hr.holidays.filter_allocations hr.leave.allocation hr.leave.allocation.view.form hr.leave.allocation 32

Days Hours
hr.leave.allocation.view.form.manager hr.leave.allocation primary 16
hr.leave.allocation.view.activity hr.leave.allocation
( days)
My Allocations hr.leave.allocation list,kanban,form,activity

Create a new time off allocation request

Time Off Officers allocate time off days to employees (e.g. paid time off).
Employees request allocations to Time Off Officers (e.g. recuperation days).

{'search_default_year': 1 , 'is_employee_allocation': True} [('employee_id.user_id', '=', uid)]
1 list 2 form All Allocations hr.leave.allocation list,kanban,form,activity {} []

Create a new time off allocation request

Time Off Officers allocate time off days to employees (e.g. paid time off).
Employees request allocations to Time Off Officers (e.g. recuperation days).

Allocations hr.leave.allocation list,form,kanban,activity {'search_default_my_team': 1,'search_default_approve': 2} []

Create a new time off allocation

Time Off Officers allocate time off days to employees (e.g. paid time off).
Employees request allocations to Time Off Officers (e.g. recuperation days).

Approve Allocations list code if records: records.action_validate()