lead Club Office Furnitures Jacques Dunagan Le Club SARL jdunagan@leclub.example.com Training Manager Paris 93190 Rue Léon Dierx 73 +33 1 25 54 45 69 1 Inquiry crm.lead jdunagan@leclub.example.com Hello,
I am Jacques from Le Club SARL. I am interested in attending a training organized by your company.
Can you send me the details?

lead Design Software Marc Dufour The Oil Company md@oilcompany.fr Purchase Manager Bordeaux 33000 Rue Ignasse Blanchoux 214/32 +33 1 25 54 45 69 1 Need Details crm.lead md@oilcompany.fr Want to know features and benefits of using the new software. email lead Pricing for 25 desks John Miller The Kompany contact@thekompany.example.com New York 10001 Lafayette Ave 450/12 +1 555 754 3010 2 lead Campbell: Chairs Henry Campbell Burstein Applebee hmc@yahoo.example.com Manchester 03101 United Street 68 2 lead Quotation for 50 Chairs Carrie Helle Stonage IT helle@stonageit.example.com Purchase Manager Philadelphia 1909 West Allegheny Ave 800 +1 813 494 5005 2 Inquiry crm.lead helle@stonageit.example.com Hi,
Can you send me a quotation for 20 computers with speakers?
Carrie Helle,
Purchase Manager
Stonage IT,
Contact: +1 813 494 5005

lead Opensides: Need Info Tina Pinero Opensides tina@opensides.example.com Consultant Roma 00118 2 lead Gardner: Desks Replacement Wendi Baltz Gardner Group Journalist Rio de Janeiro 29000 R. Sen. Pompeu +11 55 21 5555 5555 0 lead Product Catalog Logan ESM Expert logan_expert@gmail.example.com Sales London E1AB 1 Inquiry crm.lead logan_expert@gmail.example.com Hi,
Could you send me your product catalogue please?
David Logan
ESM Expert
lead Reseller: Office furnitures Delisle Albert Marketing Business d.albert@marketing-business.example.com Sales Oxford OX1 1RQ 2 lead Design Software Info Jose Garcia Solar IT Medical illustrator jga@solar.example.com Madrid 28001 2 Inquiry crm.lead jga@solar.example.com Hi,
I would like to know more about specification and cost of laptops of your company.

lead Estimation for Office Furnitures Thomas Passot Deco Addict p.thomas@agrolait.com Functional Consultant Wavre 1300 2 lead Quotation for 100 Desks Bojing Hú Incom Corporation bhu.a100@ic.example.com Shenzhen 2 opportunity Quote for 12 Tables 40000 10.0 Will McEncroe Rediff Mail willmac@rediffmail.example.com Melbourne Kensington Road 189 1 opportunity Office Design Project 7 24000 10.0 info@agrolait.com 2 opportunity Info about services 25000 30.0 virginie@agrolait.com 1 bWlncmF0aW9uIHRlc3Q= YourCompany2012.doc crm.lead Plan to buy RedHat servers crm.lead virginie@agrolait.fr


I am interested in your company's products and I plan to buy a new laptop having latest technologies as well as an affordable price.

Could you please send me the product catalog?

Re: Plan to buy RedHat servers crm.lead Dear customer,
Thanks for showing interest in our products! As requested, I send to you our products catalog.
To be able to finely tune the solution, we would like to know precise needs. This way we wil be able to help you choosing the right infrastructure according to your requirements.
Best regards,

Re: Plan to buy RedHat servers crm.lead virginie@agrolait.fr Thanks for the information!
I asked a precise specification to our technical expert. Here is what we precisely need:

  • weekly backups, every Monday
  • backup time is not a blocking point for us, as we are closed all Monday, leaving time enough to perform the backup
  • reliability is very important; we need redundant servers and rollback capacity
  • a total capacity of about 2 TB

Best regards,

Re: Plan to buy RedHat servers crm.lead Hello

After our discussion with our technical experts, here is the offer of YourCompany. We believe it will meet every requirement you had in mind. Please feel free to contact me for any detail or technical detail that is not clear enough for you.

Notice that as agreed on phone, we offer you a 10% discount on the hardware!

Best regards,

opportunity Global Solutions: Furnitures 3800 90.0 Robin Smith Global Solutions Liverpool L25 4RL Union Road 2 opportunity Balmer Inc: Potential Distributor 1000 35.0 BalmerInc S.A. Oliver Passot olivier.passo@balmer.inc.sa +32 469 12 45 78 Brussels 1100 Rue des Palais 51, bte 33 1 Catalog to send crm.lead They just want pricing information about our services. I think sending our catalog should be sufficient.

opportunity DeltaPC: 10 Computer Desks Leland Martinez info@deltapc.example.com Delta PC London 3661 Station Street 1 Inquiry crm.lead Hello!
I am Leland Martinez, from the Delta PC. Maybe you remember, we talked a bit last month at this international conference.
We would like to attend a training, but we are not quite sure about what we can ask. Maybe we should meet and talk about that?
Best regards,

crm.lead It seems very interesting. As you say, first of all we will have to define precisely what the training will be about, and your precise needs.

opportunity Customizable Desk 3 15000 65.5 Nhomar Vauxoo vauxoo@yourcompany.example.com Caracas 1090 3rd Floor, Room 3-C, Carretera Panamericana, Km 1, Urb. Delgado Chalbaud +58 212 681 0538 1 opportunity Distributor Contract 19800 John M. Brown Epic Technologies john.b@tech.info 60610 Chicago +1 312 349 2324 2 opportunity Office Design and Architecture 9000 Birmingham B46 3AG Cannon Hill Park 2 opportunity 5 VP Chairs 5600 30.0 Benjamin Flores Nebula Business 1 opportunity Access to Online Catalog 2000 80.0 0 opportunity Need 20 Desks 60000 90.0 info@mycompany.net Lima 0 opportunity Modern Open Space 4500 60 Henry Jordan E-light Industry henry@elight.com Buenos Aires B7313 Palermo, Capital Federal C1414CMS Capital Federal 2 opportunity Open Space Design 11000 45 info@agrolait.com 2 opportunity Interest in your products 2000 80 info@agrolait.com 2 opportunity Furnish a 60m² office 7500 20 info@agrolait.com 0 lead Club Office More Desks Jacques Dunagan Le Club SARL jdunagan@leclub.example.com Training Manager Paris 93190 Rue Léon Dierx 73 +33 1 25 54 45 69 1 lead Acadia College Furnitures Gaston Rochon Acadia College GastonRochon@example.com Director Brussels 1080 Rue du Commerce 93 +32 22 33 54 07 1 opportunity Devis pour 150 tapis 40000 10.0 Erik N. French ErikNFrench@armyspy.com 1


J'ai eu le plaisir de découvrir votre catalogue et je dois dire que vos produits m'ont vraiment impressionné.

Pourriez-vous me fournir un devis pour une commande de 150 tapis de différentes couleurs?

Merci de m'envoyer cela avant la fin de la semaine car nous sommes en phase finale de nos travaux de rénovation et prévoyons d'emménager dans nos nouveaux locaux dans 15 jours.

Je vous remercie par avance pour votre réactivité et vous souhaite une agréable fin de journée.


email crm.lead
opportunity Quote for 600 Chairs 22500 20.0 Erik N. French ErikNFrench@armyspy.com Chevy Chase 1920 Del Dew Drive 1 lead Recurring delivery contract 36221 20 Max Johnson max123@itconsult.com Milan 1 lead Need info about pricing 28443 80 Aloysius Akred aakreda@theglobeandmail.com London 1 Russel square 1 lead Trelian New Offices 88715 12 Rosalynd Oxshott Photobug roxshott9@trellian.com Canguaretama 1 lead Branded Furniture 7784 20 Myrna Limprecht mlimprecht8@fastcompany.com Valejas 1 lead Design New Shelves 54587 81 Alys Kalinovich Jaloo akalinovich7@tinypic.com Boafeo 1 lead Office chairs 5474 20 Jennine Jobbins Shufflebeat jjobbins6@simplemachines.org Gvardeysk 1 lead Cleaning subscription 11475 25 Elmo Espinazo Realblab eespinazo5@reuters.com Amsterdam 1 lead Custom Desks (100 pieces) 9987 20 Chalmers Redford Muxo credford4@salon.com Odoyev 1 lead Need a price: urgent 4482 90 Itch Kirvell Skibox ikirvell3@gnu.org Dahu Satu 1 lead Furnitures for new location 22500 20 Napoleon Grabert Twinte ngrabert2@dailymail.co.uk Tokyo 1 lead Modernize old offices 99755 20 Franny Seiller Yozio fseiller1@theglobeandmail.com Wurigelebur 1 lead Quote for 35 windows 41421 20 Tommi Brockhouse Gabcube tbrockhouse0@google.pl Brussels 1 Meeting to go over pricing information. Send Catalog by Email Call to get system requirements Convert to quote Send our service pricelist Call to get training needs Followup on the proposal Conf call with technical service Send Catalog by Email