recruitment Recruitment Form token

Please answer those questions to help recruitment officers to preprocess your application.

Thank you for answering this survey. We will come back to you soon.

About you 1

Please fill information about you: who you are, what are your education, experience, and activities. It will help us managing your application.

2 Which country are you from? char_box 3 From which university did or will you graduate? char_box 4 Were you referred by an employee? char_box 4 Education

Please summarize your education history: schools, location, diplomas, ...

5 Past work experiences

Please summarize your education history: schools, location, diplomas, ...

6 Knowledge

What are your main knowledge regarding the job you are applying to?

7 Activities

Please tell us a bit more about yourself: what are your main activities, ...

8 What is important for you? matrix simple 1 Not important 3 Important 4 Very important 1 Having a good pay 2 Getting on with colleagues 3 Having a nice office environment 5 Working with state of the art technology 6 Office location 7 Management quality 8 Having freebies such as tea, coffee and stationery 9 Getting perks such as free parking, gym passes