from markupsafe import Markup from ast import literal_eval from odoo import fields, models, _ class HrJob(models.Model): _inherit = "hr.job" skill_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='hr.skill', string="Expected Skills") def action_search_matching_candidates(self): self.ensure_one() help_message_1 = _("No Matching Candidates") help_message_2 = _("We do not have any candidates who meet the skill requirements for this job position in the database at the moment.") action = self.env['ir.actions.actions']._for_xml_id('hr_recruitment.action_hr_candidate') context = literal_eval(action['context']) context['active_id'] = matching_candidates = self.env['hr.candidate'].search([('skill_ids', 'in', self.skill_ids.ids)]).filtered(lambda c: not in c.applicant_ids.job_id.ids) action.update({ 'name': _("Matching Candidates"), 'views': [ (self.env.ref('hr_recruitment_skills.hr_candidate_view_tree').id, 'list'), (False, 'form'), ], 'context': context, 'domain': [('id', 'in', matching_candidates.ids)], 'help': Markup("



") % (help_message_1, help_message_2), }) return action