# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import models class IrBinary(models.AbstractModel): _inherit = "ir.binary" def _find_record_check_access(self, record, access_token, field): """Custom access check allowing to retrieve an operator's avatar. Here, we assume that if you are a member of at least one im_livechat.channel, then it's ok to make your avatar publicly available. We also make the chatbot operator avatars publicly available.""" if record._name == "res.partner" and field == "avatar_128": domain = [("user_ids.partner_id", "in", record.ids)] if self.env["im_livechat.channel"].sudo().search_count(domain, limit=1): return record.sudo() domain = [("operator_partner_id", "in", record.ids)] if self.env["chatbot.script"].sudo().search_count(domain, limit=1): return record.sudo() return super()._find_record_check_access(record, access_token, field)