# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, exceptions, fields, models, _ class CrmTeamMember(models.Model): _name = 'crm.team.member' _inherit = ['mail.thread'] _description = 'Sales Team Member' _rec_name = 'user_id' _order = 'create_date ASC, id' _check_company_auto = True crm_team_id = fields.Many2one( 'crm.team', string='Sales Team', group_expand='_read_group_expand_full', # Always display all the teams default=False, # TDE: temporary fix to activate depending computed fields check_company=True, index=True, ondelete="cascade", required=True) user_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.users', string='Salesperson', # TDE FIXME check responsible field check_company=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade', required=True, domain="[('share', '=', False), ('id', 'not in', user_in_teams_ids), ('company_ids', 'in', user_company_ids)]") user_in_teams_ids = fields.Many2many( 'res.users', compute='_compute_user_in_teams_ids', help='UX: Give users not to add in the currently chosen team to avoid duplicates') user_company_ids = fields.Many2many( 'res.company', compute='_compute_user_company_ids', help='UX: Limit to team company or all if no company') active = fields.Boolean(string='Active', default=True) is_membership_multi = fields.Boolean( 'Multiple Memberships Allowed', compute='_compute_is_membership_multi', help='If True, users may belong to several sales teams. Otherwise membership is limited to a single sales team.') member_warning = fields.Text(compute='_compute_member_warning') # salesman information image_1920 = fields.Image("Image", related="user_id.image_1920", max_width=1920, max_height=1920) image_128 = fields.Image("Image (128)", related="user_id.image_128", max_width=128, max_height=128) name = fields.Char(string='Name', related='user_id.display_name', readonly=False) email = fields.Char(string='Email', related='user_id.email') phone = fields.Char(string='Phone', related='user_id.phone') mobile = fields.Char(string='Mobile', related='user_id.mobile') company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', related='user_id.company_id') @api.constrains('crm_team_id', 'user_id', 'active') def _constrains_membership(self): # In mono membership mode: check crm_team_id / user_id is unique for active # memberships. Inactive memberships can create duplicate pairs which is whyy # we don't use a SQL constraint. Include "self" in search in case we use create # multi with duplicated user / team pairs in it. Use an explicit active leaf # in domain as we may have an active_test in context that would break computation existing = self.env['crm.team.member'].search([ ('crm_team_id', 'in', self.crm_team_id.ids), ('user_id', 'in', self.user_id.ids), ('active', '=', True) ]) duplicates = self.env['crm.team.member'] active_records = dict( (membership.user_id.id, membership.crm_team_id.id) for membership in self if membership.active ) for membership in self: potential = existing.filtered(lambda m: m.user_id == membership.user_id and \ m.crm_team_id == membership.crm_team_id and m.id != membership.id ) if not potential or len(potential) > 1: duplicates += potential continue if active_records.get(potential.user_id.id): duplicates += potential else: active_records[potential.user_id.id] = potential.crm_team_id.id if duplicates: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("You are trying to create duplicate membership(s). We found that %(duplicates)s already exist(s).", duplicates=", ".join("%s (%s)" % (m.user_id.name, m.crm_team_id.name) for m in duplicates) )) @api.depends('crm_team_id', 'is_membership_multi', 'user_id') @api.depends_context('default_crm_team_id') def _compute_user_in_teams_ids(self): """ Give users not to add in the currently chosen team to avoid duplicates. In multi membership mode this field is empty as duplicates are allowed. """ if all(m.is_membership_multi for m in self): member_user_ids = self.env['res.users'] elif self.ids: member_user_ids = self.env['crm.team.member'].search([('id', 'not in', self.ids)]).user_id else: member_user_ids = self.env['crm.team.member'].search([]).user_id for member in self: if member_user_ids: member.user_in_teams_ids = member_user_ids elif member.crm_team_id: member.user_in_teams_ids = member.crm_team_id.member_ids elif self.env.context.get('default_crm_team_id'): member.user_in_teams_ids = self.env['crm.team'].browse(self.env.context['default_crm_team_id']).member_ids else: member.user_in_teams_ids = self.env['res.users'] @api.depends('crm_team_id') def _compute_user_company_ids(self): all_companies = self.env['res.company'].search([]) for member in self: member.user_company_ids = member.crm_team_id.company_id or all_companies @api.depends('crm_team_id') def _compute_is_membership_multi(self): multi_enabled = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('sales_team.membership_multi', False) self.is_membership_multi = multi_enabled @api.depends('is_membership_multi', 'active', 'user_id', 'crm_team_id') def _compute_member_warning(self): """ Display a warning message to warn user they are about to archive other memberships. Only valid in mono-membership mode and take into account only active memberships as we may keep several archived memberships. """ if all(m.is_membership_multi for m in self): self.member_warning = False else: active = self.filtered('active') (self - active).member_warning = False if not active: return existing = self.env['crm.team.member'].search([('user_id', 'in', active.user_id.ids)]) user_mapping = dict.fromkeys(existing.user_id, self.env['crm.team']) for membership in existing: user_mapping[membership.user_id] |= membership.crm_team_id for member in active: teams = user_mapping.get(member.user_id, self.env['crm.team']) remaining = teams - (member.crm_team_id | member._origin.crm_team_id) if remaining: member.member_warning = _("Adding %(user_name)s in this team will remove them from %(team_names)s. " "Working in multiple teams? Activate the option under Configuration>Settings.", user_name=member.user_id.name, team_names=", ".join(remaining.mapped('name')) ) else: member.member_warning = False # ------------------------------------------------------------ # CRUD # ------------------------------------------------------------ @api.model_create_multi def create(self, values_list): """ Specific behavior implemented on create * mono membership mode: other user memberships are automatically archived (a warning already told it in form view); * creating a membership already existing as archived: do nothing as people can manage them from specific menu "Members"; Also remove autofollow on create. No need to follow team members when creating them as chatter is mainly used for information purpose (tracked fields). """ is_membership_multi = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('sales_team.membership_multi', False) if not is_membership_multi: self._synchronize_memberships(values_list) return super(CrmTeamMember, self.with_context( mail_create_nosubscribe=True )).create(values_list) def write(self, values): """ Specific behavior about active. If you change user_id / team_id user get warnings in form view and a raise in constraint check. We support archive / activation of memberships that toggles other memberships. But we do not support manual creation or update of user_id / team_id. This either works, either crashes). Indeed supporting it would lead to complex code with low added value. Users should create or remove members, and maybe archive / activate them. Updating manually memberships by modifying user_id or team_id is advanced and does not benefit from our support. """ is_membership_multi = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('sales_team.membership_multi', False) if not is_membership_multi and values.get('active'): self._synchronize_memberships([ dict(user_id=membership.user_id.id, crm_team_id=membership.crm_team_id.id) for membership in self ]) return super(CrmTeamMember, self).write(values) def _synchronize_memberships(self, user_team_ids): """ Synchronize memberships: archive other memberships. :param user_team_ids: list of pairs (user_id, crm_team_id) """ existing = self.search([ ('active', '=', True), # explicit search on active only, whatever context ('user_id', 'in', [values['user_id'] for values in user_team_ids]) ]) user_memberships = dict.fromkeys(existing.user_id.ids, self.env['crm.team.member']) for membership in existing: user_memberships[membership.user_id.id] += membership existing_to_archive = self.env['crm.team.member'] for values in user_team_ids: existing_to_archive += user_memberships.get(values['user_id'], self.env['crm.team.member']).filtered( lambda m: m.crm_team_id.id != values['crm_team_id'] ) if existing_to_archive: existing_to_archive.action_archive() return existing_to_archive