import { defineCalendarModels } from "@calendar/../tests/calendar_test_helpers"; import { click, contains, openListView, start, startServer, } from "@mail/../tests/mail_test_helpers"; import { test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { preloadBundle, serverState } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { serializeDateTime } from "@web/core/l10n/dates"; const { DateTime } = luxon; defineCalendarModels(); preloadBundle("web.fullcalendar_lib"); test("list activity widget: reschedule button in dropdown", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const resPartnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({}); const activityTypeId = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].create({ icon: "fa-calendar", name: "Meeting", }); const tomorrow = serializeDateTime({ days: 1 })); const attendeeId = pyEnv["calendar.attendee"].create({ partner_id: resPartnerId }); const meetingId = pyEnv["calendar.event"].create({ res_model: "calendar.event", name: "meeting1", start: tomorrow, attendee_ids: [attendeeId], }); const activityId_1 = pyEnv["mail.activity"].create({ name: "OXP", activity_type_id: activityTypeId, date_deadline: tomorrow, state: "planned", can_write: true, res_id: resPartnerId, res_model: "res.partner", calendar_event_id: meetingId, summary: "OXP", }); pyEnv["res.partner"].write([serverState.partnerId], { activity_ids: [activityId_1], activity_state: "today", }); // FIXME: Manually trigger recomputation of related fields pyEnv["res.users"]._applyComputesAndValidate(); pyEnv["res.users"][0].activity_ids = [activityId_1]; await start(); await openListView("res.users", { arch: ` `, }); await contains(".o-mail-ListActivity-summary", { text: "OXP" }); await click(".o-mail-ActivityButton"); // open the popover await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem-editbtn .fa-pencil", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem-editbtn .fa-calendar"); });