True True Tip: Convert incoming emails into opportunities 200

Tip: Convert incoming emails into opportunities

Did you know emails sent to generate opportunities in your pipeline?
Try sending an email to your CRM. This email address is configurable by sales team members.

Did you know emails sent to a Sales Team alias generate opportunities in your pipeline?

Tip: Did you know Odoo has built-in lead mining? 1500

Tip: Did you know Odoo has built-in lead mining?

For a sales team, there is nothing worse than being dry on leads. Fortunately, in just a few clicks, you can generate leads specifically targeted to your needs: company size, industry, etc. To help you test the feature, we offer you 200 credits for free.

Tip: Opportunity win rate is predicted with AI 1700

Tip: Opportunity win rate is predicted with AI

Odoo's artificial intelligence engine predicts the success rate of each opportunity based on your history. You can always update the success rate manually, but if you let Odoo do the job the score is updated while the opportunity moves forward in your sales cycle.

Tip: Manage your pipeline 2600

Tip: Manage your pipeline

A great tip to boost sales efficiency is to always define a next step on each opportunity. To manage ongoing activities, click on any status of the progress bar to filter opportunities based on their next activities' status. Click on the grey area of the progress bar to see all opportunities that have no next activity.

Tip: Do not waste time recording customers' data 2800

Tip: Do not waste time recording customers' data

Did you know you can search a company by name or VAT number to instantly fill in all its data? Odoo autocompletes everything for you: logo, address, company size, business information, social media accounts, etc.

Tip: Turn a selection of opportunities into a map 3000

Tip: Turn a selection of opportunities into a map

Did you know you can turn a list of opportunities into a map view, using the top-right map icon? A lot of screens in Odoo can be turned into a map: tasks, contacts, delivery orders, etc.

Tip: Identify Bottlenecks at a glance 3600

Tip: Identify Bottlenecks at a glance

Check the Stage Tracker of Leads to identify bottlenecks in your Sales process.

Tip: Turn Sales Forecasting into Child's Play 4400

Tip: Turn Sales Forecasting into Child's Play

Use the CRM Forecast Kanban to easily define when Opportunities are expected to be won.