# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from itertools import chain from odoo.fields import Command from odoo.tests import Form, tagged from odoo.addons.sale_management.tests.common import SaleManagementCommon @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class TestSaleOrder(SaleManagementCommon): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() # some variables to ease asserts in tests cls.pub_product_price = 100.0 cls.pl_product_price = 80.0 cls._enable_discounts() cls.tpl_discount = 10.0 cls.pl_discount = (cls.pub_product_price - cls.pl_product_price) * 100 / cls.pub_product_price cls.merged_discount = 100.0 - (100.0 - cls.pl_discount) * (100.0 - cls.tpl_discount) / 100.0 cls.pub_option_price = 200.0 cls.pl_option_price = 100.0 cls.tpl_option_discount = 20.0 cls.pl_option_discount = (cls.pub_option_price - cls.pl_option_price) * 100 / cls.pub_option_price cls.merged_option_discount = 100.0 - (100.0 - cls.pl_option_discount) * (100.0 - cls.tpl_option_discount) / 100.0 # create some products cls.product_1, cls.optional_product = cls.env['product.product'].create([ { 'name': 'Product 1', 'lst_price': cls.pub_product_price, 'description_sale': "This is a product description" }, { 'name': 'Optional product', 'lst_price': cls.pub_option_price, } ]) # create some quotation templates cls.quotation_template_no_discount = cls.env['sale.order.template'].create({ 'name': 'A quotation template', 'sale_order_template_line_ids': [ Command.create({ 'product_id': cls.product_1.id, }), ], 'sale_order_template_option_ids': [ Command.create({ 'product_id': cls.optional_product.id, }), ], }) # create two pricelist with different discount policies (same total price) pricelist_rule_values = [ Command.create({ 'name': 'Product 1 premium price', 'applied_on': '1_product', 'product_tmpl_id': cls.product_1.product_tmpl_id.id, 'compute_price': 'fixed', 'fixed_price': cls.pl_product_price, }), Command.create({ 'name': 'Optional product premium price', 'applied_on': '1_product', 'product_tmpl_id': cls.optional_product.product_tmpl_id.id, 'compute_price': 'fixed', 'fixed_price': cls.pl_option_price, }), ] percentage_pricelist_rule_values = [ Command.create({ 'name': 'Product 1 premium price', 'applied_on': '1_product', 'product_tmpl_id': cls.product_1.product_tmpl_id.id, 'compute_price': 'percentage', 'percent_price': cls.pl_discount, }), Command.create({ 'name': 'Optional product premium price', 'applied_on': '1_product', 'product_tmpl_id': cls.optional_product.product_tmpl_id.id, 'compute_price': 'percentage', 'percent_price': cls.pl_option_discount, }), ] ( cls.discount_included_price_list, cls.discount_excluded_price_list ) = cls.env['product.pricelist'].create([ { 'name': 'Discount included Pricelist', 'item_ids': pricelist_rule_values, }, { 'name': 'Discount excluded Pricelist', 'item_ids': percentage_pricelist_rule_values, } ]) # variable kept to reduce code diff cls.sale_order = cls.empty_order def test_01_template_without_pricelist(self): """ This test checks that without any rule in the pricelist, the public price of the product is used in the sale order after selecting a quotation template. """ # first case, without discount in the quotation template self.sale_order.write({ 'sale_order_template_id': self.quotation_template_no_discount.id }) self.sale_order._onchange_sale_order_template_id() self.assertEqual( len(self.sale_order.order_line), 1, "The sale order shall contains the same number of products as" "the quotation template.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[0].product_id.id, self.product_1.id, "The sale order shall contains the same products as the" "quotation template.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[0].price_unit, self.pub_product_price, "Without any price list and discount, the public price of" "the product shall be used.") self.assertEqual( len(self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids), 1, "The sale order shall contains the same number of optional products as" "the quotation template.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].product_id.id, self.optional_product.id, "The sale order shall contains the same optional products as the" "quotation template.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].price_unit, self.pub_option_price, "Without any price list and discount, the public price of" "the optional product shall be used.") # add the option to the order self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].button_add_to_order() self.assertEqual( len(self.sale_order.order_line), 2, "When an option is added, a new order line is created") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[1].product_id.id, self.optional_product.id, "The sale order shall contains the same products as the" "quotation template.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[1].price_unit, self.pub_option_price, "Without any price list and discount, the public price of" "the optional product shall be used.") def test_02_template_with_discount_included_pricelist(self): """ This test checks that with a 'discount included' price list, the price used in the sale order is computed according to the price list. """ # first case, without discount in the quotation template self.sale_order.write({ 'pricelist_id': self.discount_included_price_list.id, 'sale_order_template_id': self.quotation_template_no_discount.id }) self.sale_order._onchange_sale_order_template_id() self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[0].price_unit, self.pl_product_price, "If a pricelist is set, the product price shall be computed" "according to it.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].price_unit, self.pl_option_price, "If a pricelist is set, the optional product price shall" "be computed according to it.") # add the option to the order self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].button_add_to_order() self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[1].price_unit, self.pl_option_price, "If a pricelist is set, the optional product price shall" "be computed according to it.") def test_03_template_with_discount_excluded_pricelist(self): """ This test checks that with a 'discount excluded' price list, the price used in the sale order is the product public price and the discount is computed according to the price list. """ self.sale_order.write({ 'pricelist_id': self.discount_excluded_price_list.id, 'sale_order_template_id': self.quotation_template_no_discount.id }) self.sale_order._onchange_sale_order_template_id() self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[0].price_unit, self.pub_product_price, "If a pricelist is set without discount included, the unit " "price shall be the public product price.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[0].price_subtotal, self.pl_product_price, "If a pricelist is set without discount included, the subtotal " "price shall be the price computed according to the price list.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[0].discount, self.pl_discount, "If a pricelist is set without discount included, the discount " "shall be computed according to the price unit and the subtotal." "price") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].price_unit, self.pub_option_price, "If a pricelist is set without discount included, the unit " "price shall be the public optional product price.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].discount, self.pl_option_discount, "If a pricelist is set without discount included, the discount " "shall be computed according to the optional price unit and" "the subtotal price.") # add the option to the order self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].button_add_to_order() self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[1].price_unit, self.pub_option_price, "If a pricelist is set without discount included, the unit " "price shall be the public optional product price.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[1].price_subtotal, self.pl_option_price, "If a pricelist is set without discount included, the subtotal " "price shall be the price computed according to the price list.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.order_line[1].discount, self.pl_option_discount, "If a pricelist is set without discount included, the discount " "shall be computed according to the price unit and the subtotal." "price") def test_04_update_pricelist_option_line(self): """ This test checks that option line's values are correctly updated after a pricelist update """ self.sale_order.write({ 'sale_order_template_id': self.quotation_template_no_discount.id }) self.sale_order._onchange_sale_order_template_id() self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].price_unit, self.pub_option_price, "If no pricelist is set, the unit price shall be the option's product price.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].discount, 0, "If no pricelist is set, the discount should be 0.") self.sale_order.write({ 'pricelist_id': self.discount_included_price_list.id, }) self.sale_order._recompute_prices() self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].price_unit, self.pl_option_price, "If a pricelist is set with discount included," " the unit price shall be the option's product discounted price.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].discount, 0, "If a pricelist is set with discount included," " the discount should be 0.") self.sale_order.write({ 'pricelist_id': self.discount_excluded_price_list.id, }) self.sale_order._recompute_prices() self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].price_unit, self.pub_option_price, "If a pricelist is set without discount included," " the unit price shall be the option's product sale price.") self.assertEqual( self.sale_order.sale_order_option_ids[0].discount, self.pl_option_discount, "If a pricelist is set without discount included," " the discount should be correctly computed.") def test_option_creation(self): """Make sure the product uom is automatically added to the option when the product is specified""" order_form = Form(self.sale_order) with order_form.sale_order_option_ids.new() as option: option.product_id = self.product_1 order = order_form.save() self.assertTrue(bool(order.sale_order_option_ids.uom_id)) def test_option_price_unit_is_not_recomputed(self): """ Verifies that user defined price unit for optional products remains the same after update of quantities. """ sale_order_with_option = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.partner.id, 'sale_order_option_ids': [Command.create({ 'product_id': self.optional_product.id, 'price_unit': 10, })], }) sale_order_with_option.sale_order_option_ids.add_option_to_order() # after changing the quantity of the product, the price unit should not be recomputed sale_order_with_option.order_line.product_uom_qty = 10 self.assertEqual(sale_order_with_option.sale_order_option_ids.price_unit, 10) def test_reload_template_translations(self): """ Check that quotation template gets reloaded with correct translations on partner change. """ # Add some display type lines to the template self.quotation_template_no_discount.sale_order_template_line_ids = [ Command.create({ 'name': "Section 1", 'display_type': 'line_section', }), Command.create({ 'name': "Note 1", 'display_type': 'line_note', }), ] # Remove product description to ease comparing before/after translations self.product_1.description_sale = None # Commence activation of Dutch vernacular self.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('nl_NL') partner_NL = self.partner.copy({'lang': 'nl_NL', 'name': "Pieter-Jan Hollandman"}) names_EN = ["Product 1", "Section 1", "Note 1", "Optional product"] names_NL = ["Artikel 1", "Sectie 1", "Nota 1", "Optioneel artikel"] trans_dict = dict(zip(names_EN, names_NL)) for record in chain( self.quotation_template_no_discount.sale_order_template_line_ids, self.quotation_template_no_discount.sale_order_template_line_ids.product_id, self.quotation_template_no_discount.sale_order_template_option_ids, self.quotation_template_no_discount.sale_order_template_option_ids.product_id, ): if not record.name: continue record.with_context(lang='nl_NL').name = trans_dict[record.name] # Create sale order form (and a way to retrieve line names) def get_form_field_names(form): return [ form.order_line.edit(0).name, form.order_line.edit(1).name, form.order_line.edit(2).name, form.sale_order_option_ids.edit(0).name, ] order_form = Form(self.sale_order.browse()) order_form.sale_order_template_id = self.quotation_template_no_discount # Sanity check English names self.assertSequenceEqual( get_form_field_names(order_form), names_EN, "Lines should be displayed in English for an American partner", ) # Go Dutch order_form.partner_id = partner_NL self.assertSequenceEqual( get_form_field_names(order_form), names_NL, "Lines should be displayed in Dutch for a Dutch partner", ) # Edit a line & change back to American partner with order_form.order_line.edit(0) as order_line: order_line.product_uom_qty += 1 order_form.partner_id = self.partner self.assertSequenceEqual( get_form_field_names(order_form), names_NL, "Lines shouldn't change when edited", ) # Reload template manually order_form.sale_order_template_id = self.quotation_template_no_discount self.assertSequenceEqual( get_form_field_names(order_form), names_EN, "Lines should change after manual template reload", ) # Add a line & return to Dutch with order_form.sale_order_option_ids.new() as optional_product: optional_product.product_id = self.product order_form.partner_id = partner_NL self.assertSequenceEqual( get_form_field_names(order_form), names_EN, "Lines shouldn't change after a new one was added", ) # Reload template, save, and change partner again order_form.sale_order_template_id = self.quotation_template_no_discount order_form.save() order_form.partner_id = self.partner self.assertSequenceEqual( get_form_field_names(order_form), names_NL, "Lines shouldn't change once saved", ) def test_product_description_no_template_description(self): """ Test case for when the product has a description, but the quotation template line does not. The final sale order line should use the product's description. """ quotation_template_no_description = self.empty_order_template quotation_template_no_description.sale_order_template_line_ids = [ Command.create({ 'product_id': self.product_1.id, 'name': False, }), ] sale_order = self.empty_order sale_order.sale_order_template_id = quotation_template_no_description sale_order._onchange_sale_order_template_id() self.assertEqual( sale_order.order_line[0].name, f"{self.product_1.name}\n{self.product_1.description_sale}", "Sale order line should use product's description when no quotation template \ description is set." ) def test_product_description_with_template_description(self): """ Test case for when both the product and the quotation template line have descriptions. The final sale order line should use the template's description. """ quotation_template_with_description = self.empty_order_template quotation_template_with_description.sale_order_template_line_ids = [ Command.create({ 'product_id': self.product_1.id, 'name': "This is a template description", }), ] sale_order = self.empty_order sale_order.sale_order_template_id = quotation_template_with_description sale_order._onchange_sale_order_template_id() self.assertEqual( sale_order.order_line[0].name, quotation_template_with_description.sale_order_template_line_ids[0].name, "The sale order line should use the quotation template's description when both \ product and the quotation template descriptions are set." ) def test_warning_quotation(self): """ ensure "warning for the change of your quotation's company" isn't triggered during the creation of a quotation when a quotation template is set as default """ quotation_template = self.empty_order_template quotation_template.sale_order_template_line_ids = [ Command.create({'product_id': self.product.id}) ] self.env['ir.default'].set('sale.order', 'sale_order_template_id', quotation_template.id) try: with self.assertLogs('odoo.tests.form.onchange') as log_catcher: Form(self.env['sale.order']) except AssertionError: pass self.assertEqual(len(log_catcher.output), 0, "Form creation shouldn't trigger a warning")