# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from itertools import groupby from odoo import api, fields, models from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.tools import format_amount from odoo.tools.sql import column_exists, create_column, create_index class SaleOrderLine(models.Model): _inherit = "sale.order.line" # used to know if generate a task and/or a project, depending on the product settings is_service = fields.Boolean("Is a Service", compute='_compute_is_service', store=True, compute_sudo=True, export_string_translation=False) def _domain_sale_line_service(self, **kwargs): """ Get the default generic services domain for sale.order.line. You can filter out domain leafs by passing kwargs of the form 'check_=False'. Only 'is_service' cannot be disabled. :param kwargs: boolean kwargs of the form 'check_=False' :return: a valid domain """ domain = [('is_service', '=', True)] if kwargs.get("check_is_expense", True): domain.append(('is_expense', '=', False)) if kwargs.get("check_state", True): domain.append(('state', '=', 'sale')) return domain @api.depends('product_id.type') def _compute_is_service(self): for so_line in self: so_line.is_service = so_line.product_id.type == 'service' def _auto_init(self): """ Create column to stop ORM from computing it himself (too slow) """ if not column_exists(self.env.cr, 'sale_order_line', 'is_service'): create_column(self.env.cr, 'sale_order_line', 'is_service', 'bool') self.env.cr.execute(""" UPDATE sale_order_line line SET is_service = (pt.type = 'service') FROM product_product pp LEFT JOIN product_template pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id WHERE pp.id = line.product_id """) return super()._auto_init() def init(self): res = super().init() query_domain_sale_line = expression.expression([('is_service', '=', True)], self).query create_index(self._cr, 'sale_order_line_name_search_services_index', self._table, ('order_id DESC', 'sequence', 'id'), where=query_domain_sale_line.where_clause) return res def _additional_name_per_id(self): name_per_id = super()._additional_name_per_id() if not self.env.context.get('hide_partner_ref') else {} if not self.env.context.get('with_price_unit'): return name_per_id sols_list = [list(sols) for dummy, sols in groupby(self, lambda sol: (sol.order_id, sol.product_id))] for sols in sols_list: if len(sols) <= 1 or not all(sol.is_service for sol in sols): continue for line in sols: additional_name = name_per_id.get(line.id) name = format_amount(self.env, line.price_unit, line.currency_id) if additional_name: name += f' {additional_name}' name_per_id[line.id] = f'- {name}' return name_per_id @api.model def name_search(self, name='', args=None, operator='ilike', limit=100): domain = args or [] # optimization for a SOL services name_search, to avoid joining on sale_order with too many lines if domain and ('is_service', '=', True) in domain and operator in ('like', 'ilike') and limit is not None: sols = self.search_fetch( domain, ['display_name'], limit=limit, order='order_id.id DESC, sequence, id', ) return [(sol.id, sol.display_name) for sol in sols] return super().name_search(name, domain, operator, limit)