# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import Command from odoo.exceptions import UserError, AccessError from odoo.tests import tagged from odoo.addons.sale_purchase.tests.common import TestCommonSalePurchaseNoChart @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class TestSalePurchase(TestCommonSalePurchaseNoChart): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.company_data_2 = cls.setup_other_company() # create a generic Sale Order with 2 classical products and a purchase service SaleOrder = cls.env['sale.order'] cls.analytic_plan = cls.env['account.analytic.plan'].create({'name': 'Plan Test'}) cls.test_analytic_account_1, cls.test_analytic_account_2 = cls.env['account.analytic.account'].create([ { 'name': 'analytic_account_test_1', 'plan_id': cls.analytic_plan.id, }, { 'name': 'analytic_account_test_2', 'plan_id': cls.analytic_plan.id, }, ]) cls.sale_order_1 = SaleOrder.create({ 'partner_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'partner_invoice_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'partner_shipping_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'pricelist_id': cls.company_data['default_pricelist'].id, }) cls.sol1_service_deliver = cls.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': cls.company_data['product_service_delivery'].id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'order_id': cls.sale_order_1.id, 'tax_id': False, }) cls.sol1_product_order = cls.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': cls.company_data['product_order_no'].id, 'product_uom_qty': 2, 'order_id': cls.sale_order_1.id, 'tax_id': False, }) cls.sol1_service_purchase_1 = cls.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': cls.service_purchase_1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 4, 'order_id': cls.sale_order_1.id, 'tax_id': False, }) cls.sale_order_2 = SaleOrder.create({ 'partner_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'partner_invoice_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'partner_shipping_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'pricelist_id': cls.company_data['default_pricelist'].id, }) cls.sol2_product_deliver = cls.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': cls.company_data['product_delivery_no'].id, 'product_uom_qty': 5, 'order_id': cls.sale_order_2.id, 'tax_id': False, }) cls.sol2_service_order = cls.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': cls.company_data['product_service_order'].id, 'product_uom_qty': 6, 'order_id': cls.sale_order_2.id, 'tax_id': False, }) cls.sol2_service_purchase_2 = cls.env['sale.order.line'].create({ 'product_id': cls.service_purchase_2.id, 'product_uom_qty': 7, 'order_id': cls.sale_order_2.id, 'tax_id': False, }) def test_sale_create_purchase(self): """ Confirming 2 sales orders with a service that should create a PO, then cancelling the PO should shedule 1 next activity per SO """ self.sale_order_1.action_confirm() self.sale_order_2.action_confirm() purchase_order = self.env['purchase.order'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.supplierinfo1.partner_id.id), ('state', '=', 'draft')]) purchase_lines_so1 = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('sale_line_id', 'in', self.sale_order_1.order_line.ids)]) purchase_line1 = purchase_lines_so1[0] purchase_lines_so2 = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('sale_line_id', 'in', self.sale_order_2.order_line.ids)]) purchase_line2 = purchase_lines_so2[0] self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order), 1, "Only one PO should have been created, from the 2 Sales orders") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order.order_line), 2, "The purchase order should have 2 lines") self.assertIn(self.sale_order_1.name, purchase_order.origin, "The PO should have SO 1 in its source documents") self.assertIn(self.sale_order_2.name, purchase_order.origin, "The PO should have SO 2 in its source documents") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_lines_so1), 1, "Only one SO line from SO 1 should have create a PO line") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_lines_so2), 1, "Only one SO line from SO 2 should have create a PO line") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order.activity_ids), 0, "No activity should be scheduled on the PO") self.assertEqual(purchase_order.state, 'draft', "The created PO should be in draft state") self.assertNotEqual(purchase_line1.product_id, purchase_line2.product_id, "The 2 PO line should have different products") self.assertEqual(purchase_line1.product_id, self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_id, "The create PO line must have the same product as its mother SO line") self.assertEqual(purchase_line2.product_id, self.sol2_service_purchase_2.product_id, "The create PO line must have the same product as its mother SO line") self.assertEqual(purchase_line1.price_unit, self.supplierinfo1.price, "Unit price should be taken from the vendor line") self.assertEqual(purchase_line2.price_unit, self.supplierinfo2.price, "Unit price should be taken from the vendor line") self.assertEqual(purchase_line1.discount, self.supplierinfo1.discount, "Discount should be taken from the vendor line") purchase_order.button_cancel() self.assertEqual(len(self.sale_order_1.activity_ids), 1, "One activity should be scheduled on the SO 1 since the PO has been cancelled") self.assertEqual(self.sale_order_1.user_id, self.sale_order_1.activity_ids[0].user_id, "The activity should be assigned to the SO responsible") self.assertEqual(len(self.sale_order_2.activity_ids), 1, "One activity should be scheduled on the SO 2 since the PO has been cancelled") self.assertEqual(self.sale_order_2.user_id, self.sale_order_2.activity_ids[0].user_id, "The activity should be assigned to the SO responsible") def test_uom_conversion(self): """ Test generated PO use the right UoM according to product configuration """ self.sale_order_2.action_confirm() purchase_line = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('sale_line_id', '=', self.sol2_service_purchase_2.id)]) # only one line self.assertTrue(purchase_line, "The SO line should generate a PO line") self.assertEqual(purchase_line.product_uom, self.service_purchase_2.uom_po_id, "The UoM on the purchase line should be the one from the product configuration") self.assertNotEqual(purchase_line.product_uom, self.sol2_service_purchase_2.product_uom, "As the product configuration, the UoM on the SO line should still be different from the one on the PO line") self.assertEqual(purchase_line.product_qty, self.sol2_service_purchase_2.product_uom_qty * 12, "The quantity from the SO should be converted with th UoM factor on the PO line") def test_no_supplier(self): """ Test confirming SO with product with no supplier raise Error """ # delete the suppliers self.supplierinfo1.unlink() # confirm the SO should raise UserError with self.assertRaises(UserError): self.sale_order_1.action_confirm() def test_reconfirm_sale_order(self): """ Confirm SO, cancel it, then re-confirm it should not regenerate a purchase line """ self.sale_order_1.action_confirm() purchase_order = self.env['purchase.order'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.supplierinfo1.partner_id.id), ('state', '=', 'draft')]) purchase_lines = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('sale_line_id', 'in', self.sale_order_1.order_line.ids)]) purchase_line = purchase_lines[0] self.assertEqual(len(purchase_lines), 1, "Only one purchase line should be created on SO confirmation") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order), 1, "One purchase order should have been created on SO confirmation") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order.order_line), 1, "Only one line on PO, after SO confirmation") self.assertEqual(purchase_order, purchase_lines.order_id, "The generated purchase line should be in the generated purchase order") self.assertEqual(purchase_order.state, 'draft', "Generated purchase should be in draft state") self.assertEqual(purchase_line.price_unit, self.supplierinfo1.price, "Purchase line price is the one from the supplier") self.assertEqual(purchase_line.product_qty, self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty, "Quantity on SO line is not the same on the purchase line (same UoM)") self.sale_order_1._action_cancel() self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order.activity_ids), 1, "One activity should be scheduled on the PO since a SO has been cancelled") purchase_order = self.env['purchase.order'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.supplierinfo1.partner_id.id), ('state', '=', 'draft')]) purchase_lines = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('sale_line_id', 'in', self.sale_order_1.order_line.ids)]) purchase_line = purchase_lines[0] self.assertEqual(len(purchase_lines), 1, "Always one purchase line even after SO cancellation") self.assertTrue(purchase_order, "Always one purchase order even after SO cancellation") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order.order_line), 1, "Still one line on PO, even after SO cancellation") self.assertEqual(purchase_order, purchase_lines.order_id, "The generated purchase line should still be in the generated purchase order") self.assertEqual(purchase_order.state, 'draft', "Generated purchase should still be in draft state") self.assertEqual(purchase_line.price_unit, self.supplierinfo1.price, "Purchase line price is still the one from the supplier") self.assertEqual(purchase_line.product_qty, self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty, "Quantity on SO line should still be the same on the purchase line (same UoM)") self.sale_order_1.action_draft() self.sale_order_1.action_confirm() purchase_order = self.env['purchase.order'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.supplierinfo1.partner_id.id), ('state', '=', 'draft')]) purchase_lines = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('sale_line_id', 'in', self.sale_order_1.order_line.ids)]) purchase_line = purchase_lines[0] self.assertEqual(len(purchase_lines), 1, "Still only one purchase line should be created even after SO reconfirmation") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order), 1, "Still one purchase order should be after SO reconfirmation") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order.order_line), 1, "Only one line on PO, even after SO reconfirmation") self.assertEqual(purchase_order, purchase_lines.order_id, "The generated purchase line should be in the generated purchase order") self.assertEqual(purchase_order.state, 'draft', "Generated purchase should be in draft state") self.assertEqual(purchase_line.price_unit, self.supplierinfo1.price, "Purchase line price is the one from the supplier") self.assertEqual(purchase_line.product_qty, self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty, "Quantity on SO line is not the same on the purchase line (same UoM)") def test_update_ordered_sale_quantity(self): """ Test the purchase order behovior when changing the ordered quantity on the sale order line. Increase of qty on the SO - If PO is draft ['draft', 'sent', 'to approve'] : increase the quantity on the PO - If PO is confirmed ['purchase', 'done', 'cancel'] : create a new PO Decrease of qty on the SO - If PO is draft ['draft', 'sent', 'to approve'] : next activity on the PO - If PO is confirmed ['purchase', 'done', 'cancel'] : next activity on the PO """ self.sale_order_1.action_confirm() purchase_order = self.env['purchase.order'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.supplierinfo1.partner_id.id), ('state', '=', 'draft')]) purchase_lines = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('sale_line_id', 'in', self.sale_order_1.order_line.ids)]) purchase_line = purchase_lines[0] self.assertEqual(purchase_order.state, 'draft', "The created purchase should be in draft state") self.assertFalse(purchase_order.activity_ids, "There is no activities on the PO") self.assertEqual(purchase_line.product_qty, self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty, "Quantity on SO line is not the same on the purchase line (same UoM)") # increase the ordered quantity on sale line self.sol1_service_purchase_1.write({'product_uom_qty': self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty + 12}) # product_uom_qty = 16 self.assertEqual(purchase_line.product_qty, self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty, "The quantity of draft PO line should be increased as the one from the sale line changed") sale_line_old_quantity = self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty # decrease the ordered quantity on sale line self.sol1_service_purchase_1.write({'product_uom_qty': self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty - 3}) # product_uom_qty = 13 self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order.activity_ids), 1, "One activity should have been created on the PO") self.assertEqual(purchase_order.activity_ids.user_id, purchase_order.user_id, "Activity assigned to PO responsible") self.assertEqual(purchase_order.activity_ids.state, 'today', "Activity is for today, as it is urgent") # confirm the PO purchase_order.button_confirm() # decrease the ordered quantity on sale line self.sol1_service_purchase_1.write({'product_uom_qty': self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty - 5}) # product_uom_qty = 8 self.env.invalidate_all() # Note: creating a second activity will not refresh the cache self.assertEqual(purchase_line.product_qty, sale_line_old_quantity, "The quantity on the PO line should not have changed.") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order.activity_ids), 2, "a second activity should have been created on the PO") self.assertEqual(purchase_order.activity_ids.mapped('user_id'), purchase_order.user_id, "Activities assigned to PO responsible") self.assertEqual(purchase_order.activity_ids.mapped('state'), ['today', 'today'], "Activities are for today, as it is urgent") # increase the ordered quantity on sale line delta = 8 self.sol1_service_purchase_1.write({'product_uom_qty': self.sol1_service_purchase_1.product_uom_qty + delta}) # product_uom_qty = 16 self.assertEqual(purchase_line.product_qty, sale_line_old_quantity, "The quantity on the PO line should not have changed.") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order.activity_ids), 2, "Always 2 activity on confirmed the PO") purchase_order2 = self.env['purchase.order'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.supplierinfo1.partner_id.id), ('state', '=', 'draft')]) purchase_lines = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('sale_line_id', 'in', self.sale_order_1.order_line.ids)]) purchase_lines2 = purchase_lines.filtered(lambda pol: pol.order_id == purchase_order2) purchase_line2 = purchase_lines2[0] self.assertTrue(purchase_order2, "A second PO is created by increasing sale quantity when first PO is confirmed") self.assertEqual(purchase_order2.state, 'draft', "The second PO is in draft state") self.assertNotEqual(purchase_order, purchase_order2, "The 2 PO are different") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_lines), 2, "The same Sale Line has created 2 purchase lines") self.assertEqual(len(purchase_order2.order_line), 1, "The 2nd PO has only one line") self.assertEqual(purchase_line2.sale_line_id, self.sol1_service_purchase_1, "The 2nd PO line came from the SO line sol1_service_purchase_1") self.assertEqual(purchase_line2.product_qty, delta, "The quantity of the new PO line is the quantity added on the Sale Line, after first PO confirmation") def test_pol_description(self): """ test cases when product names are different from how the vendor refers to, which is allowed """ service = self.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'Super Product', 'type': 'service', 'service_to_purchase': True, 'seller_ids': [(0, 0, { 'partner_id': self.partner_vendor_service.id, 'min_qty': 1, 'price': 10, 'product_code': 'C01', 'product_name': 'Name01', 'sequence': 1, })] }) so = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.partner_a.id, 'order_line': [ (0, 0, { 'name': service.name, 'product_id': service.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, }) ], }) so.action_confirm() po = self.env['purchase.order'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.partner_vendor_service.id)], order='id desc', limit=1) self.assertEqual(po.order_line.name, "[C01] Name01") def test_pol_custom_attribute(self): """ test that custom atributes are passed from the SO the PO for service products """ # Setup service product variants product_attribute = self.env['product.attribute'].create({ 'name': 'product attribute', 'display_type': 'radio', 'create_variant': 'always' }) product_attribute_value = self.env['product.attribute.value'].create({ 'name': 'single product attribute value', 'is_custom': True, 'attribute_id': product_attribute.id }) product_attribute_line = self.env['product.template.attribute.line'].create({ 'attribute_id': product_attribute.id, 'product_tmpl_id': self.service_purchase_1.product_tmpl_id.id, 'value_ids': [Command.link(product_attribute_value.id)] }) custom_value = "test" # create and confirm SO sale_order = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.partner_a.id, 'order_line': [ Command.create({ 'name': self.service_purchase_1.name, 'product_id': self.service_purchase_1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_custom_attribute_value_ids': [ Command.create({ 'custom_product_template_attribute_value_id': product_attribute_line.product_template_value_ids.id, 'custom_value': custom_value, }) ], }) ], }) sale_order.action_confirm() pol = sale_order._get_purchase_orders().order_line self.assertEqual(pol.name, f"{self.service_purchase_1.display_name}\n\n{product_attribute.name}: {product_attribute_value.name}: {custom_value}") def test_sale_order_multi_comp(self): ''' Test that the purchase service is done on the right company (the one of the SO) ''' company_a, company_b = self.company_data["company"], self.company_data_2["company"] service_purchase = self.env['product.product'].with_company(company_a).create({ 'name': "service 1", 'purchase_ok': True, 'sale_ok': True, 'list_price': 50, 'type': 'service', 'service_to_purchase': True, 'seller_ids': [ (0, 0, {'partner_id': self.partner_b.id, 'price': 100, 'company_id': company_a.id}), ], }) self.assertFalse(service_purchase.with_company(company_b).service_to_purchase) so = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.partner_a.id, 'company_id': company_a.id, 'order_line': [ (0, 0, { 'name': service_purchase.name, 'product_id': service_purchase.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, }) ], }) self.env.user.company_id = company_b so.action_confirm() po = self.env['purchase.order'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.partner_b.id)], limit=1) self.assertTrue(po)