Sections III, IV 3 country Balance balance III. ASSESSMENT OF DEDUCTIBLE TAX (input tax) 0 093 - Total input tax LUTAX_093 LUTAX_090.balance + LUTAX_092.balance + LUTAX_228.balance + LUTAX_458.balance + LUTAX_459.balance + LUTAX_460.balance + LUTAX_461.balance 458 - Invoiced by other taxable persons for goods or services supplied LUTAX_458 balance tax_tags 458 459 - Due in respect of intra-Community acquisitions of goods LUTAX_459 balance tax_tags 459 460 - Due or paid in respect of importation of goods LUTAX_460 balance tax_tags 460 090 - Due in respect of the application of goods for business purposes LUTAX_090 balance tax_tags 090 461 - Due under the reverse charge (see points II.E and F) LUTAX_461 balance tax_tags 461 092 - Paid as joint and several guarantee LUTAX_092 balance tax_tags 092 228 - Adjusted tax - special arrangement for tax suspension LUTAX_228 balance tax_tags 228 097 - Total input tax non-deductible LUTAX_097 LUTAX_094.balance + LUTAX_095.balance + LUTAX_096.balance 094 - relating to transactions which are exempt pursuant to articles 44 and 56quater LUTAX_094 balance tax_tags 094 095 - where the deductible proportion determined in accordance to article 50 is applied LUTAX_095 balance tax_tags 095 096 - Non recoverable input tax in accordance with Art. 56ter-1(7) and 56ter-2(7) (when applying the margin scheme) LUTAX_096 balance tax_tags 096 102 - Total input tax deductible LUTAX_102 LUTAX_093.balance - LUTAX_097.balance IV. TAX TO BE PAID OR TO BE RECLAIMED 0 103 - Total tax due LUTAX_103 balance aggregation LUTAX_076.balance cross_report 104 - Total input tax deductible LUTAX_104 LUTAX_102.balance 105 - Exceeding amount LUTAX_105 LUTAX_103.balance - LUTAX_102.balance