Tax Report country HALF-UP Balance balance A. Amount of operations carried out 0 Taxable transactions (excl. VAT) A1 - Sales, provision of services box_A1 balance tax_tags A1 A2 - Other taxable transactions box_A2 balance tax_tags A2 A3 - Intra-Community purchases of services box_A3 balance tax_tags A3 A4 - Imports (other than petroleum products) box_A4 balance tax_tags A4 A5 - Removal from suspensive tax regime (other than petroleum products) box_A5 balance tax_tags A5 B1 - Releases for consumption of petroleum products box_B1 balance tax_tags B1 B2 - Intra-Community acquisitions box_B2 balance tax_tags B2 B3 - Taxable supplies of electricity, natural gas, heat or cooling in France box_B3 balance tax_tags B3 B4 - Purchases of goods or services from a taxable person not established in France box_B4 balance tax_tags B4 B5 - Regularisations box_B5 balance tax_tags B5 Untaxed operations E1 - Exports outside the EU box_E1 balance tax_tags E1 E2 - Other non-taxable transactions box_E2 balance tax_tags E2 E3 - Distance selling taxable in another Member State to non-taxable persons box_E3 balance tax_tags E3 E4 - Imports (other than petroleum products) box_E4 balance tax_tags E4 E5 - Removal from suspensive tax regime (other than petroleum products) box_E5 balance tax_tags E5 E6 - Imports under suspensive tax arrangements (other than petroleum products) box_E6 balance tax_tags E6 F1 - Intra-Community acquisitions box_F1 balance tax_tags F1 F2 - Intra-Community supplies to a taxable person box_F2 balance tax_tags F2 F3 - Non-taxable supplies of electricity, natural gas, heat or cooling in France box_F3 balance tax_tags F3 F4 - Releases for consumption of petroleum products box_F4 balance tax_tags F4 F5 - Imports of petroleum products under a suspensive tax regime box_F5 balance tax_tags F5 F6 - Franchise purchases box_F6 balance tax_tags F6 F7 - Sales of goods or services by a taxable person not established in France box_F7 balance tax_tags F7 F8 - Accruals box_7B balance tax_tags 7B F9 - Internal transactions between members of a single taxable person box_F9 balance tax_tags F9 B. Settlement of VAT to be paid 0 Gross VAT Operations carried out in mainland France 08 - Standard rate 20% (base) box_08_base balance tax_tags 08_base 08 - Standard rate 20% (tax) box_08_taxe balance aggregation box_08_base.balance * 0.2 balance_from_tags tax_tags 08_taxe 09 - Reduced rate 5.5% (base) box_09_base balance tax_tags 09_base 09 - Reduced rate 5.5% (tax) box_09_taxe balance aggregation box_09_base.balance * 0.055 balance_from_tags tax_tags 09_taxe 9B - Reduced rate 10% (base) box_9B_base balance tax_tags 9B_base 9B - Reduced rate 10% (tax) box_9B_taxe balance aggregation box_9B_base.balance * 0.1 balance_from_tags tax_tags 9B_taxe Operations carried out in the DOM 10 - Standard rate 8.5% (base) box_10_base balance tax_tags 10_base 10 - Standard rate 8.5% (tax) box_10_taxe balance aggregation box_10_base.balance * 0.085 balance_from_tags tax_tags 10_taxe 11 - Reduced rate 2.1% (base) box_11_base balance tax_tags 11_base 11 - Reduced rate 2.1% (tax) box_11_taxe balance aggregation box_11_base.balance * 0.021 balance_from_tags tax_tags 11_taxe Transactions taxable at another rate (metropolitan France or DOM) T1 - Transactions carried out in the French overseas departments and taxable at 1.75% (base) box_T1_base balance tax_tags T1_base T1 - Transactions carried out in the French overseas departments and taxable at 1.75% (tax) box_T1_taxe balance aggregation box_T1_base.balance * 0.0175 balance_from_tags tax_tags T1_taxe T2 - Transactions carried out in the French overseas departments and taxable at 1.05% (base) box_T2_base balance tax_tags T2_base T2 - Transactions carried out in the French overseas departments and taxable at 1,05% (tax) box_T2_taxe balance aggregation box_T2_base.balance * 0.0105 balance_from_tags tax_tags T2_taxe T3 - Transactions carried out in Corsica and taxable at the rate of 10% (base) box_T3_base balance tax_tags T3_base T3 - Transactions carried out in Corsica and taxable at the rate of 10% (tax) box_T3_taxe balance aggregation box_T3_base.balance * 0.1 balance_from_tags tax_tags T3_taxe T4 - Transactions carried out in Corsica and taxable at the rate of 2,1% (base) box_T4_base balance tax_tags T4_base T4 - Transactions carried out in Corsica and taxable at the rate of 2,1% (tax) box_T4_taxe balance aggregation box_T4_base.balance * 0.021 balance_from_tags tax_tags T4_taxe T5 - Transactions carried out in Corsica and taxable at the rate of 0,9% (base) box_T5_base balance tax_tags T5_base T5 - Transactions carried out in Corsica and taxable at the rate of 0,9% (tax) box_T5_taxe balance aggregation box_T5_base.balance * 0.009 balance_from_tags tax_tags T5_taxe T6 - Transactions carried out in mainland France at the rate of 2,1% (base) box_T6_base balance tax_tags T6_base T6 - Transactions carried out in mainland France at the rate of 2,1% (tax) box_T6_taxe balance aggregation box_T6_base.balance * 0.021 balance_from_tags tax_tags T6_taxe T7 - Withholding of VAT on copyright (base) box_T7_base balance tax_tags T7_base T7 - Withholding of VAT on copyright (tax) box_T7_taxe balance tax_tags T7_taxe 13 - Former rates (base) box_13_base balance tax_tags 13_base 13 - Former rates (tax) box_13_taxe balance tax_tags 13_taxe 14 - Transactions taxable at a particular rate (base) box_14_base balance tax_tags 14_base 14 - Transactions taxable at a particular rate (tax) box_14_taxe balance tax_tags 14_taxe Oil products P1 - Standard rate 20% (base) box_P1_base balance tax_tags P1_base P1 - Standard rate 20% (tax) box_P1_taxe balance aggregation box_P1_base.balance * 0.2 balance_from_tags tax_tags P1_taxe P2 - Reduced rate 13% (base) box_P2_base balance tax_tags P2_base P2 - Reduced rate 13% (tax) box_P2_taxe balance aggregation box_P2_base.balance * 0.13 balance_from_tags tax_tags P2_taxe Imports I1 - Standard rate 20% (base) box_I1_base balance tax_tags I1_base I1 - Standard rate 20% (tax) box_I1_taxe balance aggregation box_I1_base.balance * 0.2 balance_from_tags tax_tags I1_taxe I2 - Reduced rate 10% (base) box_I2_base balance tax_tags I2_base I2 - Reduced rate 10% (tax) box_I2_taxe balance aggregation box_I2_base.balance * 0.1 balance_from_tags tax_tags I2_taxe I3 - Reduced rate 8.5% (base) box_I3_base balance tax_tags I3_base I3 - Reduced rate 8.5% (tax) box_I3_taxe balance aggregation box_I3_base.balance * 0.085 balance_from_tags tax_tags I3_taxe I4 - Reduced rate 5.5% (base) box_I4_base balance tax_tags I4_base I4 - Reduced rate 5.5% (tax) box_I4_taxe balance aggregation box_I4_base.balance * 0.055 balance_from_tags tax_tags I4_taxe I5 - Reduced rate 2.1% (base) box_I5_base balance tax_tags I5_base I5 - Reduced rate 2.1% (tax) box_I5_taxe balance aggregation box_I5_base.balance * 0.021 balance_from_tags tax_tags I5_taxe I6 - Reduced rate 1.05% (base) box_I6_base balance tax_tags I6_base I6 - Reduced rate 1.05% (tax) box_I6_taxe balance aggregation box_I6_base.balance * 0.0105 balance_from_tags tax_tags I6_taxe 15 - Previously deducted VAT to be repaid box_15 balance tax_tags 15 of which VAT on petroleum products box_15_1 balance tax_tags 15_1 of which VAT on imported products excluding petroleum products box_15_2 balance tax_tags 15_2 5B - Amounts to be added, including advance holiday pay box_5B balance tax_tags 5B 16 - Total gross VAT due box_16 box_08_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_09_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_9B_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_10_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_11_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_13_taxe.balance + box_14_taxe.balance + box_T1_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_T2_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_T3_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_T4_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_T5_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_T6_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_T7_taxe.balance + box_P1_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_P2_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_I1_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_I2_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_I3_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_I4_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_I5_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_I6_taxe.balance_from_tags + box_15.balance + box_5B.balance 17 - Of which VAT on intra-Community acquisitions box_17 balance tax_tags 17 18 - Of which VAT on transactions to Monaco box_18 balance tax_tags 18 Deductible VAT 19 - Assets constituting fixed assets box_19 balance tax_tags 19 20 - Other goods and services box_20 balance tax_tags 20 21 - Other deductible VAT box_21 balance tax_tags 21 22 - Carry-over of credit from line 27 of the previous return box_22 _applied_carryover_balance external most_recent previous_tax_period tag tax_tags 22 balance aggregation box_22.tag + box_22._applied_carryover_balance 2C - Amounts to be charged, including advance holiday pay box_2C balance tax_tags 2C 22A - Enter the single tax rate applicable for the period if different from 100% box_22A balance tax_tags 22A 23 - Total deductible VAT box_23 box_19.balance + box_20.balance + box_21.balance + box_22.balance + box_2C.balance 24 - Of which deductible VAT on imports box_24 balance tax_tags 24 2E - Of which deductible VAT on petroleum products box_2E balance tax_tags 2E Credit 0 25 - VAT credit box_25 balance aggregation box_23.balance - box_16.balance if_above(EUR(0)) TD - VAT Due box_TD balance aggregation box_16.balance - box_23.balance if_above(EUR(0)) Regularisation of domestic consumption taxes (TIC) 0 Recognised credit TICFE box_TICFE balance tax_tags TICFE_constate TICGN box_TICGN balance tax_tags TICGN_constate TICC box_TICC balance tax_tags TICC_constate Total box_TIC_total box_TICFE.balance + box_TICGN.balance + box_TICC.balance Credit charged X1 box_X1 balance tax_tags X1 X2 box_X2 balance tax_tags X2 X3 box_X3 balance tax_tags X3 X4 box_X4 box_X1.balance + box_X2.balance + box_X3.balance Outstanding credit Y1 box_Y1 box_TICFE.balance - box_X1.balance Y2 box_Y2 box_TICGN.balance - box_X2.balance Y3 box_Y3 box_TICC.balance - box_X3.balance Y4 box_Y4 box_Y1.balance + box_Y2.balance + box_Y3.balance Tax due Z1 box_Z1 balance tax_tags Z1 Z2 box_Z2 balance tax_tags Z2 Z3 box_Z3 balance tax_tags Z3 Z4 box_Z4 box_Z1.balance + box_Z2.balance + box_Z3.balance Determining the amount to be paid and/or VAT and/or TIC credits 0 26 - Repayment of credit requested on form n°3519 attached box_26 balance tax_tags 26 AA - VAT credit transferred to the head company on the recapitulative return 3310-CA3G box_AA balance tax_tags AA 27 - Credit to be carried forward box_27 balance aggregation box_25.balance - box_26.balance - box_AA.balance if_above(EUR(0)) _carryover_balance aggregation box_27.balance box_22._applied_carryover_balance Y5 - Refund of TIC balance requested (carried forward from line Y4) box_Y5 box_Y4.balance Y6 - TIC credit transferred to the head company on the 3310-CA3G recapitulative return (carried forward from line Y4) box_Y6 X5 - TIC credit offset against VAT (carried forward from line X4) box_X5 box_X4.balance 28 - Net VAT due box_28 balance aggregation box_TD.balance - box_X5.balance if_above(EUR(0)) 29 - Similar taxes calculated on schedule n°3310-A-SD box_29 balance tax_tags 29 Z5 - Total domestic consumption tax due (carried forward from line Z4) box_Z5 box_Z4.balance AB - Total to be paid by the head company on the recapitulative declaration 3310-CA3G box_AB 32 - Total payable box_32 box_28.balance + box_29.balance + box_Z5.balance