# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import pytz import threading from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from markupsafe import Markup from odoo import api, fields, models, tools from odoo.addons.iap.tools import iap_tools from odoo.addons.mail.tools import mail_validation from odoo.addons.phone_validation.tools import phone_validation from odoo.exceptions import UserError, AccessError from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.tools.translate import _ from odoo.tools import date_utils, email_split, is_html_empty, groupby, parse_contact_from_email, SQL from odoo.tools.misc import get_lang from . import crm_stage _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CRM_LEAD_FIELDS_TO_MERGE = [ # UTM mixin 'campaign_id', 'medium_id', 'source_id', # Mail mixin 'email_cc', # description 'name', 'user_id', 'color', 'company_id', 'lang_id', 'team_id', 'referred', # pipeline 'stage_id', # revenues 'expected_revenue', 'recurring_plan', 'recurring_revenue', # dates 'create_date', 'date_automation_last', 'date_deadline', # partner / contact 'partner_id', 'title', 'partner_name', 'contact_name', 'email_from', 'function', 'mobile', 'phone', 'website', ] # Subset of partner fields: sync any of those PARTNER_FIELDS_TO_SYNC = [ 'lang', 'mobile', 'title', 'function', 'website', ] # Subset of partner fields: sync all or none to avoid mixed addresses PARTNER_ADDRESS_FIELDS_TO_SYNC = [ 'street', 'street2', 'city', 'zip', 'state_id', 'country_id', ] # Those values have been determined based on benchmark to minimise # computation time, number of transaction and transaction time. PLS_COMPUTE_BATCH_STEP = 50000 # odoo.models.PREFETCH_MAX = 1000 but larger cluster can speed up global computation PLS_UPDATE_BATCH_STEP = 5000 class Lead(models.Model): _name = "crm.lead" _description = "Lead/Opportunity" _order = "priority desc, id desc" _inherit = ['mail.thread.cc', 'mail.thread.blacklist', 'mail.thread.phone', 'mail.activity.mixin', 'utm.mixin', 'format.address.mixin', 'mail.tracking.duration.mixin', ] _primary_email = 'email_from' _check_company_auto = True _track_duration_field = 'stage_id' # Description name = fields.Char( 'Opportunity', index='trigram', required=True, compute='_compute_name', readonly=False, store=True) user_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.users', string='Salesperson', default=lambda self: self.env.user, domain="[('share', '=', False)]", check_company=True, index=True, tracking=True) user_company_ids = fields.Many2many( 'res.company', compute='_compute_user_company_ids', help='UX: Limit to lead company or all if no company') team_id = fields.Many2one( 'crm.team', string='Sales Team', check_company=True, index=True, tracking=True, compute='_compute_team_id', ondelete="set null", readonly=False, store=True, precompute=True) lead_properties = fields.Properties( 'Properties', definition='team_id.lead_properties_definition', copy=True) company_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.company', string='Company', index=True, compute='_compute_company_id', readonly=False, store=True) referred = fields.Char('Referred By') description = fields.Html('Notes') active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True, tracking=True) type = fields.Selection([ ('lead', 'Lead'), ('opportunity', 'Opportunity')], required=True, tracking=15, index=True, default=lambda self: 'lead' if self.env.user.has_group('crm.group_use_lead') else 'opportunity') # Pipeline management priority = fields.Selection( crm_stage.AVAILABLE_PRIORITIES, string='Priority', index=True, default=crm_stage.AVAILABLE_PRIORITIES[0][0]) stage_id = fields.Many2one( 'crm.stage', string='Stage', index=True, tracking=True, compute='_compute_stage_id', readonly=False, store=True, copy=False, group_expand='_read_group_stage_ids', ondelete='restrict', domain="['|', ('team_id', '=', False), ('team_id', '=', team_id)]") tag_ids = fields.Many2many( 'crm.tag', 'crm_tag_rel', 'lead_id', 'tag_id', string='Tags', help="Classify and analyze your lead/opportunity categories like: Training, Service") color = fields.Integer('Color Index', default=0) # Revenues expected_revenue = fields.Monetary('Expected Revenue', currency_field='company_currency', tracking=True, default=0.0) prorated_revenue = fields.Monetary('Prorated Revenue', currency_field='company_currency', store=True, compute="_compute_prorated_revenue") recurring_revenue = fields.Monetary('Recurring Revenues', currency_field='company_currency', tracking=True, default=0.0) recurring_plan = fields.Many2one('crm.recurring.plan', string="Recurring Plan") recurring_revenue_monthly = fields.Monetary('Expected MRR', currency_field='company_currency', store=True, compute="_compute_recurring_revenue_monthly") recurring_revenue_monthly_prorated = fields.Monetary('Prorated MRR', currency_field='company_currency', store=True, compute="_compute_recurring_revenue_monthly_prorated") recurring_revenue_prorated = fields.Monetary('Prorated Recurring Revenues', currency_field='company_currency', compute="_compute_recurring_revenue_prorated", store=True) company_currency = fields.Many2one("res.currency", string='Currency', compute="_compute_company_currency", compute_sudo=True) # Dates date_closed = fields.Datetime('Closed Date', readonly=True, copy=False) date_automation_last = fields.Datetime('Last Action', readonly=True) date_open = fields.Datetime( 'Assignment Date', compute='_compute_date_open', readonly=True, store=True) day_open = fields.Float('Days to Assign', compute='_compute_day_open', store=True) day_close = fields.Float('Days to Close', compute='_compute_day_close', store=True) date_last_stage_update = fields.Datetime( 'Last Stage Update', compute='_compute_date_last_stage_update', index=True, readonly=True, store=True) date_conversion = fields.Datetime('Conversion Date', readonly=True) date_deadline = fields.Date('Expected Closing', help="Estimate of the date on which the opportunity will be won.") # Customer / contact partner_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.partner', string='Customer', check_company=True, index=True, tracking=10, help="Linked partner (optional). Usually created when converting the lead. You can find a partner by its Name, TIN, Email or Internal Reference.") partner_is_blacklisted = fields.Boolean('Partner is blacklisted', related='partner_id.is_blacklisted', readonly=True) contact_name = fields.Char( 'Contact Name', index='trigram', tracking=30, compute='_compute_contact_name', readonly=False, store=True) partner_name = fields.Char( 'Company Name', index='trigram', tracking=20, compute='_compute_partner_name', readonly=False, store=True, help='The name of the future partner company that will be created while converting the lead into opportunity') function = fields.Char('Job Position', compute='_compute_function', readonly=False, store=True) title = fields.Many2one('res.partner.title', string='Title', compute='_compute_title', readonly=False, store=True) email_from = fields.Char( 'Email', tracking=40, index='trigram', compute='_compute_email_from', inverse='_inverse_email_from', readonly=False, store=True) email_normalized = fields.Char(index='trigram') # inherited via mail.thread.blacklist email_domain_criterion = fields.Char( string='Email Domain Criterion', compute="_compute_email_domain_criterion", index='btree_not_null', # used for exact match, void value do not matter store=True, ) phone = fields.Char( 'Phone', tracking=50, compute='_compute_phone', inverse='_inverse_phone', readonly=False, store=True) mobile = fields.Char('Mobile', compute='_compute_mobile', readonly=False, store=True) phone_sanitized = fields.Char(index='btree_not_null') # inherited via mail.thread.phone phone_state = fields.Selection([ ('correct', 'Correct'), ('incorrect', 'Incorrect')], string='Phone Quality', compute="_compute_phone_state", store=True) email_state = fields.Selection([ ('correct', 'Correct'), ('incorrect', 'Incorrect')], string='Email Quality', compute="_compute_email_state", store=True) website = fields.Char('Website', help="Website of the contact", compute="_compute_website", readonly=False, store=True) lang_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.lang', string='Language', compute='_compute_lang_id', readonly=False, store=True) lang_code = fields.Char(related='lang_id.code') lang_active_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_lang_active_count') # Address fields street = fields.Char('Street', compute='_compute_partner_address_values', readonly=False, store=True) street2 = fields.Char('Street2', compute='_compute_partner_address_values', readonly=False, store=True) zip = fields.Char('Zip', change_default=True, compute='_compute_partner_address_values', readonly=False, store=True) city = fields.Char('City', compute='_compute_partner_address_values', readonly=False, store=True) state_id = fields.Many2one( "res.country.state", string='State', compute='_compute_partner_address_values', readonly=False, store=True, domain="[('country_id', '=?', country_id)]") country_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.country', string='Country', compute='_compute_partner_address_values', readonly=False, store=True) # Probability (Opportunity only) probability = fields.Float( 'Probability', aggregator="avg", copy=False, compute='_compute_probabilities', readonly=False, store=True) automated_probability = fields.Float('Automated Probability', compute='_compute_probabilities', readonly=True, store=True) is_automated_probability = fields.Boolean('Is automated probability?', compute="_compute_is_automated_probability") # Won/Lost lost_reason_id = fields.Many2one( 'crm.lost.reason', string='Lost Reason', index=True, ondelete='restrict', tracking=True) # Statistics calendar_event_ids = fields.One2many('calendar.event', 'opportunity_id', string='Meetings') duplicate_lead_ids = fields.Many2many("crm.lead", compute="_compute_potential_lead_duplicates", string="Potential Duplicate Lead", context={"active_test": False}) duplicate_lead_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_potential_lead_duplicates", string="Potential Duplicate Lead Count") meeting_display_date = fields.Date(compute="_compute_meeting_display") meeting_display_label = fields.Char(compute="_compute_meeting_display") # UX partner_email_update = fields.Boolean('Partner Email will Update', compute='_compute_partner_email_update') partner_phone_update = fields.Boolean('Partner Phone will Update', compute='_compute_partner_phone_update') is_partner_visible = fields.Boolean('Is Partner Visible', compute='_compute_is_partner_visible') # UTMs - enforcing the fact that we want to 'set null' when relation is unlinked campaign_id = fields.Many2one(ondelete='set null') medium_id = fields.Many2one(ondelete='set null') source_id = fields.Many2one(ondelete='set null') _sql_constraints = [ ('check_probability', 'check(probability >= 0 and probability <= 100)', 'The probability of closing the deal should be between 0% and 100%!') ] @api.depends('company_id') def _compute_user_company_ids(self): all_companies = self.env['res.company'].search([]) for lead in self: if not lead.company_id: lead.user_company_ids = all_companies else: lead.user_company_ids = lead.company_id @api.depends('company_id') def _compute_company_currency(self): for lead in self: if not lead.company_id: lead.company_currency = self.env.company.currency_id else: lead.company_currency = lead.company_id.currency_id @api.depends('user_id', 'type') def _compute_team_id(self): """ When changing the user, also set a team_id or restrict team id to the ones user_id is member of. """ for lead in self: # setting user as void should not trigger a new team computation if not lead.user_id: continue user = lead.user_id if lead.team_id and user in (lead.team_id.member_ids | lead.team_id.user_id): continue team_domain = [('use_leads', '=', True)] if lead.type == 'lead' else [('use_opportunities', '=', True)] team = self.env['crm.team']._get_default_team_id(user_id=user.id, domain=team_domain) if lead.team_id != team: lead.team_id = team.id @api.depends('user_id', 'team_id', 'partner_id') def _compute_company_id(self): """ Compute company_id coherency. """ for lead in self: proposal = lead.company_id # invalidate wrong configuration if proposal: # company not in responsible companies if lead.user_id and proposal not in lead.user_id.company_ids: proposal = False # inconsistent elif lead.team_id.company_id and proposal != lead.team_id.company_id: proposal = False # void company on team and no assignee elif lead.team_id and not lead.team_id.company_id and not lead.user_id: proposal = False # no user and no team -> void company and let assignment do its job # unless customer has a company elif not lead.team_id and not lead.user_id and \ (not lead.partner_id or lead.partner_id.company_id != proposal): proposal = False # propose a new company based on team > user (respecting context) > partner if not proposal: if lead.team_id.company_id: lead.company_id = lead.team_id.company_id elif lead.user_id: if self.env.company in lead.user_id.company_ids: lead.company_id = self.env.company else: lead.company_id = lead.user_id.company_id & self.env.companies elif lead.partner_id: lead.company_id = lead.partner_id.company_id else: lead.company_id = False @api.depends('team_id', 'type') def _compute_stage_id(self): for lead in self: if not lead.stage_id: lead.stage_id = lead._stage_find(domain=[('fold', '=', False)]).id @api.depends('user_id') def _compute_date_open(self): for lead in self: if not lead.date_open and lead.user_id: lead.date_open = self.env.cr.now() @api.depends('stage_id') def _compute_date_last_stage_update(self): for lead in self: if not lead.date_last_stage_update: lead.date_last_stage_update = self.env.cr.now() @api.depends('create_date', 'date_open') def _compute_day_open(self): """ Compute difference between create date and open date """ leads = self.filtered(lambda l: l.date_open and l.create_date) others = self - leads others.day_open = None for lead in leads: date_create = fields.Datetime.from_string(lead.create_date).replace(microsecond=0) date_open = fields.Datetime.from_string(lead.date_open) lead.day_open = abs((date_open - date_create).days) @api.depends('create_date', 'date_closed') def _compute_day_close(self): """ Compute difference between current date and log date """ leads = self.filtered(lambda l: l.date_closed and l.create_date) others = self - leads others.day_close = None for lead in leads: date_create = fields.Datetime.from_string(lead.create_date) date_close = fields.Datetime.from_string(lead.date_closed) lead.day_close = abs((date_close - date_create).days) @api.depends('partner_id') def _compute_name(self): for lead in self: if not lead.name and lead.partner_id and lead.partner_id.name: lead.name = _("%s's opportunity") % lead.partner_id.name @api.depends('partner_id') def _compute_contact_name(self): """ compute the new values when partner_id has changed """ for lead in self: lead.update(lead._prepare_contact_name_from_partner(lead.partner_id)) @api.depends('partner_id') def _compute_partner_name(self): """ compute the new values when partner_id has changed """ for lead in self: lead.update(lead._prepare_partner_name_from_partner(lead.partner_id)) @api.depends('partner_id') def _compute_function(self): """ compute the new values when partner_id has changed """ for lead in self: if not lead.function or lead.partner_id.function: lead.function = lead.partner_id.function @api.depends('partner_id') def _compute_title(self): """ compute the new values when partner_id has changed """ for lead in self: if not lead.title or lead.partner_id.title: lead.title = lead.partner_id.title @api.depends('partner_id') def _compute_mobile(self): """ compute the new values when partner_id has changed """ for lead in self: if not lead.mobile or lead.partner_id.mobile: lead.mobile = lead.partner_id.mobile @api.depends('partner_id') def _compute_website(self): """ compute the new values when partner_id has changed """ for lead in self: if not lead.website or lead.partner_id.website: lead.website = lead.partner_id.website @api.depends('partner_id') def _compute_lang_id(self): """ compute the lang based on partner, erase any value to force the partner one if set. """ # prepare cache lang_codes = [code for code in self.mapped('partner_id.lang') if code] if lang_codes: lang_id_by_code = dict( (code, self.env['res.lang']._get_data(code=code).id) for code in lang_codes ) else: lang_id_by_code = {} for lead in self.filtered('partner_id'): lead.lang_id = lang_id_by_code.get(lead.partner_id.lang, False) @api.depends('lang_id') def _compute_lang_active_count(self): self.lang_active_count = len(self.env['res.lang'].get_installed()) @api.depends('partner_id') def _compute_partner_address_values(self): """ Sync all or none of address fields """ for lead in self: lead.update(lead._prepare_address_values_from_partner(lead.partner_id)) @api.depends('partner_id.email') def _compute_email_from(self): for lead in self: if lead.partner_id.email and lead._get_partner_email_update(): lead.email_from = lead.partner_id.email def _inverse_email_from(self): for lead in self: if lead._get_partner_email_update(force_void=False): lead.partner_id.email = lead.email_from @api.depends('email_normalized') def _compute_email_domain_criterion(self): self.email_domain_criterion = False for lead in self.filtered('email_normalized'): lead.email_domain_criterion = iap_tools.mail_prepare_for_domain_search( lead.email_normalized ) @api.depends('partner_id.phone') def _compute_phone(self): for lead in self: if lead.partner_id.phone and lead._get_partner_phone_update(): lead.phone = lead.partner_id.phone def _inverse_phone(self): for lead in self: if lead._get_partner_phone_update(force_void=False): lead.partner_id.phone = lead.phone @api.depends('phone', 'country_id.code') def _compute_phone_state(self): for lead in self: phone_status = False if lead.phone: country_code = lead.country_id.code if lead.country_id and lead.country_id.code else None try: if phone_validation.phone_parse(lead.phone, country_code): # otherwise library not installed phone_status = 'correct' except UserError: phone_status = 'incorrect' lead.phone_state = phone_status @api.depends('email_from') def _compute_email_state(self): for lead in self: email_state = False if lead.email_from: email_state = 'incorrect' for email in email_split(lead.email_from): if mail_validation.mail_validate(email): email_state = 'correct' break lead.email_state = email_state @api.depends('probability', 'automated_probability') def _compute_is_automated_probability(self): """ If probability and automated_probability are equal probability computation is considered as automatic, aka probability is sync with automated_probability """ for lead in self: lead.is_automated_probability = tools.float_compare(lead.probability, lead.automated_probability, 2) == 0 @api.depends(lambda self: ['stage_id', 'team_id'] + self._pls_get_safe_fields()) def _compute_probabilities(self): lead_probabilities = self._pls_get_naive_bayes_probabilities() for lead in self: if lead.id in lead_probabilities: was_automated = lead.active and lead.is_automated_probability lead.automated_probability = lead_probabilities[lead.id] if was_automated: lead.probability = lead.automated_probability @api.depends('expected_revenue', 'probability') def _compute_prorated_revenue(self): for lead in self: lead.prorated_revenue = round((lead.expected_revenue or 0.0) * (lead.probability or 0) / 100.0, 2) @api.depends('recurring_revenue', 'recurring_plan.number_of_months') def _compute_recurring_revenue_monthly(self): for lead in self: lead.recurring_revenue_monthly = (lead.recurring_revenue or 0.0) / (lead.recurring_plan.number_of_months or 1) @api.depends('recurring_revenue_monthly', 'probability') def _compute_recurring_revenue_monthly_prorated(self): for lead in self: lead.recurring_revenue_monthly_prorated = (lead.recurring_revenue_monthly or 0.0) * (lead.probability or 0) / 100.0 @api.depends('recurring_revenue', 'probability') def _compute_recurring_revenue_prorated(self): for lead in self: lead.recurring_revenue_prorated = (lead.recurring_revenue or 0.0) * (lead.probability or 0) / 100.0 @api.depends('calendar_event_ids', 'calendar_event_ids.start') def _compute_meeting_display(self): now = fields.Datetime.now() meeting_data = self.env['calendar.event'].sudo()._read_group([ ('opportunity_id', 'in', self.ids), ], ['opportunity_id'], ['start:array_agg', 'start:max']) mapped_data = { lead: { 'last_meeting_date': last_meeting_date, 'next_meeting_date': min([dt for dt in meeting_start_dates if dt > now] or [False]), } for lead, meeting_start_dates, last_meeting_date in meeting_data } for lead in self: lead_meeting_info = mapped_data.get(lead) if not lead_meeting_info: lead.meeting_display_date = False lead.meeting_display_label = _('No Meeting') elif lead_meeting_info['next_meeting_date']: lead.meeting_display_date = lead_meeting_info['next_meeting_date'] lead.meeting_display_label = _('Next Meeting') else: lead.meeting_display_date = lead_meeting_info['last_meeting_date'] lead.meeting_display_label = _('Last Meeting') @api.depends('email_domain_criterion', 'email_normalized', 'partner_id', 'phone_sanitized') def _compute_potential_lead_duplicates(self): """ Override potential lead duplicates computation to be more efficient with high lead volume. Criterions: * email domain exact match; * phone_sanitized exact match; * same commercial entity; """ SEARCH_RESULT_LIMIT = 21 def return_if_relevant(model_name, domain): """ Returns the recordset obtained by performing a search on the provided model with the provided domain if the cardinality of that recordset is below a given threshold (i.e: `SEARCH_RESULT_LIMIT`). Otherwise, returns an empty recordset of the provided model as it indicates search term was not relevant. Note: The function will use the administrator privileges to guarantee that a maximum amount of leads will be included in the search results and transcend multi-company record rules. It also includes archived records. Idea is that counter indicates duplicates are present and the lead could be escalated to managers. """ model = self.env[model_name].sudo().with_context(active_test=False) res = model.search(domain, limit=SEARCH_RESULT_LIMIT) return res if len(res) < SEARCH_RESULT_LIMIT else model for lead in self: lead_id = lead._origin.id if isinstance(lead.id, models.NewId) else lead.id common_lead_domain = [ ('id', '!=', lead_id) ] duplicate_lead_ids = self.env['crm.lead'] # check the "company" email domain duplicates if lead.email_domain_criterion: duplicate_lead_ids |= return_if_relevant('crm.lead', common_lead_domain + [ ('email_domain_criterion', '=', lead.email_domain_criterion) ]) # check for "same commercial entity" duplicates if lead.partner_id and lead.partner_id.commercial_partner_id: duplicate_lead_ids |= lead.with_context(active_test=False).search(common_lead_domain + [ ("partner_id", "child_of", lead.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.ids) ]) # check the phone number duplicates, based on phone_sanitized. Only # exact matches are found, and the single one stored in phone_sanitized # in case phone and mobile are both set. if lead.phone_sanitized: duplicate_lead_ids |= return_if_relevant('crm.lead', common_lead_domain + [ ('phone_sanitized', '=', lead.phone_sanitized) ]) lead.duplicate_lead_ids = duplicate_lead_ids + lead lead.duplicate_lead_count = len(duplicate_lead_ids) @api.depends('email_from', 'partner_id') def _compute_partner_email_update(self): for lead in self: lead.partner_email_update = lead._get_partner_email_update(force_void=False) @api.depends('phone', 'partner_id') def _compute_partner_phone_update(self): for lead in self: lead.partner_phone_update = lead._get_partner_phone_update(force_void=False) @api.depends_context('uid') @api.depends('partner_id', 'type') def _compute_is_partner_visible(self): """ When the crm.lead is of type 'lead', we don't want to display the "Customer" field on the form view unless it's set (or debug mode). Indeed, most of the times leads will not have this information set, since when we assign a Customer we usually convert the lead to an opportunity as well. This means that on the lead form, we don't want to display this field since it may be misleading for the end user. When it's set however, we want to display it, mainly because there are a few automatic synchronizations between the lead and its partner (phone and email for examples), and this needs to be clear that modifying one of those fields will in turn modify the linked partner.""" is_debug_mode = self.env.user.has_group('base.group_no_one') for lead in self: lead.is_partner_visible = bool(lead.type == 'opportunity' or lead.partner_id or is_debug_mode) @api.onchange('phone', 'country_id', 'company_id') def _onchange_phone_validation(self): if self.phone: self.phone = self._phone_format(fname='phone', force_format='INTERNATIONAL') or self.phone @api.onchange('mobile', 'country_id', 'company_id') def _onchange_mobile_validation(self): if self.mobile: self.mobile = self._phone_format(fname='mobile', force_format='INTERNATIONAL') or self.mobile def _prepare_values_from_partner(self, partner): """ Get a dictionary with values coming from partner information to copy on a lead. Non-address fields get the current lead values to avoid being reset if partner has no value for them. """ # Sync all address fields from partner, or none, to avoid mixing them. values = self._prepare_address_values_from_partner(partner) # For other fields, get the info from the partner, but only if set values.update({f: partner[f] or self[f] for f in PARTNER_FIELDS_TO_SYNC if f != 'lang'}) if partner.lang: values['lang_id'] = self.env['res.lang']._get_data(code=partner.lang).id # Fields with specific logic values.update(self._prepare_contact_name_from_partner(partner)) values.update(self._prepare_partner_name_from_partner(partner)) return self._convert_to_write(values) def _prepare_address_values_from_partner(self, partner): # Sync all address fields from partner, or none, to avoid mixing them. if any(partner[f] for f in PARTNER_ADDRESS_FIELDS_TO_SYNC): values = {f: partner[f] for f in PARTNER_ADDRESS_FIELDS_TO_SYNC} else: values = {f: self[f] for f in PARTNER_ADDRESS_FIELDS_TO_SYNC} return values def _prepare_contact_name_from_partner(self, partner): contact_name = False if partner.is_company else partner.name return {'contact_name': contact_name or self.contact_name} def _prepare_partner_name_from_partner(self, partner): """ Company name: name of partner parent (if set) or name of partner (if company) or company_name of partner (if not a company). """ partner_name = partner.parent_id.name if not partner_name and partner.is_company: partner_name = partner.name elif not partner_name and partner.company_name: partner_name = partner.company_name return {'partner_name': partner_name or self.partner_name} def _get_partner_email_update(self, force_void=True): """Calculate if we should write the email on the related partner. When the email of the lead / partner is an empty string, we force it to False to not propagate a False on an empty string. Done in a separate method so it can be used in both ribbon and inverse and compute of email update methods. :param bool force_void: if False, skip when lead has a void email value. This is used notably to avoid propagating void lead value to a valid partner value. """ self.ensure_one() if self.partner_id and (force_void or self.email_from) and self.email_from != self.partner_id.email: lead_email_normalized = tools.email_normalize(self.email_from) or self.email_from or False partner_email_normalized = tools.email_normalize(self.partner_id.email) or self.partner_id.email or False return lead_email_normalized != partner_email_normalized return False def _get_partner_phone_update(self, force_void=True): """Calculate if we should write the phone on the related partner. When the phone of the lead / partner is an empty string, we force it to False to not propagate a False on an empty string. Done in a separate method so it can be used in both ribbon and inverse and compute of phone update methods. :param bool force_void: if False, skip when lead has a void phone value. This is used notably to avoid propagating void lead value to a valid partner value. """ self.ensure_one() if self.partner_id and (force_void or self.phone) and self.phone != self.partner_id.phone: lead_phone_formatted = self._phone_format(fname='phone') or self.phone or False partner_phone_formatted = self.partner_id._phone_format(fname='phone') or self.partner_id.phone or False return lead_phone_formatted != partner_phone_formatted return False # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ORM # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _auto_init(self): super()._auto_init() tools.create_index(self._cr, 'crm_lead_user_id_team_id_type_index', self._table, ['user_id', 'team_id', 'type']) tools.create_index(self._cr, 'crm_lead_create_date_team_id_idx', self._table, ['create_date', 'team_id']) @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): for vals in vals_list: if vals.get('website'): vals['website'] = self.env['res.partner']._clean_website(vals['website']) leads = super(Lead, self).create(vals_list) for lead, values in zip(leads, vals_list): if any(field in ['active', 'stage_id'] for field in values): lead._handle_won_lost(values) return leads def write(self, vals): if vals.get('website'): vals['website'] = self.env['res.partner']._clean_website(vals['website']) now = self.env.cr.now() stage_updated, stage_is_won = False, False # stage change (or reset): update date_last_stage_update if at least one # lead does not have the same stage if 'stage_id' in vals: stage_updated = any(lead.stage_id.id != vals['stage_id'] for lead in self) if stage_updated: vals['date_last_stage_update'] = now if stage_updated and vals.get('stage_id'): stage = self.env['crm.stage'].browse(vals['stage_id']) if stage.is_won: vals.update({'probability': 100, 'automated_probability': 100}) stage_is_won = True # user change; update date_open if at least one lead does not # have the same user if 'user_id' in vals and not vals.get('user_id'): vals['date_open'] = False elif vals.get('user_id'): user_updated = any(lead.user_id.id != vals['user_id'] for lead in self) if user_updated: vals['date_open'] = now # stage change with new stage: update probability and date_closed if vals.get('probability', 0) >= 100 or not vals.get('active', True): vals['date_closed'] = fields.Datetime.now() elif vals.get('probability', 0) > 0: vals['date_closed'] = False elif stage_updated and not stage_is_won and not 'probability' in vals: vals['date_closed'] = False if any(field in ['active', 'stage_id'] for field in vals): self._handle_won_lost(vals) if not stage_is_won: return super(Lead, self).write(vals) # stage change between two won stages: does not change the date_closed leads_already_won = self.filtered(lambda lead: lead.stage_id.is_won) remaining = self - leads_already_won if remaining: result = super(Lead, remaining).write(vals) if leads_already_won: vals.pop('date_closed', False) result = super(Lead, leads_already_won).write(vals) return result @api.model def search_fetch(self, domain, field_names, offset=0, limit=None, order=None): """ Override to support ordering on my_activity_date_deadline. Ordering through web client calls search_read() with an order parameter set. Method search_read() then calls search_fetch(). Here we override search_fetch() to intercept a search with an order on field my_activity_date_deadline. In that case we do the search in two steps. First step: fill with deadline-based results * Perform a read_group on my activities to get a mapping lead_id / deadline Remember date_deadline is required, we always have a value for it. Only the earliest deadline per lead is kept. * Search leads linked to those activities that also match the asked domain and order from the original search request. * Results of that search will be at the top of returned results. Use limit None because we have to search all leads linked to activities as ordering on deadline is done in post processing. * Reorder them according to deadline asc or desc depending on original search ordering. Finally take only a subset of those leads to fill with results matching asked offset / limit. Second step: fill with other results. If first step does not gives results enough to match offset and limit parameters we fill with a search on other leads. We keep the asked domain and ordering while filtering out already scanned leads to keep a coherent results. All other search and search_read are left untouched by this override to avoid side effects. Search_count is not affected by this override. """ if not order or 'my_activity_date_deadline' not in order: return super().search_fetch(domain, field_names, offset, limit, order) order_items = [order_item.strip().lower() for order_item in (order or self._order).split(',')] # Perform a read_group on my activities to get a mapping lead_id / deadline # Remember date_deadline is required, we always have a value for it. Only # the earliest deadline per lead is kept. activity_asc = any('my_activity_date_deadline asc' in item for item in order_items) my_lead_activities = self.env['mail.activity']._read_group( [('res_model', '=', self._name), ('user_id', '=', self.env.uid)], ['res_id'], ['date_deadline:min'], order='date_deadline:min ASC, res_id', ) my_lead_mapping = dict(my_lead_activities) my_lead_ids = list(my_lead_mapping.keys()) my_lead_domain = expression.AND([[('id', 'in', my_lead_ids)], domain]) my_lead_order = ', '.join(item for item in order_items if 'my_activity_date_deadline' not in item) # Search leads linked to those activities and order them. See docstring # of this method for more details. search_res = super().search_fetch(my_lead_domain, field_names, order=my_lead_order) my_lead_ids_ordered = sorted(search_res.ids, key=lambda lead_id: my_lead_mapping[lead_id], reverse=not activity_asc) # keep only requested window (offset + limit, or offset+) my_lead_ids_keep = my_lead_ids_ordered[offset:(offset + limit)] if limit else my_lead_ids_ordered[offset:] # keep list of already skipped lead ids to exclude them from future search my_lead_ids_skip = my_lead_ids_ordered[:(offset + limit)] if limit else my_lead_ids_ordered # do not go further if limit is achieved if limit and len(my_lead_ids_keep) >= limit: return self.browse(my_lead_ids_keep) # Fill with remaining leads. If a limit is given, simply remove count of # already fetched. Otherwise keep none. If an offset is set we have to # reduce it by already fetch results hereabove. Order is updated to exclude # my_activity_date_deadline when calling super() . lead_limit = (limit - len(my_lead_ids_keep)) if limit else None if offset: lead_offset = max((offset - len(search_res), 0)) else: lead_offset = 0 lead_order = ', '.join(item for item in order_items if 'my_activity_date_deadline' not in item) other_lead_res = super().search_fetch( expression.AND([[('id', 'not in', my_lead_ids_skip)], domain]), field_names, lead_offset, lead_limit, lead_order, ) return self.browse(my_lead_ids_keep) + other_lead_res def _handle_won_lost(self, vals): """ This method handle the state changes : - To lost : We need to increment corresponding lost count in scoring frequency table - To won : We need to increment corresponding won count in scoring frequency table - From lost to Won : We need to decrement corresponding lost count + increment corresponding won count in scoring frequency table. - From won to lost : We need to decrement corresponding won count + increment corresponding lost count in scoring frequency table.""" Lead = self.env['crm.lead'] leads_reach_won = Lead leads_leave_won = Lead leads_reach_lost = Lead leads_leave_lost = Lead won_stage_ids = self.env['crm.stage'].search([('is_won', '=', True)]).ids for lead in self: if 'stage_id' in vals: if vals['stage_id'] in won_stage_ids: if lead.probability == 0: leads_leave_lost += lead leads_reach_won += lead elif lead.stage_id.id in won_stage_ids and lead.active: # a lead can be lost at won_stage leads_leave_won += lead if 'active' in vals: if not vals['active'] and lead.active: # archive lead if lead.stage_id.id in won_stage_ids and lead not in leads_leave_won: leads_leave_won += lead leads_reach_lost += lead elif vals['active'] and not lead.active: # restore lead leads_leave_lost += lead leads_reach_won._pls_increment_frequencies(to_state='won') leads_leave_won._pls_increment_frequencies(from_state='won') leads_reach_lost._pls_increment_frequencies(to_state='lost') leads_leave_lost._pls_increment_frequencies(from_state='lost') def copy_data(self, default=None): # set default value in context, if not already set (Put stage to 'new' stage) # Set date_open to today if it is an opp default = dict(default or {}) if not self.env.user.has_group('crm.group_use_recurring_revenues'): default['recurring_revenue'] = 0 default['recurring_plan'] = False vals_list = super().copy_data(default=default) now = self.env.cr.now() for lead, vals in zip(self, vals_list): vals.setdefault('type', lead.type) vals.setdefault('team_id', lead.team_id.id) vals['date_open'] = now if lead.type == 'opportunity' else False if not lead.user_id.active: vals['user_id'] = False return vals_list def unlink(self): """ Update meetings when removing opportunities, otherwise you have a link to a record that does not lead anywhere. """ meetings = self.env['calendar.event'].search([ ('res_id', 'in', self.ids), ('res_model', '=', self._name), ]) if meetings: meetings.write({ 'res_id': False, 'res_model_id': False, }) return super(Lead, self).unlink() @api.model def _read_group_stage_ids(self, stages, domain): # retrieve team_id from the context and write the domain # - ('id', 'in', stages.ids): add columns that should be present # - OR ('fold', '=', False): add default columns that are not folded # - OR ('team_ids', '=', team_id), ('fold', '=', False) if team_id: add team columns that are not folded team_id = self._context.get('default_team_id') if team_id: search_domain = ['|', ('id', 'in', stages.ids), '|', ('team_id', '=', False), ('team_id', '=', team_id)] else: search_domain = ['|', ('id', 'in', stages.ids), ('team_id', '=', False)] # perform search stage_ids = stages.sudo()._search(search_domain, order=stages._order) return stages.browse(stage_ids) def _stage_find(self, team_id=False, domain=None, order='sequence, id', limit=1): """ Determine the stage of the current lead with its teams, the given domain and the given team_id :param team_id :param domain : base search domain for stage :param order : base search order for stage :param limit : base search limit for stage :returns crm.stage recordset """ # collect all team_ids by adding given one, and the ones related to the current leads team_ids = set() if team_id: team_ids.add(team_id) for lead in self: if lead.team_id: team_ids.add(lead.team_id.id) # generate the domain if team_ids: search_domain = ['|', ('team_id', '=', False), ('team_id', 'in', list(team_ids))] else: search_domain = [('team_id', '=', False)] # AND with the domain in parameter if domain: search_domain += list(domain) # perform search, return the first found return self.env['crm.stage'].search(search_domain, order=order, limit=limit) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ACTIONS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def toggle_active(self): """ When archiving: mark probability as 0. When re-activating update probability again, for leads and opportunities. """ res = super(Lead, self).toggle_active() activated = self.filtered(lambda lead: lead.active) archived = self.filtered(lambda lead: not lead.active) if activated: activated.write({'lost_reason_id': False}) activated._compute_probabilities() if archived: archived.write({'probability': 0, 'automated_probability': 0}) return res def action_set_lost(self, **additional_values): """ Lost semantic: probability = 0 or active = False """ res = self.action_archive() if additional_values: self.write(dict(additional_values)) return res def action_set_won(self): """ Won semantic: probability = 100 (active untouched) """ self.action_unarchive() # group the leads by team_id, in order to write once by values couple (each write leads to frequency increment) leads_by_won_stage = {} for lead in self: won_stages = self._stage_find(domain=[('is_won', '=', True)], limit=None) # ABD : We could have a mixed pipeline, with "won" stages being separated by "standard" # stages. In the future, we may want to prevent any "standard" stage to have a higher # sequence than any "won" stage. But while this is not the case, searching # for the "won" stage while alterning the sequence order (see below) will correctly # handle such a case : # stage sequence : [x] [x (won)] [y] [y (won)] [z] [z (won)] # when in stage [y] and marked as "won", should go to the stage [y (won)], # not in [x (won)] nor [z (won)] stage_id = next((stage for stage in won_stages if stage.sequence > lead.stage_id.sequence), None) if not stage_id: stage_id = next((stage for stage in reversed(won_stages) if stage.sequence <= lead.stage_id.sequence), won_stages) if stage_id in leads_by_won_stage: leads_by_won_stage[stage_id] += lead else: leads_by_won_stage[stage_id] = lead for won_stage_id, leads in leads_by_won_stage.items(): leads.write({'stage_id': won_stage_id.id, 'probability': 100}) return True def action_set_automated_probability(self): self.write({'probability': self.automated_probability}) def action_set_won_rainbowman(self): self.ensure_one() self.action_set_won() message = self._get_rainbowman_message() if message: return { 'effect': { 'fadeout': 'slow', 'message': message, 'img_url': '/web/image/%s/%s/image_1024' % (self.team_id.user_id._name, self.team_id.user_id.id) if self.team_id.user_id.image_1024 else '/web/static/img/smile.svg', 'type': 'rainbow_man', } } return True def get_rainbowman_message(self): self.ensure_one() if self.stage_id.is_won: return self._get_rainbowman_message() return False def _get_rainbowman_message(self): if not self.user_id or not self.team_id: return False if not self.expected_revenue: # Show rainbow man for the first won lead of a salesman, even if expected revenue is not set. It is not # very often that leads without revenues are marked won, so simply get count using ORM instead of query today = fields.Datetime.today() user_won_leads_count = self.search_count([ ('type', '=', 'opportunity'), ('user_id', '=', self.user_id.id), ('probability', '=', 100), ('date_closed', '>=', date_utils.start_of(today, 'year')), ('date_closed', '<', date_utils.end_of(today, 'year')), ]) if user_won_leads_count == 1: return _('Go, go, go! Congrats for your first deal.') return False self.flush_model() # flush fields to make sure DB is up to date query = """ SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN user_id = %(user_id)s THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as total_won, MAX(CASE WHEN date_closed >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '30 days' AND user_id = %(user_id)s THEN expected_revenue ELSE 0 END) as max_user_30, MAX(CASE WHEN date_closed >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7 days' AND user_id = %(user_id)s THEN expected_revenue ELSE 0 END) as max_user_7, MAX(CASE WHEN date_closed >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '30 days' AND team_id = %(team_id)s THEN expected_revenue ELSE 0 END) as max_team_30, MAX(CASE WHEN date_closed >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7 days' AND team_id = %(team_id)s THEN expected_revenue ELSE 0 END) as max_team_7 FROM crm_lead WHERE type = 'opportunity' AND active = True AND probability = 100 AND DATE_TRUNC('year', date_closed) = DATE_TRUNC('year', CURRENT_DATE) AND (user_id = %(user_id)s OR team_id = %(team_id)s) """ self.env.cr.execute(query, {'user_id': self.user_id.id, 'team_id': self.team_id.id}) query_result = self.env.cr.dictfetchone() message = False if query_result['total_won'] == 1: message = _('Go, go, go! Congrats for your first deal.') elif query_result['max_team_30'] == self.expected_revenue: message = _('Boom! Team record for the past 30 days.') elif query_result['max_team_7'] == self.expected_revenue: message = _('Yeah! Deal of the last 7 days for the team.') elif query_result['max_user_30'] == self.expected_revenue: message = _('You just beat your personal record for the past 30 days.') elif query_result['max_user_7'] == self.expected_revenue: message = _('You just beat your personal record for the past 7 days.') return message def action_schedule_meeting(self, smart_calendar=True): """ Open meeting's calendar view to schedule meeting on current opportunity. :param smart_calendar: boolean, to set to False if the view should not try to choose relevant mode and initial date for calendar view, see ``_get_opportunity_meeting_view_parameters`` :return dict: dictionary value for created Meeting view """ self.ensure_one() action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("calendar.action_calendar_event") partner_ids = self.env.user.partner_id.ids if self.partner_id: partner_ids.append(self.partner_id.id) current_opportunity_id = self.id if self.type == 'opportunity' else False action['context'] = { 'search_default_opportunity_id': current_opportunity_id, 'default_opportunity_id': current_opportunity_id, 'default_partner_id': self.partner_id.id, 'default_partner_ids': partner_ids, 'default_team_id': self.team_id.id, 'default_name': self.name, } # 'Smart' calendar view : get the most relevant time period to display to the user. if current_opportunity_id and smart_calendar: mode, initial_date = self._get_opportunity_meeting_view_parameters() action['context'].update({'default_mode': mode, 'initial_date': initial_date}) return action def _get_opportunity_meeting_view_parameters(self): """ Return the most relevant parameters for calendar view when viewing meetings linked to an opportunity. If there are any meetings that are not finished yet, only consider those meetings, since the user would prefer no to see past meetings. Otherwise, consider all meetings. Allday events datetimes are used without taking tz into account. -If there is no event, return week mode and false (The calendar will target 'now' by default) -If there is only one, return week mode and date of the start of the event. -If there are several events entirely on the same week, return week mode and start of first event. -Else, return month mode and the date of the start of first event as initial date. (If they are on the same month, this will display that month and therefore show all of them, which is expected) :return tuple(mode, initial_date) - mode: selected mode of the calendar view, 'week' or 'month' - initial_date: date of the start of the first relevant meeting. The calendar will target that date. """ self.ensure_one() meeting_results = self.env["calendar.event"].search_read([('opportunity_id', '=', self.id)], ['start', 'stop', 'allday']) if not meeting_results: return "week", False user_tz = self.env.user.tz or self.env.context.get('tz') user_pytz = pytz.timezone(user_tz) if user_tz else pytz.utc # meeting_dts will contain one tuple of datetimes per meeting : (Start, Stop) # meetings_dts and now_dt are as per user time zone. meeting_dts = [] now_dt = datetime.now().astimezone(user_pytz).replace(tzinfo=None) # When creating an allday meeting, whatever the TZ, it will be stored the same e.g. 00.00.00->23.59.59 in utc or # 08.00.00->18.00.00. Therefore we must not put it back in the user tz but take it raw. for meeting in meeting_results: if meeting.get('allday'): meeting_dts.append((meeting.get('start'), meeting.get('stop'))) else: meeting_dts.append((meeting.get('start').astimezone(user_pytz).replace(tzinfo=None), meeting.get('stop').astimezone(user_pytz).replace(tzinfo=None))) # If there are meetings that are still ongoing or to come, only take those. unfinished_meeting_dts = [meeting_dt for meeting_dt in meeting_dts if meeting_dt[1] >= now_dt] relevant_meeting_dts = unfinished_meeting_dts if unfinished_meeting_dts else meeting_dts relevant_meeting_count = len(relevant_meeting_dts) if relevant_meeting_count == 1: return "week", relevant_meeting_dts[0][0].date() else: # Range of meetings earliest_start_dt = min(relevant_meeting_dt[0] for relevant_meeting_dt in relevant_meeting_dts) latest_stop_dt = max(relevant_meeting_dt[1] for relevant_meeting_dt in relevant_meeting_dts) # The week start day depends on language. We fetch the week_start of user's language. 1 is monday. lang_week_start = self.env["res.lang"].search_read([('code', '=', self.env.user.lang)], ['week_start']) # We substract one to make week_start_index range 0-6 instead of 1-7 week_start_index = int(lang_week_start[0].get('week_start', '1')) - 1 # We compute the weekday of earliest_start_dt according to week_start_index. earliest_start_dt_index will be 0 if we are on the # first day of the week and 6 on the last. weekday() returns 0 for monday and 6 for sunday. For instance, Tuesday in UK is the # third day of the week, so earliest_start_dt_index is 2, and remaining_days_in_week includes tuesday, so it will be 5. # The first term 7 is there to avoid negative left side on the modulo, improving readability. earliest_start_dt_weekday = (7 + earliest_start_dt.weekday() - week_start_index) % 7 remaining_days_in_week = 7 - earliest_start_dt_weekday # We compute the start of the week following the one containing the start of the first meeting. next_week_start_date = earliest_start_dt.date() + timedelta(days=remaining_days_in_week) # Latest_stop_dt must be before the start of following week. Limit is therefore set at midnight of first day, included. meetings_in_same_week = latest_stop_dt <= datetime(next_week_start_date.year, next_week_start_date.month, next_week_start_date.day, 0, 0, 0) if meetings_in_same_week: return "week", earliest_start_dt.date() else: return "month", earliest_start_dt.date() def action_reschedule_meeting(self): self.ensure_one() action = self.action_schedule_meeting(smart_calendar=False) next_activity = self.activity_ids.filtered(lambda activity: activity.user_id == self.env.user)[:1] if next_activity.calendar_event_id: action['context']['initial_date'] = next_activity.calendar_event_id.start return action def action_show_potential_duplicates(self): """ Open kanban view to display duplicate leads or opportunity. :return dict: dictionary value for created kanban view """ self.ensure_one() action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("crm.crm_lead_opportunities") action['domain'] = [('id', 'in', self.duplicate_lead_ids.ids)] action['context'] = { 'active_test': False, 'create': False } return action def action_snooze(self): self.ensure_one() my_next_activity = self.activity_ids.filtered(lambda activity: activity.user_id == self.env.user)[:1] my_next_activity.action_snooze() return True # ------------------------------------------------------------ # VIEWS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def redirect_lead_opportunity_view(self): self.ensure_one() return { 'name': _('Lead or Opportunity'), 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_model': 'crm.lead', 'domain': [('type', '=', self.type)], 'res_id': self.id, 'view_id': False, 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'context': {'default_type': self.type} } @api.model def get_empty_list_help(self, help_message): """ This method returns the action helpers for the leads. If help is already provided on the action, the same is returned. Otherwise, we build the help message which contains the alias responsible for creating the lead (if available) and return it. """ if not is_html_empty(help_message): return help_message help_title, sub_title = "", "" if self._context.get('default_type') == 'lead': help_title = _('Create a new lead') else: help_title = _('Create an opportunity to start playing with your pipeline.') alias_domain = [ ('company_id', '=', self.env.company.id), ('alias_id.alias_name', '!=', False), ('alias_id.alias_name', '!=', ''), ('alias_id.alias_model_id.model', '=', 'crm.lead'), ] # sort by use_leads, then by our membership of the team alias_records = self.env['crm.team'].search(alias_domain).sorted( lambda r: (r.use_leads, self.env.user in r.member_ids), reverse=True ) alias_record = alias_records[0] if alias_records else None if alias_record and alias_record.alias_domain and alias_record.alias_name: sub_title = Markup(_('Use the New button, or send an email to %(email_link)s to test the email gateway.')) % { 'email_link': Markup("%s") % (alias_record.display_name, alias_record.display_name), } return super().get_empty_list_help( f'
' ) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # BUSINESS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def log_meeting(self, meeting): """ Log the meeting info with a link to it in the chatter :param record meeting: the meeting we want to log """ if not meeting.duration: duration = _('unknown') else: duration = self.env['ir.qweb.field.duration'].value_to_html(meeting.duration, {'unit': 'hour'}) meeting_usertime = fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self, meeting.start)) meeting_time = Markup("") % { 'meeting_start': meeting.start, 'meeting_user_time': meeting_usertime, } message = Markup("%(meeting)s
%(subject_string)s %(subject_link)s
") % {
'meeting': _("Meeting scheduled at %s", meeting_time),
'subject_string': _("Subject: "),
'subject_link': meeting._get_html_link(),
'duration': _("Duration: %s", duration),
return self.message_post(body=message)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _merge_data(self, fnames=None):
""" Prepare lead/opp data into a dictionary for merging. Different types
of fields are processed in different ways:
- text: all the values are concatenated
- m2m and o2m: those fields aren't processed
- m2o: the first not null value prevails (the other are dropped)
- any other type of field: same as m2o
:param fields: list of fields to process
:return dict data: contains the merged values of the new opportunity
if fnames is None:
fnames = self._merge_get_fields()
fcallables = self._merge_get_fields_specific()
address_values = self._merge_get_fields_address()
# helpers
def _get_first_not_null(attr, opportunities):
value = False
for opp in opportunities:
if opp[attr]:
value = opp[attr].id if isinstance(opp[attr], models.BaseModel) else opp[attr]
return value
# process the field's values
data = {}
for field_name in fnames:
field = self._fields.get(field_name)
if field is None:
fcallable = fcallables.get(field_name)
if fcallable and callable(fcallable):
data[field_name] = fcallable(field_name, self)
elif field_name in address_values:
data[field_name] = address_values[field_name]
elif not fcallable and field.type in ('many2many', 'one2many'):
data[field_name] = _get_first_not_null(field_name, self) # take the first not null
return data
def merge_opportunity(self, user_id=False, team_id=False, auto_unlink=True):
""" Merge opportunities in one. Different cases of merge:
- merge leads together = 1 new lead
- merge at least 1 opp with anything else (lead or opp) = 1 new opp
The resulting lead/opportunity will be the most important one (based on its confidence level)
updated with values from other opportunities to merge.
:param user_id : the id of the saleperson. If not given, will be determined by `_merge_data`.
:param team : the id of the Sales Team. If not given, will be determined by `_merge_data`.
:return crm.lead record resulting of th merge
return self._merge_opportunity(user_id=user_id, team_id=team_id, auto_unlink=auto_unlink)
def _merge_opportunity(self, user_id=False, team_id=False, auto_unlink=True, max_length=5):
""" Private merging method. This one allows to relax rules on record set
length allowing to merge more than 5 opportunities at once if requested.
This should not be called by action buttons.
See ``merge_opportunity`` for more details. """
if len(self.ids) <= 1:
raise UserError(_('Select at least two Leads/Opportunities from the list to merge them.'))
if max_length and len(self.ids) > max_length and not self.env.is_superuser():
raise UserError(_("To prevent data loss, Leads and Opportunities can only be merged by groups of %(max_length)s.", max_length=max_length))
opportunities = self._sort_by_confidence_level(reverse=True)
# get SORTED recordset of head and tail, and complete list
opportunities_head = opportunities[0]
opportunities_tail = opportunities[1:]
# merge all the sorted opportunity. This means the value of
# the first (head opp) will be a priority.
merged_data = opportunities._merge_data(self._merge_get_fields())
# force value for saleperson and Sales Team
if user_id:
merged_data['user_id'] = user_id
if team_id:
merged_data['team_id'] = team_id
merged_followers = opportunities_head._merge_followers(opportunities_tail)
# log merge message
opportunities_head._merge_log_summary(merged_followers, opportunities_tail)
# merge other data (mail.message, attachments, ...) from tail into head
# check if the stage is in the stages of the Sales Team. If not, assign the stage with the lowest sequence
if merged_data.get('team_id'):
team_stage_ids = self.env['crm.stage'].search(['|', ('team_id', '=', merged_data['team_id']), ('team_id', '=', False)], order='sequence, id')
if merged_data.get('stage_id') not in team_stage_ids.ids:
merged_data['stage_id'] = team_stage_ids[0].id if team_stage_ids else False
# write merged data into first opportunity; remove some keys if already
# set on opp to avoid useless recomputes
if 'user_id' in merged_data and opportunities_head.user_id.id == merged_data['user_id']:
if 'team_id' in merged_data and opportunities_head.team_id.id == merged_data['team_id']:
# delete tail opportunities
# we use the SUPERUSER to avoid access rights issues because as the user had the rights to see the records it should be safe to do so
if auto_unlink:
return opportunities_head
def _merge_get_fields_address(self):
"""The address fields are propagated as a whole.
The address is taken from the lead with the most non-empty address field
(sorted by highest rank if multiple lead have the same amount of non-empty
source_lead = max(self, key=lambda lead: len(list(
lead[field] for field in PARTNER_ADDRESS_FIELDS_TO_SYNC
if lead[field]
return {fname: source_lead[fname] for fname in PARTNER_ADDRESS_FIELDS_TO_SYNC}
def _merge_get_fields_specific(self):
return {
'description': lambda fname, leads: '
'.join(desc for desc in leads.mapped('description') if not is_html_empty(desc)),
'type': lambda fname, leads: 'opportunity' if any(lead.type == 'opportunity' for lead in leads) else 'lead',
'priority': lambda fname, leads: max(leads.mapped('priority')) if leads else False,
'tag_ids': lambda fname, leads: leads.mapped('tag_ids'),
'lost_reason_id': lambda fname, leads:
False if leads and leads[0].probability
else next((lead.lost_reason_id for lead in leads if lead.lost_reason_id), False),
def _merge_get_fields(self):
return (
+ list(self._merge_get_fields_specific().keys())
def _merge_dependences(self, opportunities):
""" Merge dependences (messages, attachments,activities, calendar events,
...). These dependences will be transfered to `self` considered as the
master lead.
:param opportunities : recordset of opportunities to transfer. Does not
include `self` which is the target crm.lead being the result of the
def _merge_dependences_history(self, opportunities):
""" Move history from the given opportunities to the current one. `self`
is the crm.lead record destination for message of `opportunities`.
This method moves
* messages
* activities
:param opportunities: see ``_merge_dependences``
# sudo usage: because we want to go through all messages, whatever the real ACLs
# current user has on them
for opportunity_su in opportunities.sudo():
for message_su in opportunity_su.message_ids:
if message_su.subject:
subject = _("From %(source_name)s: %(source_subject)s", source_name=opportunity_su.name, source_subject=message_su.subject)
subject = _("From %(source_name)s", source_name=opportunity_su.name)
'res_id': self.id,
'subject': subject,
'res_id': self.id,
return True
def _merge_dependences_attachments(self, opportunities):
""" Move attachments of given opportunities to the current one `self`, and rename
the attachments having same name than native ones.
:param opportunities: see ``_merge_dependences``
all_attachments = self.env['ir.attachment'].search([
('res_model', '=', self._name),
('res_id', 'in', opportunities.ids)
for opportunity in opportunities:
attachments = all_attachments.filtered(lambda attach: attach.res_id == opportunity.id)
for attachment in attachments:
'res_id': self.id,
'name': _("%(attach_name)s (from %(lead_name)s)",
return True
def _merge_dependences_calendar_events(self, opportunities):
""" Move calender.event from the given opportunities to the current one. `self` is the
crm.lead record destination for event of `opportunities`.
:param opportunities: see ``merge_dependences``
meetings = self.env['calendar.event'].search([('opportunity_id', 'in', opportunities.ids)])
return meetings.write({
'res_id': self.id,
'opportunity_id': self.id,
def _merge_followers(self, opportunities):
"""Add the followers into the destination lead if they post a message in the last 30 days.
:param opportunities : Record