps. Members: `PACKED` `TPM` `ANDROID_KEY` `ANDROID_SAFETYNET` `FIDO_U2F` `APPLE` `NONE` """ PACKED = "packed" TPM = "tpm" ANDROID_KEY = "android-key" ANDROID_SAFETYNET = "android-safetynet" FIDO_U2F = "fido-u2f" APPLE = "apple" NONE = "none" class ClientDataType(str, Enum): """Specific values included in authenticator registration and authentication responses to help avoid certain types of "signature confusion attacks". Members: `WEBAUTHN_CREATE`: The string "webauthn.create". Synonymous with `navigator.credentials.create()` in the browser `WEBAUTHN_GET`: The string "webauthn.get". Synonymous with `navigator.credentials.get()` in the browser """ WEBAUTHN_CREATE = "webauthn.create" WEBAUTHN_GET = "webauthn.get" class TokenBindingStatus(str, Enum): """ """ PRESENT = "present" SUPPORTED = "supported" @dataclass class TokenBinding: """ """ status: TokenBindingStatus id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass class PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity: """Information about the Relying Party. Attributes: `name`: A user-readable name for the Relying Party (optional) `id`: A unique, constant value assigned to the Relying Party. Authenticators use this value to associate a credential with a particular Relying Party user """ name: str id: Optional[str] = None @dataclass class PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity: """Information about a user of a Relying Party. Attributes: `id`: An "opaque byte sequence" that uniquely identifies a user. Typically something like a UUID, but never user-identifying like an email address. Cannot exceed 64 bytes. These bytes should be stored internally alongside your normal user identifier and only used for WebAuthn. `name`: A value which a user can see to determine which account this credential is associated with. A username or email address is fine here. `display_name`: A user-friendly representation of a user, like a full name. """ id: bytes name: str display_name: str @dataclass class PublicKeyCredentialParameters: """Information about a cryptographic algorithm that may be used when creating a credential. Attributes: `type`: The literal string `"public-key"` `alg`: A numeric indicator of a particular algorithm """ type: Literal["public-key"] alg: COSEAlgorithmIdentifier @dataclass class PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor: """Information about a generated credential. Attributes: `type`: The literal string `"public-key"` `id`: The sequence of bytes representing the credential's ID (optional) `transports`: The types of connections to the client/browser the authenticator supports """ id: bytes type: Literal[PublicKeyCredentialType.PUBLIC_KEY] = PublicKeyCredentialType.PUBLIC_KEY transports: Optional[List[AuthenticatorTransport]] = None @dataclass class AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria: """A Relying Party's requirements for the types of authenticators that may interact with the client/browser. Attributes: (optional) `authenticator_attachment`: How the authenticator can be connected to the client/browser (optional) `resident_key`: Whether the authenticator should be able to store a credential on itself (optional) `require_resident_key`: DEPRECATED, set a value for `resident_key` instead (optional) `user_verification`: How the authenticator should be capable of determining user identity """ authenticator_attachment: Optional[AuthenticatorAttachment] = None resident_key: Optional[ResidentKeyRequirement] = None require_resident_key: Optional[bool] = False user_verification: Optional[ UserVerificationRequirement ] = UserVerificationRequirement.PREFERRED @dataclass class CollectedClientData: """Decoded ClientDataJSON Attributes: `type`: Either `"webauthn.create"` or `"webauthn.get"`, for registration and authentication ceremonies respectively `challenge`: The challenge passed to the authenticator within the options `origin`: The base domain with protocol on which the registration or authentication ceremony took place (e.g. "") (optional) `cross_origin`: Whether or not the the registration or authentication ceremony took place on a different origin (think within an