# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from collections import defaultdict from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.tools.sql import column_exists, create_column class StockRoute(models.Model): _inherit = "stock.route" sale_selectable = fields.Boolean("Selectable on Sales Order Line") class StockMove(models.Model): _inherit = "stock.move" sale_line_id = fields.Many2one('sale.order.line', 'Sale Line', index='btree_not_null') @api.model def _prepare_merge_moves_distinct_fields(self): distinct_fields = super(StockMove, self)._prepare_merge_moves_distinct_fields() distinct_fields.append('sale_line_id') return distinct_fields def _get_related_invoices(self): """ Overridden from stock_account to return the customer invoices related to this stock move. """ rslt = super(StockMove, self)._get_related_invoices() invoices = self.mapped('picking_id.sale_id.invoice_ids').filtered(lambda x: x.state == 'posted') rslt += invoices #rslt += invoices.mapped('reverse_entry_ids') return rslt def _get_source_document(self): res = super()._get_source_document() return self.sudo().sale_line_id.order_id or res def _get_sale_order_lines(self): """ Return all possible sale order lines for one stock move. """ self.ensure_one() return (self + self.browse(self._rollup_move_origs() | self._rollup_move_dests())).sale_line_id def _assign_picking_post_process(self, new=False): super(StockMove, self)._assign_picking_post_process(new=new) if new: picking_id = self.mapped('picking_id') sale_order_ids = self.mapped('sale_line_id.order_id') for sale_order_id in sale_order_ids: picking_id.message_post_with_source( 'mail.message_origin_link', render_values={'self': picking_id, 'origin': sale_order_id}, subtype_xmlid='mail.mt_note', ) def _get_all_related_sm(self, product): return super()._get_all_related_sm(product) | self.filtered(lambda m: m.sale_line_id.product_id == product) class StockMoveLine(models.Model): _inherit = "stock.move.line" def _should_show_lot_in_invoice(self): return 'customer' in {self.location_id.usage, self.location_dest_id.usage} class ProcurementGroup(models.Model): _inherit = 'procurement.group' sale_id = fields.Many2one('sale.order', 'Sale Order') class StockRule(models.Model): _inherit = 'stock.rule' def _get_custom_move_fields(self): fields = super(StockRule, self)._get_custom_move_fields() fields += ['sale_line_id', 'partner_id', 'sequence', 'to_refund'] return fields class StockPicking(models.Model): _inherit = 'stock.picking' sale_id = fields.Many2one('sale.order', compute="_compute_sale_id", inverse="_set_sale_id", string="Sales Order", store=True, index='btree_not_null') @api.depends('group_id') def _compute_sale_id(self): for picking in self: picking.sale_id = picking.group_id.sale_id def _set_sale_id(self): if self.group_id: self.group_id.sale_id = self.sale_id else: if self.sale_id: vals = { 'sale_id': self.sale_id.id, 'name': self.sale_id.name, } else: vals = {} pg = self.env['procurement.group'].create(vals) self.group_id = pg def _auto_init(self): """ Create related field here, too slow when computing it afterwards through _compute_related. Since group_id.sale_id is created in this module, no need for an UPDATE statement. """ if not column_exists(self.env.cr, 'stock_picking', 'sale_id'): create_column(self.env.cr, 'stock_picking', 'sale_id', 'int4') return super()._auto_init() def _action_done(self): res = super()._action_done() sale_order_lines_vals = [] for move in self.move_ids: sale_order = move.picking_id.sale_id # Creates new SO line only when pickings linked to a sale order and # for moves with qty. done and not already linked to a SO line. if not sale_order \ or (move.location_dest_id.usage != 'customer' and not (move.location_id.usage == 'customer' and move.to_refund)) \ or move.sale_line_id \ or not move.picked: continue product = move.product_id quantity = move.quantity if move.to_refund: quantity *= -1 so_line_vals = { 'move_ids': [(4, move.id, 0)], 'name': product.display_name, 'order_id': sale_order.id, 'product_id': product.id, 'product_uom_qty': 0, 'qty_delivered': quantity, 'product_uom': move.product_uom.id, } if product.invoice_policy == 'delivery': # Check if there is already a SO line for this product to get # back its unit price (in case it was manually updated). so_line = sale_order.order_line.filtered(lambda sol: sol.product_id == product) if so_line: so_line_vals['price_unit'] = so_line[0].price_unit elif product.invoice_policy == 'order': # No unit price if the product is invoiced on the ordered qty. so_line_vals['price_unit'] = 0 sale_order_lines_vals.append(so_line_vals) if sale_order_lines_vals: self.env['sale.order.line'].with_context(skip_procurement=True).create(sale_order_lines_vals) return res def _log_less_quantities_than_expected(self, moves): """ Log an activity on sale order that are linked to moves. The note summarize the real processed quantity and promote a manual action. :param dict moves: a dict with a move as key and tuple with new and old quantity as value. eg: {move_1 : (4, 5)} """ def _keys_in_groupby(sale_line): """ group by order_id and the sale_person on the order """ return (sale_line.order_id, sale_line.order_id.user_id) def _render_note_exception_quantity(moves_information): """ Generate a note with the picking on which the action occurred and a summary on impacted quantity that are related to the sale order where the note will be logged. :param moves_information dict: {'move_id': ['sale_order_line_id', (new_qty, old_qty)], ..} :return: an html string with all the information encoded. :rtype: str """ origin_moves = self.env['stock.move'].browse([move.id for move_orig in moves_information.values() for move in move_orig[0]]) origin_picking = origin_moves.mapped('picking_id') values = { 'origin_moves': origin_moves, 'origin_picking': origin_picking, 'moves_information': moves_information.values(), } return self.env['ir.qweb']._render('sale_stock.exception_on_picking', values) documents = self.sudo()._log_activity_get_documents(moves, 'sale_line_id', 'DOWN', _keys_in_groupby) self._log_activity(_render_note_exception_quantity, documents) return super(StockPicking, self)._log_less_quantities_than_expected(moves) def _can_return(self): self.ensure_one() return super()._can_return() or self.sale_id class StockLot(models.Model): _inherit = 'stock.lot' sale_order_ids = fields.Many2many('sale.order', string="Sales Orders", compute='_compute_sale_order_ids') sale_order_count = fields.Integer('Sale order count', compute='_compute_sale_order_ids') @api.depends('name') def _compute_sale_order_ids(self): sale_orders = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['sale.order']) for move_line in self.env['stock.move.line'].search([('lot_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', '=', 'done')]): move = move_line.move_id if move.picking_id.location_dest_id.usage in ('customer', 'transit') and move.sale_line_id.order_id: sale_orders[move_line.lot_id.id] |= move.sale_line_id.order_id for lot in self: lot.sale_order_ids = sale_orders[lot.id] lot.sale_order_count = len(lot.sale_order_ids) def action_view_so(self): self.ensure_one() action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("sale.action_orders") action['domain'] = [('id', 'in', self.mapped('sale_order_ids.id'))] action['context'] = dict(self._context, create=False) return action