import { DIRECTIONS } from "@html_editor/utils/position"; import { ensureFocus, getCursorDirection } from "@html_editor/utils/selection"; import { describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { dispatch } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { insertText, setupEditor, testEditor } from "../_helpers/editor"; import { unformat } from "../_helpers/format"; function getProcessSelection(selection) { const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = selection; return [anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]; } describe("getTraversedNodes", () => { test("should return the anchor node of a collapsed selection", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


"); expect( editor.shared.selection .getTraversedNodes() .map((node) => node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.textContent : node.nodeName ) ).toEqual(["abc"]); }); test("should return the nodes traversed in a cross-blocks selection", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


"); expect( editor.shared.selection .getTraversedNodes() .map((node) => node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.textContent : node.nodeName ) ).toEqual(["DIV", "P", "abc", "DIV", "def"]); }); test("should return the nodes traversed in a cross-blocks selection with hybrid nesting", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor( "


" ); expect( editor.shared.selection .getTraversedNodes() .map((node) => node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.textContent : node.nodeName ) ).toEqual(["DIV", "SECTION", "P", "abc", "DIV", "def"]); }); test("should return an image in a parent selection", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor(`
`); const sel = editor.document.getSelection(); const range = editor.document.createRange(); const parent = editor.document.querySelector("div#parent-element-to-select"); range.setStart(parent, 0); range.setEnd(parent, 1); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); expect( editor.shared.selection .getTraversedNodes() .map((node) => node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.textContent : node.nodeName ) ).toEqual(["DIV", "IMG"]); }); test("should return the text node in which the range is collapsed", async () => { const { el: editable, editor } = await setupEditor("


"); const abcd = editable.firstChild.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(); expect(result).toEqual([abcd]); }); test("should find that a the range traverses the next paragraph as well", async () => { const { el: editable, editor } = await setupEditor("



"); const p1 = editable.firstChild; const abcd = p1.firstChild; const p2 = editable.childNodes[1]; const efgh = p2.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(); expect(result).toEqual([p1, abcd, p2, efgh]); }); test("should find all traversed nodes in nested range", async () => { const { el: editable, editor } = await setupEditor( '



' ); const p1 = editable.firstChild; const cd = p1.lastChild; const div = editable.lastChild; const p2 = div.firstChild; const span2 = p2.firstChild; const b = span2.firstChild; const e = b.firstChild; const i = b.nextSibling; const fg = i.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(); expect(result).toEqual([p1, cd, div, p2, span2, b, e, i, fg]); }); test("selection does not have an edge with a br element", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "[



]", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const p2 = editable.lastChild; const cd = p2.firstChild; const br = p2.lastChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(); expect(result).toEqual([p1, ab, p2, cd, br]); }, }); }); test("selection ends before br element at start of p element", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "[



", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(); expect(result).toEqual([p1, ab]); }, }); }); test("selection ends before a br in middle of p element", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "[



", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const p2 = editable.lastChild; const firstBr = p2.firstChild; const cd = firstBr.nextSibling; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([p1, ab, p2, firstBr, cd]); }, }); }); test("selection end after a br in middle of p elemnt", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "[



", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const p2 = editable.lastChild; const br1 = p2.firstChild; const cd = br1.nextSibling; const br2 = cd.nextSibling; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([p1, ab, p2, br1, cd, br2]); }, }); }); test("selection ends after a br at end of p elemnt", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "[



", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const p2 = editable.lastChild; const br1 = p2.firstChild; const cd = br1.nextSibling; const br2 = cd.nextSibling; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([p1, ab, p2, br1, cd, br2]); }, }); }); test("selection ends between 2 br elements", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "[



", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const p2 = editable.firstChild.nextSibling; const cd = p2.firstChild; const br1 = cd.nextSibling; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([p1, ab, p2, cd, br1]); }, }); }); test("selection starts before a br in middle of p element", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "



]", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const br = ab.nextSibling; const cd = br.nextSibling; const p2 = editable.lastChild; const ef = p2.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([p1, br, cd, p2, ef]); }, }); }); test("selection starts before a br in start of p element", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "



]", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const br = ab.nextSibling; const cd = br.nextSibling; const p2 = editable.lastChild; const ef = p2.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([p1, ab, br, cd, p2, ef]); }, }); }); test("selection starts after a br at end of p element", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "



]", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p2 = editable.lastChild; const cd = p2.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([p2, cd]); }, }); }); test("selection starts after a br in middle of p element", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "



]", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const br = ab.nextSibling; const cd = br.nextSibling; const p2 = editable.lastChild; const ef = p2.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([p1, cd, p2, ef]); }, }); }); test("selection starts between 2 br elements", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "



]", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const p1 = editable.firstChild; const ab = p1.firstChild; const br1 = ab.nextSibling; const br2 = br1.nextSibling; const cd = br2.nextSibling; const p2 = editable.firstChild.nextSibling; const ef = p2.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([p1, br2, cd, p2, ef]); }, }); }); test("selection within table cells 1", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "
", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const tr = editable.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; const td1 = tr.firstChild; const abcde = td1.firstChild; const td2 = td1.nextSibling; const fg = td2.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([td1, abcde, td2, fg]); }, }); }); test("selection within table cells 2", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "
", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const tr = editable.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; const td1 = tr.firstChild; const abcd = td1.firstChild; const br1 = abcd.nextSibling; const br2 = br1.nextSibling; const e = br2.nextSibling; const td2 = td1.nextSibling; const fg = td2.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getTraversedNodes(editable); expect(result).toEqual([td1, abcd, br1, br2, e, td2, fg]); }, }); }); }); describe("ensureFocus", () => { // TODO @phoenix: unskipped when ensureFocus is add in the code base test.todo( "should preserve the focus on the child of this.editable when executing a powerbox command even if it is enclosed in a contenteditable=false", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: unformat(`


`), stepFunction: async (editor) => { const sel = document.getSelection(); const element = sel.anchorNode; await dispatch(editor.editable, "keydown", { key: "/" }); await insertText(editor, "/"); await dispatch(editor.editable, "keyup", { key: "/" }); await insertText(editor, "h2"); await dispatch(element, "keyup", { key: "2" }); await dispatch(editor.editable, "keydown", { key: "Enter" }); const activeElement = document.activeElement; editor.shared.selection.setCursorStart(activeElement.lastElementChild); // TODO @phoenix still need it ? // await nextTickFrame(); }, contentAfter: unformat(`


`), }); } ); test.todo( "should preserve the focus on the child of this.editable even if it is enclosed in a contenteditable=false", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: unformat(`


`), stepFunction: async (editor) => { ensureFocus(editor.editable); // TODO @phoenix still need it ? // await nextTickFrame(); let activeElement = document.activeElement; editor.shared.selection.setCursorStart(activeElement.lastElementChild); await insertText(editor, "focusWasConserved"); // Proof that a simple call to Element.focus would change // the focus in this case. editor.editable.focus(); // TODO @phoenix still need it ? // await nextTickFrame(); activeElement = document.activeElement; editor.shared.selection.setCursorStart(activeElement.lastElementChild); // TODO @phoenix still need it ? // await nextTickFrame(); }, contentAfter: unformat(`



`), }); } ); test.todo( "should update the focus when the active element is not the focus target", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: unformat(`


`), stepFunction: async (editor) => { const element = editor.editable.querySelector("#target"); ensureFocus(element); // TODO @phoenix still need it ? // await nextTickFrame(); const activeElement = document.activeElement; editor.shared.selection.setCursorStart(activeElement.lastElementChild); // TODO @phoenix still need it ? // await nextTickFrame(); }, contentAfter: unformat(`


`), }); } ); }); describe("setSelection", () => { describe("collapsed", () => { test("should collapse the cursor at the beginning of an element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: p.firstChild, anchorOffset: 0, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([p.firstChild, 0, p.firstChild, 0]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ p.firstChild, 0, p.firstChild, 0, ]); }); test("should collapse the cursor within an element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: p.firstChild, anchorOffset: 2, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([p.firstChild, 2, p.firstChild, 2]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ p.firstChild, 2, p.firstChild, 2, ]); }); test("should collapse the cursor at the end of an element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: p.firstChild, anchorOffset: 3, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([p.firstChild, 3, p.firstChild, 3]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ p.firstChild, 3, p.firstChild, 3, ]); }); test("should collapse the cursor before a nested inline element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const cd = p.childNodes[1].firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: cd, anchorOffset: 2, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([cd, 2, cd, 2]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([cd, 2, cd, 2]); }); test("should collapse the cursor at the beginning of a nested inline element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const ef = p.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: ef, anchorOffset: 0, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([ef, 0, ef, 0]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ef, 0, ef, 0]); }); test("should collapse the cursor within a nested inline element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const efgh = p.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: efgh, anchorOffset: 2, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([efgh, 2, efgh, 2]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([efgh, 2, efgh, 2]); }); test("should collapse the cursor at the end of a nested inline element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const ef = p.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: ef, anchorOffset: 2, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([ef, 2, ef, 2]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ef, 2, ef, 2]); }); test("should collapse the cursor after a nested inline element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const ef = p.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].firstChild; const gh = p.childNodes[1].lastChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: gh, anchorOffset: 0, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([ef, 2, ef, 2]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ef, 2, ef, 2]); const nonNormalizedResult = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection( { anchorNode: gh, anchorOffset: 0 }, { normalize: false } ) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(nonNormalizedResult).toEqual([gh, 0, gh, 0]); const sel = document.getSelection(); expect([sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset, sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset]).toEqual([ gh, 0, gh, 0, ]); }); }); describe("forward", () => { test("should select the contents of an element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: p.firstChild, anchorOffset: 0, focusNode: p.firstChild, focusOffset: 3, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([p.firstChild, 0, p.firstChild, 3]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ p.firstChild, 0, p.firstChild, 3, ]); }); test("should make a complex selection", async () => { const { el, editor } = await setupEditor( "



" ); const [p1, p2] = el.childNodes; const ef = p1.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].firstChild; const qr = p2.childNodes[1].childNodes[2]; const st = p2.childNodes[2]; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: ef, anchorOffset: 1, focusNode: st, focusOffset: 0, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([ef, 1, qr, 2]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ef, 1, qr, 2]); const nonNormalizedResult = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection( { anchorNode: ef, anchorOffset: 1, focusNode: st, focusOffset: 0, }, { normalize: false } ) ); expect(nonNormalizedResult).toEqual([ef, 1, st, 0]); const sel = document.getSelection(); expect([sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset, sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset]).toEqual([ ef, 1, st, 0, ]); }); }); describe("backward", () => { test("should select the contents of an element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: p.firstChild, anchorOffset: 3, focusNode: p.firstChild, focusOffset: 0, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([p.firstChild, 3, p.firstChild, 0]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ p.firstChild, 3, p.firstChild, 0, ]); }); test("should make a complex selection", async () => { const { el, editor } = await setupEditor( "



" ); const [p1, p2] = el.childNodes; const ef = p1.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].firstChild; const qr = p2.childNodes[1].childNodes[2]; const st = p2.childNodes[2]; const result = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection({ anchorNode: st, anchorOffset: 0, focusNode: ef, focusOffset: 1, }) ); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([qr, 2, ef, 1]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([qr, 2, ef, 1]); const nonNormalizedResult = getProcessSelection( editor.shared.selection.setSelection( { anchorNode: st, anchorOffset: 0, focusNode: ef, focusOffset: 1, }, { normalize: false } ) ); expect(nonNormalizedResult).toEqual([st, 0, ef, 1]); const sel = document.getSelection(); expect([sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset, sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset]).toEqual([ st, 0, ef, 1, ]); }); }); }); describe("setCursorStart", () => { test("should collapse the cursor at the beginning of an element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection(editor.shared.selection.setCursorStart(p)); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([p.firstChild, 0, p.firstChild, 0]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ p.firstChild, 0, p.firstChild, 0, ]); }); test("should collapse the cursor at the beginning of a nested inline element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const b = p.childNodes[1].childNodes[1]; const ef = b.firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection(editor.shared.selection.setCursorStart(b)); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([ef, 0, ef, 0]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ef, 0, ef, 0]); }); test("should collapse the cursor after a nested inline element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const ef = p.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].firstChild; const gh = p.childNodes[1].lastChild; const result = getProcessSelection(editor.shared.selection.setCursorStart(gh)); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([ef, 2, ef, 2]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ef, 2, ef, 2]); // @todo @phoenix normalize false is never use // const nonNormalizedResult = getProcessSelection(editor.shared.selection.setCursorStart(gh, false)); // expect(nonNormalizedResult).toEqual([gh, 0, gh, 0]); // const sel = document.getSelection(); // expect([sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset, sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset]).toEqual([ // gh, // 0, // gh, // 0, // ]); }); }); describe("setCursorEnd", () => { test("should collapse the cursor at the end of an element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection(editor.shared.selection.setCursorEnd(p)); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([p.firstChild, 3, p.firstChild, 3]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ p.firstChild, 3, p.firstChild, 3, ]); }); test("should collapse the cursor before a nested inline element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const cd = p.childNodes[1].firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection(editor.shared.selection.setCursorEnd(cd)); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([cd, 2, cd, 2]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([cd, 2, cd, 2]); }); test("should collapse the cursor at the end of a nested inline element", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


"); const p = el.firstChild; const b = p.childNodes[1].childNodes[1]; const ef = b.firstChild; const result = getProcessSelection(editor.shared.selection.setCursorEnd(b)); editor.shared.selection.focusEditable(); expect(result).toEqual([ef, 2, ef, 2]); const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = document.getSelection(); expect([anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset]).toEqual([ef, 2, ef, 2]); }); }); describe("getCursorDirection", () => { test("should identify a forward selection", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "


", stepFunction: (editor) => { const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = editor.document.getSelection(); expect(getCursorDirection(anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset)).toBe( DIRECTIONS.RIGHT ); }, }); }); test("should identify a backward selection", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "


", stepFunction: (editor) => { const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = editor.document.getSelection(); expect(getCursorDirection(anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset)).toBe( DIRECTIONS.LEFT ); }, }); }); test("should identify a collapsed selection", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "


", stepFunction: (editor) => { const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = editor.document.getSelection(); expect(getCursorDirection(anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset)).toBe( false ); }, }); }); }); describe("getSelectedNodes", () => { test("should return nothing if the range is collapsed", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "


", stepFunction: (editor) => { const result = editor.shared.selection.getSelectedNodes(); expect(result).toEqual([]); }, contentAfter: "


", }); }); test("should find that no node is fully selected", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "


", stepFunction: (editor) => { const result = editor.shared.selection.getSelectedNodes(); expect(result).toEqual([]); }, }); }); test("should find that no node is fully selected, across blocks", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "



", stepFunction: (editor) => { const result = editor.shared.selection.getSelectedNodes(); expect(result).toEqual([]); }, }); }); test("should find that a text node is fully selected", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: '


', stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const result = editor.shared.selection.getSelectedNodes(); const cd = editable.firstChild.lastChild; expect(result).toEqual([cd]); }, }); }); test("should find that a block is fully selected", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "




", stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const result = editor.shared.selection.getSelectedNodes(); const ab = editable.firstChild.firstChild; const p2 = editable.childNodes[1]; const cd = p2.firstChild; expect(result).toEqual([ab, p2, cd]); }, }); }); test("should find all selected nodes in nested range", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: '



', stepFunction: (editor) => { const editable = editor.editable; const cd = editable.firstChild.lastChild; const b = editable.lastChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; const e = b.firstChild; const result = editor.shared.selection.getSelectedNodes(); expect(result).toEqual([cd, b, e]); }, }); }); });