# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from collections import defaultdict from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound from odoo import http from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools import file_open from odoo.addons.mail.models.discuss.mail_guest import add_guest_to_context from odoo.addons.mail.tools.discuss import Store class RtcController(http.Controller): @http.route("/mail/rtc/session/notify_call_members", methods=["POST"], type="json", auth="public") @add_guest_to_context def session_call_notify(self, peer_notifications): """Sends content to other session of the same channel, only works if the user is the user of that session. This is used to send peer to peer information between sessions. :param peer_notifications: list of tuple with the following elements: - int sender_session_id: id of the session from which the content is sent - list target_session_ids: list of the ids of the sessions that should receive the content - string content: the content to send to the other sessions """ guest = request.env["mail.guest"]._get_guest_from_context() notifications_by_session = defaultdict(list) for sender_session_id, target_session_ids, content in peer_notifications: # sudo: discuss.channel.rtc.session - only keeping sessions matching the current user session_sudo = request.env["discuss.channel.rtc.session"].sudo().browse(int(sender_session_id)).exists() if ( not session_sudo or (session_sudo.guest_id and session_sudo.guest_id != guest) or (session_sudo.partner_id and session_sudo.partner_id != request.env.user.partner_id) ): continue notifications_by_session[session_sudo].append(([int(sid) for sid in target_session_ids], content)) for session_sudo, notifications in notifications_by_session.items(): session_sudo._notify_peers(notifications) @http.route("/mail/rtc/session/update_and_broadcast", methods=["POST"], type="json", auth="public") @add_guest_to_context def session_update_and_broadcast(self, session_id, values): """Update a RTC session and broadcasts the changes to the members of its channel, only works of the user is the user of that session. :param int session_id: id of the session to update :param dict values: write dict for the fields to update """ if request.env.user._is_public(): guest = request.env["mail.guest"]._get_guest_from_context() if guest: # sudo: discuss.channel.rtc.session - only keeping sessions matching the current user session = guest.env["discuss.channel.rtc.session"].sudo().browse(int(session_id)).exists() if session and session.guest_id == guest: session._update_and_broadcast(values) return return # sudo: discuss.channel.rtc.session - only keeping sessions matching the current user session = request.env["discuss.channel.rtc.session"].sudo().browse(int(session_id)).exists() if session and session.partner_id == request.env.user.partner_id: session._update_and_broadcast(values) @http.route("/mail/rtc/channel/join_call", methods=["POST"], type="json", auth="public") @add_guest_to_context def channel_call_join(self, channel_id, check_rtc_session_ids=None, camera=False): """Joins the RTC call of a channel if the user is a member of that channel :param int channel_id: id of the channel to join """ channel = request.env["discuss.channel"].search([("id", "=", channel_id)]) if not channel: raise request.not_found() member = channel._find_or_create_member_for_self() if not member: raise NotFound() store = Store() # sudo: discuss.channel.rtc.session - member of current user can join call member.sudo()._rtc_join_call(store, check_rtc_session_ids=check_rtc_session_ids, camera=camera) return store.get_result() @http.route("/mail/rtc/channel/leave_call", methods=["POST"], type="json", auth="public") @add_guest_to_context def channel_call_leave(self, channel_id): """Disconnects the current user from a rtc call and clears any invitation sent to that user on this channel :param int channel_id: id of the channel from which to disconnect """ member = request.env["discuss.channel.member"].search([("channel_id", "=", channel_id), ("is_self", "=", True)]) if not member: raise NotFound() # sudo: discuss.channel.rtc.session - member of current user can leave call member.sudo()._rtc_leave_call() @http.route("/mail/rtc/channel/cancel_call_invitation", methods=["POST"], type="json", auth="public") @add_guest_to_context def channel_call_cancel_invitation(self, channel_id, member_ids=None): """ :param member_ids: members whose invitation is to cancel :type member_ids: list(int) or None """ channel = request.env["discuss.channel"].search([("id", "=", channel_id)]) if not channel: raise NotFound() # sudo: discuss.channel.rtc.session - can cancel invitations in accessible channel channel.sudo()._rtc_cancel_invitations(member_ids=member_ids) @http.route("/mail/rtc/audio_worklet_processor", methods=["GET"], type="http", auth="public", readonly=True) def audio_worklet_processor(self): """Returns a JS file that declares a WorkletProcessor class in a WorkletGlobalScope, which means that it cannot be added to the bundles like other assets. """ return request.make_response( file_open("mail/static/src/worklets/audio_processor.js", "rb").read(), headers=[ ("Content-Type", "application/javascript"), ("Cache-Control", f"max-age={http.STATIC_CACHE}"), ], ) @http.route("/discuss/channel/ping", methods=["POST"], type="json", auth="public") @add_guest_to_context def channel_ping(self, channel_id, rtc_session_id=None, check_rtc_session_ids=None): member = request.env["discuss.channel.member"].search([("channel_id", "=", channel_id), ("is_self", "=", True)]) if not member: raise NotFound() # sudo: discuss.channel.rtc.session - member of current user can access related sessions channel_member_sudo = member.sudo() if rtc_session_id: domain = [ ("id", "=", int(rtc_session_id)), ("channel_member_id", "=", member.id), ] channel_member_sudo.channel_id.rtc_session_ids.filtered_domain(domain).write({}) # update write_date current_rtc_sessions, outdated_rtc_sessions = channel_member_sudo._rtc_sync_sessions(check_rtc_session_ids) return ( Store(member.channel_id, {"rtcSessions": Store.many(current_rtc_sessions, "ADD")}) .add( member.channel_id, {"rtcSessions": Store.many(outdated_rtc_sessions, "DELETE", only_id=True)}, ) .get_result() )