# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.

import time

from unittest.mock import ANY, Mock, patch

from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase

class TestFetchmailOutlook(TransactionCase):

    def test_connect(self, mock_imap):
        """Test that the connect method will use the right
        authentication method with the right arguments.
        mock_connection = Mock()
        mock_imap.return_value = mock_connection

        mail_server = self.env['fetchmail.server'].create({
            'name': 'Test server',
            'server_type': 'outlook',
            'user': 'test@example.com',
            'microsoft_outlook_access_token': 'test_access_token',
            'microsoft_outlook_access_token_expiration': time.time() + 1000000,
            'password': '',
            'is_ssl': True,


        mock_connection.authenticate.assert_called_once_with('XOAUTH2', ANY)
        args = mock_connection.authenticate.call_args[0]

        self.assertEqual(args[1](None), 'user=test@example.com\1auth=Bearer test_access_token\1\1',
                         msg='Should use the right access token')


    def test_constraints(self):
        """Test the constraints related to the Outlook mail server."""
        with self.assertRaises(UserError, msg='Should ensure that the password is empty'):
                'name': 'Test server',
                'server_type': 'outlook',
                'password': 'test',