discuss.channel: can access channels (as member or as group allowed)
("channel_type", "!=", "channel"),
("is_member", "=", True),
("channel_type", "=", "channel"),
("parent_channel_id", "=", False),
("group_public_id", "=", False),
("group_public_id", "in", user.groups_id.ids),
("parent_channel_id", "!=", False),
("parent_channel_id.group_public_id", "=", False),
("parent_channel_id.group_public_id", "in", user.groups_id.ids),
discuss.channel: admin full access
[(1, '=', 1)]
discuss.channel.member: access their own entries
('is_self', '=', True),
("channel_id.channel_type", "!=", "channel"),
("channel_id.parent_channel_id", "=", False),
("channel_id.group_public_id", "=", False),
("channel_id.group_public_id", "in", user.groups_id.ids),
("channel_id.parent_channel_id", "!=", False),
("channel_id.parent_channel_id.group_public_id", "=", False),
("channel_id.parent_channel_id.group_public_id", "in", user.groups_id.ids),
discuss.channel.member: read members of accessible channels
("channel_id.channel_type", "!=", "channel"),
("channel_id.is_member", "=", True),
("channel_id.channel_type", "=", "channel"),
("channel_id.parent_channel_id", "=", False),
("channel_id.group_public_id", "=", False),
("channel_id.group_public_id", "in", user.groups_id.ids),
("channel_id.parent_channel_id", "!=", False),
("channel_id.parent_channel_id.group_public_id", "=", False),
("channel_id.parent_channel_id.group_public_id", "in", user.groups_id.ids),
discuss.channel.member: can join group restricted channels when group is matching
('is_self', '=', True),
('channel_id.channel_type', '=', 'channel'),
('channel_id.group_public_id', '=', False),
('channel_id.group_public_id', 'in', user.groups_id.ids)
discuss.channel.member: internal users can invite others in group restricted channels when group is matching
('is_self', '=', False),
('channel_id.channel_type', '=', 'channel'),
('channel_id.group_public_id', '=', False),
('channel_id.group_public_id', 'in', user.groups_id.ids)
discuss.channel.member: internal users can invite others in channels they are member of
('is_self', '=', False),
('channel_id.channel_type', 'not in', ('channel', 'chat')),
('channel_id.is_member', '=', True)
discuss.channel.member: admin can manipulate all entries
[(1, '=', 1)]
Discuss.gif.favorite: User access
[('create_uid', '=', user.id)]
Discuss.gif.favorite: admin full access
[(1, '=', 1)]
mail.notifications: group_user: write its own entries
[('res_partner_id', '=', user.partner_id.id)]
mail.message.subtype: portal/public: read public subtypes
[('internal', '=', False)]
mail.activity: user: write/unlink only (created or assigned)
['|', ('user_id', '=', user.id), ('create_uid', '=', user.id)]
Administrators can access all activity plans.
[(1, '=', 1)]
Administrators can access all activity plan templates.
[(1, '=', 1)]
Mail Compose Message Rule
[('create_uid', '=', user.id)]
Employees can only modify templates they have created or been assigned
['|', ('create_uid', '=', user.id), ('user_id', '=', user.id)]
Mail Template Editors - Edit All Templates
[(1, '=', 1)]
res.users.settings.volumes: access their own entries
[('user_setting_id.user_id', '=', user.id)]
Administrators can access all User Settings volumes.
[(1, '=', 1)]
Canned response: admin can do all
[(1, '=', 1)]
Canned response: User read: own or in groups
['|', ('create_uid', '=', user.id), ('group_ids', 'in', user.groups_id.ids)]
Canned response: User write/unlink: own only
[('create_uid', '=', user.id)]
[('create_uid', '=', user.id)]