import re from odoo import models, fields, api from import check_barcode_encoding, get_barcode_check_digit UPC_EAN_CONVERSIONS = [ ('none', 'Never'), ('ean2upc', 'EAN-13 to UPC-A'), ('upc2ean', 'UPC-A to EAN-13'), ('always', 'Always'), ] class BarcodeNomenclature(models.Model): _name = 'barcode.nomenclature' _description = 'Barcode Nomenclature' name = fields.Char(string='Barcode Nomenclature', required=True, help='An internal identification of the barcode nomenclature') rule_ids = fields.One2many('barcode.rule', 'barcode_nomenclature_id', string='Rules', help='The list of barcode rules') upc_ean_conv = fields.Selection( UPC_EAN_CONVERSIONS, string='UPC/EAN Conversion', required=True, default='always', help="UPC Codes can be converted to EAN by prefixing them with a zero. This setting determines if a UPC/EAN barcode should be automatically converted in one way or another when trying to match a rule with the other encoding.") @api.model def sanitize_ean(self, ean): """ Returns a valid zero padded EAN-13 from an EAN prefix. :type ean: str """ ean = ean[0:13].zfill(13) return ean[0:-1] + str(get_barcode_check_digit(ean)) @api.model def sanitize_upc(self, upc): """ Returns a valid zero padded UPC-A from a UPC-A prefix. :type upc: str """ return self.sanitize_ean('0' + upc)[1:] def match_pattern(self, barcode, pattern): """Checks barcode matches the pattern and retrieves the optional numeric value in barcode. :param barcode: :type barcode: str :param pattern: :type pattern: str :return: an object containing: - value: the numerical value encoded in the barcode (0 if no value encoded) - base_code: the barcode in which numerical content is replaced by 0's - match: boolean :rtype: dict """ match = { 'value': 0, 'base_code': barcode, 'match': False, } barcode = barcode.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('{', '\\{').replace('}', '\\}').replace('.', '\\.') numerical_content ="[{][N]*[D]*[}]", pattern) # look for numerical content in pattern if numerical_content: # the pattern encodes a numerical content num_start = numerical_content.start() # start index of numerical content num_end = numerical_content.end() # end index of numerical content value_string = barcode[num_start:num_end - 2] # numerical content in barcode whole_part_match ="[{][N]*[D}]", # looks for whole part of numerical content decimal_part_match ="[{N][D]*[}]", # looks for decimal part whole_part = value_string[:whole_part_match.end() - 2] # retrieve whole part of numerical content in barcode decimal_part = "0." + value_string[decimal_part_match.start():decimal_part_match.end() - 1] # retrieve decimal part if whole_part == '': whole_part = '0' if whole_part.isdigit(): match['value'] = int(whole_part) + float(decimal_part) match['base_code'] = barcode[:num_start] + (num_end - num_start - 2) * "0" + barcode[num_end - 2:] # replace numerical content by 0's in barcode match['base_code'] = match['base_code'].replace("\\\\", "\\").replace("\\{", "{").replace("\\}", "}").replace("\\.", ".") pattern = pattern[:num_start] + (num_end - num_start - 2) * "0" + pattern[num_end:] # replace numerical content by 0's in pattern to match match['match'] = re.match(pattern, match['base_code'][:len(pattern)]) return match def parse_barcode(self, barcode): if re.match(r'^urn:', barcode): return self.parse_uri(barcode) return self.parse_nomenclature_barcode(barcode) def parse_nomenclature_barcode(self, barcode): """ Attempts to interpret and parse a barcode. :param barcode: :type barcode: str :return: A object containing various information about the barcode, like as: - code: the barcode - type: the barcode's type - value: if the id encodes a numerical value, it will be put there - base_code: the barcode code with all the encoding parts set to zero; the one put on the product in the backend :rtype: dict """ parsed_result = { 'encoding': '', 'type': 'error', 'code': barcode, 'base_code': barcode, 'value': 0, } for rule in self.rule_ids: cur_barcode = barcode if rule.encoding == 'ean13' and check_barcode_encoding(barcode, 'upca') and self.upc_ean_conv in ['upc2ean', 'always']: cur_barcode = '0' + cur_barcode elif rule.encoding == 'upca' and check_barcode_encoding(barcode, 'ean13') and barcode[0] == '0' and self.upc_ean_conv in ['ean2upc', 'always']: cur_barcode = cur_barcode[1:] if not check_barcode_encoding(barcode, rule.encoding): continue match = self.match_pattern(cur_barcode, rule.pattern) if match['match']: if rule.type == 'alias': barcode = rule.alias parsed_result['code'] = barcode else: parsed_result['encoding'] = rule.encoding parsed_result['type'] = rule.type parsed_result['value'] = match['value'] parsed_result['code'] = cur_barcode if rule.encoding == "ean13": parsed_result['base_code'] = self.sanitize_ean(match['base_code']) elif rule.encoding == "upca": parsed_result['base_code'] = self.sanitize_upc(match['base_code']) else: parsed_result['base_code'] = match['base_code'] return parsed_result return parsed_result # RFID/URI stuff. @api.model def parse_uri(self, barcode): """ Convert supported URI format (lgtin, sgtin, sgtin-96, sgtin-198, sscc and ssacc-96) into a GS1 barcode. :param barcode str: the URI as a string. :rtype: str """ if not re.match(r'^urn:', barcode): return barcode identifier, data = (bc_part.strip() for bc_part in re.split(':', barcode)[-2:]) data = re.split(r'\.', data) match identifier: case 'lgtin' | 'sgtin': barcode = self._convert_uri_gtin_data_into_tracking_number(barcode, data) case 'sgtin-96' | 'sgtin-198': # Same as SGTIN but we have to remove the filter. barcode = self._convert_uri_gtin_data_into_tracking_number(barcode, data[1:]) case 'sscc': barcode = self._convert_uri_sscc_data_into_package(barcode, data) case 'sscc-96': # Same as SSCC but we have to remove the filter. barcode = self._convert_uri_sscc_data_into_package(barcode, data[1:]) return barcode @api.model def _convert_uri_gtin_data_into_tracking_number(self, base_code, data): gs1_company_prefix, item_ref_and_indicator, tracking_number = data indicator = item_ref_and_indicator[0] item_ref = item_ref_and_indicator[1:] product_barcode = indicator + gs1_company_prefix + item_ref product_barcode += str(get_barcode_check_digit(product_barcode + '0')) return [ { 'base_code': base_code, 'code': product_barcode, 'encoding': '', 'type': 'product', 'value': product_barcode, }, { 'base_code': base_code, 'code': tracking_number, 'encoding': '', 'type': 'lot', 'value': tracking_number, }, ] @api.model def _convert_uri_sscc_data_into_package(self, base_code, data): gs1_company_prefix, serial_reference = data extension = serial_reference[0] serial_ref = serial_reference[1:] sscc = extension + gs1_company_prefix + serial_ref sscc += str(get_barcode_check_digit(sscc + '0')) return [{ 'base_code': base_code, 'code': sscc, 'encoding': '', 'type': 'package', 'value': sscc, }]