import base64 import binascii import requests from datetime import datetime from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from werkzeug.urls import url_join from odoo import fields, models, api, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError from odoo.http import request from import json class ResCompany(models.Model): _inherit = '' l10n_ro_edi_client_id = fields.Char(string='Client ID') l10n_ro_edi_client_secret = fields.Char(string='Client Secret') l10n_ro_edi_access_token = fields.Char(string='Access Token') l10n_ro_edi_refresh_token = fields.Char(string='Refresh Token') l10n_ro_edi_access_expiry_date = fields.Date(string='Access Token Expiry Date') l10n_ro_edi_refresh_expiry_date = fields.Date(string='Refresh Token Expiry Date') l10n_ro_edi_callback_url = fields.Char(compute='_compute_l10n_ro_edi_callback_url') l10n_ro_edi_test_env = fields.Boolean(string='Use Test Environment', default=True) l10n_ro_edi_oauth_error = fields.Char() # Error field to be shown in case of error from the authentication process @api.depends('country_code') def _compute_l10n_ro_edi_callback_url(self): """ Callback URLs are used for generating client_id and client_secret from l10n_ro_edi's setting. """ for company in self: if company.country_code == 'RO': company.l10n_ro_edi_callback_url = url_join(request.httprequest.url_root, 'l10n_ro_edi/callback/%s' % else: company.l10n_ro_edi_callback_url = False def _l10n_ro_edi_log_message(self, message: str, func: str): with self.pool.cursor() as cr: self = self.with_env(self.env(cr=cr)) self.env['ir.logging'].sudo().create({ 'name': 'l10n_ro_edi_log', 'type': 'server', 'level': 'INFO', 'dbname':, 'message': message, 'func': func, 'path': '', 'line': '1', }) def _l10n_ro_edi_process_token_response(self, response_json): """ To be called just after processing the json response from This method reads and process the json, and writes the token fields on the company. """ self.ensure_one() if 'access_token' not in response_json or 'refresh_token' not in response_json: raise ValidationError(_("Token not found.\nResponse: %s", response_json)) # The access_token is in JWT format, which consists of 3 parts separated by '.': # Header, Payload, and Signature. We only need the Payload part to decode the token # and get the access expiry date payload = response_json['access_token'].split('.')[1] payload += '=' * (-len(payload) % 4) decoded_payload = base64.b64decode(payload, altchars=b'-_', validate=True) access_token_obj = json.loads(decoded_payload) access_expiry_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(access_token_obj['exp']) refresh_expiry_date = + relativedelta(years=3) self.write({ 'l10n_ro_edi_access_token': response_json['access_token'], 'l10n_ro_edi_refresh_token': response_json['refresh_token'], 'l10n_ro_edi_access_expiry_date': access_expiry_date, 'l10n_ro_edi_refresh_expiry_date': refresh_expiry_date, 'l10n_ro_edi_oauth_error': False, }) def _l10n_ro_edi_refresh_access_token(self, session): """ Uses the saved client_id, client_secret, and refresh_token on the company (self) to make request to the SPV and renew the company's token fields. """ self.ensure_one() if not self.l10n_ro_edi_client_id or not self.l10n_ro_edi_client_secret: raise UserError(_("Client ID and Client Secret field must be filled.")) if not self.l10n_ro_edi_refresh_token: raise UserError(_("Refresh token not found")) response = url='', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, timeout=10, data={ 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'refresh_token': self.l10n_ro_edi_refresh_token, 'client_id': self.l10n_ro_edi_client_id, 'client_secret': self.l10n_ro_edi_client_secret, }, ) response_json = response.json() self._l10n_ro_edi_process_token_response(response_json) def _cron_l10n_ro_edi_refresh_access_token(self): """ This CRON method will be run every 30 days to refresh the following fields on the company: - ``l10n_ro_edi_access_token`` - ``l10n_ro_edi_refresh_token`` - ``l10n_ro_edi_access_expiry_date`` - ``l10n_ro_edi_refresh_expiry_date`` """ ro_companies = self.env[''].sudo().search([ ('l10n_ro_edi_refresh_token', '!=', False), ('l10n_ro_edi_client_id', '!=', False), ('l10n_ro_edi_client_secret', '!=', False), ]) session = requests.Session() for company in ro_companies: error_cause = '' try: company._l10n_ro_edi_refresh_access_token(session) except ValidationError as e: # From access/refresh token not found after sending request error_cause = e except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: error_cause = _("Error when converting response to json: %s", e) except binascii.Error as e: error_cause = _("Error when decoding the access token payload: %s", e) except Exception as e: error_cause = _("Error when refreshing the access token: %s", e) if error_cause: error_header = _("Refresh token failed [company=%(company_id)s]", self._l10n_ro_edi_log_message( message=f'{error_header}\n{error_cause}', func='_cron_l10n_ro_edi_refresh_access_token', )