Applicants hr.applicant hr.applicant.view.list.activity hr.applicant Jobs - Recruitment Form hr.applicant
hr.applicant 50 primary hr_recruitment_interviewer o_applicant_form Jobs - Recruitment hr.applicant Jobs - Recruitment Graph hr.applicant hr.applicant Hr Applicants Calendar hr.applicant hr.applicant.form.quick_create hr.applicant 1000
Hr Applicants kanban hr.applicant Schedule Interview Refuse Archive Unarchive Delete hr.applicant.activity hr.applicant
Applications hr.applicant kanban,list,form,graph,calendar,pivot,activity {'search_default_job_id': [active_id], 'default_job_id': active_id, 'search_default_stage':1, 'dialog_size':'medium', 'allow_search_matching_applicants': 1}

No applications yet

Odoo helps you track applicants in the recruitment process and follow up all operations: meetings, interviews, etc.

Applicants and their attached résumé are created automatically when an email is sent. If you install the document management modules, all resumes are indexed automatically, so that you can easily search through their content.

Send SMS sms.composer form new { 'default_composition_mode': 'mass', 'default_mass_keep_log': True, 'default_res_ids': active_ids, } list hr.applicant form {'default_job_id': active_id} Applications hr.applicant recruitment-applications kanban,list,form,pivot,graph,calendar,activity {'search_default_stage':1}

No applications yet

Odoo helps you track applicants in the recruitment process and follow up all operations: meetings, interviews, etc.

Applicants and their attached résumé are created automatically when an email is sent. If you install the document management modules, all resumes are indexed automatically, so that you can easily search through their content.

New Applications hr.applicant list,kanban,form,graph,calendar,pivot { 'search_default_department_id': active_id, 'default_department_id': active_id, 'invisible_department': False} [('stage_id.sequence','<=','1')] kanban list form pivot graph hr.applicant.pivot hr.applicant hr.applicant.graph hr.applicant hr.applicant 32 Recruitment Analysis hr.applicant graph,pivot {'search_default_creation_month': 1, 'search_default_job': 2}

No data yet!

Recruitment Analysis hr.applicant graph,pivot { 'search_default_department_id': [active_id], 'default_department_id': active_id}

No data yet!

Recruitment Analysis hr.applicant graph,pivot { 'search_default_creation_month': 1, 'search_default_job_id': [active_id], 'default_job_id': active_id}

No data yet!

Send Email list code action = records.action_send_email() Refuse list,form code if records: action = records.archive_applicant() By Recruiter hr.applicant {'group_by': ['create_date:month', 'user_id']} By Job hr.applicant {'group_by': ['create_date:month', 'job_id']} By Department hr.applicant {'group_by': ['create_date:month', 'department_id']}