import { expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { setupEditor, testEditor } from "../_helpers/editor"; import { getContent } from "../_helpers/selection"; import { em, span } from "../_helpers/tags"; import { italic, tripleClick } from "../_helpers/user_actions"; import { unformat } from "../_helpers/format"; test("should make a few characters italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `
`, stepFunction: italic, contentAfter: `ab${em(`[cde]`)}fg
`, }); }); test("should make a few characters not italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `${em(`ab[cde]fg`)}
`, stepFunction: italic, contentAfter: `${em(`ab`)}[cde]${em(`fg`)}
`, }); }); test("should make two paragraphs italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "[abc
", stepFunction: italic, contentAfter: `${em(`[abc`)}
`, }); }); test("should make two paragraphs not italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `${em(`[abc`)}
`, stepFunction: italic, contentAfter: `[abc
`, }); }); test("should make qweb tag italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `[Test]
`, stepFunction: italic, contentAfter: `cd
`, }); }); test("should make a whole heading not italic after a triple click", async () => { const { el, editor } = await setupEditor(`]cd
`); await tripleClick(el.querySelector("h1")); italic(editor); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`cd
`); }); test("should make a selection starting with italic text fully italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `${em(`[ab`)}
`, stepFunction: italic, contentAfter: `${em(`[ab`)}
`, }); }); test("should make a selection with italic text in the middle fully italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `[a${em(`b`)}
`, stepFunction: italic, contentAfter: `${em(`[ab`)}
`, }); }); test("should make a selection ending with italic text fully italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `[ab
`, stepFunction: italic, contentAfter: `${em(`[ab`)}
`, }); }); test("should get ready to type in italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `ab[]cd
`, stepFunction: italic, contentAfterEdit: `ab${em(`[]\u200B`, "first")}cd
`, contentAfter: `ab[]cd
`, }); }); test("should get ready to type in not italic", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `${em(`ab[]cd`)}
`, stepFunction: italic, contentAfterEdit: `${em(`ab`)}${span(`[]\u200B`, "first")}${em(`cd`)}
`, contentAfter: `${em(`ab[]cd`)}
`, }); }); test("should not format non-editable text (italic)", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: '[a
', stepFunction: italic, contentAfter: `${em("[a")}
`, }); }); test("should make a few characters italic inside table (italic)", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: unformat(`[abc |
def |
] |
${em(`[abc`)} |
${em(`def`)} |
${em(`] |