import { SIZES, assertSteps, click, contains, defineMailModels, mockGetMedia, onRpcBefore, openDiscuss, patchUiSize, start, startServer, step, triggerEvents, } from "@mail/../tests/mail_test_helpers"; import { mailDataHelpers } from "@mail/../tests/mock_server/mail_mock_server"; import { describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { hover, queryFirst } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { mockUserAgent } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; import { Command, mockService, patchWithCleanup, serverState, } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { browser } from "@web/core/browser/browser"; import { isMobileOS } from "@web/core/browser/feature_detection"; describe.current.tags("desktop"); defineMailModels(); test("basic rendering", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await contains(".o-discuss-Call"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallParticipantCard[aria-label='Mitchell Admin']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallActionList"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallActionList button", { count: 6 }); await contains("button[aria-label='Unmute'], button[aria-label='Mute']"); // FIXME depends on current browser permission await contains(".o-discuss-CallActionList button[aria-label='Deafen']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallActionList button[aria-label='Turn camera on']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallActionList button[aria-label='Share Screen']"); await contains("[title='More']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallActionList button[aria-label='Disconnect']"); await click("[title='More']"); await contains("[title='Raise Hand']"); await contains("[title='Enter Full Screen']"); // screen sharing not available in mobile OS mockUserAgent("Chrome/0.0.0 Android (OdooMobile; Linux; Android 13; Odoo TestSuite)"); expect(isMobileOS()).toBe(true); await contains("[title='Share Screen']", { count: 0 }); }); test("keep the `more` popover active when hovering it", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await contains(".o-discuss-Call"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallActionList"); await click("[title='More']"); const enterFullScreenSelector = ".o-dropdown-item[title='Enter Full Screen']"; await contains(enterFullScreenSelector); await hover(queryFirst(enterFullScreenSelector)); await contains(enterFullScreenSelector); }); test("no call with odoobot", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.odoobotId }), ], channel_type: "chat", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Discuss-header"); await contains("[title='Start a Call']", { count: 0 }); }); test("should not display call UI when no more members (self disconnect)", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await contains(".o-discuss-Call"); await click(".o-discuss-CallActionList button[aria-label='Disconnect']"); await contains(".o-discuss-Call", { count: 0 }); }); test("show call UI in chat window when in call", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await click(".o_menu_systray i[aria-label='Messages']"); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "General" }); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow"); await contains(".o-discuss-Call", { count: 0 }); await click(".o-mail-ChatWindow-command[title='Start a Call']"); await contains(".o-discuss-Call"); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow-command[title='Start a Call']", { count: 0 }); }); test("should disconnect when closing page while in call", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); patchWithCleanup(browser, { navigator: { ...browser.navigator, sendBeacon: async (route, data) => { if (data instanceof Blob && route === "/mail/rtc/channel/leave_call") { const blobText = await data.text(); const blobData = JSON.parse(blobText); step(`sendBeacon_leave_call:${blobData.params.channel_id}`); } }, }, }); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await contains(".o-discuss-Call"); // simulate page close window.dispatchEvent(new Event("pagehide"), { bubble: true }); await assertSteps([`sendBeacon_leave_call:${channelId}`]); }); test("should display invitations", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "InvitationSender" }); const memberId = pyEnv[""].create({ channel_id: channelId, partner_id: partnerId, }); const sessionId = pyEnv[""].create({ channel_member_id: memberId, channel_id: channelId, }); onRpcBefore("/mail/data", (args) => { if (args.init_messaging) { step(`/mail/data - ${JSON.stringify(args)}`); } }); mockService("mail.sound_effects", { play(name) { step(`play - ${name}`); }, stop(name) { step(`stop - ${name}`); }, }); await start(); await assertSteps([ `/mail/data - ${JSON.stringify({ init_messaging: {}, failures: true, systray_get_activities: true, context: { lang: "en", tz: "taht", uid: serverState.userId, allowed_company_ids: [1] }, })}`, ]); const [partner] = pyEnv["res.partner"].read(serverState.partnerId); // send after init_messaging because bus subscription is done after init_messaging pyEnv["bus.bus"]._sendone( partner, "mail.record/insert", new mailDataHelpers.Store(pyEnv[""].browse(sessionId), { channelMember: { id: memberId }, }) .add(pyEnv[""].browse(memberId), { persona: { id: partnerId, type: "partner" }, thread: { id: channelId, model: "" }, }) .add(pyEnv[""].browse(channelId), { rtcInvitingSession: { id: sessionId }, }) .get_result() ); await contains(".o-discuss-CallInvitation"); await assertSteps(["play - incoming-call"]); // Simulate stop receiving call invitation pyEnv["bus.bus"]._sendone( partner, "mail.record/insert", new mailDataHelpers.Store(pyEnv[""].browse(channelId), { rtcInvitingSession: false, }).get_result() ); await contains(".o-discuss-CallInvitation", { count: 0 }); await assertSteps(["stop - incoming-call"]); }); test("can share screen", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await click("[title='More']"); await click("[title='Share Screen']"); await contains("video"); await triggerEvents(".o-discuss-Call-mainCards", ["mousemove"]); // show overlay await click("[title='More']"); await click("[title='Stop Sharing Screen']"); await contains("video", { count: 0 }); }); test("can share user camera", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await click("[title='Turn camera on']"); await contains("video"); await click("[title='Stop camera']"); await contains("video", { count: 0 }); }); test("Card should remain in focus after Share Screen is toggled", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await contains(".o-discuss-Call.o-minimized"); // minimized = no card focused await click(".o-discuss-CallParticipantCard-avatar"); await contains( ".o-discuss-Call:not(.o-minimized) .o-discuss-CallParticipantCard:not(.o-inset) img" // inset = aside, not inset = center ); await click("[title='Share Screen']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallParticipantCard.o-inset img"); await contains( ".o-discuss-Call:not(.o-minimized) .o-discuss-CallParticipantCard:not(.o-inset) video[type='screen']" ); await click("[title='Stop Sharing Screen']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallParticipantCard.o-inset", { count: 0 }); await contains( ".o-discuss-Call:not(.o-minimized) .o-discuss-CallParticipantCard:not(.o-inset) img" ); }); test("Camera video stream stays in focus when on/off", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await click(".o-discuss-CallParticipantCard-avatar"); await click("[title='Turn camera on']"); await click("[title='Stop camera']"); await click("[title='Turn camera on']"); await contains("video[type='camera']:not(.o-inset)"); // test screen sharing then camera on to check camera aside await click("[title='Stop camera']"); await click("[title='Share Screen']"); await click("[title='Turn camera on']"); await contains("video[type='screen']:not(.o-inset)"); await contains("video[type='camera'].o-inset"); }); test("Create a direct message channel when clicking on start a meeting", async () => { mockGetMedia(); await start(); await openDiscuss(); await click("button", { text: "Start a meeting" }); await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel", { text: "Mitchell Admin" }); await contains(".o-discuss-Call"); await contains(".o-discuss-ChannelInvitation"); }); test("Can share user camera and screen together", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await click("[title='More']"); await click("[title='Share Screen']"); await click("[title='Turn camera on']"); await contains("video", { count: 2 }); }); test("Click on inset card should replace the inset and active stream together", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await click("[title='More']"); await click("[title='Share Screen']"); await click("[title='Turn camera on']"); await contains("video[type='screen']:not(.o-inset)"); await click("video[type='camera'].o-inset"); await contains("video[type='screen'].o-inset"); await contains("video[type='camera']:not(.o-inset)"); }); test("join/leave sounds are only played on main tab", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); const env1 = await start({ asTab: true }); const env2 = await start({ asTab: true }); patchWithCleanup(["mail.sound_effects"], { play(name) { step(`tab1 - play - ${name}`); }, }); patchWithCleanup(["mail.sound_effects"], { play(name) { step(`tab2 - play - ${name}`); }, }); await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env1 }); await openDiscuss(channelId, { target: env2 }); await click("[title='Start a Call']", { target: env1 }); await contains(".o-discuss-Call", { target: env1 }); await contains(".o-discuss-Call", { target: env2 }); await assertSteps(["tab1 - play - channel-join"]); await click("[title='Disconnect']:not([disabled])", { target: env1 }); await contains(".o-discuss-Call", { target: env1, count: 0 }); await contains(".o-discuss-Call", { target: env2, count: 0 }); await assertSteps(["tab1 - play - channel-leave"]); }); test("'Start a meeting' in mobile", async () => { mockGetMedia(); patchUiSize({ size: SIZES.SM }); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Partner 2" }); pyEnv["res.users"].create({ partner_id: partnerId }); pyEnv[""].create({ name: "Slytherin" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(); await contains("", { text: "Inbox" }); await click("button", { text: "Chat" }); await click("button", { text: "Start a meeting" }); await click(".o-discuss-ChannelInvitation-selectable", { text: "Partner 2" }); await click("button:not([disabled])", { text: "Invite to Group Chat" }); await contains(".o-discuss-Call"); await click("[title='Open Actions Menu']"); await click(".o-dropdown-item", { text: "Members" }); await contains(".o-discuss-ChannelMember", { text: "Partner 2" }); }); test("Systray icon shows latest action", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-microphone"); await click("[title='Mute']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-microphone-slash"); await click("[title='Deafen']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-deaf"); await click("[title='Turn camera on']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-video-camera"); await click("[title='More']"); await click("[title='Share Screen']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-desktop"); await triggerEvents(".o-discuss-Call-mainCards", ["mousemove"]); // show overlay await click("[title='More']"); await click("[title='Raise Hand']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-hand-paper-o"); }); test("Systray icon keeps track of earlier actions", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-microphone"); await click("[title='More']"); await click("[title='Share Screen']"); // stack: ["share-screen"] await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-desktop"); await triggerEvents(".o-discuss-Call-mainCards", ["mousemove"]); // show overlay await click("[title='Turn camera on']"); // stack: ["video", "share-screen"] await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-video-camera"); await click("[title='Mute']"); // stack: ["mute", "video", "share-screen"] await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-microphone-slash"); await click("[title='Unmute']"); // stack: ["video", "share-screen"] await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-video-camera"); await click("[title='Stop camera']"); // stack: ["share-screen"] await contains(".o-discuss-CallMenu-buttonContent .fa-desktop"); }); test("show call participants in discuss sidebar", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Start a Call']"); await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebar", { contains: [ ".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel:contains('General') ~ .o-mail-DiscussSidebarCallParticipants:contains(Mitchell Admin)", ], }); }); test("Sort call participants in side bar by name", async () => { mockGetMedia(); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); pyEnv[""].create([ { channel_member_id: pyEnv[""].create({ channel_id: channelId, partner_id: pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "CCC" }), }), channel_id: channelId, }, { channel_member_id: pyEnv[""].create({ channel_id: channelId, partner_id: pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "AAA" }), }), channel_id: channelId, }, { channel_member_id: pyEnv[""].create({ channel_id: channelId, partner_id: pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "BBB" }), }), channel_id: channelId, }, ]); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarCallParticipants", { contains: [ ".o-mail-DiscussSidebarCallParticipants-participant:nth-child(1):contains('AAA')", ], }); await contains(" .o-mail-DiscussSidebarCallParticipants", { contains: [ ".o-mail-DiscussSidebarCallParticipants-participant:nth-child(2):contains('BBB')", ], }); await contains(" .o-mail-DiscussSidebarCallParticipants", { contains: [ ".o-mail-DiscussSidebarCallParticipants-participant:nth-child(3):contains('CCC')", ], }); });