# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from uuid import uuid4 import requests import json import logging from odoo import fields from odoo.addons.google_calendar.utils.google_event import GoogleEvent from odoo.addons.google_account.models.google_service import TIMEOUT _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def requires_auth_token(func): def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('token'): raise AttributeError("An authentication token is required") return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped class InvalidSyncToken(Exception): pass class GoogleCalendarService(): def __init__(self, google_service): self.google_service = google_service @requires_auth_token def get_events(self, sync_token=None, token=None, event_id=None, timeout=TIMEOUT): url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events" if event_id: url += f"/{event_id}" headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} params = {'access_token': token} if sync_token: params['syncToken'] = sync_token else: # full sync, limit to a range of 1y in past to 1y in the futur by default ICP = self.google_service.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo() day_range = int(ICP.get_param('google_calendar.sync.range_days', default=365)) _logger.info("Full cal sync, restricting to %s days range", day_range) lower_bound = fields.Datetime.subtract(fields.Datetime.now(), days=day_range) upper_bound = fields.Datetime.add(fields.Datetime.now(), days=day_range) params['timeMin'] = lower_bound.isoformat() + 'Z' # Z = UTC (RFC3339) params['timeMax'] = upper_bound.isoformat() + 'Z' # Z = UTC (RFC3339) try: status, data, time = self.google_service._do_request(url, params, headers, method='GET', timeout=timeout) except requests.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 410 and 'fullSyncRequired' in str(e.response.content): raise InvalidSyncToken("Invalid sync token. Full sync required") raise e if event_id: next_sync_token = None default_reminders = () return GoogleEvent([data]), next_sync_token, default_reminders events = data.get('items', []) next_page_token = data.get('nextPageToken') while next_page_token: params = {'access_token': token, 'pageToken': next_page_token} status, data, time = self.google_service._do_request(url, params, headers, method='GET', timeout=timeout) next_page_token = data.get('nextPageToken') events += data.get('items', []) next_sync_token = data.get('nextSyncToken') default_reminders = data.get('defaultReminders') return GoogleEvent(events), next_sync_token, default_reminders @requires_auth_token def insert(self, values, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT, need_video_call=True): send_updates = self.google_service._context.get('send_updates', True) url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events?conferenceDataVersion=%d&sendUpdates=%s" % (1 if need_video_call else 0, "all" if send_updates else "none") headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token} if not values.get('id'): values['id'] = uuid4().hex _dummy, google_values, _dummy = self.google_service._do_request(url, json.dumps(values), headers, method='POST', timeout=timeout) return google_values @requires_auth_token def patch(self, event_id, values, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT): url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events/%s?sendUpdates=all" % event_id headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token} self.google_service._do_request(url, json.dumps(values), headers, method='PATCH', timeout=timeout) @requires_auth_token def delete(self, event_id, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT): url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events/%s?sendUpdates=all" % event_id headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} params = {'access_token': token} # Delete all events from recurrence in a single request to Google and triggering a single mail. # The 'singleEvents' parameter is a trick that tells Google API to delete all recurrent events individually, # making the deletion be handled entirely on their side, and then we archive the events in Odoo. is_recurrence = self.google_service._context.get('is_recurrence', True) if is_recurrence: params['singleEvents'] = 'true' try: self.google_service._do_request(url, params, headers=headers, method='DELETE', timeout=timeout) except requests.HTTPError as e: # For some unknown reason Google can also return a 403 response when the event is already cancelled. if e.response.status_code not in (410, 403): raise e _logger.info("Google event %s was already deleted" % event_id) ################################# ## MANAGE CONNEXION TO GMAIL ## ################################# def is_authorized(self, user): return bool(user.sudo().google_calendar_rtoken) def _get_calendar_scope(self, RO=False): readonly = '.readonly' if RO else '' return 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar%s' % (readonly) def _google_authentication_url(self, from_url='http://www.odoo.com'): state = { 'd': self.google_service.env.cr.dbname, 's': 'calendar', 'f': from_url, 'u': self.google_service.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('database.uuid'), } base_url = self.google_service._context.get('base_url') or self.google_service.get_base_url() return self.google_service._get_authorize_uri( 'calendar', self._get_calendar_scope(), base_url + '/google_account/authentication', state=json.dumps(state), approval_prompt='force', access_type='offline' ) def _can_authorize_google(self, user): return user.has_group('base.group_erp_manager')