# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import datetime import logging from psycopg2 import OperationalError from odoo import _, api, fields, models, tools from odoo.addons.iap.tools import iap_tools _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Lead(models.Model): _inherit = 'crm.lead' iap_enrich_done = fields.Boolean(string='Enrichment done', help='Whether IAP service for lead enrichment based on email has been performed on this lead.') show_enrich_button = fields.Boolean(string='Allow manual enrich', compute="_compute_show_enrich_button") @api.depends('email_from', 'probability', 'iap_enrich_done', 'reveal_id') def _compute_show_enrich_button(self): for lead in self: if not lead.active or not lead.email_from or lead.email_state == 'incorrect' or lead.iap_enrich_done or lead.reveal_id or lead.probability == 100: lead.show_enrich_button = False else: lead.show_enrich_button = True @api.model def _iap_enrich_leads_cron(self, enrich_hours_delay=1, leads_batch_size=1000): timeDelta = self.env.cr.now() - datetime.timedelta(hours=enrich_hours_delay) # Get all leads not lost nor won (lost: active = False) leads = self.search([ ('iap_enrich_done', '=', False), ('reveal_id', '=', False), '|', ('probability', '<', 100), ('probability', '=', False), ('create_date', '>', timeDelta) ], limit=leads_batch_size) leads.iap_enrich(from_cron=True) @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): leads = super(Lead, self).create(vals_list) enrich_mode = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('crm.iap.lead.enrich.setting', 'auto') if enrich_mode == 'auto': cron = self.env.ref('crm_iap_enrich.ir_cron_lead_enrichment', raise_if_not_found=False) if cron: cron._trigger() return leads def iap_enrich(self, from_cron=False): # Split self in a list of sub-recordsets or 50 records to prevent timeouts batches = [self[index:index + 50] for index in range(0, len(self), 50)] for leads in batches: lead_emails = {} with self._cr.savepoint(): try: self._cr.execute( "SELECT 1 FROM {} WHERE id in %(lead_ids)s FOR UPDATE NOWAIT".format(self._table), {'lead_ids': tuple(leads.ids)}, log_exceptions=False) for lead in leads: # If lead is lost, active == False, but is anyway removed from the search in the cron. if lead.probability == 100 or lead.iap_enrich_done: continue # Skip if no email (different from wrong email leading to no email_normalized) if not lead.email_from: continue normalized_email = tools.email_normalize(lead.email_from) if not normalized_email: lead.message_post_with_source( 'crm_iap_enrich.mail_message_lead_enrich_no_email', subtype_xmlid='mail.mt_note', ) continue email_domain = normalized_email.split('@')[1] # Discard domains of generic email providers as it won't return relevant information if email_domain in iap_tools._MAIL_PROVIDERS: lead.write({'iap_enrich_done': True}) lead.message_post_with_source( 'crm_iap_enrich.mail_message_lead_enrich_notfound', subtype_xmlid='mail.mt_note', ) else: lead_emails[lead.id] = email_domain if lead_emails: try: iap_response = self.env['iap.enrich.api']._request_enrich(lead_emails) except iap_tools.InsufficientCreditError: _logger.info('Lead enrichment failed because of insufficient credit') if not from_cron: self.env['iap.account']._send_no_credit_notification( service_name='reveal', title=_("Not enough credits for Lead Enrichment")) # Since there are no credits left, there is no point to process the other batches break except Exception as e: if not from_cron: self.env['iap.account']._send_error_notification( message=_('An error occurred during lead enrichment')) _logger.info('An error occurred during lead enrichment: %s', e) else: if not from_cron: self.env['iap.account']._send_success_notification( message=_("The leads/opportunities have successfully been enriched")) _logger.info('Batch of %s leads successfully enriched', len(lead_emails)) self._iap_enrich_from_response(iap_response) except OperationalError: _logger.error('A batch of leads could not be enriched :%s', repr(leads)) continue # Commit processed batch to avoid complete rollbacks and therefore losing credits. if not self.env.registry.in_test_mode(): self.env.cr.commit() @api.model def _iap_enrich_from_response(self, iap_response): """ Handle from the service and enrich the lead accordingly :param iap_response: dict{lead_id: company data or False} """ for lead in self.search([('id', 'in', list(iap_response.keys()))]): # handle unlinked data by performing a search iap_data = iap_response.get(str(lead.id)) if not iap_data: lead.write({'iap_enrich_done': True}) lead.message_post_with_source( 'crm_iap_enrich.mail_message_lead_enrich_notfound', subtype_xmlid='mail.mt_note', ) continue values = {'iap_enrich_done': True} lead_fields = ['partner_name', 'reveal_id', 'street', 'city', 'zip'] iap_fields = ['name', 'clearbit_id', 'location', 'city', 'postal_code'] for lead_field, iap_field in zip(lead_fields, iap_fields): if not lead[lead_field] and iap_data.get(iap_field): values[lead_field] = iap_data[iap_field] if not lead.phone and iap_data.get('phone_numbers'): values['phone'] = iap_data['phone_numbers'][0] if not lead.mobile and iap_data.get('phone_numbers') and len(iap_data['phone_numbers']) > 1: values['mobile'] = iap_data['phone_numbers'][1] if not lead.country_id and iap_data.get('country_code'): country = self.env['res.country'].search([('code', '=', iap_data['country_code'].upper())]) values['country_id'] = country.id else: country = lead.country_id if not lead.state_id and country and iap_data.get('state_code'): state = self.env['res.country.state'].search([ ('code', '=', iap_data['state_code']), ('country_id', '=', country.id) ]) values['state_id'] = state.id lead.write(values) template_values = iap_data template_values['flavor_text'] = _("Lead enriched based on email address") lead.message_post_with_source( 'iap_mail.enrich_company', render_values=template_values, subtype_xmlid='mail.mt_note', ) def _merge_get_fields_specific(self): return { ** super(Lead, self)._merge_get_fields_specific(), 'iap_enrich_done': lambda fname, leads: any(lead.iap_enrich_done for lead in leads), }