2550Q country Tax base tax_base Balance balance Tax Payable 0 15 Net VAT Payable(Excess Input Tax) 15 1 56.balance 16 Creditable VAT Withheld 16 1 balance tax_tags 16B 17 Advance VAT Payments 17 1 balance tax_tags 17B 18 VAT paid in return previously filed, if this is an amended return 18 1 balance tax_tags 18B 19 Other Credits/Payment 19 1 balance tax_tags 19B 20 Total Tax Credits/Payment 20 1 16.balance + 17.balance + 18.balance + 19.balance 21 Tax Still Payable/(Excess Credits) 21 1 15.balance - 20.balance Add: Penalties 1 22 Surcharge 22 2 balance tax_tags 22B 23 Interest 23 2 balance tax_tags 23B 24 Compromise 24 2 balance tax_tags 24B 25 Total Penalties 25 2 1 22.balance + 23.balance + 24.balance 26 Total Amount Payable 26 1 21.balance + 25.balance Details of VAT Computation 0 31 VATable-sales to Private individuals/Corporations 31 1 tax_base tax_tags 31A balance tax_tags 31B 32 VATable-sales to Government 32 1 tax_base tax_tags 32A balance tax_tags 32B 33 Zero-Rated Sales 33 1 tax_base tax_tags 33A 34 Exempt Sales 34 1 tax_base tax_tags 34A 35 Total Sales & Output Tax Due 35 1 tax_base aggregation 31.tax_base + 32.tax_base + 33.tax_base + 34.tax_base balance aggregation 31.balance + 32.balance 36 Input Tax Carried Over from Previous Quarter 36 1 balance tax_tags 36B 37 Input Tax Deferred on Capital Goods Exceeding P1 Million from Previous Quarter 37 1 balance tax_tags 37B 38 Transitional Input Tax 38 1 balance tax_tags 38B 39 Presumptive Input Tax 39 1 balance tax_tags 39B 40 Others 40 1 balance tax_tags 40B 41 Total 41 1 balance aggregation 36.balance + 37.balance + 38.balance + 39.balance + 40.balance 42 Domestic Purchases 42 1 _vat_base tax_tags 42A _vat_balance tax_tags 42B _service_base tax_tags 42SA _service_balance tax_tags 42SB _capital_base tax_tags CAPA _capital_balance tax_tags CAPB tax_base aggregation 42._vat_base + 42._service_base + 42._capital_base balance aggregation 42._vat_balance + 42._service_balance + 42._capital_balance 43 Services Rendered by Non-residents 43 1 tax_base tax_tags 43A balance tax_tags 43B 44 Importations 44 1 tax_base tax_tags 44A balance tax_tags 44B 45 Others 45 1 tax_base tax_tags 45A balance tax_tags 45B 46 Domestic Purchase with No Input Tax 46 1 _exempt_base tax_tags 46E _zr_base tax_tags 46ZR tax_base aggregation 46._exempt_base + 46._zr_base 47 VAT-Exempt Importations 47 1 tax_base tax_tags 47A 48 Total Current Purchase/Input Tax 48 1 tax_base aggregation 42.tax_base + 43.tax_base + 44.tax_base + 45.tax_base + 46.tax_base + 47.tax_base balance aggregation 42.balance + 43.balance + 44.balance + 45.balance 49 Total Available Input Tax 49 1 balance aggregation 41.balance + 48.balance 50 Input Tax on Purchases/Importation of Capital Goods exceeding P1 Million deferred for the succeeding period 50 1 balance tax_tags 50B 51 Input Tax Attributable to VAT Exempt Sales 51 1 balance tax_tags 51B 52 VAT refund/TCC claimed 52 1 balance tax_tags 52B 53 Others 53 1 balance tax_tags 53B 54 Total Deductions from Input Tax 54 1 balance aggregation 50.balance + 51.balance + 52.balance + 53.balance 55 Total Allowable Input Tax 55 1 balance aggregation 49.balance - 54.balance 56 Net VAT Payable/(Excess Input Tax) 56 1 balance aggregation 35.balance - 55.balance