import base64 from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.x509 import ObjectIdentifier from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization from odoo import api, models, service CERT_TEMPLATE_NAME = { 'prod': b'\x0c\x12ZATCA-Code-Signing', 'sandbox': b'\x13\x15PREZATCA-Code-Signing', 'preprod': b'\x13\x15PREZATCA-Code-Signing', } class Certificate(models.Model): _inherit = 'certificate.certificate' def _l10n_sa_get_issuer_name(self): self.ensure_one() cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(base64.b64decode(self.pem_certificate)) return ', '.join([s.rfc4514_string() for s in cert.issuer.rdns[::-1]]) @api.model def _l10n_sa_get_csr_str(self, journal): """ Return a string representation of a ZATCA compliant CSR that will be sent to the Compliance API in order to get back a signed X509 certificate """ if not journal: return company_id = journal.company_id version_info = service.common.exp_version() builder = x509.CertificateSigningRequestBuilder() subject_names = ( # Country Name (NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, company_id.country_id.code), # Organization Unit Name (NameOID.ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME, (company_id.vat or '')[:10]), # Organization Name (NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME,, # Subject Common Name (NameOID.COMMON_NAME,, # Organization Identifier (ObjectIdentifier(''), company_id.vat), # State/Province Name (NameOID.STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME,, # Locality Name (NameOID.LOCALITY_NAME,, ) # The CertificateSigningRequestBuilder instances are immutable, which is why everytime we modify one, # we have to assign it back to itself to keep track of the changes builder = builder.subject_name(x509.Name([ x509.NameAttribute(n[0], '%s' % n[1]) for n in subject_names ])) x509_alt_names_extension = x509.SubjectAlternativeName([ x509.DirectoryName(x509.Name([ # EGS Serial Number. Manufacturer or Solution Provider Name, Model or Version and Serial Number. # To be written in the following format: "1-... |2-... |3-..." x509.NameAttribute(ObjectIdentifier(''), '1-Odoo|2-%s|3-%s' % ( version_info['server_version_info'][0], journal.l10n_sa_serial_number)), # Organisation Identifier (UID) x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.USER_ID, company_id.vat), # Invoice Type. 4-digit numerical input using 0 & 1 x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.TITLE, company_id._l10n_sa_get_csr_invoice_type()), # Location x509.NameAttribute(ObjectIdentifier(''), company_id.street), # Industry x509.NameAttribute(ObjectIdentifier(''), or 'Other'), ])) ]) x509_extensions = ( # Add Certificate template name extension (x509.UnrecognizedExtension(ObjectIdentifier(''), CERT_TEMPLATE_NAME[company_id.l10n_sa_api_mode]), False), # Add alternative names extension (x509_alt_names_extension, False), ) for ext in x509_extensions: builder = builder.add_extension(ext[0], critical=ext[1]) private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(base64.b64decode(company_id.l10n_sa_private_key_id.pem_key), password=None) request = builder.sign(private_key, hashes.SHA256()) return base64.b64encode(request.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM)).decode()