# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class ResCompany(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.company' _check_company_auto = True _sql_constraints = [ ('check_quotation_validity_days', 'CHECK(quotation_validity_days >= 0)', "You cannot set a negative number for the default quotation validity." " Leave empty (or 0) to disable the automatic expiration of quotations."), ] portal_confirmation_sign = fields.Boolean(string="Online Signature", default=True) portal_confirmation_pay = fields.Boolean(string="Online Payment") prepayment_percent = fields.Float( string="Prepayment percentage", default=1.0, help="The percentage of the amount needed to be paid to confirm quotations.") quotation_validity_days = fields.Integer( string="Default Quotation Validity", default=30, help="Days between quotation proposal and expiration." " 0 days means automatic expiration is disabled", ) sale_discount_product_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='product.product', string="Discount Product", domain=[ ('type', '=', 'service'), ('invoice_policy', '=', 'order'), ], help="Default product used for discounts", check_company=True, ) # sale onboarding sale_onboarding_payment_method = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('digital_signature', "Sign online"), ('paypal', "PayPal"), ('stripe', "Stripe"), ('other', "Pay with another payment provider"), ('manual', "Manual Payment"), ], string="Sale onboarding selected payment method") @api.constrains('prepayment_percent') def _check_prepayment_percent(self): for company in self: if company.portal_confirmation_pay and not (0 < company.prepayment_percent <= 1.0): raise ValidationError(_("Prepayment percentage must be a valid percentage."))