# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models class SaleOrderLine(models.Model): _inherit = "sale.order.line" _description = "Sales Order Line" sale_order_option_ids = fields.One2many('sale.order.option', 'line_id', 'Optional Products Lines') @api.depends('product_id') def _compute_name(self): # Take the description on the order template if the product is present in it super()._compute_name() for line in self: if line.product_id and line.order_id.sale_order_template_id and line._use_template_name(): for template_line in line.order_id.sale_order_template_id.sale_order_template_line_ids: if line.product_id == template_line.product_id and template_line.name: # If a specific description was set on the template, use it # Otherwise the description is handled by the super call lang = line.order_id.partner_id.lang line.name = template_line.with_context(lang=lang).name + line.with_context(lang=lang)._get_sale_order_line_multiline_description_variants() break def _use_template_name(self): """ Allows overriding to avoid using the template lines descriptions for the sale order lines descriptions. This is typically useful for 'configured' products, such as event_ticket or event_booth, where we need to have specific configuration information inside description instead of the default values. """ self.ensure_one() return True def _compute_price_unit(self): # Avoid recomputing the price with pricelist rules, use the initial price # used in the optional product line. lines_without_price_recomputation = self._lines_without_price_recomputation() super(SaleOrderLine, self - lines_without_price_recomputation)._compute_price_unit() def _lines_without_price_recomputation(self): """ Hook to allow filtering the lines to avoid the recomputation of the price. """ return self.filtered('sale_order_option_ids') #=== TOOLING ===# def _can_be_edited_on_portal(self): return self.order_id._can_be_edited_on_portal() and ( self.sale_order_option_ids or self.product_id in self.order_id.sale_order_option_ids.product_id )